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==Truman Marsh==
'''Truman Marsh''' was a warden of the [[Vault (comics)|Vault]]. He first appeared was in ''Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault'' #1 (July 1991). Ruthless towards the supervillains, Truman had access to a hardline bomb to detonate the entire facility (which only the [[President of the United States]] could access) under his supervision in risk of an escape attempt.<ref>''Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault'' #1</ref> Despite interference from superhero groups (the [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]] and [[Freedom Force (comics)|Freedom Force]]) during a supervillain breakout caused by [[Mentallo]], Marsh activated the Vault's bomb, and is killed inby [[Eddie Brock|Venom]] amongst the chaos before [[Radioactive Man (comics)|Radioactive Man]] helps the superhero groups by preventing Marsh's bomb from destroying half of New York state.<ref>''Marvel Graphic Novel: Avengers: Deathtrap: The Vault''</ref>
===In other media===
A version of Truman Marsh appears in ''[[Avengers Assemble (TV series)|Avengers: Ultron Revolution]]'', asvoiced by [[UltronWilliam Salyers]]. He first appears where he has been assigned to be the Avengers's disguisedliaison to the government in light of the President signing the New Powers Act amongst the emergence of some recently-discovered [[Inhumans]]. By the four-part "Civil War" episodes, it is revealed that Truman Marsh is actually [[Ultron]] in formdisguise.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Avengers: Ultron Revolution S03 E25: ‘Civil War, Part Three: The Drums of War’|date=16 February 2017|publisher=}}</ref>