Stuck In Prison With A Flirty Cellmate - [Cellmate Listener] {ASMR Roleplay} {F4M} {Dominant}
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Hello everyone! Welcome back to another ASMR Roleplay video! So we got a female cellmate x cellmate listener audio! And this one is more flirty and dominant! I hope you like it!
You’ve been sent to prison for something you didn’t do. Since you have no evidence, there’s nothing you can do about it. The officers said that you’re going to be put in a cell with one other cellmate. You’re scared of who might it be. But, turns out, your cellmate isn’t as creepy as you think.
Art Made By: Me
Full Picture: Coming Soon
Script Written By: Fakhri Rizkiana
Reddit: u/FakhriRizkianaG
Script: / f4m_first_encounter_wi...
Twitter: @FakhriRizkianaG
Ambience: @MichaelGhelfiStudios
His Channel: / @michaelghelfistudios
His Patreon: / michaelghelfi
Nighttime: • Night Time Forest | Na...
Autonomous sensory meridian response, sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.
being one cell with her is much better than with any creepy guy in that prison. even if the price is you getting teased 24/7. but hey, sounds like a nice deal to me, so I'm not complaining.
thanks for the fill kasumi ^^. you did a really good job
Thank you for writing this story! Really fun to record! Fun fact: I had to record this twice, because the first voice I did didn't work the way that I wanted, but I am so glad this turned out really well!
@@KasumiVA 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬?
@@KasumiVA Bcuz id like to see a part 2
Everyone: I don't wanna be free🎶
That creepy guy must be on something odd
Kasumi: What are you in here for?
-Flashback begins-
Listener: -downloading one nintendo game online-
-Flashback ends-
Listener: Emulation.
Bruh 😂😂😂
Don’t forget the flash bang noise when the screen goes white to the flash back
I downloaded Minecraft illegally
What is this, a Scott the Woz?
I don't think prisons have cellmates of different genders but I'm not complaining
Maybe it’s an exotic prison
@@napalmwolf1728 that can be taken many ways.....
Prisons usually hold one gender
I like your log character you have there 😆.
Maybe its an Asylum they dont give a crap at all
Cellmates? More like soulmates!
I'll see myself out.
No need
Can't. Your locked in and the guards aren't letting you out
The government framed me because I built a comic book company that got super popular, and I wouldn't sell the film rights to Disney, Amazon, or Netflix. Joke's on them, though, they can't get the rights now cause I split ownership between my divorced parents and an old family friend whose entire personality can be summed up as "Dale Gribble, but competent."
I just found this and I am completely just grinning like a idiot. This is really good and makes me feel safe and comfortable. Also for some reason I wanted her to say "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me." But nevermind that, the fact that this is a day ago makes me also happy because I really love this channel and you are amazing asmr artist.
I really like your voice! Especially this character's one!
She's ruthless.
I love it.
Hmmmm these informants are getting crafty. Great audio btw
I'm in prison? Must've been the tax fraud... Or the embezzlement... Or the accounts of grand larceny...
But this was an amazing video!!! Great job!!! Don't tell the IRS I was here.
Ladies and gentlemen we got’em
@@Ihavenoen3mies uh oh
Or was it just the 72 counts of Murder?
@@SoshoKozadokaGojiraChargedUp 72 buried... 0 found...
@@Lugzzz Exactly
11:37 ERROR ERROR🫥🫥🫥 System reboot🔧🔧🔧
“You were framed?! Me too!”
Aren’t we all
I like this! :)
I wish that'll turn into a series ^^
@@jumpingjelly282 Heh?
How would i be able to kill someone as a spatula?!
Impale them😃
@@j_squad2795 or i could just flip them repeatedly.
@@spatula7990 lol or bi slap them
Poison Krabby patties
I like her! Can this please become a series where we break out from prison together and start a new life in a different country? That would be awesome
That would
Yes please, but only if she's a virgin
amazing video definitely need a part two but don't have to. but much respect here
You know I actually got to see the inside of a jail cell in the past by myself and was luckily not put in with another person (I was 9 at the time) the cell was surprisingly clean I'll never forget it ever
Not only is it bizarre that the jail I’m in is co-ed, but also she thinks I’m little and cute!
I’m 6’0! She must be a giant! I am so lucky
Damn, I never expected to encounter a former US president in the comment section of an asmr video
“Who’d you kill?” Me irl with no hesitation “ politician.”
Hope it’s an extra sleazy one! Or a corrupt figure.
@@moonlighthunter5421 of course why would I kill one that isn’t corrupt or sleazy as hel
Please do a part two
4:24 Her - "Isn't this not allowed or something?"
~Suspicious whistling noises~
I’ve been framed? I’ll be appealing this! Then again do I want to leave if I have a cellmate like her? Questions, questions.
Anyway good job FakhriRizkiana on the script and good job Kasumi on the audio and art looks really good
Dude this audio got me thinking some extrodinarily depressing thoughts. How many people in prisons were framed for a horrible crime and got the life sentence? That's one of the worst fates I can imagine...
I read the title wrongly as “filthy cellmate” lmao
oh they're still filthy alright
@@TheChalkist dude 💀
@@TheChalkist lol
@@TheChalkist bro 💀💀
The intro was the funniest shit ever, I'm a correctional officer.
Just saying, if this scenario is torture, chain me to the wall! Lol
PS: Just saying, this definitely is a fantasy scenario, given a _real_ prison would have a lot more cussing and swearing in the dialogue.
i see your a pro ^^
“My soulmate is my cell mate,” would be a pretty interesting title 😅
Is this what it's like to feel loved?.......
Plottwist. The killer that framed her also framed us
I can actually see that
Cell m8: so what are you in for
Me: I drink From the milk carten
Me: any comic books?
16:07 what does she mean by "lower part" 😳 😳
This is soo good! 👏🏾
Cellmate? Hmmm.. Get rid of cell now you have mate I get it
Im pretty sure some prisons separate the genders but I won’t complain about it
They do separate the gender but they said its was a weird prison
S Tier Content frfr 💯💯
Her: which bed do you wanna pick the left one or the right one?
Me: the left one
Her: the right one? Ok then I’ll sleep on the left one
Me: bruh
Cucumber Approved
Mixed prisons may fix the declining birth rate
I hope you had a good day Kasumi, take care of yourself, your health is the most important
*insert obligatory "caught trying to cross the border" joke here*
Your cellmate is way better than my cellmate, Big body Barry the Third
ah, looks like my attempts to out-pizza the hut finally caught up with me
Love this one😊
Kasumi: What are you in here for?
(Flashback begins)
Cashier: That will be $100...
Listener: $100? The Ad says $3000...
Cashier: Well check it again...
Listener: I need that money!
Cashier: I miss the part where that's my problem!
(One hour later)
Police Officer: Sir we are arresting you for seventy-five murders, anything can and will be used against you...
Listener: I miss the part where that's my problem...
Lady: That horrible man killed my son!
Listener: Look at little Granny Junior... You gonna cry?!
Police Officer: Sir be quiet or I will detain you...
Listener: I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye!
Bully Maguire.. excellent :))
*IN, AM I?*
@@red_five3325 You Know How Much I Sacrificed?!
Oh boy hope this continues
Too bad they didn't explain the number one rule of jailing: *don't drop that soap.*
"So what are you in here for?
I Pirated Mario Party DS
So is this the "Stone Ocean" people were talking about?
Do part 2
"What are you in for?"
The money was just resting in my account before I moved it on.
Plot twist the listener is undercover trying to figure out if the prisoner is actually innocent or not and is actually trying to get them free through legal means
"Well shoo go away"
Me who forgot I was cellmate listener not prison guard listener: Well yea im the only one of us who can go anywhere.😮💨😏
Prison is just a training season years long and when people fight guards needs their popcorn
Since when do they put men and women in the same prisons?
and that's how the game "the escapist" starts :^V
A cellmate I see. This sounds…. Fun, and wonderful.
Even as she preferred seeing a cellmate other than the po-po, I will gladly work with her. She and I will definitely get along pretty well.
Very beautiful as always, even as this audio is beautiful as you. I love this ASMR, and I enjoyed it as well.
Much love, from Persona the Masked 🖤❤️
Wow I thought that me and my household were the only ones who call the police “the po-po” but here we are
Volo when she says I got framed: She won't know :D
Ayy nice
At least I have company....
Some folk out here joking this be Stone Ocean, I’m here mulling over it possibly being Baki with a possible new unchained.
With all her teasing, I do worry a bit how she wants me to repay her kindness.
I'm an innocent little catboy! All I can offer are some cuddles! Meow
Very nice audio, Kasumi! Thank you.
11:40 editing problem?
❤❤❤ I really enjoyed this, thank you!
Do you make fdom content often? Actually I'll just subscribe and then I'll be able to see if more fdom happens!
Thanks again!
one day she's gonna hear"Made in Heaven!"
Help 😭 Do you have a night vision or something?
I’ve committed so many war crimes And A few counts of tax evasion I make payday look like a joke
Great vid!, please make a part 2
A match made in jail!
Need at least three parts to this part two they break out and are on the run part three they find the people that frame them kill them then they get married have kids and live a normal life.
Guards!! Guards!! Or.. Do you want to share a bed with me? Guards!! 😱
"Toot that ass up big fella, you lookin like a reeses piece, and ima need a piece"
Is there gonna be another part for this?
Being in prison would be hell. I am too girly for prison.
I didn't think you could get male female cell mates
More more more more more more more more more more
You know what? Prison isn't that bad for me. As long as she's here, I'm here.
All fun and games til you hear I likes ya and I wants ya
@@kratos-iu9bs You got that right.
11:36 Is this meant to happen or is this a mistake?
Is there a part 2?
why didnt you fix the part at 11:35 ?
the reason i am in jail is because i killed 27 people in a single hour with a single switchblade.
That started off so well, but the prison break idea doesn't fit me at all 😣. The VAing was top notch theoughout the whole audio though, good job 😁.
Prison technique
Sir, I'm sorry for killing half of the UNSC,
Please give me the death penalty
What about part 2 😍🤩
I feel guilty as fuck watching this or any other video even remotely like this. The father m22, the son m551 and the Holy Spirit M4A3E2 jumbo protects me.
3 hots, a cot and someone willing I know people who kill for that.
Blonde prison petra (msm reference)
You're shitting me! I can't believe this!
"Well, it's not all bad. Actually I'm pretty sure life in prison would be better than the alternative if they actually found out what I've done. I'd definitely be getting the electric chair for sure if they found out."
Can we get another cuddle audio soon?
@@jumpingjelly282 who are you? Do I know you?
I might be submissive but I am dominate enough to claim her as mine.😤
Best thing i can tell you is don't play politics
Me. I don’t want to speak to anyone right now 😡.
Prisoner Girl. Aww you are cute 😊.
I’d better call Saul
Part 2??
Poor police officer
Yeah no I've seen this part of the story she and i become friends and we try to escape and then she double cross's me
**I don't wanna be free plays in the background**
A heist with Markiplier reference
Can we talk about how we are not the main character in this story? Like bro, Erica had a prison training arc and has a tragic backstory. I guess that makes us Krillin, at least it's better than Yamcha
Facts bro. Krillin's the best
So, does our arrival mark the slice of life arc with some drama involved??
@@keith7272 Bro, I was literally thinking the same thing. Literally a love triangle between Erica and the leader of a prison gang (guy or girl I won't judge)
@@chuchupow a love triangle? PERFECT! Great idea ChuChu! now we need someone to animate this video and have Kasumi notice these comments to make a continuation 😄
Would this be considered an arranged marriage?