  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
    Be a Channel Supporter, have your name at the end of my videos for a month with each donation!
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    Guys if yall need anything for your jon boat to bass boat conversions, or any type of boat you got, use my discount code "ADAM RYAN" when checking out at and get 5% off your order, when you do so it will be helping out my channel and my boat build so go check out the link!!
    Building these boats isn’t cheap, please consider supporting me and my channel on my Patreon:
    I had 6 hours of edited video, 60+ hours of footage, over 3864gb of storage just to film this entire jon boat to bass boat build video series, i filmed every little thing i did, i didnt expect this project to be this big but i was wrong, but i enjoyed every second of it and honestly want to build another one, a better one, i learned a lot about building boats over the last two months and i wouldnt mind giving it another try with all the new knowledge i know now, but that will be for the future, i want to get back to fishing, but with that being said, this is a long video because im showing every single thing i did to my jon boat to turn it into a bass boat, this entire video is the complete build on my jon boat to bass boat project in timelaspe, the video had to be this long and im sorry for that, i tried speeding it up to make the video 12 minutes long but it didnt look right at all and wasnt enjoyable to watch so i left it long but i hope yall enjoyed the jon boat to bass boat build series, but it is finally done and now i can go fishing!! like i said this video is just a time laspe but i do have a full playlist of all the videos of everything i did to this boat and i go into full detail of everything in those videos so check out that playlist if you want for information
    • DIY Jon Boat to BASS B...
    i really enjoyed building this boat and who knows i may just build another one in the future, but im gonna be posting a video talking about all the cost of building the boat soon so subscribe for that video coming soon!
    It all started when my mom met my dad and they fell in love and they had me, Hi im Adam Ryan, and my life.. is kinda crazy!! WHAT..IS..UP.. everybody and welcome to my RUclips Channel, on this channel i try to live life to the fullest, go on awesome adventures, explore new places, i love being outdoors and in nature, its always peaceful and drama free, which is my number two goal in life, number one is always be happy, most of my videos are me going on EPIC adventures, going to lakes, streams, or rivers and going fishing, catching big bass, walleye, and huge catfish on my awesome Big fish 105 fishing kayak, or you will catch me on top of a mountain bombing the trails on my 2019 Trek Roscoe 7 mountain bike, mountain biking is the newest sport i started to do and follow me as i progress my skills on a bike, i really enjoy mountain biking and its a really great way to stay in shape... that was a family guy reference.. i dont think it really worked out over text.. you know what just forget i said that... you may also find me at a skatepark skateboarding, i started skateboarding when i was 10, it was my first true love lol i instantly fell in love withhow challenging it was and i was hooked and been skating ever since, i havnt skated in a while but i do plan to start back up so expect to see me at skateparks as well, i also really love traveling and exploring new places so expect a lot of travel vlogs, but that is my RUclips Channel, in a nut shell, hit that subscribe button for a awesome good time!!
    Thanks for watching my video, i hope you enjoyed it, dont forget to like and subscribe!!
    Instagram: / adamryana
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    If you like gaming content then go follow my friend on Twitch, he is the coolest!!
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    Cameras I Use:
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    If you read this far down, you are awesome and i love you!!
    jon boat, bass boat, transformation, building a boat, boat, jon, john, fishing boat, tiny boat, nation, tiny boat nation, texas, texas boats, little boat, building a jon boat, time laspe, timelaspe, how to, installing, anchors, navigation lights, bilge pump, trolling motor, foot pedal, minn kota, fish finder, garmin, hummingbird, lawrence, how to install fish finder, how to build a boat, how to jon boat, adam ryan

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @AdamRyanA
    @AdamRyanA  3 года назад +25

    i just rebuilt this same boat using all aluminum so if you want to check that video out as well the link is below, thank you to everybody that has watched this video and thank you to all the nice comments!видео.html

    • @mfbassfishing2952
      @mfbassfishing2952 2 года назад +2

      I have a 97 colman crawdad 11' poly plastic. I wonder if i can do something like this with it lol

    • @josephiiwharton1037
      @josephiiwharton1037 2 года назад

      Do u rebuild boats for a living I need a boat made into a bass boat

    • @thomasmickle7289
      @thomasmickle7289 2 года назад

      Did you remove all this work you did and start over? Was something wrong with this original design or did you just want to improve? Great job on this conversion.

    • @seanshewey1167
      @seanshewey1167 2 года назад

      Do you have a build guide? I've wanted to do this same thing for a while.

    • @taylorsularz3726
      @taylorsularz3726 2 года назад

      @@mfbassfishing2952 you looking to sell?

  • @billhenriquez2873
    @billhenriquez2873 4 года назад +253

    Sitting on the shitter at 3am and Im mesmerized watching this. Excellent job- Tight lines...

  • @JCulpepper73
    @JCulpepper73 4 года назад +24

    I cant remember the last time I watched a video over 20 minutes... I didn’t skip a second of this one. Your attention to detail is commendable! Strong work!

  • @La_Delilah_Racing
    @La_Delilah_Racing 3 года назад +66

    can't lie I've watched every second of this video and its just motivated me to start my own build thanks for the footage man. it was a great video

    • @Vikingsmoke
      @Vikingsmoke Год назад +1

      Did you ever build out a Jon boat? I'm thinking of doing the same, late to the party😂

    • @La_Delilah_Racing
      @La_Delilah_Racing Год назад +2

      @@Vikingsmoke yeah I did and then I ended up selling it lol worse mistake I've made

    • @Vikingsmoke
      @Vikingsmoke Год назад

      @@La_Delilah_Racing Sorry to hear that, if you don't mind me asking what happened?

  • @Bassmastr-ly5vf
    @Bassmastr-ly5vf 2 года назад +1

    Damn fine work brother looks awesome👍🏻

  • @tannerrienbolt3143
    @tannerrienbolt3143 4 года назад +510

    "No baby, it's just a jon boat, it won't be expensive at all"

    • @sprintfishing9007
      @sprintfishing9007 4 года назад +3

      @@jacobanacleto u crazy. Well over that

    • @jacobanacleto
      @jacobanacleto 4 года назад +5

      @@sprintfishing9007 I just realized he got a motor a trolley and a garmin my bad

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +32

      I would love to know where you are getting new Jon boats for 200.00

    • @jacobanacleto
      @jacobanacleto 4 года назад

      @@AdamRyanA Nevermind man my first grance was just the carpeted ply wood

      @MATTNMEMPHIS 4 года назад +1

      Until you go buy the motor for it.

  • @PhillyTechCheck
    @PhillyTechCheck 3 года назад +140

    This isnt just a boat! This is a Master piece. Best of luck man!

    • @williameddysayers4596
      @williameddysayers4596 3 года назад +2

      10k worth of lumber alone

    • @tommywooten9138
      @tommywooten9138 3 года назад

      How much you have in it. It nice. Y you put a 8 horse on and not a 15 to a 25? But the boat look good.

    • @SnepBlepVR
      @SnepBlepVR 3 года назад

      @@williameddysayers4596 >~>... I could buy all that for about 100$ at Lowe’s.. it won’t be the birch wood stuff but it’s not like pine/oak is that bad.

    • @MegaMacjoy
      @MegaMacjoy 3 года назад

      @@williameddysayers4596 good job

    @VALLEJOcaUSA 4 года назад +148

    Probably the longest 43 minute videos ive ever watched and didnt skip a second. You beasted this build bro!

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +3

      Thank you for watching bro!! 🤙🏼

    • @depot8
      @depot8 4 года назад +3

      Couldn’t agree more. Could watch this guy anytime. Clean thoroughly detailed. Awesome

    • @itzraw7131
      @itzraw7131 4 года назад +1

      i was gonna say the same thing. he was so clean and very detailed. you know what you’re doing 🤙🏻

    • @tobinmosley156
      @tobinmosley156 4 года назад +1

      I second that comment!!! I watched every minute!!! That's a pretty build, dude.

  • @aintnobodycare6193
    @aintnobodycare6193 3 года назад +1

    nice, we converted a 20 foot speedboat for our bass boat, and adding a new 2020 evinrude 150 hrs motor just made things better

  • @toddwhite7247
    @toddwhite7247 4 года назад +33

    I can really appreciate the time you took to do everything right. The little things and the others that people will never see. Just doing it right from the ground up. It’s refreshing to see it. Excellent job, I really enjoyed watching it.

  • @garymucher9590
    @garymucher9590 4 года назад

    I basically did the same thing to an old 1976 Tom Boy fiberglass boat. I gutted it to the bare fiberglass hull. And started from their and built it all up to a like new boat. Same with the 76 Johnson 40 HP engine and trailer as well. Everything totally rebuilt. A lot of work, but you get to rebuild like you want it. Thumbs Up to you and I hope you have many many years of fishing enjoyment with it!

  • @rjlc6130
    @rjlc6130 4 года назад +46

    WOW! What a beautiful job you did. Very well planned, and detailed. Awesome job man! Be proud of it, not many can do a quarter of you did.

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +4

      Thanks man! I’m pretty proud of how it turned out 🤙🏼

    • @claytonrothenbuehler2262
      @claytonrothenbuehler2262 4 года назад

      I agree

    • @birdman3389
      @birdman3389 4 года назад

      @@AdamRyanA hey awesome job man could you plz tell me how much the whole thing costed

    • @gamingandfishing1839
      @gamingandfishing1839 2 года назад

      @@birdman3389 There’s a full video on how much it costed

    • @davepelfrey3958
      @davepelfrey3958 Месяц назад

      Agreed 100%. Just watched the whole build. Incredible job! Wow!

  • @fishesfromtupperware
    @fishesfromtupperware 11 месяцев назад +1

    That was perfect! You showed me almost EVERYTHING that was important! (and only “almost” just to give you some wiggle room for perfect) Sooo many useful tidbits and really well edited timelapse! You rock! Thanks!!

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  11 месяцев назад

      I’m glad I could help out

    • @fishesfromtupperware
      @fishesfromtupperware 11 месяцев назад

      @@AdamRyanA help me out?😂 absolute understatement! Think I may go on further and use strap hinges in addition to strap pulls/latches. Thanks again

  • @illchoosemyignorance62
    @illchoosemyignorance62 4 года назад +49

    Me: I got a stimulus check
    RUclips algorithm: you might like this
    Me: well damn it.

  • @shadowwmoonn
    @shadowwmoonn 15 дней назад +1

    Yo Adam, this boat is freaking amazing. Can't wait to build me one. Definitely saving this video for guided inspiration. Congrats man

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  15 дней назад

      @@shadowwmoonn thanks man, I have a updated build of this boat, on my channel as well

  • @29namnori
    @29namnori 4 года назад +19

    Ther was such a human element added when you filmed the painting od the boat on a skateboard! I Love it! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  • @SciStuff
    @SciStuff Год назад

    Logical and more accurate than many I've seen. I've been between a cheap boat and a jon boat and I think this swayed me. Thanks.

  • @envish3477
    @envish3477 4 года назад +8

    Like many who comment how much effort went into the build, hats off to your edit, lots of effort on that too!

  • @elmerfudd835
    @elmerfudd835 2 года назад

    Dayum!!! Man, I'm a FAN!! Right now you're at #1 for most satisfying video of the year! #Awesome

  • @ajw8226
    @ajw8226 4 года назад +3

    This is nuts man. Absolutely beautiful boat. Lots of work but well worth it. Inspired me to build/convert my own. Your videos will be a HUGE reference point so thank you!

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад

      I’m glad I could help! 🤙🏼

  • @fishingthedream7386
    @fishingthedream7386 2 года назад +1

    That was worth every minute to watch. Wow.

  • @blakebechmann8729
    @blakebechmann8729 3 года назад +57

    With the way wood prices are you could’ve bought two brand new bass boats for the cost of wood put into this lol 😂 but it’s a really cool build

    • @einyount1818
      @einyount1818 3 года назад +2

      Not a chance it would have to be used and it would be like a 1990 bass boat to get a new 2021 bass boats your looking at 50 grand

    • @rachelgonzales2345
      @rachelgonzales2345 3 года назад

      My thoughts exactly!

    • @alexgustavson2909
      @alexgustavson2909 3 года назад +17

      @@einyount1818 you’re not the best at sniffing out sarcasm lol.

    • @terenceleonard7724
      @terenceleonard7724 3 года назад

      @@alexgustavson2909 I’m still dying laughing at this.

    • @brandonburt4244
      @brandonburt4244 3 года назад +2

      Even if that were true which it’s not, it would never beat the the process of doing it yourself, especially to the level that this guy did.

  • @steffensieps
    @steffensieps 3 года назад

    Your Video helps me a lot to build my own fishing boat!!!! Thank you very much and greatings from Germany... 👍👊😉

  • @quags7744
    @quags7744 4 года назад +48

    This video should come with a disclaimer for all the average builders out there that think they can do this. That was a work of art bro.

    • @candleflame4355
      @candleflame4355 4 года назад +6

      implying working 2x4s and plywood is hard. this is a great simple build, it's a tiller as well. This is easy stuff most people can do, don't discourage others just because it looks "hard".

    • @quags7744
      @quags7744 4 года назад +5

      @@candleflame4355 great post you’re build video. I was simply building the young man up.

    • @robertmcduffee7179
      @robertmcduffee7179 4 года назад +1

      I think am average builder can pull this off. Very clean and simple build!

    • @aprilbeatty8904
      @aprilbeatty8904 4 года назад +1

      This boat is beautiful

    • @Rivera445
      @Rivera445 4 года назад +2

      The disclaimer should mention that the boat will sink at the first sign of waves/rough water. Adding that much weight to a jon boat is unsafe

  • @seadriftcharters0624
    @seadriftcharters0624 3 года назад +1

    I'm in the process of doing a center console conversion on my SeaArk 1860 that I inherited from my Dad.
    I thought I knew what I was going to do with it until I watched your video!
    You have inspired and motivated me to go all out!
    I'm building it for my wife, so she doesn't ask too many questions about what I'm buying! (He,He!)

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  3 года назад

      I’m glad I could inspire you! 🤙

  • @RichieRouge206
    @RichieRouge206 4 года назад +8

    This is just amazing fella, love the detail and attention you put into this rig

  • @omihurst
    @omihurst 3 года назад

    By far the best build Jon boat on RUclips.

  • @bholden17
    @bholden17 4 года назад +4

    This is freaking awesome dude! Your giving me the itch to get out and start working on my 14ft Jon Boat too!!

  • @LamannaMarco
    @LamannaMarco 3 года назад +1

    Man i think i have seen your video at least 30/40 times.. when i need to relax, i watch it..

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  3 года назад

      That’s awesome to hear, thank you for watching Marco 🤙

  • @c.shoefish
    @c.shoefish 4 года назад +6

    Man, that was an awesome video, I recently just finished up my build, from start to finish it took me about 6-7 months from tear down to finished product. Awesome build man. My only critique is adding a backer to your seat and shorten your bilge discharge. Awesome job bro.

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +1

      Thanks man! I’m glad you enjoyed it! And hope you enjoy your build as well! 🤙🏼

  • @leodanryan966
    @leodanryan966 3 года назад

    Haha! I built this same boat 30 years ago! I even painted it red and had grey carpet. You did a much better job than I, but it was a great fishing boat. Brings back memories of just how much it costs to build your own bass boat. I even live in Texas!

  • @Aquasoft36
    @Aquasoft36 4 года назад +41

    Mad skills, it’s amazing what young people can go when they put there mind to it. Congratulations amazing work.

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +1

      Thank you David! 🤙🏼

    • @jhulbert56
      @jhulbert56 4 года назад

      @@AdamRyanA 1

  • @reinhardtrippmacher8776
    @reinhardtrippmacher8776 4 года назад

    Oh man, I shouldn't have watched that! My wife is going to turn mad me disappearing again for weeks in the workshop! 🤣
    I got almost the same dinghy and thought of a bit of an have so much an eye for the detail. Me as a German I absolutely admire this kind of Kraftsmanship.
    And it didn't cost you $30k...Great respect!

  • @kylemattix5561
    @kylemattix5561 4 года назад +15

    Solid build bro. I like that. I cant believe i just watched every min of that lol I even paused when I got interrupted 🤣🤣🤣

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад

      Thanks for watching, I’m glad you enjoyed it! 🤙🏼

  • @johnnyb1776
    @johnnyb1776 4 года назад +1

    There’s two types of guys. You have the ones that go buy a bass boat to fish, and you got those that like to build stuff, and fish. Awesome build and amazing time lapse!

    • @157dixon
      @157dixon 4 года назад

      He probably sells them

  • @akifghansar
    @akifghansar 4 года назад

    Initially I thought, what crap but I went on to watch entire video any I should say just amazing. Hats off buddy.

  • @da1da295
    @da1da295 4 года назад +9

    Man if I had these skills I could take over the fishing world lol lol

  • @LukinArtem
    @LukinArtem 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for the video. you hit me in the heart. boats and homemade products, what could be more beautiful. dude you are just amazing, you have golden hands! I wish you all the best, may your fantasy not run out

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  3 года назад

      thank you man!! 🤙🏼

  • @centralbears3010
    @centralbears3010 3 года назад +1

    Ive seen em all and this is my favorite build. NICE JOB. the knobs are the best value / function. color is the best. Engine size is perfect. plenty of lights for leaving after dark. plenty of storage. a really nice build and value.

  • @deejaytrizay
    @deejaytrizay 4 года назад +9

    Great build...great video....amazing skill and effort. My only small recommendation........Show the finished product for another minute or so at the end so we can see all angles and compartments open/closed etc. Kudos man!
    Edit: I see you have another full video of that. Great work dude!

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +2

      Thanks man!! And yeah I was really worried about how long the video was already lol

  • @bobhammaker3808
    @bobhammaker3808 3 года назад

    Excellent attention to detail. You’re a true master craftsman. I couldn’t stop watching.

  • @jasonchilds4463
    @jasonchilds4463 4 года назад +5

    you've inspired me to build my own in the same way thanks

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +1

      Ayyye that’s awesome!! I hope it’s a stress free build for you 🤙🏼

  • @RBG-tr9ce
    @RBG-tr9ce 4 года назад

    it's obvious that this is not your first time around a boat. Very good job. Seeing the Texas license plate makes it BETTER.

  • @drakemeaux2513
    @drakemeaux2513 4 года назад +83

    I shouldnt have watched this now i wanna customize my lil boat

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +6

      Lol do it!! It’s fun!

    • @lumpiestofcoles3724
      @lumpiestofcoles3724 4 года назад +3

      Right lol I agree because this turned out badass best video I’ve seen ever when it comes to redoing a boat this was just amazing

    • @marlinshirk3803
      @marlinshirk3803 4 года назад

      Awesome job. But just one question. Why red. I would have gone with a more natural color. Light blue or green. Maybe brown. Just my personal preference but like I said. Awesome. I want one 🙂

    • @connorayers9076
      @connorayers9076 4 года назад


    • @Thatguy-ey7oj
      @Thatguy-ey7oj 4 года назад

      I customized mine lil boat not to long ago

  • @AustinF29
    @AustinF29 Год назад

    I don’t think Ranger is as quality as this. Such a fantastic job.

  • @markhess6061
    @markhess6061 3 года назад +3

    Awesome awesome build but I had a buddy with a similar problem with a 20 horse. I’m wondering if that little eight Merc was able to push all that weight up on plane?

  • @TimeToBeKind
    @TimeToBeKind 3 года назад

    I went to BassPro to buy a Bass-boat, but the $38,000.00 tag scared me, so, I bought the exact set up you got. I just got home from Lowe’s. I bought everything as you suggested, when I got to the register at Lowe’s to pay for the lumber, I noticed my lumber bill was higher than the 24 ft bass-boat I wanted to buy.
    It’s a joke, mocking the lumber prices in my state.
    Thank you for the video, it’s awesome. Enjoy it, buddy.

    @CRM-LIFE 4 года назад +5

    I'm impressed

  • @GregAlanEdwardsEmmanuelRidge
    @GregAlanEdwardsEmmanuelRidge 4 года назад

    I was impressed by it all. Every minute. But what really impressed me was that you knew to waterproof everything you did. Every wire, board, and piece you put in that boat! It's not only good looking, it is gonna last. I would have wanted a bigger motor, but I don't know your budget or how you fish. Consider me blown away! Impressed does not even begin to cover it!

  • @nickgreene2749
    @nickgreene2749 4 года назад +6

    This playlist tho 🔥

  • @lawrencegarcia6717
    @lawrencegarcia6717 3 года назад

    Dang there is skill sets and then there is SKILL Set! This guy is freaking awesome, could start his own business building custom Fishing rigs!!!

  • @cargarfishing2405
    @cargarfishing2405 4 года назад +4

    Nice vid idk how you have the patience to do that

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +1

      Lol it wasn’t to bad, but some days I didn’t lol

  • @Dregandaapbt
    @Dregandaapbt 3 года назад

    When I saw you flip that knot hole to the finished side of the deck!!!! Now I can't un see it! Fantastic build none the less!

  • @hankfuchs8405
    @hankfuchs8405 4 года назад +7

    I have a 78K Skeeter in the driveway watching this thinking how cool is this

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +2

      Thank you! And I wish I had a skeeter 🤙🏼

  • @masenturner9859
    @masenturner9859 3 года назад

    This is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen done on one. Not a SINGLE step missed. Did everything 100% the right and correct way. Very cool

  • @seymourclarkson2336
    @seymourclarkson2336 4 года назад +3

    Surprised that little thing still floated with all that extra weight

    • @campnoutdoors5173
      @campnoutdoors5173 4 года назад

      No way to know if it actually floats until we see a video of it on the water......Lol

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад

      Same lol but she floats like a dream, and there is a lot of videos on my channel of her floating

  • @1_of_4
    @1_of_4 3 года назад

    Bad ass build!! That bad boy is built to last.

  • @kencoykendall5139
    @kencoykendall5139 4 года назад +17

    Only problem is these boats are designed to hold a certain weight. And that weight just went way down. So now only one person can be on it

    • @157dixon
      @157dixon 4 года назад

      Um did you watch the build. This can hold as many people as you can fit on it. Unless you think a 2x4 supported by the aluminum boat itself can’t hold a thousand pounds.

    • @haydenfigerell9081
      @haydenfigerell9081 4 года назад +7

      @@157dixon the way he framed it alone is gunna be way too top heavy and unstable being that high to the top of the boat.

    • @suebritt5737
      @suebritt5737 4 года назад +4

      yeah did the same thing except i made it worse by adding a tower for bow fishing bad mistake had to add weight to the floor of the boat to keep from flipping over stupid it works for what i want but you have to be careful and its definitely a one person boat.

    • @haydenfigerell9081
      @haydenfigerell9081 4 года назад +1

      @tonylwright yeah i just depends on how high you make the cast deck on a small boat. I have a decked 12 foot gregor and its perfect but also framed and didnt take the deck to the top

    • @YoutubeYouTube-hp7mt
      @YoutubeYouTube-hp7mt 4 года назад +3

      I gotta lose weight anyways so just call it motivation

  • @treybaskin9775
    @treybaskin9775 4 года назад

    You snapped on this project.... I was a proud journeyman watching this... so neat 🥲 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 👏🏾

  • @TheSoleSaver
    @TheSoleSaver 4 года назад +4

    Awesome Job!!! and the music just made the video worth watching chillstep.. excellent combo...👌👌

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +1

      Thank you Warner! 🤙🏼

  • @foggymountainman9138
    @foggymountainman9138 4 года назад

    Old school build. don't get better than that. Enjoyed the video my friend!

  • @shartne
    @shartne 3 года назад +3

    I could do this too but that looks like it cost quite a bit to do. I think a bigger Jon boat is probably going to be safer. I bet it paid for itself from the 2 million views it got.

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  3 года назад

      Yeah I would definitely go bigger if you can and yeah more then double, just don’t tell anyone I said that lol

  • @Speido307
    @Speido307 3 года назад +1

    Love the snack time, thanks for sharing.

  • @trystenmcdonald1331
    @trystenmcdonald1331 4 года назад +10

    Wonder how it feels to be able to go out and buy all the stuff you want

    • @scottydoesntknow254
      @scottydoesntknow254 4 года назад +12

      You should try it. A good work ethic, saving, and patience will do it.

    • @trystenmcdonald1331
      @trystenmcdonald1331 4 года назад +1

      I dont have the money and I only have a v modified jon boat not flat bottom

    • @Broxty
      @Broxty 4 года назад +4

      You sound like a lazy, jealous bitch.

    • @ericbaker8993
      @ericbaker8993 4 года назад +3

      It’s awesome... A lot better than taking shots at people who have worked their asses off to get what they have. Plus, if he could “go out and buy what he wanted”, he would have went out and bought a 10-15k dollar BassTracker, because that’s essentially what he just built.

    • @fisherman03241
      @fisherman03241 3 года назад

      You’re either too young or you’re just lazy man that’s all it comes down to not saying get a job and blow your money you gotta save you make a dollar you can play with 30 cents the way I look at it (no not exactly what I said but all I’m saying is spend responsibly) jobs are out there man you just got to look and learn fast and don’t whine about the work.... cause you just might be able to buy “whatever you want”

  • @bradical0711
    @bradical0711 3 года назад

    This dude has to be a dad, that carpet/wrapping skills would be epic on christmas.......makes it look so easy then I consider trying and realize I don't have the tools or more importantly the skills to do this. Well done eitherway

  • @InformativeFisherman
    @InformativeFisherman 4 года назад +32


  • @tedstyle3798
    @tedstyle3798 2 года назад

    You're the king of improvised tools

  • @chrisbentley8383
    @chrisbentley8383 4 года назад +16

    If you don’t mind telling how much money was invested. I love this idea

    • @nathanv995
      @nathanv995 4 года назад

      also very curious for the guesstimate of total build time and total cost

    • @artofcards_tcg
      @artofcards_tcg 4 года назад

      I'm guessing somewhere around 5-6k

    • @chrisbentley8383
      @chrisbentley8383 4 года назад

      @@nathanv995 hey theirs another video he did that breaks down the cost really interesting it was over 5 grand

    • @eugenelaky1993
      @eugenelaky1993 4 года назад +4

      Alot of extra weight in the boat

      @MATTNMEMPHIS 4 года назад +1

      Believe me. Whatever he spent on the materials was nothing when he got to the motor. BOAT= BET ON ANOTHER THOUSAND

  • @BackwoodsHillbillyFishing
    @BackwoodsHillbillyFishing 3 года назад

    Dude, I found this video by chance. Once you started building I couldn't quit watching. That boat looks killer. I'll be sending my jon boat to you for an overhaul. Lol

  • @benbutlerfishing
    @benbutlerfishing 4 года назад +6

    That looks like a Bass Tracker Classic, but in a jon boat.

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +3

      Ayyye I’ll take the compliment lol

    • @benbutlerfishing
      @benbutlerfishing 4 года назад +1

      Noticed you live in West Texas too. I live in Abilene.

  • @eddielowry549
    @eddielowry549 2 года назад

    NICE! That turned out real good. You done a great job.

  • @robertkomar6967
    @robertkomar6967 4 года назад +54

    Would like to see how he did them Corners so nice on the carpet does anyone know

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +9

      I have a Jon boat build playlist in my channel, I pretty much filmed and talked about everything I did in the videos

    • @157dixon
      @157dixon 4 года назад

      It’s in the video

    • @dustygable5006
      @dustygable5006 4 года назад +1

      I've actually helped put carpet in boats before. The corners are not that hard to do. But, using multi purpose glue. It and water don't mix. Even when it dries. Contact cement works better.

    • @nelson8527
      @nelson8527 3 года назад

      Yes couldn’t be said any better lol.

    • @michaelflood8072
      @michaelflood8072 3 года назад

      @@AdamRyanA 333Zez42

  • @aanyagrg789
    @aanyagrg789 3 года назад

    Wow what a transformation. I watched every second of the video without skipping for the first time on YT. Nice job bro.

  • @bigbassking9510
    @bigbassking9510 4 года назад +8

    Do you ever regret not just paying a few more thousand and getting that bass Tracker from Bass Pro Shops the one for 9000 what's a 40 horse on it

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад +5

      Oh yeah lol if I knew I was gonna spend that much I would of got a used bass boat

    • @markusantonio4866
      @markusantonio4866 4 года назад

      @@AdamRyanA Great job!!

    • @Rattlesnake3
      @Rattlesnake3 4 года назад

      Awesome jon

    • @scottparker9341
      @scottparker9341 4 года назад

      HAHA....I got 2/3 of the way through the vid and thought "if I spent half that time at work making extra $$ I could've bought a new boat!" Great vid and at least you have something you built yourself!

  • @dallasdoobman
    @dallasdoobman 4 года назад +1

    Amazing job on the boat and the video, thanks for sharing the build.

  • @kurtisw7034
    @kurtisw7034 4 года назад +12

    This is just proof that you can do anything with a skilsaw

  • @jimjohnson4312
    @jimjohnson4312 2 года назад +4

    *Looks good even in daylight **** recommend it was exactly what it was described to be , works awesome , overall happy with product*

  • @codyhalpaine7188
    @codyhalpaine7188 3 года назад

    This man deserves a hand shake. Iv never seen nobody put this much talent and skill into building a flat bottom. Well done man!

  • @andenoutdoors
    @andenoutdoors 4 года назад +3

    My 16ft mod-v from Lowe came with a big deck from factory so I’m lucky I didn’t have to do this, turned out amazing though

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад

      Thank you Anden 🤙🏼

  • @Jo30000
    @Jo30000 4 года назад

    gave a like for that 4:22 transition, smooth AF.

  • @davidpayne2469
    @davidpayne2469 4 года назад +6

    wonder how many calories this guy eats a day to keep moving that fast

  • @michaelrodriguez2973
    @michaelrodriguez2973 2 года назад +1

    Dude you got some crazy skills. I love how clean your work is. 🤘🏼

  • @joshuarogers8690
    @joshuarogers8690 3 года назад

    That is a amazing paint tray it doesn’t run out of paint. Crazy.

  • @kev11722
    @kev11722 Год назад

    Awesome Build Dude...Thanks for all of your tips for my future boat build...👍👍

  • @Zanehoward88
    @Zanehoward88 2 года назад +2

    Loved the video! Amazing finish to a bland Jon boat! I love the deck system too looked great

  • @statelineLife
    @statelineLife 4 года назад

    Bruh awesome video.....this is what RUclips was invented for!👏👏👏

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад

      Thank you!! 🤙🏼

  • @kennethdias9988
    @kennethdias9988 4 года назад

    Your attention to detail was excellent

  • @JuiCe5248
    @JuiCe5248 2 года назад

    I was just given an old 18 foot v hull fiberglass boat and I’m going to make a killer bass boat with it!! Cool video man!

    @HBSHARK 4 года назад

    I don’t own a boat but still watched the entire video. I think it came out beautiful . My hat is off to you young man. I had time to make ten of these but wasted it foolishly instead.
    🎶Yesterday, when I was young .......🎶

    • @suebritt5737
      @suebritt5737 4 года назад

      aint that the truth....nice to see young man doing something constructive

    @XJAYARE2Xx 3 года назад

    I helped my dad do this to our boat back around 2002-2005. We did things slightly different but definitely the same concept. It was a cool project, this video brought back some good memories. Nice work 👌🏼

  • @ty_dye
    @ty_dye 4 года назад

    Nice boat! This video just popped up in my suggested, probably because I've been watching kayak videos and customizing my kayak. Tight lines!

  • @lumpyg63ipod
    @lumpyg63ipod 4 года назад +1

    Wow what craftsmanship, ingenuity and attention to detail! Great job and great video!!

    • @AdamRyanA
      @AdamRyanA  4 года назад

      Thank you Dave! 🤙🏼

  • @kkohn1996
    @kkohn1996 3 года назад

    I built two like this i got my inspiration from TBN great work man

  • @serriamtn1
    @serriamtn1 4 года назад +2

    After watching all the videos on this build, first trip out, and costs... I have to say SICK ASS CONGRATS! Awesome job !! Really awesome to see youngsters building, and putting in the effort to pass on to the next generation. The passion you have definitely shows! Congrats again! Great vids!

  • @Mr.CarrillocanPaint
    @Mr.CarrillocanPaint 3 года назад

    This is the best detailed Jon boat customization video on RUclips. Just got mine yesterday and I’m about to transform mine just this way! Thank god I invested into tools since I was 16, I’m 32 now and I will definitely get mine rolling! Dope ass video bruh! Kuddos homie! Subscribed !

  • @jerrywald6481
    @jerrywald6481 3 года назад

    WOW...well done....that was an amazing 42 minutes and worth every minute

  • @T3m0ur
    @T3m0ur 2 года назад

    Someone’s been watching Anthony Jones 😂
    Great stuff!

  • @christopherwood2290
    @christopherwood2290 4 года назад

    Saying I am impressed is an understatement.

  • @jasonmims9783
    @jasonmims9783 4 года назад

    Hey great video. Me and my cuz already tricked out one boat and fixing to do another. Learned a lot. Thank you for sharing 👊🐟

  • @Speak_Knowledge1985
    @Speak_Knowledge1985 3 года назад

    Amazing build. The transition at 4:23 was clean.

    • @cooperfontenot1100
      @cooperfontenot1100 3 года назад

      Wow you're not kidding, I thought, the first time watching it, that he had someone helping him. I didn't realize it was just a dope transition.