VANESSA MORGAN is some fat fuck from Canada on Riverdale cuz it is shot in Canada and thus probably got the producers tax credit that Canadian tax payers funded so that we basically own this bitch….is engaged to an MLB player and she’s in a bikini…
The story behind this is comparing her paparazzi pics to her self produced photoshopped pics for social media…

Because entitled young people don’t even need fitness or diet to look good, they can just fake that shit…
It’d be nice to get every influencer in a room to pose next to their most liked and followed pics….in the same outfit for all to see reality versus their bullshit lie / fantasy. I don’t even think a stunt like that would change the public opinion, since EVERYONE is doing it, like women totally forgiving about other women faking it, pretending it is empowered…so all these average at best girls are getting seen, noticed, followed by pervert dudes…and thy aren’t nearly as great as they pretend to be..
So it’s OK for them to lie about their look, in their half naked posts, and it is okay for them to lie to themselves about their genders and all the other issues of the time, but it’s not ok to make fun of these liars…instead they call as misogynists or woman haters…
The problem with empowerment is that for every group you empower you are disempowering another group…take fat chicks for example…all wearing lingerie made for fatties and bikinis for fatties…like they can because I guess they can…all screaming about body positivity and empowerment and the media is embracing and loving the positive vibes of a fat girl wanting to be treated like a hot chick on social media in terms of attention and jobs…empowered to take a stand, or a sit if standing hurts the joints too much, by stripping down and trying to sell the idea that a belly hanging over a xxxxl thong is hot…I mean people have bought into stranger things before and as we know everything comes down to a good sales pitch…however all this empowering fat chicks, comes with a disempowerment of people who rightfully find fat chicks disgusting lazy pics who don’t take their health seriously and who have no self control or discipline and eat everything they can cuz it tastes so good…practicing no restraint because they are millennials all victims and restraint is a construct of the patriarchy in their retard minds. What I am saying is empowering one thing disempowers the other thing and one could argue, and I am, that I have the equal right to hate fat chicks and laugh at them for their fat girl in a thong comedy act…as they do to produce that fat girl in a thong while pretending it is empowerment when it’s really just attention seeking. Losers.
Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Morgan