Straight Men Who Make Out Or Have Sex With A Gay Guy When They're Drunk

I mean according to the rules of consent, depending on how drunk said straight man is, I wouldnt call him potentially gay or bi, but maybe a victim...
But assuming he's "not drunk enough to not consent"( guarantee that phrase will definitely bite some of you guys with daughters in the ass in a special way), yeah definitely some degree of homo/bicuriousness going on there.
And no, Ive never thought of having sex with another man, becaaise I dont find the male form(or genitalia) attractive on any level.
It’s the “I kissed a girl, and I liked it” principle.

Got drunk or just wanted to see? Found out for sure that it wasn’t for you? I think you could still consider yourself straight.

“Liked it”? You’re probably a little gay.
When this happens are the straight men now Bi or Gay? As straight man have you thought of having sex with another man?
To answer your second question No

As for the first question everyone has already answered it well enough.
When this happens are the straight men now Bi or Gay? As straight man have you thought of having sex with another man?

that would not be a straight man. that would be a gay man, or a bisexual man.

Straight men are not attracted to men, and do not do sexual acts with men. That's the exact opposite of the definition of being a straight man.