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Tell us what you like and dislike about Goblin Slayer without using the words "SJW" and "edgy"

Goblin Slayer (light novel)
Available on Manga Store
Oct 13, 2018 6:42 PM

Mar 2010
As the title suggests. Feel free to criticise and/or praise the show objectively.

And no toxicity.

Let's be kind to each other and reply to another person's post with respect~.

Please keep it in mind, we are not here to discuss why this show gets a lot of hate or to defend/attack anyone's opinions ruthlessly. The purpose of this thread is to have a discussion about the show itself.
RythmeOct 15, 2018 4:01 PM

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Oct 13, 2018 6:45 PM

May 2014
i like the rape scenes it fulfils a fantasy of mine
Oct 13, 2018 6:49 PM

Dec 2013
I've replied to this so many times I'm just going to quote myself.
NthDegree said:
This again? *sigh*

Compelling fantasy world? You mean that generic not-game-but-totally-is setting with "adventurers" and a ton of RPG tropes that almost every fantasy world uses nowadays? And tension in fights? Pfft. GS just throws a bunch of totally disposable party memebers at us and then expects us to be invested despite completely forgetting to give us a reason to care about them. And speaking of pandering, what was that gratuitous violence and rape about? Because we have no reason to care about the characters, it served no narrative purpose other than being misery porn for people who like that.
Oct 13, 2018 6:50 PM

Nov 2016
I like How its not Afraid to Show Dark themes like Other Anime Out there. For Example If it was Done by David Pro it would have had Perfect Animation but Most of Episode 1 Would've been Censored like the first (TV) realease of all jojo parts.

I liked the protagonist even though I know it wll become anoying after a While. Its Kinda like the Anime form of the Moth/lamp or Printer/Magenta memes. Funy or Cool at first but then it becomes annoying.

Without Love, the truth cannot be seen.
Oct 13, 2018 6:58 PM

Aug 2012
Afloo said:
I like How its not Afraid to Show Dark themes like Other Anime Out there. For Example If it was Done by David Pro it would have had Perfect Animation but Most of Episode 1 Would've been Censored like the first (TV) realease of all jojo parts.

I liked the protagonist even though I know it wll become anoying after a While. Its Kinda like the Anime form of the Moth/lamp or Printer/Magenta memes. Funy or Cool at first but then it becomes annoying.

Is the Tv station that put the censure, not the studio.
Oct 13, 2018 6:59 PM
Apr 2017
GOblin Slayer himself is kinda cool, everything else about the show is generic and by the books but Gs himself is kinda intimidating and badass at least
Oct 13, 2018 7:23 PM

Oct 2017
It isn't impressive at all. Most people are making a big deal out of it due to the "rape scenes."
Oct 13, 2018 10:36 PM

Jan 2018
I like how they set up Goblin Slayers motive, I feel like it would be a pretty common reaction for most people, considering what the goblins do. It also just feels different, takes big risks where other shows may shy away from.

I think my main problem that a lot of people can agree on, is the decision to make Goblin Slayer full CG sometimes. I don't get why they do that, really annoying. If anyone knows why, it'd be nice to know.

I can understand why people may not like it (rape scenes, GS getting old), but I feel like some reactions can be overblown sometimes (they do warn people at the beginning of the show that it's dark, and tbh, a lot of things are unfortunately generic nowadays :/)
Oct 13, 2018 10:52 PM

Dec 2017
I like the Goblin Slayers character. He is smart, efficient, relentless. His power come from knowledge, not superpower. His motive is somewhat generic (vengence, whole family is killed, etc) but that is fine.
Oct 13, 2018 10:57 PM

Feb 2015
Username23489023 said:
I like that they took a group of people, muslims, and just renamed them goblins, and no one realizes it. "Goblins" move into a white european county, start burning shit down and and kidnapping and raping girls, since, you know, they are just white slags to them. Only in this series, there is a Tommy Robinson figure, that is actually supported by the local government, who goes around removing this trash from society.

Congrats that's the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever read on these forums. I presume your trolling because if your serious you've got issues.
Oct 13, 2018 11:00 PM

Jan 2016
Goblin Slayer is badass. That's the main reason.
Oct 13, 2018 11:00 PM

Jul 2014
i like the anime personally though not my favorite in this season. Previously, i once was arguing with a person who said the rape scene is too much and he can't handle it, but then i checked his anime list and there are some hentai anime with story (because story in hentai is just an addition people won't care) in his list, such Inma Saiden, Kite, and Demon Invasion which i think he is being hypocriate..
Oct 13, 2018 11:12 PM
Aug 2018
The overall quality is just mediocre at best imho.
Oct 13, 2018 11:16 PM

Mar 2017
Lunatic, Mass Murder, Bestially, Slavery, and Incest are okay for me (might even be good). But rape is a no-no. People who enjoy it are sick in the brain. - "Sincerely everyone in my social media group"

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Oct 13, 2018 11:28 PM

Mar 2016
They should have at least showed the nipples of the girls, totally unsatisfying.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
ArdanazOct 14, 2018 12:35 PM
Oct 13, 2018 11:31 PM
Aug 2017
Blessed_ said:
Lunatic, Mass Murder, Bestially, Slavery, and Incest are okay for me (might even be good). But rape is a no-no. People who enjoy it are sick in the brain. - "Sincerely everyone in my social media group"

What the hell is this supposed to mean?
Oct 13, 2018 11:35 PM

Mar 2017
Vivir said:
Blessed_ said:
Lunatic, Mass Murder, Bestially, Slavery, and Incest are okay for me (might even be good). But rape is a no-no. People who enjoy it are sick in the brain. - "Sincerely everyone in my social media group"

What the hell is this supposed to mean?

That's that.

Many people telling me or everyone that like the show that we are straight up psycho, yet they watch the show which has one or more the other traits and some of them enjoy the show.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 13, 2018 11:41 PM

Apr 2014
cow girl voice was crap and annoying.
it not R-rate anime.
soundtrack pretty much generic
manga and LN also Better.
Oct 13, 2018 11:43 PM

Feb 2017
I hardly see dark animes that properly deliver an oh shit moment. Most of the times it's cheesy with a scream. However, the first episode showed a knife going through the lower half, rape, butcher, and the screams. My god, it reminded me of the scene from "Made in Abyss" where Riko was screaming in pain, and Regu was flustered. I kind of dislike how adventurers survive through coincidences and "sudden" motivation. That's like going to battle, being ambushed, then suddenly an artillery strike saves the day. No. Shit happens, and it sucks.

Also, most adventure animes tend to have characters fight mindless monsters and come off with a few scratches. In this anime, shit goes down south, and that sudden turn of events is how adventures should be. Now, I'm not saying that this anime was good because it had a rape scene but think we can agree that the first episode was dark. I know that they can't stick to the manga, but I hope that they made it similar.
Oct 13, 2018 11:52 PM

Mar 2016
Longing4Abyss said:

sorry I'm just tired of all these pretend-women saying women hate goblin slayer

no, I meant that it's shocking you love that rape scene, just before, I was reading this in reddit

Somehow the fact that we don't see the rape explicitly makes it far worse for me. The fact that it shows the girl's face, with dead eyes accepting her fate made it horribly personable. As a woman it made it feel real and made me sick to my stomach. I watched berserk happily and never had a problem but that scene traumatised me and I turned off immediately.

while that girl got some consolation and a bit of support to her statement, your statement surprised me especially when you've stated that you're "turned-on"
Oct 13, 2018 11:54 PM

Mar 2017

Grimdark is not a criticism. Grimdark is an aesthetic. There's nothing wrong with grimdark. There is everything wrong with bad grimdark. And this show is bad grimdark. I have literally hundreds of Western fantasy literature works under my belt and this show fits the pattern of bad grimdark. It has the characteristics of everything bad grimdark has.

The first is that it absolutely refuses to hurt any of its main casts beyond backstory fluff and trauma that disappears quickly when the author doesn't need it anymore. I find that people tend to gravitate towards dark fantasy anime because they’re tired of the fluffy bunny shows. But that’s exactly what bad grimdark is, a fluffy bunny show wearing black paint. "Wolololo this is a dark gritty world and people get hurt, except out main characters because they're main characters". Lazy.

Good grimdark often takes from its characters, from loss of love ones, trauma, even mutilation. A character can lose a tongue or get gelded and his narrative moves towards how it affects him.

Two: bad grimdark, like most bad writing, is in a massive hurry to get to the good stuff of the story to the exclusion of all else and shot their pacing to bits along the way. They’re so scared of losing their audience because they have nothing else going on except shock and brutality. The moment they slow down for an introspective look, their rank garbage writing shows. They can rarely give a moment the clarity, hilarity, or gravity it deserves.

I mean for fuck’s sake, one of “grimdark” fantasies’ most popular and near peerless examples, A Song of Ice and Fire, didn’t start with rape, mutilation, and murder. It started through the POVs of a handful of highborn children, their mother, their father, and a drunken and witty dwarf. The children were fucking around in their ancestral castle, the parents were discussing politics and family, and the dwarf would have literally fucked around. And it’s thanks to the GRRM Reaper’s prose that they came alive in the pages of the first book.

The second criticism is that the action is butt-ugly. It refuses to use wide angle shots to properly convey the entirety of a fight. As I’ve said before, a fight is a synthesis: thesis and anti-thesis, action and reaction. Here, there’s still the tendency to have action occur in one frame, showing only one character, then the reaction in the next frame, showing the target. Refusing to show both action and reaction in one frame rids the viewer of a frame of reference to ground the action which ends up limiting the impact of a fight.

Here, I have several supplementary videos.

This is about action-comedy but it applies just as well to simple action. Skip to this part

And this one, for anime:

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Oct 14, 2018 12:00 AM

Jan 2018
Username23489023 said:
I like that they took a group of people, muslims, and just renamed them goblins, and no one realizes it. "Goblins" move into a white european county, start burning shit down and and kidnapping and raping girls, since, you know, they are just white slags to them. Only in this series, there is a Tommy Robinson figure, that is actually supported by the local government, who goes around removing this trash from society.

You could do this with anything:
I like that they took a group of people, european settlers of America, and just renamed them goblins, and no one realizes it. "Goblins" move into America, start burning shit down and kidnapping and raping girls, since, you know, they are just native slags to them. Only in this series, the native tribes remove this trash from society.

So it's not really about muslims, unless for some reason you want to interpret it that way. I've heard this argument before that goblin slayer somehow has a racist or discriminatory message, but goblins aren't a race, they are a different species. Otherwise you could say any fantasy story where creatures are killed is actually about racism.
Oct 14, 2018 12:10 AM

Jan 2017
My problem would be the lack of story and personality to the characters. From what the LN/manga people were saying and from what I've seen in the first episode, I just feel like there is nothing to the characters. The fact that they don't even get names makes me feel like they are only there to be tropes. Plus some plot holes I felt with the goblins and the whole world they were trying to build.
Oct 14, 2018 12:10 AM

Jan 2018
Eanki said:

Grimdark is not a criticism. Grimdark is an aesthetic. There's nothing wrong with grimdark. There is everything wrong with bad grimdark. And this show is bad grimdark. I have literally hundreds of Western fantasy literature works under my belt and this show fits the pattern of bad grimdark. It has the characteristics of everything bad grimdark has.

The first is that it absolutely refuses to hurt any of its main casts beyond backstory fluff and trauma that disappears quickly when the author doesn't need it anymore. I find that people tend to gravitate towards dark fantasy anime because they’re tired of the fluffy bunny shows. But that’s exactly what bad grimdark is, a fluffy bunny show wearing black paint. "Wolololo this is a dark gritty world and people get hurt, except out main characters because they're main characters". Lazy.

Good grimdark often takes from its characters, from loss of love ones, trauma, even mutilation. A character can lose a tongue or get gelded and his narrative moves towards how it affects him.

Two: bad grimdark, like most bad writing, is in a massive hurry to get to the good stuff of the story to the exclusion of all else and shot their pacing to bits along the way. They’re so scared of losing their audience because they have nothing else going on except shock and brutality. The moment they slow down for an introspective look, their rank garbage writing shows. They can rarely give a moment the clarity, hilarity, or gravity it deserves.

I mean for fuck’s sake, one of “grimdark” fantasies’ most popular and near peerless examples, A Song of Ice and Fire, didn’t start with rape, mutilation, and murder. It started through the POVs of a handful of highborn children, their mother, their father, and a drunken and witty dwarf. The children were fucking around in their ancestral castle, the parents were discussing politics and family, and the dwarf would have literally fucked around. And it’s thanks to the GRRM Reaper’s prose that they came alive in the pages of the first book.

The second criticism is that the action is butt-ugly. It refuses to use wide angle shots to properly convey the entirety of a fight. As I’ve said before, a fight is a synthesis: thesis and anti-thesis, action and reaction. Here, there’s still the tendency to have action occur in one frame, showing only one character, then the reaction in the next frame, showing the target. Refusing to show both action and reaction in one frame rids the viewer of a frame of reference to ground the action which ends up limiting the impact of a fight.

Here, I have several supplementary videos.

This is about action-comedy but it applies just as well to simple action. Skip to this part

And this one, for anime:

Damn Doofenschmirtz. You nailed that criticism.

I think in the second episode they really showed what you said about not having time for a moment of introspection. When they showed the backstory of Goblin slayer they did so with short flashbacks next to scenes of him preparing for battle, and then they quickly went on to the action. No time to let his emotions make an impact or anything.
Oct 14, 2018 12:19 AM
Jul 2018
Rythme said:
And no toxicity.

This Thread is the Toxicity OP.......
Oct 14, 2018 12:34 AM
Sep 2016
Skeptic said:
GOblin Slayer himself is kinda cool, everything else about the show is generic and by the books but Gs himself is kinda intimidating and badass at least

Only generic thing is here is your opinion which belong in bin.
Oct 14, 2018 12:43 AM

Oct 2017
Tuchari said:

You could do this with anything:
I like that they took a group of people, european settlers of America, and just renamed them goblins, and no one realizes it. "Goblins" move into America, start burning shit down and kidnapping and raping girls, since, you know, they are just native slags to them. Only in this series, the native tribes remove this trash from society.

Most indians were nomadic, moving with the weather and animals. No real towns to burn down. Settlers were christian puritans, who did not believe in rape (hence the current atmosphere of rape being bad). So, they didn't burn shit down, or kidnap and rape indian girls. The settlers fought off indians and set up boundaries, annexing large swaths of land that previously did not have boundaries. The anime that best fits this would be the gate one, where the indigenous people of magicland were dominated by the japanese and their modern weaponry. Though that doesn't fit well either, they had midevil euro style towns, not the nomadic type indians had.

goblins aren't a race, they are a different species.
Ah, that's the same logic the whites used to try and eliminate blacks through eugenics programs back in the 1920s.
Oct 14, 2018 12:44 AM

Jan 2018
I love it because I was sick of harem, ecchi, comedy type of shows. I finally found a dark fantasy show that isn't afraid of showing. I don't give a crap what other people think of the show and they can call me a bad person who enjoys sickening things and blah blah blah... Like I said, don't give a crap.
Oct 14, 2018 1:21 AM
May 2014
I'm not a teenager. So the edge just doesn't do it for me. Outside of that it's just meh. Not bad, but not great. Seems pretty generic thus far so it's more of a time filler anime. Great if you have hours a day to burn, but if you only got a few hours to watch anime a week then it's not really worth filling the time with.

I frankly don't care about the controversy since I always find it funny you can show people getting brutally murdered in horrific ways, but you show any kind of sexual assault and that's what actually pisses people off.

If you don't like it go watch something else. But at the end of the day not really seeing anything unique or overly interesting.
YokaSolOct 14, 2018 1:53 AM
Oct 14, 2018 2:08 AM

Apr 2018
I dislike Goblin Slayer because people are praising it as a "dark fantasy." Most of those people probably don't even know what a dark fantasy even is. Goblin Slayer is nothing more than ostentatious shock value. I don't mind rape scenes, I don't mind violence, I don't mind horror-like elements... as long as they are all executed in a tasteful manner and have a narrative purpose.

I have no reason to care for the characters in the first episode since it is so blatantly obvious they only exist to die. It's all just shock value. Goblin Slayer is not dark. Dark is when a piece of fiction actually has something meaningful to say - it is something that makes you think and genuinely fear. There are dark anime and manga, such as Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, Berserk, Houseki no Kuni, etc. So, what does Goblin Slayer have to say? Goblins are evil... because goblins. It's just too black and white; it feels more like a children's story.

Overall, it seems that Goblin Slayer is just another generic seasonal anime: much like Re:Zero was before it, and SAO before that. Eventually the hype will die down.

Now, I don't care if you like Goblin Slayer. Opinions are opinions, after all, and you have every right to enjoy this series if you want to. I'll respect your opinions as long as you respect mine. With that said, I do think fans of the series should accept criticism. All my criticism is of the series itself and is in no way a personal attack against fans.
Oct 14, 2018 2:10 AM

Jan 2018
Username23489023 said:
Tuchari said:

You could do this with anything:
I like that they took a group of people, european settlers of America, and just renamed them goblins, and no one realizes it. "Goblins" move into America, start burning shit down and kidnapping and raping girls, since, you know, they are just native slags to them. Only in this series, the native tribes remove this trash from society.

Most indians were nomadic, moving with the weather and animals. No real towns to burn down. Settlers were christian puritans, who did not believe in rape (hence the current atmosphere of rape being bad). So, they didn't burn shit down, or kidnap and rape indian girls. The settlers fought off indians and set up boundaries, annexing large swaths of land that previously did not have boundaries. The anime that best fits this would be the gate one, where the indigenous people of magicland were dominated by the japanese and their modern weaponry. Though that doesn't fit well either, they had midevil euro style towns, not the nomadic type indians had.

goblins aren't a race, they are a different species.
Ah, that's the same logic the whites used to try and eliminate blacks through eugenics programs back in the 1920s.

You think being nomadic makes you immune to having your stuff burnt? I never used the word town, neither did you until your last comment. And if you think christian puritanism is the ultimate safeguard against rape, think again. Now you're just looking for differences so you can argue your point.

You say that goblins being a different species is the logic whites used against blacks. You miss the point that I made afterwards: every fantasy story where non-humans are killed becomes racist. Harry Potter killing the basilisk in the second movie becomes racist because he kills something that hides underground, just like Osama Bin Laden was hiding underground in a cave. Woah, racism. In neon genesis evangelion some of the angels that they kill are black. Wow, the similarities. The fact that Guts from Berserk can kill so many demonic creatures without remorse must certainly also be a reference to the logic the whites used to eliminate the blacks. Fictional stories become so much fun when you interpret them through the lens that sees everything as racist.
Oct 14, 2018 2:36 AM
Oct 2018
Username23489023 said:
I like that they took a group of people, muslims, and just renamed them goblins, and no one realizes it. "Goblins" move into a white european county, start burning shit down and and kidnapping and raping girls, since, you know, they are just white slags to them. Only in this series, there is a Tommy Robinson figure, that is actually supported by the local government, who goes around removing this trash from society.

+ other quotes

Low quality b8 m8.

Invidioso said:
Rythme said:
And no toxicity.

This Thread is the Toxicity OP.......

Exaclty. The title doesn't stop someone from easily circumventing that.
Oct 14, 2018 2:40 AM

May 2017
cgi i hate concept i like
Oct 14, 2018 2:46 AM

Aug 2018
Purple_Gh0st24 said:
I dislike Goblin Slayer because people are praising it as a "dark fantasy." Most of those people probably don't even know what a dark fantasy even is. Goblin Slayer is nothing more than ostentatious shock value. I don't mind rape scenes, I don't mind violence, I don't mind horror-like elements... as long as they are all executed in a tasteful manner and have a narrative purpose.

I have no reason to care for the characters in the first episode since it is so blatantly obvious they only exist to die. It's all just shock value. Goblin Slayer is not dark. Dark is when a piece of fiction actually has something meaningful to say - it is something that makes you think and genuinely fear. There are dark anime and manga, such as Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, Berserk, Houseki no Kuni, etc. So, what does Goblin Slayer have to say? Goblins are evil... because goblins. It's just too black and white; it feels more like a children's story.

Overall, it seems that Goblin Slayer is just another generic seasonal anime: much like Re:Zero was before it, and SAO before that. Eventually the hype will die down.

Now, I don't care if you like Goblin Slayer. Opinions are opinions, after all, and you have every right to enjoy this series if you want to. I'll respect your opinions as long as you respect mine. With that said, I do think fans of the series should accept criticism. All my criticism is of the series itself and is in no way a personal attack against fans.

Sorry, I'm gonna have to make this personal. You say that rape scenes are only ok when executed in a tasteful manner but I see that you rated a hentai OVA about a little girl being raped by her friends a 6.
Oct 14, 2018 2:52 AM

Apr 2018
epidemia78 said:
Purple_Gh0st24 said:
I dislike Goblin Slayer because people are praising it as a "dark fantasy." Most of those people probably don't even know what a dark fantasy even is. Goblin Slayer is nothing more than ostentatious shock value. I don't mind rape scenes, I don't mind violence, I don't mind horror-like elements... as long as they are all executed in a tasteful manner and have a narrative purpose.

I have no reason to care for the characters in the first episode since it is so blatantly obvious they only exist to die. It's all just shock value. Goblin Slayer is not dark. Dark is when a piece of fiction actually has something meaningful to say - it is something that makes you think and genuinely fear. There are dark anime and manga, such as Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, Berserk, Houseki no Kuni, etc. So, what does Goblin Slayer have to say? Goblins are evil... because goblins. It's just too black and white; it feels more like a children's story.

Overall, it seems that Goblin Slayer is just another generic seasonal anime: much like Re:Zero was before it, and SAO before that. Eventually the hype will die down.

Now, I don't care if you like Goblin Slayer. Opinions are opinions, after all, and you have every right to enjoy this series if you want to. I'll respect your opinions as long as you respect mine. With that said, I do think fans of the series should accept criticism. All my criticism is of the series itself and is in no way a personal attack against fans.

Sorry, I'm gonna have to make this personal. You say that rape scenes are only ok when executed in a tasteful manner but I see that you rated a hentai OVA about a little girl being raped by her friends a 6.

Yes, because that's hentai. Goblin Slayer isn't a hentai, so the standards are different.
Oct 14, 2018 2:58 AM

Aug 2018
Purple_Gh0st24 said:

Yes, because that's hentai. Goblin Slayer isn't a hentai, so the standards are different.

Ok, so you can grade hentai on a curve because of what it is but you can't accept Goblin Slayer for what it is? It's not meant to be deep or thought provoking. Its a show about a guy who kills goblins.
Oct 14, 2018 3:00 AM
Jul 2016
I love seeing this man slowly gaining his humanity back and how he starts to care for others.

Can't wait for more Light Novel and Manga volumes to be translated.
Oct 14, 2018 3:03 AM

Apr 2018
epidemia78 said:
Purple_Gh0st24 said:

Yes, because that's hentai. Goblin Slayer isn't a hentai, so the standards are different.

Ok, so you can grade hentai on a curve because of what it is but you can't accept Goblin Slayer for what it is? It's not meant to be deep or thought provoking. Its a show about a guy who kills goblins.

Well, that's the crux of the problem. It is just a meaningless series. Honestly, I wouldn't care about Goblin Slayer if it wasn't for all the people praising it as a dark fantasy, something it really isn't. As I said before, something can only be dark if it it is though-provoking. You admit that Goblin Slayer isn't, so do you also admit it isn't dark?
Oct 14, 2018 3:03 AM

Sep 2018
I love it. the MC is a badass. Seeing those little ugly rapist slaughtered to the last of their spawn is fun.
Said this in another thread: IMO this show follows spaghetti western formula, just like fist of the north star. Definitely not a blockbuster, but legit edgy entertainment.(shoot.. I used EDGY)

Though people praising this series as something more than it is are off-putting. Especially those that cheers for the violence done by those goblins but hypocritically self insert to the GS. Like that video said, a hypocrite edgelords.
Oct 14, 2018 3:10 AM

Aug 2018
Purple_Gh0st24 said:

Well, that's the crux of the problem. It is just a meaningless series. Honestly, I wouldn't care about Goblin Slayer if it wasn't for all the people praising it as a dark fantasy, something it really isn't. As I said before, something can only be dark if it it is though-provoking. You admit that Goblin Slayer isn't, so do you also admit it isn't dark?

It is most certainly a fantasy with some pretty blatant D&D influences. Compared to some fantasy universes like say....Harry Potter, is Goblin Slayer dark?
Oct 14, 2018 3:14 AM

Apr 2018
epidemia78 said:
Purple_Gh0st24 said:

Well, that's the crux of the problem. It is just a meaningless series. Honestly, I wouldn't care about Goblin Slayer if it wasn't for all the people praising it as a dark fantasy, something it really isn't. As I said before, something can only be dark if it it is though-provoking. You admit that Goblin Slayer isn't, so do you also admit it isn't dark?

It is most certainly a fantasy with some pretty blatant D&D influences. Compared to some fantasy universes like say....Harry Potter, is Goblin Slayer dark?

I am a little confused why you'd bring up Harry Potter, but to answer your question: no. Harry Potter is darker than Goblin Slayer, and something like Berserk is darker still.
Oct 14, 2018 3:36 AM
May 2017
Fine, I'll bite.

First, it did rape wrong. around 9:00 @ ep1 the goblin politely wait the fighter to say "RUN" before tearing off her pantsu. This is not how you do rape. And it's leads to mostly the second point.

Second, lazy/shit animation. I am pretty sure a couple of slice of life show this season did animation better. lots of sakuga just shit tier. This is unforgivable for a show emphysis on fighting (goblins).

Third, plot introduced stupidity/horrible pacing. The show pretty much just copy Manga as story board. and drag out unnecessary long. Foreshadowing became "flashlight" shadowning, it beat you with their mistake for like 3 time each mistake like you are 5 y/o. Also really the the wipe comes a lot of members just sit there and die like Re:Creators.

Forth, If you want to do a shock at least actually try doing it serious. The time I see the character design of party members I knew only the priestess will stay relevant in story. And they cut out backstory of then party members which make them completely unsympathetic.

"The rape wasn't even good". Yeah, it wasn't. Not erotic nor horrifying. It's almost comical.
doomleikaOct 14, 2018 3:47 AM
Oct 14, 2018 3:41 AM
May 2017
Username23489023 said:
I like that they took a group of people, muslims, and just renamed them goblins, and no one realizes it. "Goblins" move into a white european county, start burning shit down and and kidnapping and raping girls, since, you know, they are just white slags to them. Only in this series, there is a Tommy Robinson figure, that is actually supported by the local government, who goes around removing this trash from society.

This is stupid.

Japanese by and large and rather tone deaf on Social Terriorist issues. The whole premise of GS is basically "what if goblins is actaully a threat" and use it as shock value to do a bait and switch harem self insert(There's no major character death after first ep, actually there's never major character death in GS, Grimgar at least kill major characters here an there).

This is really a US thing where SJW try to insert everything with their agenda.
Oct 14, 2018 3:44 AM

Aug 2018
Purple_Gh0st24 said:

I am a little confused why you'd bring up Harry Potter, but to answer your question: no. Harry Potter is darker than Goblin Slayer, and something like Berserk is darker still.

Harry Potter is darker than Goblin Slayer? what a strange thing to say.
Oct 14, 2018 5:07 AM
May 2016
What I like is the Setting >.> I always liked Anime with RPG aspects since Im a huge RPG and MMo nerd , Lets see i like how the combat works in this one and the details to it , like in EP1 GS says he cant use a sword anymore cuz there to much blood on it , or the sword he picks up from the dead guy and says its a bad weapon to fight in caves how he was practicing the best methods to kill goblins and that you actually need to know where to strike so you can kill them easly so i like how this is explained

What i do not like is that it will only have 12 episodes which will cover mayber vol 2 or 3>.> EDIT ; and maybe there will be an ova with the Year One Arc that shows how Goblin Slayer Started at the Guild
TamikusOct 14, 2018 5:11 AM
Oct 14, 2018 5:22 AM

Nov 2009
I like how it tries to take a realistic approach (as much as the setting allows), that violence and Goblin Slayer's thinking, after what he'd gone through, are relatable: he's become a monster who kills monsters as it was the only way for him to even go on (because let's face it, irl the power of friendship that shounens love so much rarely helps if at all, much less saves irrevocably damaged people)
Oct 14, 2018 5:47 AM
Jul 2018
Victimising woman even more lol, the show us the girls getting killed and raped, but for the dude, they showed us only the hand lol (i can just check out some hentai if i want that). To me it looks like its just made to show how bad the world is so that he can go out and slay them and nothing more to it.
removed-userOct 14, 2018 5:55 AM
Oct 14, 2018 7:03 AM

Mar 2010
Gentle remider: NO TOXICITY.

Now Watching

原神 : 800993232


Oct 14, 2018 9:39 AM
Mar 2016
Rape is a reality of this world guys, you might not enjoy to watch it, you might not wanna hear about it, but the truth is that it happens all around us. Don't just think of where you're from, think of other countries that are even less developed, its EVERYWHERE..

Is it a good thing? no. But turning your head away and pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away. What the first episode has done is make us feel like the world is not just a fantasy world, but a believable one that has all the darker parts in it. A more realistic approach to the fantasy genre where monsters are not just monsters, they also suffer and want to survive like us.

Another show that does this well is Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash. Also the goblins don't rape "just because" they rape because there are no female goblins, they reproduce with humans they kidnap.

What i dislike? probably the characters will be generic but we will see..
philipooi94Oct 14, 2018 9:43 AM
Oct 14, 2018 10:09 AM
Aug 2017
Like: GS' character is great, the animation is decent (CGI can feel a little bit off sometimes tho) and the fight scenes are ok

Dislike: The lack of backstory exposition from the characters makes the slaughter lose the already low impact it had in the manga (and the names don't help that feeling of "they're killing training dummies and raping an inflatable doll"), CGI can feel a little off and IIRC some more parts were cut from the manga to fill the 20min/12ep mark.

Don't care: The generic aspect of the character's names. Seriously, it isn't that uncommon. Grimoire of Zero had a character named Mercenary and characters from the classes in Diablo had no names (except of some of them). And it makes sense since it has inspiration in Dungeons and Dragons.
Monchete99Oct 18, 2018 2:32 PM
No I don't understand! You snap at people, you're scary, you tried to eat me, but you're also kind and you're filled with life!
You gave me a name when I was a number, you gave me that compass, you taught me what it means to be alive!
That's why I care about you Velvet! I'll protect you for my own sake. I don't care if you're malevolent, or if it was pointless! If it's a mistake to love you, then I"ll fight the whole world! A world without you, Velvet, is the one thing I couldn't bear!
Eat my arm, just leave me the other one! I need it to clobber the jerk who made my Velvet cry!
-Laphicet, Tales of Berseria

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