21 Best Circular Saw Hacks | Japanese Woodworking
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- 1. RIGHT ANGLE 00:33
2. WIDTH GAUGE 01:15
3. 45-DEGREE TILT 01:48
4. 45-DEGREE ANGLE 02:32
5. CLEAN CUT 03:04
6. MORTISE 03:57
7. POST END 04:47
10. SMALL PIECE 07:05
11. BLADE GUIDE 07:58
12. PARALLEL 09:21
14. MINI TABLE SAW 11:48
15. JOINTER 14:26
16. TAPER 15:10
17. CROSS CUT SLED 15:50
18. SPLINE 16:45
19. ROUND BAR 18:07
20. CROSS CUT JIG 21:59
21. CIRCLE 25:02
PLAN 27:53
Circular Saw 165mm (Cordless)
Brand: Makita
Model: HS631DZSB
Circular Saw Blade 165mm
Brand: Makita
Model: A-64369
Toggle Clamp
Brand: Yosoo
Model: GH-101-A
Circular Saw 165mm (MINI TABLE SAW)
Brand: HiKOKI
Model: FC6MA3
Smart Plug
Brand: gosund
Model: wp6-1
Toggle Clamp
Brand: Utoolmart
Model: GH-101-D-15
Chip Saw Cutter 150mm (CROSS CUT JIG)
Brand: Makita
Model: CS553DZS
Circular Saw Blade 150mm (for Wood)
Brand: Makita
Model: A-67371
Circular Saw Blade 150mm (for Metal)
Brand: Makita
Model: A-67424
Brand: Japan Bearing (NB)
Model: SN20-600-S
Slide Unit
Brand: SBC
Model: SC20UU
Shaft Holder
Brand: 大阪魂
Model: SS20
Adhesive 1
Brand: Gorilla
Model: 6202001
Adhesive 2
Brand: zmart
Model: 8265-S
Double-sided Tape (Removable)
Brand: Nitto Denko (Nitto)
Model: 5000NS
The circular cut of the wood uses a thickness that does not come off when the wood is lifted.
This is 28+ minutes of SOLID GOLD information. Just Awesome!! Thanks for sharing!!
Oh.. My.. God.. This has to be one of the best videos I've seen on RUclips in years!!! Thank you for sharing your talent!!!
I came here to say exactly that. DING, DING ALL!
This is exactly what I was thinking. Geez this guy is such a good chippy but also willing to share his talents.
Agree 100% and all plans for FREE !!! when other make pay
Looking at the way you perform, I believe you have a very high level of proficiency in your profession. I'm glad you shared it with many people to help their work better. Thank you very much.❤
The great thing about carpentry is ( no matter how experienced you are) can keep learning from others and pass that knowledge on.
In metalworking (turning, milling, welding) it’s the same.
I worked in a cabinet makers for years and served my time in a joinery workshop. Your ability to make various jigs for creating these wooden pieces is amazing. Although I’m retired I still have a small workshop in my garden and I will be trying to recreate a few of your jigs. Many thanks you have a new subscriber. 🇬🇧👍
No audio or soundtracks, yet you can understand everything. Awesome job.
Always wanted to get into woodworking but thought the tools would be too expensive. These video's are blowing my mind right now.
You are truly a great MASTER carpenter!!! Thanks for sharing your innovative ideas with us ❤
There isn't a Noble prize for woodwork, but for the amount of joy this guy brings into the world, I'd be happy for him to be awarded the Noble peace prize.
Just limitless satisfaction, if I may say myself🤌
you need to stop calling it a "noble" prize, ffs. it's NOBEL
Absolute respect for your craft. I’m completely engrossed when watching your videos, and the results are amazing! 🙌🏻
I lost all excuses like "i have no table saw" "45 angle with circular saw is too tricky" and many more after watching this video.
Thanks, you're awesome! Arigato!
Me he quedado absolutamente hipnotizado, sólo quería ver una cosa y en mi cabeza ronda ya donde voy a meter todas esas guías y la circular nueva que me voy a comprar para construirlas. Felicidades MAESTRO. Gracias por compartir tu sabiduría y tu destreza y sobre todo muchas gracias por compartir los planos. Ni que decir tiene que me suscribo ahora mismo a tu canal y lo voy a mirar bien por si hay más joyas como esta dentro. Saludos
Your generosity is appreciated. What an amazingly helpful video. Thank you
Wonderful set of tips and jigs to optimize our circular saw! Smart and simple! Thanks a lot!
This video is perfect. Thank you.
A new video from the genius. Happy to watch again and again
Genius absolutely
The best or… the beast! Incredible… happy to see
One word
Thank you for sharing
I have leaned so much from this first video of yours I have came across of yours. Thank You for passing on your knowledge to others. Keep up the great work,
Thank you so so very much for creating these jigs and sharing them with us! All 21 are incredibly useful. I only hope to become a good enough woodworker one day to have a need to build them all. I've always thought a good circular saw beats a table saw, even a miter saw. And you've proven it!
This is one of the most informative videos I've ever seen! Absolutely incredible what you have shared! Thank you so much!!
Gracias amigo, nos has compartido mucha tecnica y eso no tiene precio
The #1 woodworking genius. No BS, 110% talent & accuracy. Absolutely incredible video, thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you for sharing your innovative techniques.
These are great instructions for building the jigs that most good, and all great carpenters use to make or repeat a cut exactly as intended. Making the saw work for you instead of you just holding on for the ride.
Wonderful video from a woodwork master. Watched again, again...and again. Enjoyed it every time I watched it
Great job from a genius!!
Thank you so much for sharing with us!!
You're a real carpenter without limits!!
Thank you very much for your generosity of sharing all these fantastic solutions.
Invaluable. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much. I was watching this thinking "what's the big deal - he made a set square" - and then I realized how utterly clever that set square designed exactly for his saw was and paid a lot more attention. domo origato
You are truly a master at what you are doing. Thank you
By FAR the most complete video I have seen... Hats down!!!!!!!
That's the coolest diy lathe I've ever seen!
I've learned what I want and just need time to apply. Thank you for sharing.
That line split at 2:38 is absolutely crisp. *chef’s kiss*
You are the most inventive woodworker ever ! You are very efficient, you use simple, cost efficient tools to upgrade other tools to top level precision jobs. Absolutely amazing to watch you do this ! I hope Makita supports / sponsors you!
Happy to watch again and again!!
sir, you are a master craftsman. thank you, i cannot wait to use many of these jigs.
Awesome job, very precise and clear. Thanks for the plans at the end 👍🏻
Good job
These are very cool and useful tips - thank you very much!)
Some really neat ideas here.
This man is a real magician! Thanks for your miracle!
Это потрясающе!!! Благодарю, Мастер!
素晴らしい!完璧!!全く無駄がない🇯🇵ヤスヒロ さんですね。✌
Wow! It was very helpfull👍🙂 Thank you👍
Been making jigs like this for some time. I put on a continuous thin plywood shoe for the saw to ride on. This helps reduce tear out. Like the thumb/clamp holes.
Wow, this guy is a force of nature!
Man, even Japanese dimensional lumber looks flawless
I don’t even do woodwork and this is my new favourite channel 🖤
The master of the circular saw, very good.
It's jaw dropping! Great job man
Muchas gracias. Maravilloso el video y sus enseñanzas.
It is some sort of Magic or WitchCraft - no less! Thank you, Yasuhiro. Domo arigato!
This is probably the best video on tips i have ever seen!!! These really are some good high level tips!!! 👍👍👍🙆 Thank you
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you very much. Anthony
Non per niente è uno dei miei 3 favoriti in assoluto!!!!💣💣💣
🎉 Very practical and very good ideas.Thank you for sharing🎉
Keep up the good work! I always get excited when I see a new video upload!
Very inspiring, especially liked the mini table saw. Great idea for someone like me who has small spice. (Bought a miter saw, should perhaps have started with a table saw or circular saw).
Awesome ideas. Thank you!
Someone decide that he can do with wood and Makita Wonders like a professional and He is More then this I believe to him there's no limit of innovation, Respect, I admire such a great personality,.
Okay chatbot
Fantastic! Thanks you for sharing!!
Beautiful video. The lathe is terrific!👍😊
I've just finished watching your whole channel. Your work is amazing, thanks for all you shared with us ! Greetings from France.
Thank you for this.
After watching your work. Fantastic by the way!!! My circler saw will need a Holiday. Love that you share your work skills and not keep them Top Secret.
Thks for sharing this beautifull work
I've recently made a few of these and other jigs you've posted. Good stuff!
Great!. Thank you for sharing so useful information
This is truly amazing and so helpful to so many who do not have the money for expensive woodworking tools. So very helpful and smart ! I like the safety features too. You can get a great deal done w/ ingenuity, patience and solid skills. This is one of the best videos for DIYers I have ever seen. Tremendous. (If you attempt this, be sure to buy a quality blade.)
Máquina precisa, sem folga. Trabalho com qualidade. 👏👏👏 🇧🇷
Lord of the Circular saw, So much knowledge in this video and not one word spoken. Amazing work!
I wish that I could save this video to my learning playlist to share with others.
A true master! Thank you!
Fantastic....thank u Japanese technology
Realizas unas creaciones originales, limpias y precisas. Se aprende mucho viendo tu trabajo. Gracias.
Terbaik ilmu yang berguna
Great job. Comprehensive, very useful, short and simple instructions. Without wasting time of author and spectator.
I'm envious of the Japanese on this level. Makita is still owned by the same people that started it. They sell better grade tools to the Japanese society than the ones they export. And they obviously still honor craftsmanship... In America, our once great companies like skil and Milwaukee have been sold to foreigners. The others have been bought out by investors and have been turned to junk and are now manufactured overseas..
The issue is less the ownership and more that such low standards are permissible. In a lot of cases, customers don't even have an option of paying more for a better product. They may be able to pay a lot more for a product, but there's no guarantee that it really will be any better. In many cases, you're paying for the brand recognition that comes from owning something from a once reputable business.
@@SmallSpoonBrigade well, I prefer the owners to either be American, if it's an American company, or loyal tool people like makita seems to be. Any remaining American companies seem to have been bought out by investors, not tool people. And their products suck. So I'm torn on who to buy from
It’s called corporate America 🇺🇸
Makita has lost its grip on the market by not making improvements to many of its tools.
This was amazing thanks.
I do follow your work some time, and still adoring all your work, man i can watch you, all day long. thank you for sharing all your ideas. Ned
Muito obrigado! Você me ajudou bastante.
Fantastic job !!!
Técnicas fantasticas🎉 Gran trabajo 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Unbelievable skill... Very inspiring
Pure Quality .... as ever.
One of the best videos I've seen yet.
One of the the best videos on you tube.
I kind of feel guilty that we can watch his amazing videos for free.
amazing! I learned so much from this video
I m interesting about woodcraft for long years..
I never ever seen intelligent working like this..
Thank you very much I m enjoyed...
Wow!!! Fantastic thank you ❤
Excellent woodworking skills!
Liked and subscribed.
Excelente conteúdo, muito didático e prático.
you're my inspiration...best regard from semarang city,central java, indonesia,
Sehr gute Ideen ! Danke !!!
Thanks for sharing, it's great