PowerKing: @Anonymous: Wendy's gonna be even more pissed when she finds out she's got a baby brother or sister coming in a few months that suspiciously looks a bit like Cartman.
@Anonymous: At the time when I had this commission done, I couldn't think of a good place for them to get it on so I just let ElectricShark use a place they had ready for the background.
Anonymous4: Wendy: What the fuck?
Cartman: *Thrusting Mrs Testaburger* Oh hey Wendy.
Wendy: Cartman what are you doing with my mom?!
Mrs Testaburger: Oh don't worry sweetie he and I are just wrestling to see who wins.
Cartman: Heh yeah.
Wendy: It looks like your both fucking!
Mrs Testaburger: Wendy Testaburger you watch your mouth in this house or I'll have your father ground you!
Wendy: Ugh! *Walking upstairs to her room as she slams the door*
Cartman: *Continues thrusting Mrs Testaburger while thinks* Take that Wendy you dumb bitch, me and your mom are gonna keep on fuckin.
@Anonymous: At the time when I had this commission done, I couldn't think of a good place for them to get it on so I just let ElectricShark use a place they had ready for the background.
Cartman: *Thrusting Mrs Testaburger* Oh hey Wendy.
Wendy: Cartman what are you doing with my mom?!
Mrs Testaburger: Oh don't worry sweetie he and I are just wrestling to see who wins.
Cartman: Heh yeah.
Wendy: It looks like your both fucking!
Mrs Testaburger: Wendy Testaburger you watch your mouth in this house or I'll have your father ground you!
Wendy: Ugh! *Walking upstairs to her room as she slams the door*
Cartman: *Continues thrusting Mrs Testaburger while thinks* Take that Wendy you dumb bitch, me and your mom are gonna keep on fuckin.