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No Game No Life (light novel)
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Jun 4, 2014 5:52 AM

Nov 2011
Well that was quite something. Good to see Sora again.

Poor Kurome. Looks like she got involved too. But anyways, overall decent episode. Ah, Shiro is proud of Sora :3

Jun 4, 2014 6:32 AM

Apr 2014
Good Episode ^~^ Glad that Sora is finally back in the equation. Now the waiting game begins all over again.
If you legitimately enjoyed this as a series then I honestly believe you need to reevaluate your definition of entertainment because watching tin foil blow in the wind probably is a way you kill time.

SolviteSekai said:
Lol wish fulfillment. It's always been my wish to be a greasy lolicon with a mullet who plays Civ all day every day.

He got me.
Jun 4, 2014 6:48 AM
Jun 2011
this was a creepy episode but at least sora came back and they ready for the game
Jun 4, 2014 6:56 AM

Aug 2013
Only lunatics will play a game with their own existence as the bet.

Once again i'm satisfied with this game. The way they handled it is really superb.
Jun 4, 2014 7:03 AM
Jun 2011
if not for shiro do the last move he would lost the game and his own existence
Jun 4, 2014 7:06 AM

Dec 2011
Oh, they cut the scene where Sora intimidated about Kurumi's existance Q.Q

Gotta love NGNL
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Jun 4, 2014 8:09 AM
Oct 2012
Nice episode, better troll. I love the fact that the writer and producer know what the naysayers are saying and having a lovely time playing with them. From the fake nudity nudity to this scene, lots of fun.
Jun 4, 2014 8:31 AM

Feb 2008
Quite good episode :D

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 4, 2014 8:58 AM

Mar 2013
Kinda wished they added more detail from the novels but understandable that they had to cut some details to save time for the match against the warbeasts since its only 1 cour. I strongly suggest people go back and read this part in the novel since it has alot of dialogue covering what was going on in depth.
Jun 4, 2014 8:59 AM

Jan 2014
I was worried about how they were gonna adapt this part but it feels right for the anime! :)
Jun 4, 2014 9:03 AM
Jan 2014
There was some amazing teamwork in this episode, thats for sure. The OST fit the scenes perfectly. The ending mislead me for a second there, lol. It was pretty good.
Jun 4, 2014 9:03 AM

May 2012
Sora is fucking crazy.

Wow This episode was amazing. I thought they were playing against the eastern federation, but I was way off. That first part was really creepy. I thought my boy sora was really gone. Or that he lost. That bet was really crazy. Seems like Sora and Shiro are really one and the same. Happy that Kurumi and Fel are part of the team now.

5/5 can't give this nothing less.
Jun 4, 2014 9:07 AM

Jun 2009
I felt they cut a bit too much from the LN, but I guess it can't be helped, since they're pressed for time. Wish they could've spent at least one more episode, to flesh out all the thought and deduction behind Sora's disappearance, but ah well.

Edit: still an enjoyable episode, Madhouse did well with the time they had, esp since they're trying to finish volume 3 by episode 12.
Jun 4, 2014 9:07 AM

Mar 2014
By far the best ep so far. 5/5
Everybody has the right to have his own opinion on something.And you do have the right to disagree with them.But that doesnt give you the right to impose your opinion on others, even though you do have the right to think you are fucking awesome.
Jun 4, 2014 9:08 AM

Aug 2013
Great end to that cliffhanger I'll say! I can't wait to see how the rest of the show now that Kurami and the elf are on their side!
Jun 4, 2014 9:11 AM

Jun 2013
Sora's back, awesome episode again. Nice to see everything worked out in the game.
Jun 4, 2014 9:16 AM

Aug 2007
Good ep. I wish they showed more of the match but oh well. Well finally he got the last piece to fight the warbeasts now. I can't wait for that match now!

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Jun 4, 2014 9:24 AM

Oct 2011
Alright, two things I still don't get:

- how did Shiro go from "the last piece we need" to "an elf"?
- what did Sora mean with "we are not shounen manga protagonists"?
Jun 4, 2014 9:24 AM

Aug 2010
Amazing! Props to MH for knowing what to cut out and what to leave.

They kept the emotions intact and the siblings bond was fully depicted here. Really beautiful :*)

Sora is just one friggin crazy bastard for making that bet though XD Kurami saying "Kuruteru" about him was totally true XD

He was giving some serious bad guy vibes there hehe.

The way Shiro figured out everything from his location (it was even more emotional in the LN) to the steps he played til this moment was epic!

He friggin gave Shiro priority over his existence leaving the pieces that represent her memories til the end T^T

What a bet though, leaving his memories in Kurami's mind so she can trust him. Respect!

The way Sora and Shiro cried their hearts out at the end was So lol XD
Jun 4, 2014 9:26 AM

May 2013
This was a good episode. Sora and Shiro reunite again. Interesting bet that Sora proposed for the game. Must've been scary. Now Kurumi is on their side.
Jun 4, 2014 9:26 AM

Jul 2013
another cliffhanger, which well have to look forward to another week
Jun 4, 2014 9:30 AM

Jun 2009
crevette said:
Alright, two things I still don't get:

- how did Shiro go from "the last piece we need" to "an elf"?
- what did Sora mean with "we are not shounen manga protagonists"?

The elf bit you'll find out later

As for the bit about not being manga protagonists,
Jun 4, 2014 9:31 AM

Nov 2012
Dayum, indeed one has to be nuts to just bet his/her existence unless you know what cards to play.

Needs a rewatch for me to understand better...anyway 5/5

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Jun 4, 2014 9:31 AM

Dec 2012
Sora and Shiro is back!

I love how Shiro figured out the situation. Blank really won't lose in any game.
Jun 4, 2014 9:33 AM
Feb 2014
well that was shit and uneventful
I only read books i have already read
Jun 4, 2014 9:36 AM

Jul 2012
Sora is the best gurl xD
Jun 4, 2014 9:36 AM

Jan 2014
I enjoyed this episode quite a lot. Shiro's thought process is simply amazing. This show enver fails to amaze me. I already knew the person he was playing against would be Kurumi I just didn't expect the game to still be ongoing.

Can't wait to see how he uses the elf to beat the warbeasts.
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Jun 4, 2014 9:38 AM

Nov 2013
crevette said:
Alright, two things I still don't get:
- how did Shiro go from "the last piece we need" to "an elf"?

If I remember correctly, the though path was a little different in the LN. Jibril went to confirm with the other races if Sora really existed. Having confirmed he existed, and that the game with the Eastern Federation was still to be scheduled, there was only one more race able/willing to intervene at this point.

crevette said:
- what did Sora mean with "we are not shounen manga protagonists"?

Again I may be saying something wrong here since I already forgot all the details, but I believe it had something to do with the need of allies. Shounen manga protagonists do everything alone, however there was still a need for one last piece in order to win the game against the Eastern Federation. In this case, a allie was needed. Joining the dots, Shiro figured out that the elves were behind the memory lapse, and there was only one elf who had some chance to be called a ally... the one who accompanied Kurami during the king tournament game.
DarkMoonWolfJun 4, 2014 10:28 AM
Personal tastes are like peoples behinds, each one has its own,
and only those who wants to find [...] will smell one another.

Jun 4, 2014 9:49 AM

Nov 2013
uran10 said:
Can't wait to see how he uses the elf to beat the warbeasts.

I'm going to be honest... It's gonna be sly, and unexpected.

However right now I'm more interested in the game against Izuna. Now that's gonna be probably the best episode of this show!!!

Really can't wait to see it!!!
DarkMoonWolfJun 4, 2014 10:00 AM
Personal tastes are like peoples behinds, each one has its own,
and only those who wants to find [...] will smell one another.

Jun 4, 2014 9:50 AM
Aug 2013
The chess game in the beginning is messed up. Shiro was already in checkmate - she couldn't have made another move.

End Nitpick.
Jun 4, 2014 9:53 AM

Jun 2010
Damn. That was too fucking next level. Sora knew Shiro wouldn't fail!

Kurami finally added to Sora's harem.

But man, really nice directing of the episode. So good.
Jun 4, 2014 9:54 AM

Sep 2013
Zell x Elf <3

Elves have powerful magic that even the Flugel can't stop :O
Jun 4, 2014 9:55 AM

Apr 2010
Once again Sora shows how awesome of a tactician he is.
Jun 4, 2014 9:57 AM

May 2014
this episode made me so emotional for some reason.

it was a great episode xD
Jun 4, 2014 9:57 AM

Apr 2013
This show is just too god damn boss. There was some next level shit going on in this "existence" game. Just when I thought that it would be difficult for the games and bets to get more interesting, Madhouse and company surprise me and come through once again.

I really loved the bond and trust that this episode showed between the siblings. "Blank never loses." And Sora is just one crazy sob. Using all this to gain Kurumi's trust and Fi's help. Only he could pull this shit off. I can't wait for the final battle against the warbeasts.

And I want there to be a confirmation for a second season at the end of episode 12. No need to wait a few months to announce it, Madhouse. Do the right thing.
dankzelJun 4, 2014 10:01 AM
Jun 4, 2014 9:59 AM

Oct 2010
Man we really need more shows like this. I love all the plotting ahead. I really didnt see this coming.
Jun 4, 2014 10:04 AM

Jun 2009
TwilitHero said:
The chess game in the beginning is messed up. Shiro was already in checkmate - she couldn't have made another move.

End Nitpick.

It was only Check, not checkmate.
Jun 4, 2014 10:06 AM

Sep 2007
Another remarkable episode. The intelligence of this series is through the roof!

Jun 4, 2014 10:08 AM
Aug 2013
blennus said:
TwilitHero said:
The chess game in the beginning is messed up. Shiro was already in checkmate - she couldn't have made another move.

End Nitpick.

It was only Check, not checkmate.

There was no way for Shiro to move out of check, therefore checkmate.

Even if Shiro was just in check her checkmate would still be an illegal move.
Jun 4, 2014 10:10 AM
Apr 2013
When this season began, 4 shows were hotly anticipated by the fanbase:

The Irregular at Magical High School
Ping Pong the Animation
Knights of Sidonia and
No Game No Life

Two of the above shows were overhyped nonsense, the other two lived up to the hype and then some (Ping Pong the Animation). Guess which overhyped show I just dropped?

This show deserves extra special imagery to describe it. It's like staring at a dead body: you may have one or two thoughts but the activity (staring at a dead body) itself is pretty darn boring. Suddenly the dead body goes and voids its bowels right there in front of you like "Prrrrrftuftuftuftuftuf!!" and "woah!!!", you're so surprised you mistaken your reaction for a thrill.

That's pretty much No Game No Life. Long stretches of boring punctuated by empty thrills (the BGM and SFX are responsible for that).

Nine episodes are enough, I think.

"No Entertainment No Watch"
ollythirteenJun 4, 2014 10:14 AM

Jun 4, 2014 10:11 AM

Jul 2009
So, they gained an ally who knows everything about them, and will therefore be able to predict what they're going to do/what they want/need. And the elf.

I think the reason for why Sora wants the right to alter Fil's memories, is that he'll send both of them to challenge the warbeasts, and probably lose at that time ,but they won't be able to alter Fil's memories, so she'll remember everything about the game, and that'll be vital to win for Sora & Shiro.
(And by reading further comments, i think that's either what'll happen, or they'll accompany them and there'll be only one game)
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

Jun 4, 2014 10:17 AM
Feb 2014
ollythirteen said:
When this season began, 4 shows were hotly anticipated by the fanbase:

The Irregular at Magical High School
Ping Pong the Animation
Knights of Sidonia and
No Game No Life

Two of the above shows were overhyped nonsense, the other two lived up to the hype and then some (Ping Pong the Animation). Guess which overhyped show I just dropped?

This show deserves extra special imagery to describe it. It's like staring at a dead body: you may have one or two thoughts but the activity (staring at a dead body) itself is pretty darn boring. Suddenly the dead body goes and voids its bowels right there in front of you like "Prrrrrftuftuftuftuftuf!!" and "woah!!!", you're so surprised you mistaken your reaction for a thrill.

That's pretty much No Game No Life. Long stretches of boring punctuated by empty thrills (the BGM and SFX are responsible for that).

Well sorry to point that out to you but NGNL was FAR from hyped...its announcement thread had 4 pages... xD

Nope it build its hype up by what it delivered, whether you like that or not.

Also I would like you to point out some examples for your opinion, cuz you write this like a fact ;-)
Jun 4, 2014 10:19 AM

Jun 2008
All the nits I could be picking...
What they did adapt, was adapted mostly gloriously, but what they left out leaves me in tears. Like how noone actualy knew what the pieces contained until they took it back from their foes (because if you play the piece, you don't know what you bet, if it gets taken, you forget it ever existed, then if you take it back, you remember it again).

Also, note: for Sora, Shiro, and his trust in her is more important than his very being.

Things I sort of missed:
The little monologue parts of Sora during Shiro's detective work, where he kept reciting who he was to try to make an assesment of what he might have lost; like:

The scene, where Sora tried to become a woman, so that him entering the bath during group bathing wouldn't be 18+
Jibril's journey to the Eastern Union to confirm, that [ ]'s challengers had two people.
Jibril offering her head as apology for having ever doubted Shiro:

And they didn't show the core of the Materializing Shiritori (modified) being destroyed.

And yes, I did just list most of my gripes again... But what can you expect? I soddin' love the series, and I want it to be even better...

Though the way how they made the setup to crying part all suggestive earn kudos to Madhouse... But really, those guys have so many of those, they could burn it for winter, and have no problems for the next century...
Jun 4, 2014 10:21 AM

Jun 2009
TwilitHero said:

There was no way for Shiro to move out of check, therefore checkmate.

Even if Shiro was just in check her checkmate would still be an illegal move.

Wait... you were actually looking at the pieces on the board? I can't tell where all the pieces are from those few close ups. I was just quoting what Jibril was saying. If that's the case hat's off to you sir.

GreenDrag said:

What they did adapt, was adapted mostly gloriously, but what they left out leaves me in tears.

I know how you feel. Wish they had had more time to adapt more from the LN.
blennusJun 4, 2014 10:24 AM
Jun 4, 2014 10:24 AM
Apr 2013
Caleb8980 said:
ollythirteen said:
When this season began, 4 shows were hotly anticipated by the fanbase:

The Irregular at Magical High School
Ping Pong the Animation
Knights of Sidonia and
No Game No Life

Two of the above shows were overhyped nonsense, the other two lived up to the hype and then some (Ping Pong the Animation). Guess which overhyped show I just dropped?

This show deserves extra special imagery to describe it. It's like staring at a dead body: you may have one or two thoughts but the activity (staring at a dead body) itself is pretty darn boring. Suddenly the dead body goes and voids its bowels right there in front of you like "Prrrrrftuftuftuftuftuf!!" and "woah!!!", you're so surprised you mistaken your reaction for a thrill.

That's pretty much No Game No Life. Long stretches of boring punctuated by empty thrills (the BGM and SFX are responsible for that).

Well sorry to point that out to you but NGNL was FAR from hyped...its announcement thread had 4 pages... xD

Nope it build its hype up by what it delivered, whether you like that or not.

Also I would like you to point out some examples for your opinion, cuz you write this like a fact ;-)

When "Kill la Kill" was wrapping up and people began to look to the future (Spring Lineup 2014) all you heard about was either Mahouka or No Game No Life. You couldn't not hear about them due to, "scant" the upcoming season looked, entertainment-wise.

As for my opinion, it's just that: an opinion. It's how I feel after watching each episode; "dirty" and "embarrassed" for what hollow little moment "thrilled" me out of my bored stupor.

Hell, I don't even remember what happened in the episode and I just watched it.

I'm done now, though (stating my opinion, but yeah, also with this show).


Jun 4, 2014 10:25 AM

Jul 2013
Shiro being left alone was heartbreaking. Glad they're back together :3

I wonder what they need the Elf for?
Jun 4, 2014 10:26 AM
Feb 2014
GreenDrag said:
All the nits I could be picking...
What they did adapt, was adapted mostly gloriously, but what they left out leaves me in tears. Like how noone actualy knew what the pieces contained until they took it back from their foes (because if you play the piece, you don't know what you bet, if it gets taken, you forget it ever existed, then if you take it back, you remember it again).

Also, note: for Sora, Shiro, and his trust in her is more important than his very being.

Things I sort of missed:
The little monologue parts of Sora during Shiro's detective work, where he kept reciting who he was to try to make an assesment of what he might have lost; like:

The scene, where Sora tried to become a woman, so that him entering the bath during group bathing wouldn't be 18+
Jibril's journey to the Eastern Union to confirm, that [ ]'s challengers had two people.
Jibril offering her head as apology for having ever doubted Shiro:

And they didn't show the core of the Materializing Shiritori (modified) being destroyed.

And yes, I did just list most of my gripes again... But what can you expect? I soddin' love the series, and I want it to be even better...

Though the way how they made the setup to crying part all suggestive earn kudos to Madhouse... But really, those guys have so many of those, they could burn it for winter, and have no problems for the next century...

As much as I agree with you but Sora said that both players don't know what the numbers on the pieces stood for until they lost it.
Around 12:00 to be precise ;-)

EDIT: As for the throne room flashback I guess apart from timing restrictions they also wanted to make this episode nearly 100% serious
Caleb8980Jun 4, 2014 10:32 AM
Jun 4, 2014 10:27 AM
Dec 2012
Another great episode! To bad that the part where Kurami wonders, after receiving some of Sora's memories, how did go trough such an experience (not specified what experience) without going crazy, was left out. Maybe they will mention something about it in the next episode?

Well until the next episode.

As for the Chess thing - after the Check Shiro protected her King. Not sure but then a few other moves were played (1-3) before Shiro Checkmated.
Jun 4, 2014 10:30 AM

Jun 2008
ollythirteen said:
When "Kill la Kill" was wrapping up and people began to look to the future (Spring Lineup 2014) all you heard about was either Mahouka or No Game No Life. You couldn't not hear about them due to, "scant" the upcoming season looked, entertainment-wise.

As for my opinion, it's just that: an opinion. It's how I feel after watching each episode; "dirty" and "embarrassed" for what hollow little moment "thrilled" me out of my bored stupor.

Hell, I don't even remember what happened in the episode and I just watched it.

I'm done now, though (stating my opinion, but yeah, also with this show).


Most of the places I frequent, NGNL went by unnoticed, or was barely even mentioned You must have been moving in circles, that already knew what they were getting into (ie: readers of the novel), and thus you were getting the "all you hear about" feeling.
Jun 4, 2014 10:31 AM

Nov 2012
As someone that read the novel i know that they cut some parts that made this part even more epic.

But i can actually understand they cutting it to make it in time,since theres only 3 episodes remaining for this anime they can't afford to do more than that, i don't blame they, it was perfect executed the way it was anyway.


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