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Angel Beats! Specials
Angel Beats! Specials
Apr 14, 2016 9:18 PM
Completed 2/2 · Scored 7
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Apr 14, 2016 8:56 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
May 8, 2012 1:46 AM
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VampireLord1024 Sep 14, 2024 9:58 PM
KaizukaZekrom Jan 19, 2021 5:07 PM
knock knock
dadayLippy Oct 15, 2018 3:03 AM
dadayLippy May 3, 2016 5:42 AM
Oh man this notice totally caught me by surprise and I totally didn't expect to receive a post-it from an old friend!
I had to reflect on our past conversations to reassemble the images back from our days haha :) Yeah, great thanks and assist to the Com2com.
And hey, looks like someone's Japanese has improved significantly over these blank years! What, you can write and comprehend those adjectives and jyukugos now? Might as well exchange in japanese now if that's convenient for you haha
Nah, I just came back after my long vacation off this community just about in March.
Hopefully I can still keep up with the flows around here... though I've still been devoting time on animes here and there at some point in the years passed. Wait till my anime&manga implodes after my update lol xD

Archaeon May 11, 2012 2:26 PM
[C] was an interesting concept, but poorly executed. The premise would have provided an excellent foundation for something a little more straightforward - an anime version of the 1980's movie Wall Street for example.

Instead the decision was made to take the story in a somewhat ridiculous direction,
MillaMaxwell May 8, 2012 3:25 PM
I see, so I should read the novels mostly, right? And K-On - I would never watch. It doesn't seems interesting... Anyways, Hyouka is kinda boring, the mysteries have no interest at all.

Oh, that is a secret... But well, I suppose you will support me about the celebrity thing, yes? You are such a sweet man after all... Do you sing at all?

I like challenges. Basically, difficult things intrigue me in a way. And I am also very competitive.

Oh my... You just need a lovely embrace & your heart will heal.

It is fine, are you doing well in college?
guyklc May 8, 2012 10:15 AM
你的意思是電腦程序語言? 連我都沒修過C, 只懂得一點C++. 程序語言如果一搞不懂的話就會很難再跟上.
Animezinghayden May 8, 2012 5:01 AM
A fellow Stein;s Gate and Jun Maeda/ Key Fanatic!!!
Suffice to say I love your style ;)

RealityEX May 3, 2012 6:04 PM
Oh...I thought it was obvious already. Lol, my family is chinese and I came to the U.S. from Chengdu when I was 5 years old. So naturally, I am expected to have a fundamental grasp on the language, but I also think it is important for the future, since China's economy is becoming more significant daily.

As for the anime dub, things just made more sense to me when I heard it in Chinese, so I was able to associate with the meaning more. The voice quality for both languages is good either way. Hmm, I can speak Chinese casually, but writing it is still a chore.
RealityEX Apr 25, 2012 7:03 PM
Yeah, I don't mind checking out anohana in the future, though I am usually busy with a ton of stuff this quarter in college.

I will definitely agree with you that chinese is difficult. However, I think it's also because I never had a proper learning foundation for the language. When I was a child, I had to read chinese short stories for either chinese school or for my parents. I only came to know much of the language through rote memorization of the kanji. In other words, I did not really get a formal education in the grammar and historical meanings of the language.

Of course, by the time I transferred to guy's class, AP chinese was more about understanding chinese articles and writing essays, so it was kind of too late for grammar/character meanings. can tell I had to use the dictionary a lot.

Fortunately, I've taken a few japanese classes and I've come to better understand some of the historical meanings and roots of basic kanji.

Speaking of which, I have enjoyed anime that has been dubbed in chinese immensely, maybe because I can understand them better than in japanese. However, they are harder for me to find online.
MillaMaxwell Apr 24, 2012 4:57 AM
Indeed, the shipping inside China is extremely cheap after all or even free sometimes. Bungaku Shoujo? I am going to watch the anime... It has some nice designs. Speaking of BS, will you watch Hyouka? They say it is similar and also... You can't miss it since it is made by KyoAni and it has some voice actors of Clannad...

How interesting. You can be both a teacher & author, you know. Just start easy by teaching. Ah yes, I am a student... But like you said, celebrity is better. Maybe you could try it too.

Yes, there are various schools for Chinese... But I've never been to one. Although they say that Chinese will be very important for the future.

How arrogant they are, then. Actually, I've never thought of that - To put myself in the hero/heroine's situation. I am just watching, I guess. On the other hand, you must love the character a lot, too.

Mirai Nikki? I read the manga but personally I did not like it. But Yuuno, eh... You like yandere too?
MillaMaxwell Apr 18, 2012 3:40 AM
Not at all; My other friends rather entertain me in a different way... Well, they drag me around to various places for fun.

So cute. Yes, I like taobao, I also buy some japanese manga from there through an agency. Well, I wouldn't say it is famous in Europe... But personally, I like it so much. There are other good places like taobao?

Really? So you are a teacher? Now that is more interesting... I will keep that on mind. Say, are you a strict teacher? And well, I do not want to study anything. Basically I need to become a celebrity, rofl.

No, do not say that... It has to do with the person, rather the nationality. Of course, if someone were to say something about you, I would protect you. ~
Anyway, nowadays European people learn Chinese since they are planning to work at China, etc. Actually, I've seen more people learning Chinese than Japanese...

Yes, I find it more intriguing. Well, warmth stories are nice too, but I am not a sensitive person. People said that they were crying in Clannad:AS and I didn't cry a bit. I guess there is something wrong with me, haha.

RealityEX Apr 18, 2012 1:17 AM
Air, Kanon, Clannad, and Angel Beats were all very impressive works. Then again, I tend to have to a soft spot for the art style used in the anime. Btw, guyklc is my friend and we both took Chinese classes together. Thats how I noticed your profile. :)
guyklc Apr 17, 2012 10:54 AM
我正在玩. 真的好長喔!
MillaMaxwell Apr 14, 2012 4:15 PM
I have no problem. Basically, if you treat me nice, I shall also treat you nice.

Ah, so you are good at understanding Japanese by listening. Well, I wouldn't know for all of Europeans... But I think mainly anime fans. My friends are not anime fans at all-- They have no clue what anime are, so they barely know Japan.

Indeed, I see kanji as drawings too. That's also the way they told us to memorize them. Anyway, I can easily recognize the Kanji radicals... For example, the kanji of 'watashi' comes from the kanji of 'hito'. I think it's easier to get used to them if you read raw manga like I do.

No, why would you say that? Just because of some weaboos? China is a great economic giant and it has a great history. I think you should be proud of your country. Of course I do, China has also Taobao, if you know it. Maybe I should go to China, now that I am thinking.

5000? Wow dear, you must be very intelligent. Yes, but I need a tutor like yourself - Plus you are cute.
Oh so, if I go to China they will worship me?

Depends which European country... For example, Finland or Greece are very expensive to live. What are you planning to do over here? Some specific job?

At least I hope Rewrite will be made by KyoAni. Little Busters I do not care that much, the story hasn't impressed me much...
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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