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Jan 7, 2008 4:42 PM

Oct 2007
Wow is this going to be controvertial

It was ok to me

Animation took a hit but i've seen far worsre
music is different but i surprisingly enjoyed it (that includes the OP)

I hope this is the only (mostly) filler episode though,there's enough material in the manga for 13 episodes.
all for for all
Jan 7, 2008 4:50 PM

Jul 2007
I will paste what I put on the other thread:
"I was a little annoyed that they went off the storyline of the manga but I guess they have to pace the series correctly. The animation looks bad and there isn't much detail, like when they first showed Henrietta's P90. It seriously bugs me to see Triela look differen't.

But I know I am probably being picky because I have read the manga and there was an older version of the series that I got used to. I am definitely still going to watch it because I love Gunslinger Girl but I think it won't be as nearly as enjoyable because Madhouse didn't make it."

I agree that the music was different but I didn't enjoy it. It seems like music you would find in some action video game. I still have high hopes for this season though, high hopes and low expectations.

I like your avatar. Triela is the best, I seriously think I'm going to name my kid Triela.
Jan 7, 2008 6:05 PM
Jun 2007
I would've still prefer the first season. The character design and light colors doesn't fit the series' theme at all. It should have a more darker kinda feeling. Though I personally like the new opening, than the first season's. =P
Jan 7, 2008 9:36 PM

Sep 2007
For the animation studio who brought us Mushishi, I was expecting a little better (though I don't remember Mushishi having much action sequences). Henrietta and Claes look all right under the new character design, but Rico and especially Triela. Of course there's also the new voices may take a few episodes to get used to, especially the men (Guiseppe can get away with it but Hillshire sounds too young to me). While the new OP and ED are nice, they just can't beat The Light Before We Land and Dopo il Sogno.

It's only the first episode, but I am disappointed that the noir feel has gone by the wayside. I'll keep watching though, who knows, maybe things will get better but expectations remain low.
Jan 8, 2008 12:31 AM

Oct 2007
the fact there's bright colors doesn't mean it won't get emotional,i think the show will got more dramatic later on,this was the adaption of one of the least dramatic chapters of the manga.
The OP (if you get over the fact it's not the one from the first season) isn't exactly happy i'd say.
all for for all
Jan 8, 2008 2:27 AM

Sep 2007
Just watched the raw, still waiting on a subbed release to figure out some of the dialogue I missed, but I'm going to go ahead and comment here anyway.

I'm going to have a serious problem watching this series without constantly comparing it to the first season. I absolutely loved the first season, and it managed to get a 10/10 which is not an easy feat. Seeing as how they've changed absolutely everything from the original, I assumed that I was not going to like it at first. That's fairly close to how I feel right now, but I do think it has potential.

Voices seem fine for the most part, as long as you can get past the fact that they aren't the originals. There wasn't a whole lot of emotion in this first episode, so it's hard to say how they'll perform, but they are certainly something I can live with.

The new character designs are interesting, Rico especially will take some getting used to but all in all, they seemed to do alright. Henrietta, being my favorite character from the original series, looks completely weird to me (I think it's mainly the eyes don't give off the kind of emotion you felt from her in the first season) but I was already adjusting to it by the end of the episode.

The animation... seems bland. The action sequences are fine, the colors are alright, but I'm not a fan of the backgrounds.

All in all, this whole post is just me saying how the original is better, but even still, I'll mark this episode off as a 4/5. I feel like it has plenty of potential and I have no doubt I'll enjoy the series (more-so if I can stop comparing it to the original). At this extremely early point in the series, I am skeptical that it can pull off the kind of performance the original series achieved, but there is still plenty of time, and I would be happy to be proven wrong.

Looking forward to more loli's with guns!
Jan 8, 2008 1:21 PM

Jul 2007
I agree with you Nataki.

Even though we haven't seen much at all it seems like it is alot less emotional. Like when Henrietta found the kaleidoscope in Jose's room she was seemed fine until she got into the room with Triela in Claes and then she got kinda sad, but in the manga she was totally crying. And that screech of joy that Henrietta made when she found Jose's shirt was really lame.

Also Rico was smiling at Jean in that one scene after shot shot that guy in the legs, shes rarely does this while shes on a mission. She is usually serious when shes "working."

The whole added part in the middle was stuff I would expect from some lame anime. I guess I will just have to get over that its going to be like that every added part that isn't in the manga.

Does anyone else think Jose(Giuseppe) looks like hes like 15 in this one?
TohdmanJan 8, 2008 1:24 PM
Jan 8, 2008 4:17 PM
Nov 2007
Enough with the attempts to find good things to say about a bad show, because this is just plain terrible. As a fan of the first series and manga, this show is painful to watch.

Apparently, there's been a lot of drama related to the production, where Yuu Aida, the original author, wanted too much control over production and nobody wanted to work with him, resulting in a very substandard production staff and much mockery on the net.

Opinion on 2ch seems pretty much unanimously to be that this is horrible, and the only reason it got put out at all was to drive sales of the season 1 DVDs.
Jan 8, 2008 4:22 PM

Oct 2007
WAHa_06x36 said:
Apparently, there's been a lot of drama related to the production, where Yuu Aida, the original author, wanted too much control over production and nobody wanted to work with him

source please
all for for all
Jan 8, 2008 5:23 PM

Sep 2007
totoum said:
WAHa_06x36 said:
Apparently, there's been a lot of drama related to the production, where Yuu Aida, the original author, wanted too much control over production and nobody wanted to work with him

source please

What, 2chan isn't a valid source? ^_^

I've been looking for that to see what the story on this is as well, but didn't find anything useful from a quick google search. I would certainly not be surprised if it were true, as I have heard similar rumors, but I was never able to confirm anything.
NatakiJan 8, 2008 5:27 PM
Jan 8, 2008 9:16 PM

Jul 2007
Seeing this season makes me realize awesome of a job Madhouse did on the first season.
Jan 9, 2008 4:56 AM
Nov 2007
Latest 2ch threads for those who want to read about the drama and complaining:
Jan 9, 2008 7:06 AM
Jan 12, 2008 12:59 AM

Mar 2007
yeah for ppl who loved the first season, this is a large step back :(

when i saw the vehicles i nearly cried. Arthouse must not have gotten a large enough budget or something coz if they can make stuff like Blood + and Eureka 7, i'd expect the animation to be just as good. It looks even worse in 720P :( But its not and thats a shame coz thats 70% of the reason why i (and im sure most of you all loved the first season).
BTW the first season WAS over 4 years ago and had a production value of 13 million yen per episode according to ANN.

Aside from not lookin as polished as before, i still like the story and glad they're picking up where they left off.

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Jan 12, 2008 5:29 PM
Nov 2007
So how was AEN's release? >.<
I wish the font was different but I thought it was alright for a speed-sub.
radiantfireJan 13, 2008 10:10 AM
Jan 12, 2008 6:02 PM

Sep 2007
I'm a little curious how both Triad and Shinsen subs each have one approval on this anime despite the fact that neither has released so much as a trailer at this point in time. I know they're both good groups, but maybe that should wait until after you've seen at least one episode from them ;)
Jan 13, 2008 5:20 AM

Jul 2007
Well I'm one to say that i really don't like AEN's subs, at all. the animation was annoying in some parts, but still reasonable, i for one like the eyes ^_^, very hypnotic, i forget what happens in the manga but it should be interesting to see where this leads, hope they start the real story soon
Jan 13, 2008 6:53 AM
Oct 2007
was very disapointed. The moe'd up the show and the animation was terrible (yes they brought you Mushishi, but they also brought you the wonderfully animated Umisho). They should have had madhouse do it. Maybe they have a low budget for this second series. I am kinda worried because usually shows have the best animation at the start. If the animations starts off bad, its not a really good sign. And OMFG that was the worst font ever in the history of subtitles. AEN is really a rollarcoaster of a group. I am hoping someone else subs this show. Much like Bamboo Blade, I watch theirs and delete it and then rewatch it and save a decent groups copy
Jan 13, 2008 9:09 AM

Oct 2007
wow, what a huge disappointment...

gsg s2 lacks animation, sound, voices... god damnit...

Jan 13, 2008 2:59 PM
Dec 2007
"I watch theirs and delete it and then rewatch it and save a decent groups copy"

hehe right, I did that once but now I don't even care about their translation, they are really a bad fansub group (even though they are fast). I wanted to try watching this first episode (I stopped at the "TGB" part of the translation, for those who don't know, the train's name is TGV or Train à Grande Vitesse, and is the fastest commercial train in the world) but I guess I'll wait for a more decent group to sub it.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jan 13, 2008 3:04 PM

Dec 2007
Ranivus said:
when i saw the vehicles i nearly cried. Arthouse must not have gotten a large enough budget or something coz if they can make stuff like Blood + and Eureka 7, i'd expect the animation to be just as good.

They are called Artland and they didn't animate the mentioned shows as the leading studio (they just did the in-betweening).

Episode 1 was okay concerning the plot but the animation was quite bad for current standards.
Jan 13, 2008 4:32 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Just watched episode one by The Triad. I liked it, the girls are cuter than in season one though. I'm looking forward to more to see what this season will be like.




[H+] ³  
Jan 14, 2008 4:16 AM

Jul 2007
The fact that the girls are cuter is exactly the problem <_< I find it weird that only Triella's & Rico's character designs were critisized, IMO it was Henrietta that took the worst blow. She totally lost her catatonic stare, which changed her personality too much. Her personality does change in the manga, but it went overboard here because of her new design. Not to mention the overall looks & animation, but I'd had ignored it if only they stayed more faithfull to the original character designs.

This new season is very disappointing. It's definitely not bad at all, but I really expected more.
UuchieJan 14, 2008 5:21 AM
Jan 14, 2008 4:31 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I was actually planning on finishing rewatching season 1 before the first sub is out, but yeah that didni't work out. So I just rewatched another ep of season 1 and it's true that compared to season 2 it has more style. It would have been cool if they could've kept some of it but I'm still sticking with season 2, because I'm a fan and you never know. But if the story or other elements we don't even know of yet aren't better than in season 1, there's probably no chance of me rating it highter than season 1.




[H+] ³  
Jan 14, 2008 7:23 AM

Apr 2007
Just watched it, yay for triad subbing this :D. (would have loved op karaoke to have diff text as photos in background changed thou, what i woulda done...)

It wasn't at all bad, i liked it for the most part. The art took a blow, the op/ed songs are great, but still can't live up to season 1's (that dog in the op is so annoying >,>)... This season seems like it will be more action-y than the first. The background music ain't as good as season ones aswell, completly changed.

However, the characters... Henrietta for one, her voice i got used to by the end, but omg is her personality different or what ><... I can't imagine season 1's Henrietta doing that... Triella was alright, nothing bugged me with her. Rico, took the worst blow and seems like an entirely different Rico altogether. Claes my fav character, don't like her voice at all .__. ...
Also, those background voices at 4:45 and at other times just annoyed and irritated me so bad.
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Jan 14, 2008 7:56 AM

Sep 2007
I prefer Madhouse's animation..
Jan 14, 2008 8:45 AM

Nov 2007
I hate it and dropped right after watching the 1st episode . Season 1 was the classic. Thanks for ruining the whole thing, Artland <_<.
Jan 14, 2008 9:47 AM

Oct 2007
When I heard about second season I was all hyped up and when I saw op on youtube I was even more hyped up. But now after seeing first episode I am full rage and disappointment. Yeah thanks a lot Artland for ruining Gunslinger Girl.

Jan 14, 2008 10:29 AM

Jul 2007
It's true that the animation and voices took a blow. But how can we compare both seasons when they're done by different people? You can't expect them to do everything exactly the same. I also preferred the first seasons style and voices, but we can't judge this season based on what we liked in the previous one. Let alone by the first episode.

Anywho, I enjoyed this episode. The different looks surprised me. They all seem so innocent now. So I'll continue watching to see how the rest of the season turns out.
Jan 14, 2008 11:04 AM

Oct 2007
CrackedFlowers said:
It's true that the animation and voices took a blow. But how can we compare both seasons when they're done by different people? You can't expect them to do everything exactly the same.

Its not about different people doing it, its about budget of show. I bet artland could do awesome gunslinger girl if they had decent budget. They are now trying to make as much as possible money from show that isn't very popular in japan and trying to catch new viewers with new moe character design and voice actors.

Jan 14, 2008 12:06 PM
Nov 2007
Fastway said:
CrackedFlowers said:
They are now trying to make as much as possible money from show that isn't very popular in japan and trying to catch new viewers with new moe character design and voice actors.

Like I said earlier, it doesn't seem like that's the case at all. It seems the problem is that the original author is in charge of the whole project, and that he's such an ass that nobody wants to work him, leaving them stuck without any really talented people.

There's probably some truth to them not having much of a budget, though, but personal issues seems to be the big problem, not some desire to cash in. At the very least, the orignal author is in charge, so if anyone's trying to cash in, it's him.
Jan 14, 2008 12:12 PM

Sep 2007
Well, it is definitely a change from season 1. Good or bad? Not too sure yet.
Jan 14, 2008 12:15 PM

Aug 2007
ehhh. This is going to take some getting used to. Just watched the Triad subbed episode. I agree it lost the dark feel to it that season 1 had. I don't remember the girls smiling THAT much.
Jan 14, 2008 12:20 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Maybe they're smiling now to have them end up worse later.




[H+] ³  
Jan 14, 2008 12:39 PM

Aug 2007
Really, what did they do that for? New art style sucks. Animation sucks. New music sucks. Changed characters suck. The only good thing is that they've gotten rid of the stone-effect letterboxing.

What is the reason for the lowered budget? Anyone know?

I could probably tolerate this OK if I'd not seen the first series (though I know I'd not be as into it as I was into last series after the first ep.), but I don't get why they've not even tried to make it look the same. Really stilted animation, especially that awful riot scene, that should never have happened. And the art - it looks like Air invaded GSG, especially when it comes to Rico (note: this is A Bad Thing). Those eyes! Environments also really suffered, I remember the first series being really good for lighting and such, but this seemed like there was no attempt to shade at all most of the time. Someone mentioned cars, but it seems to me that unless a series is focused almost totally on cars anyway, it's one of those things anime is really bad at, so I didn't really see it as an especially bad aspect of this.

Changing VAs is probably the biggest reason for the way the characters have also changed, but I'll agree that Henrietta just wasn't the same here on a more fundamental level than change of actress.

One other thing that really jumped out for me was the music. The old OP and ED were really nice, and the BGM stuff was not really that special, but it gave the series a really classy, sophisticated feel that not many things have. All the new music is really out of place and not classy at all, generic poppy beats that are totally not fitting to what GSG originally was.

I suppose I'll give it a while to improve, but I would never have thought I'd be so close to just dropping new GSG after just one episode. Today is a sad day.
Jan 14, 2008 5:44 PM

Apr 2007
Wow. That was something alright. Animation is bland, bright colors look out of place after watching the first season, new voices are decent (but, among other things, sort of ruined Henrietta's character), and the generic 90's type action music was hilarious.

Somehow it started to grow on me towards the end, and I'll be sticking with it if anything just to see the story continue on.
Jan 14, 2008 6:17 PM

Sep 2007
Uuchie said:
IMO it was Henrietta that took the worst blow. She totally lost her catatonic stare, which changed her personality too much.

Pretty much my biggest concern. Henrietta did not seem to be Henrietta in this episode. Not much.

Siing said:
Rico, took the worst blow and seems like an entirely different Rico altogether.

I didn't even recognize Rico when I first saw her! I was like "Who's that supposed to be?" And since it was awhile since I last saw first season, I'd already forgotten what Jean and Hilshire looked like and now to have their appearances slightly made watching the first half or so of this episode difficult. But that's not too big of a concern since obviously I'll learn.

Tohdman said:
And that screech of joy that Henrietta made when she found Jose's shirt was really lame.

Also Rico was smiling at Jean in that one scene after shot shot that guy in the legs, shes rarely does this while shes on a mission. She is usually serious when shes "working."

I might've 'wtf-ed' at those parts >.>
Jan 15, 2008 2:23 PM

Jul 2007

The eyes bug me the most. And it just looks cheap as well...
Jan 15, 2008 3:52 PM

Sep 2007
Tohdman said:
The eyes bug me the most. And it just looks cheap as well...

Agreed, I died a little inside when I first saw the eyes :(
Jan 15, 2008 5:17 PM

Dec 2007
I did not enjoy this episode. I don't remember which, but some anime blog had a note about Triela throwing the manhole cover being the best part of the episode. In retrospect, I think that blogger had it right.
Jan 16, 2008 3:08 AM

Jul 2007
YourMessageHere said:
One other thing that really jumped out for me was the music. The old OP and ED were really nice, and the BGM stuff was not really that special, but it gave the series a really classy, sophisticated feel that not many things have. All the new music is really out of place and not classy at all, generic poppy beats that are totally not fitting to what GSG originally was.

That's precisely what I felt about the new season. The first was full of subtle little things to give that sophisticaded feel in the anime, like the expensive restaurants, the coments on the girls' expensive perfumes, etc. This one is on the other hand just... too pop. I noticed that this time the girls weren't carrying their guns on Amati violin cases... It may not seem like a big deal, but just think how many times the brand was mentioned and zoomed on in the last season? It wasn't just randomly, they had point in doing those things, and Artland seems to have completely ignored it. -_-
Jan 17, 2008 12:17 PM

Jul 2007
First the good: I like to OP and ED. Not as much as the first seasons', but I like them. Also, Triela opening the manhole was made of win!

One thing about this episode that bothered me was how they explained the setup of the Agency. Sure, it was important to address for people who haven't seen the first series or read the manga, but couldn't they have done something better than have the characters think at each other for several minutes straight? (Also, was it just me or did Rico tie that guy's thumbs together and nothing else?)

Overall, this felt like it was done by people who had no prior knowledge of GSG except for some summaries and character descriptions. The cast is extremely flat (and when they're not, they're usually out of character -- can you really see Henrietta going into Guise's room uninvited and open a present that she wasn't given?) and the subtle, sad atmosphere of the first season is completely absent. D:

Well, at least the kaleidoscope looked neat. I want one.

oh, these little earthquakes
Jan 17, 2008 2:55 PM

Aug 2007
Not good nor bad. Simply diferent in my point of view. More episodes will come. I enjoyed this one.
Jan 22, 2008 12:18 AM

Nov 2007
All I can really bring myself to say after watching the first episode, is what a gargantuan fuck up this is. They took everything that made Gunslinger Girl great and turned it into something plastic and trash. Serious dissapointment.

Really cannot express how ridiculously poor this is compared to the first season. And yes, I think comparing them is entirely fair.

They need to take the Gunslinger Girl off the title and just call it Il Teatrino, because it's in no way deserving of the same name as the first season.
Jan 22, 2008 2:25 PM

Oct 2007
I'm so pissed that Madhouse didn't do the animation for this one. All the character designs are off.
Jan 22, 2008 3:12 PM

Nov 2007
Wow. That was pretty crap. D:
Jan 22, 2008 4:40 PM
Jan 2008
What to say...
Firstly, nice OP, liked it.
The animation isn't as good as in the season Madhouse produced, but I guess everybody had already seen this. Music... well like someone said before me, it sounds so damn poppy.
Almost everything disturbs me in Henrietta's character. The voice doesn't suit her, her eyes too. She was cute when she closed her eyes in Jose's bed while holding his shirt, alright. Rico, putting aside she's smiling a lot (too much), is alright, though her voice is off a bit too. Triela owns, she's probably one of my favorite characters of GSG. Jose looks like he's back into puberty. :(
The colors seem too bright, it kills the sad and melancholic atmosphere from the first season.

All in all : I'm dissapointed, I was like "OMG need!" when I saw the first episode subbed (didn't think they'd make a second season, I haven't followed GSG news since a long time because of that), but I started to fear what was coming since it was another studio. Proved me right.

Ah well. I guess I'll stick with it, maybe it'll grow on me, this was only the first episode after all, and it's not _that_ unbearable to watch. :) Let's see if it evolves.

EDIT : ahaha, also lol @ French on the back of the kaleidoscope! :D
ChaosAdeptJan 22, 2008 4:57 PM
Jan 30, 2008 2:09 AM

Mar 2007
It wasn't as bad as I had heard which was a pleasant relief...

Sure, animation is "lacking" but that's in our (the fans of the original series) eyes because of the amazing, high-quality animation we received from Madhouse.

I just wish they kept the original seiyuu from the first series...
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Aug 26, 2009 4:53 PM

May 2009
Edit: Gonna erase that, I shouldn't feed the trolls.

I'm happy with this episode.
MalwareSep 4, 2009 10:13 PM

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Kino's Journey
Sep 13, 2009 2:22 PM

Mar 2009
Nice ep, Henrietta's in love with Josei as much as ever, if not more. The action scenes were awesome as ever. Though, the animation is higher in quality, I liked the first season's style more. The first season's animation was unique, this season's is a little more conventional, and too bland imo. I don't hate it, but preferred the other more. Still random as ever, which is great! I'd like to see more of a plot line though, but all in all seems promising. My main con, is that it feels like it's lost all it's darkness and emotional standpoints. The first series, was a roller coaster of emotions, this was just kind of mundane, maybe it'll get better. I just hope it holds up to season one, b/c it is still one of my fav series, and I've read/heard this season wasn't as good. We'll see...Urahara Out!!
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MrHatandClogsSep 13, 2009 2:38 PM
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