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Mar 28, 2022 9:47 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Last year, we announced Part 1 of the Genre/Themes Overhaul. This development split our 15 year old genre system into genres, themes, and demographics—but without adding new themes.

We planned to release the new themes list at the same time that members would be able to vote on them using the "Tags" field on their lists. Unfortunately, this part of the development has been delayed. So we have released "Part 1.5" today.

Part 1 - Genres
Released in September 2021

Part 1.5 - New Themes
Released today

✅ Create new and strong definitions for each genre so that its usage is better defined.
✅ Display these definitions on each genre/theme page.
🔜 Update Top/Popular Anime with new genre definitions.
   ↑ We'll be tackling this in the upcoming weeks, so expect some genre shuffling soon.

✅ Modify current themes: rename, remove, and add missing ones (e.g. Isekai!).
   ↑ We systematically reviewed 1,200 themes from other website and requests from Part 1 (you can find this review here).

🔜 Create new and strong definitions for each theme so that its usage is better defined.
   ↑ 11/51 Themes have definitions live on the site and more will be added to the spreadsheet/site with time.

✅ Populate each of the new themes with a selection of anime/manga to begin with.
   ↑ We combed through ~8,000 entries to add them to the new themes and we are sure there are many still missing.

Part 2 - Custom Theme Lists/Stacks
More information on this very soon

There are some themes which are commonly-requested but have limited anime/manga that can be applied to them. Rather than create 100s of themes, we will soon be releasing a new function to create custom theme lists/stacks. Along with this release, we plan to pick up popular themes and maintain them in an official list. If this list becomes larger than 100~200 entries, we will transition it from a list to an official site theme.

🔜 Create "official lists" for commonly-requested themes.
🔜 Members can also create custom theme lists of their own choosing and share them with others.

Part 3 - Vote on Themes
Coming Soon

🔜 Allow all users to vote on pre-defined themes by using the "Tags" section of their Anime/Manga Lists.

Things Kineta wants you to know
  • This will not be the last time we update the genres/themes. I know we were stuck with that old system for 15 years and it long outlived its usefulness. It will not be another 10 years before the next update. Now that the hard work is nearing completion, we plan to review themes usage and discard/rename/add more over time. Please understand we need to start somewhere, and the Mod Staff really did our absolute best to come up with a robust starter pack. Let's continue to discuss.

  • If you want to suggest a new theme category, please first check the systematic review and search for your suggestion. We will reconsider currently rejected themes so feel free to drop us a persuasive reason on why you think we should reconsider.

  • If you want to request an existing genre/theme be added/removed to a specific entry, please use these threads: Anime | Manga. However, please don't go crazy with it. Remember our goal is Part 3 where you can do it yourself!

  • While the genre definitions are live, the genre tags on many anime/manga still need to be updated. Please give us time, it's a lot of work T_T
KinetaMar 28, 2022 9:54 PM
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Mar 28, 2022 9:49 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
I am just glad that Sonny Boy is under the Isekai theme.
Mar 28, 2022 9:51 PM

Mar 2019
Isekai as a theme, yes! Thank you.

I play BanG Dream! Girls Band Party

Garupa EN ID: 10759829
Garupa JP ID: 36753163
Mar 28, 2022 9:58 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Now that is very poggers.
Mar 28, 2022 10:29 PM

Jun 2020
You love to see it 🤩

◁  ❚❚  ▷
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎
Mar 28, 2022 10:39 PM

Aug 2017
Great update!
Thank you (and all the staff) for your dedication :)
Mar 28, 2022 11:10 PM

Oct 2018
nice update! easier to filter isekai

Ah yes, Fate Grand order my favorite isekai
Mar 28, 2022 11:24 PM

Aug 2014
I appreciate the additions of CGDCT and Iyashikei!
Mar 28, 2022 11:47 PM

Oct 2017
Really appreciate it.
Mar 28, 2022 11:49 PM

Mar 2016
The Isekai challenge is going to be lit.
Mar 28, 2022 11:49 PM

Feb 2020
It's heree! Well only part of it but I'm still happy. I was getting a bit frustrated since I was excited for this and there were no visible changes for half a year. If somehow possible, I would appreciate more frequent updates on the progress, even if you have nothing to show for yet.

The changes look great so far, looking forward to future updates!
Mar 29, 2022 12:25 AM

Mar 2018
It's nice to finally have this released, but there are some criticisms that as far as I know haven't been answered since the first update.

I still don't understand some of the name changes. You changed some of the genres to their english equivalents but than make a theme called Iyashikei. But the one I don't get the most was changing thriller into suspense. It's a genre that exist in all media and everyone knows what it means.

Another thing is the absence of magic genre. Someone argumented that it is synonymous to fantasy but it really isn't. Just the existence of anime with only one of those genres should be a proof. Toaru series is a very big example.

And now a question. Will there be any system for marking spoiler themes? For example Suzumiya Haruhi
or Yu-No

Mar 29, 2022 1:19 AM

May 2021
Great! Thank y'all for the hard work!!
I will gladly help out in the future with part 3.

Pls don't write animeS or mangaS >.< // + <50 man(g/hw/hu)a not in MAL. // Join my >manga club< here!

Mar 29, 2022 1:31 AM

Jul 2019
This looks very good. I like it for now.
Mar 29, 2022 1:31 AM
Mar 2022
I'm so happy with most of these changes and that you're hearing our subjections so thank you, i truly appreciate it.
But i have to say that this idol (female) and idol (male) segregation, it doesn't seem right? I don't really know how to say it but in an era where we're supporting the "everyone can watch what they want" this separation of themes it's really unnecessary and odd.

I know there are some differences between both but it's not like there are tons of idol animes out there (at least compared to other themes) and it's not like you separate the isekai theme by the gender of the protagonist, so as a suggestion and request, please just unify both themes and use "Idols" theme as a whole.

PS: Besides there can be some animes/mangas who can have idols from both genders, like Full Moon wo Sagashite, and it could be a problem to classify it.
LalaShjMar 29, 2022 1:37 AM
Mar 29, 2022 2:31 AM

Jan 2011
So demon hentai is now mythology hentai, lol.
Mar 29, 2022 2:49 AM

Feb 2020
Woah this looks great. Though idk if i can really contribute much with request and other things cause i don't really have expertise with that and most importantly also lazy. I let that to everyone else to decide which better to add more and should be reconsider. So ill just receive this update with a welcomed hands.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 29, 2022 2:55 AM

Mar 2021
Ah yes
Spirited Away
My favourite isekai

People be calling Sao or mushoku as the og isekai, when this goat exists smh
Za_PandaMar 29, 2022 5:16 AM
Mar 29, 2022 3:18 AM

Feb 2013
According to that Google Docs, will Comedy and Drama never overlap again with Slice of Life and Iyashikei? Since that doesn't seem like a good idea because there's a lot of anime with these combinations..
Mar 29, 2022 3:49 AM

Oct 2013
Why have two tags of Strategy Game and Video Game? Shouldn't only "video games" be enough?
Mar 29, 2022 4:29 AM
"Slice of Life is incompatible with Comedy, Drama, and Romance by definition."

If that's the case then hardly anything would be tagged with it...unless the plan is to remove Comedy/Drama from them instead? Because majority of Slice of Life shows are also tagged with them. It just doesn't make sense to me...
Mar 29, 2022 5:22 AM

Oct 2010
naruto movie 6 is my fav isekai
anyways, good job
Mar 29, 2022 5:27 AM

Oct 2020
Very glad MAL finnaly realised the Anilist system is better where the viewers can vote the themes, good change imo

This has nothing to do with MAL but with this change MAL Badges is even more useless since they dont seem to update the genre count, it was a cool extension :(
Mar 29, 2022 5:34 AM

Sep 2014
DinoPapiro said:
Very glad MAL finnaly realised the Anilist system is better where the viewers can vote the themes, good change imo

This has nothing to do with MAL but with this change MAL Badges is even more useless since they dont seem to update the genre count, it was a cool extension :(
idk but a bunch of stupid kids voting on a genre doesnt exactly seem like a great idea to me, I can already see trolling or just straight up wrong genres happening
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 29, 2022 5:39 AM

Oct 2020
Comander-07 said:
DinoPapiro said:
Very glad MAL finnaly realised the Anilist system is better where the viewers can vote the themes, good change imo

This has nothing to do with MAL but with this change MAL Badges is even more useless since they dont seem to update the genre count, it was a cool extension :(
idk but a bunch of stupid kids voting on a genre doesnt exactly seem like a great idea to me, I can already see trolling or just straight up wrong genres happening
It has worked perfectly with anilist, they even have the option to add a spoiler theme or genre in casse it only happens later on but its also true the MAL community is very childish and it will be harder to keep it "clean"
Mar 29, 2022 6:19 AM

Oct 2013
LalaShj said:
I'm so happy with most of these changes and that you're hearing our subjections so thank you, i truly appreciate it.
But i have to say that this idol (female) and idol (male) segregation, it doesn't seem right? I don't really know how to say it but in an era where we're supporting the "everyone can watch what they want" this separation of themes it's really unnecessary and odd.

I know there are some differences between both but it's not like there are tons of idol animes out there (at least compared to other themes) and it's not like you separate the isekai theme by the gender of the protagonist, so as a suggestion and request, please just unify both themes and use "Idols" theme as a whole.

PS: Besides there can be some animes/mangas who can have idols from both genders, like Full Moon wo Sagashite, and it could be a problem to classify it.

In my experience most idol anime are following only one gender, and attracts a different fanbase therefore the separation.

Female Idols (like LL, 22/7, IdolMaster, Wake Up Girls) usually bank on cute girls and will attract one audience, while the Male Idols are usually the Bishounen archetype and are very popular among girls.

It obviously doesn't mean you cannot watch either of them, it's just an extra classification. So if I like Love Live and wanna find similar things, it won't be riddled with all these boy idol bands.
Mar 29, 2022 6:37 AM

Dec 2016
I may have missed it, but are there any plans to allow searching for works via source type (visual novel, novel, game, etc)?
Mar 29, 2022 7:06 AM

Jan 2009
Digimon as an Isekai nice one
Mar 29, 2022 8:04 AM

Mar 2013
I see cyberpunk is neither rejected or approved. Is there a chance to have it approved?
I know your PTW list is bigger than your completed list.
Mar 29, 2022 8:13 AM

May 2021
Great and Amazing like always~

Looking forward to Secret Santa being able to utilize all this nice new features!
Broken ImageBroken ImageBroken Image

I don't
know what to put here
Mar 29, 2022 8:33 AM
Master of Cursed

Aug 2011
Very nice to see the new tags! I appreciate a lot of these, will make searching for specific things easier. But I do have some criticisms:

-Why is gourmet a genre? It's way too specific, I would think it's a theme, like medical. Award Winning is also out of place, that's not a genre, but there's no real place to put it since it's not a theme either.
-Gender Bender: I like that this is being split up to be more specific. The excel sheet mentions a Body Swap tag, so I assume that's coming. Still, worried about the new naming for "magical sex shift". Just seems clunky, and having the word sex in there just looks weird, kind of makes people think of hentai. Plus, Backstreet Girls was put in there, and there's no magic involved with that at all.
-No LGBT+ tag: I feel like this is needed if you're gonna break up Gender Bender that much. Things like Hourou Musuko end up with no tags really tagging what the show is about, and people might eventually end up tagging them "Crossdressing" since there's nothing else describing it. I understand not wanting sensitive tags like abuse, but it would be nice if this could be celebrated instead of being lumped in that same category of "sensitive".
-Slice of Life tag: Why does this have to exclude both Comedy and Drama? What is even going to be in here there? This excludes everything people already associate with SOL, from things like Lucky Star and Nichijou to dramas like Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko. I understand wanting to limit some overused tags, but this is going to cause a lot of issues because what you define as SOL and what everyone already defines as SOL do not line up. Even now, these tags were not made mutually exclusive, so you must see this right?
-Reincarnation: Why is this tag just full of isekai? Half of them I can't even tell if they are reincarnation or not. Re:Zero has reincarnation??? Kono Suba??? I guess they died but they are literally still in their bodies, just in a different world. Is that really reincarnation? They were revived or resurrected, not reincarnated. Are there plans for other non-isekai things to work for this tag, like Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte? Hard to tell with no definition.
-Fantasy: With the merge with magic, this is a mess. Would be nice if it could be separate, where things set in a fantasy world and things with magic fantasy elements set in our world were separate... Would solve the mess of this tag. I don't mean you have to bring back the Magic tag, but even just dividing it into High and Low fantasy like the tag definition says would help.
-Demons > Mythology: Rip demons tag... This new tag is so broad I feel like it's gonna start messing with the fantasy tag too now... Or supernatural. Why does Vampires get to remain as its own thing? As well, I thought the point of this new system would eventually to have a lot more tags that users submit. So I feel like tags like Demons, Zombies, Werewolves, Angels, etc will eventually come out anyways, so why merge them?
-A lot of the tags are pretty spoiler-y, like Time Travel. I hope a system to show/hide spoiler tags will be implemented.

This was a long list of complaints, sorry. I just hope that what we eventually end up with will be useful and make sense, so I want to help out by pointing out some things now instead of later when it's too late. Thank you for all your hard work, team, tagging a bunch of things ahead of time even :)

Thank you to my wonderful Secret Santa
for the beautiful Hamel set!!! <3

Mar 29, 2022 8:34 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
This is great because I can view all the isekai that are listed in MAL all at once rather than viewing individual titles one at a time.
Mar 29, 2022 8:39 AM
Mar 2022
dadnaya said:
LalaShj said:
I'm so happy with most of these changes and that you're hearing our subjections so thank you, i truly appreciate it.
But i have to say that this idol (female) and idol (male) segregation, it doesn't seem right? I don't really know how to say it but in an era where we're supporting the "everyone can watch what they want" this separation of themes it's really unnecessary and odd.

I know there are some differences between both but it's not like there are tons of idol animes out there (at least compared to other themes) and it's not like you separate the isekai theme by the gender of the protagonist, so as a suggestion and request, please just unify both themes and use "Idols" theme as a whole.

PS: Besides there can be some animes/mangas who can have idols from both genders, like Full Moon wo Sagashite, and it could be a problem to classify it.

In my experience most idol anime are following only one gender, and attracts a different fanbase therefore the separation.

Female Idols (like LL, 22/7, IdolMaster, Wake Up Girls) usually bank on cute girls and will attract one audience, while the Male Idols are usually the Bishounen archetype and are very popular among girls.

It obviously doesn't mean you cannot watch either of them, it's just an extra classification. So if I like Love Live and wanna find similar things, it won't be riddled with all these boy idol bands.

I find it unnecesary, also because it doesn't let the theme be expanded as it could be, for example we have:

Delinquents theme: Banana Fish, Tokyo Revengers, Teacher Onizuka
Strategy game: Sangatsu no Lion, Chihayafuru, Kakegurui, Death Parade
Isekai: Mushoku Tensei, Honzuki no Gekokujou, Iruma-Kun, Overlord

All of them have different targets and topics, but that way you can see the full potential of the "theme", in how there can be so many works under the same thematic while being so different of each other at the same time. a lot of people love to explore the works under the same label and compare their differences because that's one thing artistry can do.

If someone's want to find similar works as their favorite idol anime of cute girls or hot dudes they can scroll to the "Recommendations" section lol (that's literally its purpose). i still think this theme should not be defined by the genre of the cast, it's just weird considering that today there's a lot of people who consume both girls and boys idol animes/mangas.
Mar 29, 2022 9:07 AM

Oct 2018
Still no coming of age theme and an ecchi tag to Sono Bisque. Hard pass.

Suprisingly, they removed the comedy tag in Fruits Basket the Final and Prelude. It made sense because they were in serious tone.
Natsuki_SanJuanMar 29, 2022 9:10 AM

“Once you've been loved once and have loved once, you cannot forget it.”
― Natsume Takashi
Mar 29, 2022 9:09 AM

Oct 2018
This update is probably my favorite thing ever happened on MAL. Thanks everyone who worked on this.
Mar 29, 2022 9:12 AM
May 2021
can't wait to browse for some magical sex shift anime and manga...
yes hello hi
Mar 29, 2022 9:26 AM

Feb 2020
Ok, so my favorite isekai is boy and the beast
Nice tags, Though I still dont understand the difference between romance and romance subtext. Explanation basically the event before romance started. It doesnt make sense how its mutually exclusive.

also i dont understand what is the point of having showbiz and performance art simultaneously coexisting exist.
AdampkMar 29, 2022 9:47 AM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Mar 29, 2022 9:40 AM

Apr 2018
cheerio38010 said:
-Gender Bender: I like that this is being split up to be more specific. The excel sheet mentions a Body Swap tag, so I assume that's coming. Still, worried about the new naming for "magical sex shift". Just seems clunky, and having the word sex in there just looks weird, kind of makes people think of hentai. Plus, Backstreet Girls was put in there, and there's no magic involved with that at all.
-No LGBT+ tag: I feel like this is needed if you're gonna break up Gender Bender that much. Things like Hourou Musuko end up with no tags really tagging what the show is about, and people might eventually end up tagging them "Crossdressing" since there's nothing else describing it. I understand not wanting sensitive tags like abuse, but it would be nice if this could be celebrated instead of being lumped in that same category of "sensitive".
Regarding this, it's probably due to the fact that defining certain programs as LGBT+ is not easy if the author doesn't explicitly express that the work is dedicated to the social movement (I haven't seen or read Hourou Musuko yet, so I may be ignoring several things apart from the premise). It's also the same when a person of a certain orientation and identity claims not to affiliate with LGBT+ groups, so I suppose categorizing a program as one for handling related issues would depend on the canon of each person.

Still this is my perspective and I'm not sure what criteria are handled by Admin Staff.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Mar 29, 2022 9:42 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Little bit early for April Fools, don't you think?

I still stand by my idea that there should be an option to "add applicable tags to my list" with just 1 button. Of course, this can wait until after update 3.0

Good that mahou shoujo was added, this fills in some of the void magic left in our hearts
Mar 29, 2022 9:43 AM
Anime Moderator
May 2018
cheerio38010 said:

-No LGBT+ tag: I feel like this is needed if you're gonna break up Gender Bender that much. Things like Hourou Musuko end up with no tags really tagging what the show is about, and people might eventually end up tagging them "Crossdressing" since there's nothing else describing it. I understand not wanting sensitive tags like abuse, but it would be nice if this could be celebrated instead of being lumped in that same category of "sensitive".

I agree with this. In another example, it feels really weird seeing "My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness" being tagged with GL when it's autobiographical
Mar 29, 2022 9:44 AM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
Where to start... Although it is great to see changes and useful updates, there are some things that makes one wonder if it was properly evaluated or if it was done that way in a rush or just cause there wasn't another area in which it could fit. I'm not really gonna address the which tags have been applied to which entries since... well. There's a thread for requests, so we can do that there.
(Since Idk who worked on these definitions, these are meant more as a general thing than to a specify person)

I would like to mention some of the definitions.
✅ Create new and strong definitions for each genre so that its usage is better defined.

🔜 Create new and strong definitions for each theme so that its usage is better defined.
   ↑ 11/51 Themes have definitions live on the site and more will be added to the spreadsheet/site with time.

whew that took a few hours to write and analyze...

Regarding Restrictions

- Adult Cast [excluding] School, Erotica, Hentai
what, is all erotica and hentai with kids?? why it can't have the tag?

- Boys/Girls Love [excluding] Romance
since it's not an explicit one and more on the romantic relationship, why exclude it?

- Showbiz [excluding] Idols (Female), Idols (Male)
it doesn't makes sense

- Slice of Life [excluding] Comedy, Drama
still can't agree

In general, I just hope that more than a couple of people actually had a hand on those definitions and restrictions and that the bias towards the personal preferences wasn't what made some of these things pass.
SheyCroixMar 29, 2022 10:12 AM




Mar 29, 2022 10:13 AM
King of Justice

Mar 2017
Great in theory but…I have my two bits about this execution. I don’t want to be too mean or sound too butt-hurt but I do think criticisms need to be made.

Adding of new genres is fantastic and a welcome change, but once you actually look through the changes, the new rules of what genres can be defined as and relate to each other is kind of incoherent. There are so, so many confusingly strict new definitions of these themes in their descriptions that just makes things counterintuitive. Especially with genres that seemingly deny the existence of two genres going hand in hand logically (ex: combat sports and action, slice of life and comedy/drama).

And in the light of these new genres, for some reason that ended up calling for the shuffling around of old genres, which is probably the most bewildering change. It was a problem in round 1 and it’s a problem here that MAL’s doubling down on. In an effort to fit all anime into weirdly detailed boxes, relationships between genres that made sense before are just kind of thrown out the window. I disagree that the old system outgrew its usefulness, the system that was there had a relationship dynamic between genres that fit into each other just fine. This should’ve just been an adding of new genres. Magic is a go-to example, as you can have Fantasy without Magic and Magic without Fantasy, but also Demons just got put into Mythology? I thought the goal was to have more genres to cover more topics? So having a confusingly placed blanket in the midst also doesn’t make much sense. And I bet that’ll also get thrown out the window once user-generated themes become a thing, which, by the way, should’ve been the main implementation from the start, as these new changes will likely get thrown out the window once that’s introduced, making these new genre relationship rules not mean much in retrospect.

It just seems like MAL staff is just creating more work for itself instead of fully fleshing out ideas before releasing changes into a sub-beta state without any warning or prior announcement, or just being overall vague and non transparent. I just don’t like this pattern lately of MAL suddenly making a change, announcing it, and tweaking the details and flaws later or sometimes not at all. But I don’t want to be a downer; thank you MAL for putting all this hard work into this idea. I know with a huge database and new anime breaking new ground in what genres can be it can be hard pin down stuff throughout this wide database, so I at least thank you for the attempt.

Insert joke about how April Fools came early here
Mar 29, 2022 10:45 AM

Aug 2017
From what I've seen, I agree with the changes except maaaaybe for the romantic subtext, its kinda confusing.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 29, 2022 10:52 AM

Jul 2020
This will be a lot different than what I was used to so it'll take time to get used to it. But it's not a bad change I think.

StoryGraph x Spotify x Instagram
“Whether we die or not isn't really that big a deal." — Suzuya Juuzou
Mar 29, 2022 11:24 AM

Dec 2018
So happy magical girl is finally a theme tag!!! You have no idea how much I needed that... love the other new tags too!

dunno how Shakugan no Shana counts as magical girl but not Magic Knight Rayearth, Saint Tail, Dennou Shoujo Mink or so many others...?? lol
Fario-PMar 29, 2022 11:28 AM
Mar 29, 2022 11:42 AM

Jan 2009
Fario-P said:
dunno how Shakugan no Shana counts as magical girl but not Magic Knight Rayearth, Saint Tail, Dennou Shoujo Mink or so many others...?? lol

it will be added too later

>While the genre definitions are live, the genre tags on many anime/manga still need to be updated. Please give us time, it's a lot of work T_T
Mar 29, 2022 12:44 PM

Jul 2014
Overall I like the changes. More tags can help people find things they enjoy or filter out things they don't.

Some of the changes don't make a lot of sense though, at least not with the information given. Why did Demons become Mythology, but Vampires remain unchanged?

I understand the Video Games tag, but why did Games become Strategy Games? Is it meant to represent all board games? Would an anime about a strategy rpg like Final Fantasy Tactics have both tags? What about games that aren't video games or strategy games?

Police to Detectives also seems like a strange one. Yes, most police anime was about detectives (or at least people solving some kind of crime), but not all detectives are police. Hakozume: Kouban Joshi no Gyakushuu (Police in a Pod) is different than Sherlock Holmes. In Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi the main character is a private detective, but she isn't a police officer. I don't know that the Police tag was better, it just seems like something is lost either way. Police includes detectives but shouldn't be used for private detectives, but Detectives wouldn't include stories about police officers who aren't detectives. Like, a slice of life story about a traffic cop would be Police, but not Detectives.

Why does Idols need to be split into different genders but not any other genre? We don't have Samurai (Female) and Samurai (Male). Admittedly I don't watch Idol anime, but could there not just be the one tag and then people look at the cast to see if they're male or female? And where would Back Street Girls: Gokudolls fit under this system? It currently has no Idol tag despite being about idols.

And School can NEVER be tagged as Adult Cast? Surely an anime about teachers could have this tag. Or something like the TV show Community, which is about adults who are in college. I'm not saying it would be common, but saying that it can NEVER happen seems shortsighted.
blackmagemastaMar 29, 2022 12:52 PM
Mar 29, 2022 1:09 PM

Aug 2018
Can we plzzz have battle of wits or mind games theme? So we can have shows like death note or Kaiji in it
Maloween 2020 candies

Main candies:

Mar 29, 2022 1:41 PM
Phantom Thief

Jan 2012
Spoonmaster12 said:
Can we plzzz have battle of wits or mind games theme? So we can have shows like death note or Kaiji in it

thats gonna be under 'high stakes game'
Mar 29, 2022 2:26 PM

Aug 2018
Rage_Beat06 said:
Spoonmaster12 said:
Can we plzzz have battle of wits or mind games theme? So we can have shows like death note or Kaiji in it

thats gonna be under 'high stakes game'

High stakes game is different, Death note isn't under high stakes game
Maloween 2020 candies

Main candies:

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192 by doctor-funk-beat »»
Mar 21, 7:30 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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