Kerry Uchida - Sound Design Demo - Tales From the Far Side 1&2
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- A few selection of my Sound Design work for Gary Larson's TV Specials:
Tales From the Far Side I and Tales From the Far Side II.
please note original material may have been edited down to speed up the pace to showcase
the Sound Design material.
I also did the picture editing for this demo reel. (I also have picture editing experience)
See more of my picture editing, video work here: demo.technomorp...
Co Sound Designer Irving Mulch
Foley by Andy Malcom
Directed by Marv Newland
Music by Bill Frisell
Mix by Bill "Otis" Sheppard and Dean Giamarcco from DBC
Mixed at Sharpe Sound Studios in Vancouver, BC, Canada
I've never seen this before and I love the Far Side, thank you!
The sound design was just right.
I'm a Farside fan from way back and I just did not know these works existed.
Not much Of a fan
Yeah man , he did a couple specials that are killers !
O M G,where has this been my whole life!!?
I remember seeing this as a kid and i haven't seen it again till now. This was truly a wonderful nostalgic trip and wish to thank you.
I've been looking for 'Hooves of Fury'. Thanks for having it in here.
Wow! First time I've seen this side of Gary Larson. Great 👍 stuff.
I had NO idea Gary Larson’s comic could be animated! What a pleasant surprise
It was a short lived series
Wow! Gary Larson animated! I never saw this! What a treat! Great sound design work!
Very imaginatively done! Thanks 🙏
I'd love to watch a fully animated Far side series.
Good luck 🍀. Not available that i know of . Even 2 short cartoons ,; tales from the far side volume 1 & 2 cannot be viewed completely.. greed by u tube or copyright.. who knows..
@@rzz9594 Thank you, Dave, I'll take, "Grredy RUclips" for $500., please...
Had Vol 1 and 2 on VHS cassette in the late 90s - absolutely loved it - I was only about 11 or 12 and probably shouldn't have seen it - it was my mom's copy - shes a big Far Side fan
Way to bring Gary’s creations to life with fantastic sound design. I love it!
The sound design was perfect, captured the tension, texture and that slightly surreal menace that Larson always got. Great job.
You read my mind. The background music my favorite part of the sound design
Pure Talent !! To the creators of this comical masterpiece, I say THANK YOU !!!
Gary Larson is a genius.
I just recently remembered this classic from my childhood, which I recorded and watched again and again.
Now I can thank one of the makers.
@slitor do you by any chance still have the recordings?
@@TrapperJohn-we7mj I doubt it.
@@TrapperJohn-we7mj You can watch cartoons online you know. ;-)
I had all of his books when I was growing up. I couldn't get enuff of them! For me, finding this video was an ABSOLUTE TREAT!
Uhhhhhhh.... WOW ! Glad i found this and your channel ...Thanks
Great achievement. The Far Side lives!
How utterly charming!
Sick and delightful. As Gary Larson always is! :)
Wow! What a ride. That sounded GREAT! Nice work.
I used to read all my dads far side books when I was younger, I miss those days.
thanks for posting, nice work
Years later and it's still funny.
That was fun I enjoyed the heck out of that 🤪
And I thought was weird enough as a comic strip.
"Ahhh, Grasshopper, never, never ever, create assumptions."
Wow, I love that sound work, it makes everything come to live so much. Especially the hot rod time machine, love it! The scientist next door that has all the chicks and fun ;-) I love how the cranking sounds of the engine.
K, that was nicely done!! Huge Larson fan, for me, this held up the required droll poker face quality. 🎉😅
The sound design for this is perfect, and goes perfectly with the animation. Incredible work!
The stampede game was amazing.
Excellent sound design. For some strange reason NFB's The Big Snit (1985) jumped into my mind.😄
I love it when the plane monitor just flashes "Uh-Oh" lol
And the spacecraft Hanks towing 😂
Finally a little sanity in this crazy world we all share.
Good use of the clip from Vincent Price's movie 'The Fly' in the airplane sequence.
The two _The Far Side_ animated programs are sublime and delightfully macabre and zany. I love the animation, sound work, Bill Frisell's music contributions, the dark humor, and the whole mood. They're basically perfect fare for when Halloween comes around in the autumn. Happy to find this video here.
The songs are great, esp in Tales ftfs II, I just love 'Crazy', it sounds terrific. I guess that's Bill Frisell on guitar.
@@blucat4 Frisell was a great choice.видео.html&pp=ygUVYmlsbCBmcmlzZWxsIGZhciBzaWRl
The Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes. My daily dose of laughter as a teen. Back when there was this lump of wood pulp called a newspaper.
Nicely done. 😊
Amazing work! These 2 specials are some of my favourite animated spots ever
Thanks for uploading. I remember it being shown back in 97, but never got to fully watch it.
Noice, The Farside got many of us through the 80's.
And blow
This definitely is 1000×'s better with headphones on.
The Sound Design was nearly as bizarre as the mind of Gary Larson.
Well done.
Personally, I enjoyed this maybe a little too much, thanks to our good friend Cannabis. 😂 😅 😊
Just like the Dilbert cartoon series, fantasic cartoons but I think just came out a little to late to become popular shows. Sad though, I would have loved a long series of both.
the sound design matches the video so perfectly that it is simply awesome! Well done, and thank you for YOUR genius!
How on Earth did I miss this gold mine back in the day?!
*@Technomorph Sound Design* Ive got nothing but admiration for recording & mixing engineers. Its a tedious indoor job. I wouldnt be able to sit still long enough in front of a mixing console or PC workstation long enough to get _anywhere,_ esp with a project like this one...
At least 2 weeks of continuous cueing, re-cueing & editing, not counting the hours needed to record voice & sound f/x bits in the first place. So kudos to you, Kerry. This demo has helped me realize a better appreciation for your projects, and for that of R&M work in general
And you just have to admit Gary Larsons wit & originality is at least as good as that of Looney Tunes & of the Pink Panther. People can disagree with me all they like, but his comedy is just as much on that level. Had Gary chosen to license his _The Far Side_ out to an animation studio & let them produce a TV series, at least the Simpsons wouldve had a worthy competitor!
Food for thought: I cant be the only person burned out from 30 years of the Simpsons, and from that entire dull dumb franchise of Seth McFarland- - Family Guy, The Clevelands, etc. The Sitcom as a cartoon worked fine for The Flintstones, & the Jetsons. But enough is enough. There are too many other story premises & plots with which to begin- - including some that have yet to be invented- - to just keep exhausting variation after variation of the same dumb theme... its the very opposite of variety, of originality, or ANYTHING fresh & new
Im afraid that if all the viewing Public is satisfied with are shows such as the Simpsons & Family Guy, then the next generation of commercially successful cartoon shows will be even more dumbed-down & pathetic than ever before. When I look at whats being produced today in live-action film- - in Hollywood & overseas- - its actually encouraging. Legitimate storytelling & writing talent is still here. But with regards to whats been most popular in the cartoon world?! As far as Im concerned its been in the TOILET ever since the late 90s
The New Pink Panther was all that I could see carrying on until 1997, which was also the last year that Chuck Jones revived Looney Tunes. Tom & Jerry were also renewed by brand new producers from about 2000 to 2008. Looks to me like theres been little to nothing worth mentioning in new cartoon production since that time. So until something drastic happens, to me thats been the death of "domestic" American cartoons, ever since 😔
As she grew up, thankfully my daughter learned to have better taste & AVOID the Simpsons & Seth McFarlands garbage. And now that Im a grandparent, I would never let my grandkids watch that pathetic junk!
Can I plug Michael Cusack? Check out his work, I think you'd appreciate it...
And The Big Lez Show as well...
@@naturalfarmerguineith Thank You for your recommendations, Guineith! I've always loved good cartoons. They keep your sense of humor stimulated & give you a break from life's mental burdens. I'll be sure to look up Michael Cusack & Big Lez 😊💕
The Simpsons and Family Guy were great sitcoms up until a certain point so no need to dump on their entire legacy. If you're looking for quality current animated sitcoms, I'd recommend checking out Close Enough, Tuca and Bertie, Solar Opposites, and The Shivering Truth (this one has more of the dark, absurdist humor that you might associate with The Far Side).
Adult Swim is about all the television that's fit for public consumption
I remember watching these when they first came out. They're hard to find! The music brings it all back!
Surprisingly good S.D. for an animated thingy. 😃
Gary Larson is a genius 👍
Excellent work!
excellent work kerry
I remember watching the animated movies when it premiered on CBS back in the mid-90's. Nostalgic!!
Great sound design, truly in Larson´s spirit
Brilliant and fantastic.
Man I love it
This is one of the best things that's happened to me all year. Laughing out loud. 😃
Now, I am wanting to see the full "Tales From the Far Side 2" episode.
Wish grantedвидео.html lol
Not a chance., dude
@@rzz9594 let me guess ...copyright.
@@TwoTailedSponge I know where you can watch it...
@@palasta Where? Cause I know of a place already, but I'd still like to hear. Or in this case, read.
Brings life to the single panel sketches we're used to from G Larson .
Best and funniest thing I'v seen all day.Brilliant! Kudos!
GOOD STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!
This was great !!!
Thanks YT algorithm for reawakening my love for the far side and Gary Larsons comics as a whole
Between Larson and Leunig we turned out as alright hoomans
Kerry/TSD--- The compositions here are uniformly great. The overall tone (EQ) is brash with weak low end, suggesting your monitoring system is a bit off. Big woofers, rolled back mids/highs in your speakers will make you have a mix like this.
Absolutely love this 😂. Such fond memories
Wow how cool I never knew there was a Far Side cartoon.
You can watch cartoons online you know. ;-)
The Far Side is & was GREAT! ✨👏🏼😎✨
Complicated simplicity and hilarity ensues. G. Larson is creatively comical. When pigs and cows fly.
Great reel!
Beautiful work! We hope for more!
Love it. Although they're all very good, my favorite is, "Hooves of Fury." Wish I could get a sticker of the fancy time machine with the inventor and the two ladies inside. Make that a pack of stickers so I can plaster them everywhere.
I love that one as well. But I just watched both specials and I can't get the song 'Crazy' out of my head. It sounds sooo good, it's done really well. And the clip has such an unexpected ending. "Crazy for falling in love, with, yoooouuuuuu." 😂
Simply amazing ! Thanks
Wonderful! Why aren't these better known?
Superb. loved this!
What exactly was the competition she won that trophy for?
The best comics ever . Totaly love this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wonderful. You have made my day.
FINALLY !!! the answer to all those out- place - artifacts!!!
Excellent! What a talent!
The cartoon makes it abundantly clear the whole far side is basically always horror-adjacent
Had no idea. Keep them coming please! 😊
full length feature film when??
Love the sarcasm. Great cartooning. Thanks!
This is awesome.
Thanks for the memories!
2:46 If it was composed by Thomas Chase and Steve Rucker, the music of this scene would be more dramatic
Was on my way to watch "unanswered oddities" and this turned out to be the perfect Segway. What a gem
Would it be possible to create a rogue zoom window/pundit interview broadcast window able to appear like the appearance & disappearance of the hot-rod time machine in any live podcast. Like *V* ? TV Broadcast?
Insane. Love it.
Now THAT was well done.........................
Far side animation! It's just as I imagined it😮😊
I can slightly remember that scene where a cow is playing an arcade game from when I was probably 3 or 4, but I could not remember from where until now.
Never EVER gets old 😂😂😂❤
Thank you for sharing, love this!
Fantastic! Is there another similar clip?
Tales From The Far Side I (30min) and II (45 min).
Very good. It gets eleventeen out of ten.
this is just beatiful