We Discover The Most Enormous Opals We Have Ever Found Using Blacklight Technology!
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- How do you like them apples! This week we all made the trip out to mine and it wasn’t long before we hit that Paydirt! The opal turned on and we found some massive chunks! We decided to get the camera out and document a bit of the find to show you all!
We then continued mining, picking up some nice smaller material before heading back to Rods camp to get it all cleaned up and hear the verdict on what he thought the material we found was worth!
All in all another great trip, we hope to get back out there very soon and hopefully see some of the same size bits in solid red crystal opals!
We hope you all enjoyed the video!
A special thanks goes out to our sponsor for the video Opal Auctions who made all this possible!
They have an amazing website filled with everything Opal and we couldn’t recommend them enough!
So make sure you head over via the link below and check out the website! It is the place we sell our opal and where all the best opal is sold!
All the best and thanks for watching!
About Us:
Our names are Jaymin Sullivan, James Caruana and Noah Mcdonough we are the ‘Young Guns’ Opal Mining Crew from Discovery Channel tv show ‘Outback Opal Hunters.’
Our love for treasure hunting led us to quit our jobs and move to the desert in search of precious Australian Opal!
It’s a bad day to be a rock!
Email us at: Jaymin.sullivan@yahoo.com
lol finally, it been 2 months guys……….huge fan, waiting impatiently for the next one @Young Guns Opal Hunters !
Unfortunately we can’t get them out more regularly, we’ll definitely try in the futur, thanks for the support 🙏
@@6699JAMES6699 no worries, I will still be waiting and watching, just letting you guys know we all like and miss the regular content. Digging opal is more important then editing videos, just remember your fans like to be part of it. Hope the ground gives you boys tons of colors!
Glad to hear you mates are alive and doing well.
Hoping you find the
"Big and Cheesy " opal as Rodney would say. 🤣
I like that guy!
Till next time mates Cheers!
We hope so too!
Thanks for the support!
Thanks again guys, maybe not the best material you’re finding but, i like to think of those three snotty nosed boys who went west on a whim a few years ago. They would have been jumping for joy over it. Congratulations on your career and successes since the early days. I’m feeling proud of you all. 👍🏼👍🏼
Hahah we loved seeing anything back then! Hopefully we can some stuff that will make us jump for joy now soon!
Great video. Always a pleasure to see Rod and Les.
I'm sooo glad ya'll got your own channel for us to watch! Tryin to watch the other "big network" shit kinda sucks. Glad they put ya'll on but much more enjoyable watching!
Great one! Nice to see Rod&Les too!!
Hard work pays out, keep it up!
I was starting to miss you fellas! Thanks for the upload!
More to come!
Ol bullet-proof Les getting in the Christmas mood looking like Santa much love from New Zealand guy's
Love seeing your videos . Thank you for keeping Rod in the videos . I loved watching him and Lester work .
Thanks as always boys.
Love seeing your vids.
Hope old Les is going ok.
Getting on.
Go well and strike it big.
Thanks for the support! Les is doing well!
just wanted to say you guys make digging for rocks really entertaining so thank you!
From waaay across the big pond in Kansas, howdy boys - so glad to see ya still on the hunt for opal...
Boys!!!! I was just thinking about you yesterday... YEAAAA a video
Good to see you still turning up opal. Say hey to Jayden.
WOW, I wouldn't have recognized Les if you hadn't said his name... Praying his health is holding strong.
May the Lord be your strong pillar in the mine, and the light that shines on your path... God be with you all. Amen
Thanks for the support!
Les is always still working hard!
Good to see Les!!!
Where's Lez?😢 enjoy watching the old man! May the Almighty bless him & you guys!!!
Les was in this video, right at the end of it. He’s got a beard by the looks of it. Maybe he’s retired! We do all love Les and Rod. 👍🏼
@@kevdimo6459 Yeah, Les looks 20yrs older
Les was in there! Just a bit!
He's working as hard as ever! You can't slow him down
@@kevdimo6459 he looked healthier and managed to put some weight on it seemed.
Thank you guys for sharing this with me and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your workings !
"Thicker than a crumpet" is a universal measurement! ✌️
Beautiful colours!!! Awesome you guys!
Oops ya missed a bit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.Love your hard work💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Come on guys more videos please! I like watching your channel!
We will try get some out more often!
we needyouguy welcome back
It’s wonderful to see you guys are finding opal. And so much of it. The color bars in it look very nice. I hope you stay on the opal and start pulling up some really really good color. Keep the good work going.
Some beautiful opals. Sending my luck for next time. Gonna find a good chunk.
Been watching the weather down there, praying you are not getting flooded out... Be safe, God be with you always.
Been waiting for this one boys!!! Definitely do more videos of you guys digging, the best!!!
Keep going fellas, big lumps of nice red/ purple crystal there somewhere.
Well done Lads. Those apples look sweet.
Great quick video gents, keep it coming!
great finds, gentlemen.
Thanks. hopefully we'll find some more!
It's been a while, glad to see you guys are still at it and pulling out fat loot!
I loved seeing Rod and Les! Les really suits the bushy beard!! You're doing great guys. Keep it up and you'll find the mad colour soon!
Nice find boys!
Good to see the old boys are still going ..
I was just thinking about you guys today, I missed you. Glad to see you back.
You guys are killing me with these 10 minute Teaser videos
Hard graft and good tucker is filling you lads out, need to widen the tunnels to fit you soon lol, Great find :)
Awesome video boys!! Nice seeing Rod and Lez🎉
Nice one guys! Good to see rod and Les too.
great to see Rod and Les too!
Awesome video bros. So much beautiful material y’all pulled out. Next time you’ll hit the millions 🤙😉
Yall did great, just keep at it cause when you do strike it rich you are going to have tons of memories to remember
Great video, Fellas!!
I'm so happy for you boys
Thanks for the support!
Good luck Guy's, hopefully the big score is just around the corner!
Amazing work guys, doing awesome, im loving the process and adventure.
Us too!
Thanks for the support!
Awesome video! Much love from USA! 💜💜💜
Thank you! Cheers!
AWESOME!!! Have been waiting for a new one!!! 🤘❤🔥🤘
Just bought some opals from Jaymin on Etsy. Had no idea it was you guys.
Thats awesome!!!
I’ve been waiting!!! Wooo
Man we want more videos boys as many as u can put we're watch the all
We will hopefully be uploading a lot more!
❤💯 keep em coming and hopefully you find those millions.
With Rod and Les nearby you guys will be mentored well! Keep up the good work
Best thing I seen in this clip, was Les with a beard YEEEEW GO LES
Fantastic that all your hard work is resulting in glorious quantity and quality!
Glad you enjoy it!
Been coming out to lightning ridge for the last 2 years or so now just for a look about every now and then, so keen to give it a crack, keep up the great work boys
Is the Discovery Channel having you guys on again? Any opal is good opal thank you for the video.
I'm going to have to get some to replace the gems on my sword.
About bloody time you posted another video. I have been suffering from Opel withdrawal. Yes I am also wating for the BIG pocket - so get into it. 😁👍👍
Less has a beard??? Whaaaat Good to see you guys getting some nice opal!!!!
😲Les with a hairy noggin? Looks like a rockstar 🤘🍻
Boys to Men - massive respect lads. And hello to Rod and especially Les the LEGEND!!!!
Watching avidly all your adventures but much prefer actual Ytoob content over TV 'jeopardy'...!
From North Lincs in the UK - I'm a seasoned bottle digger and detectorist. Mrs loves you all too.
Man! Hard work!
Love to see Rod And Lez
My dad bought a piece, it was huge! Many years ago,... It looked like a giant fat ice cream cone! It had a band of color so bright with the harlequin pattern. Gorgeous! It must have been 1,000 carats! But was stolen in 2016 by a man who did work on moms house. Said he was worthy but wasnt... Im looking to play with some more! ❤ 😍 Nice video guys! Its "The Right Stuff!"❤️
I'm not into opal much, more of a gold prospecting guy. Same thing really but I am enjoying your adventures & hope youse get a good coupla veins. Well done fellas
Nice OPALS apples
On ya boy's..wow😮
You guys are living the dream
Keep doing what your doing man, I love this shit one day imma make it to the outback and fight some kangaroos with y’all 😂
Love you guys and your good fortune
And I love to watch All Mine by the way. How to do an excellent job. I envy all for having a mine like that to work.
I'm so excited y'all posted another video. I'm blown away.
And I get so much satisfaction watching y'all drill into the rock! Lol. "Y'all" is our favorite pronoun here in Texas. 😉Thanks you guys. 🩵
Nice, more please.
Buddy i kid you not , the next big block you find , you will get a two fist sized opal , filled with all the colors , your millions are coming to you mate , steady on , best of luck
Soon yall are going to own the earth because of how much yall are Makeing 😂❤
Needed to show old Lez some more love
You’ll get there fellas, just gotta keep on keeping on 🌈
Hey, wish you guys were still on OOH, glad I googled to see what you guys are up 2, ill scroll through the videos, but awesome to see you lads roll with the man Rod Manning and the legendary Les Walsh, shout out to Les, you must be the toughest old bugger in the world.
Bring back RDRT... will there be season 2? I am absolutely jealous. I'd love to do a trip like that
New fan of the channel
Its great to see you guy's working with uncle Rod.
I hope this question doesn't offend any one but Les looks really swollen in the face. How's Les doing..i hope the ol fella is doing ok?
Sending lot's of luv&Aloha from Hawaii🙏🏽🤙🏾
Oh Mylanta
I hope you post another video soon because I’m missing you guys! I just know that you are going to hit it big time in that virgin mine. I can just feel it is there. Lots of huge color filled opal shining for the world to see. Maybe you could sell a nice piece of it to Justin of Black Opal Direct so I can see its whole story. Huh guys?
When does the cutting video come out? I know you can cut some, love to watch!
Probably have some cutting stuff soon!
It's getting really hot on opal fields now so hopefully do some cutting out of the heat!
Really disappointed Discovery doesnt put new episodes on their app. Ive got to wait for youtube. Nice finds as always Mates.
You will find the one ...That life changing pocket is coming....you deserve it...Rod and les too...
Nice looking operation for a two man crew. I hope you get somewhere near the price Rod quoted. You both certainly worked hard for that opal!
Take care and consider wearing (at least) n95 masks when you're digging and kicking up a ton of dust.
It's been a moment since we've heard from you guys! Glad that your still digging away and don't worry that big seam will show up! And remember (BEER IS PROOF THAT GOD LOVES MAN)
Nothing better than having a beer after coming up from underground for the day!
nice finds
Nice work
So glad to see another video! I was about to delete your channel because I was thinking you gave up on it!!! So glad to see you haven’t and great to see you’re still mining!!!!
Sorry about that! Sometimes it takes some time! Hopefully we are bit quicker in the future
@@younggunsopalhunters now that I know you’re going to still be doing videos, I will wait patiently for the next one!! I absolutely love your channel and how hard you all work. Sending you all positive energies for the Opal Gods and Goddesses to bless you with a mega score of high end Opal!!!
Well done boys. nice material. good on ya mate
I don’t think ole les knows he’s the fan favorite. We all were rooting for him time and time again.
Keep the videos coming.....
It looks more like Poche that Opal. Some of it has some good color but much of it is grey and dull i.e. low-grade opal. Of course, that's better than no opal.
I love how Australia is still so primitive that blacklights are considered technology
i didnt recognize les until he started mumbeling xDDD respect for ron for taking care of the old man
Onya lads!!
That’s so beautiful! You are living a life that I would love to live. But, since I can’t I appreciate the living daylights out of your efforts on video. I’m so glad you are all there together. I pray for your safety and since I do care I have to ask do you love Jesus Christ? You have the right initials for it JC! I love you guys and I want you to be safe in every way. So take a pause and think about it. It’s only a question. At 46 years of age I was paralyzed from the chest down and I had no hope for anything but I had Jesus Christ in my heart and I am still alive and sitting down at nearly 70 years old now. God is spelled HOPE. I love you guys and I pray that you stay safe and sound. It’s a beautiful gift, life is. So is opal.
Nice chunks ey... Not much color in the large pieces tho it looks like ... Obv cant fully judge the material till its cut