Draft:Black Rock Desert Amethyst deposit

In July of 2021, a unique deposit of Amethyst scepter crystals was discovered in the hills located in the infamous Black Rock Desert, in Western Nevada.

While traveling down the dusty back roads, Crystal Lou, happened to spot a lot of quartz on a road embankment in the afternoon. Crystal, and avid rock-hound, decided to check it out. After finding several intriguing quartz pieces, she decided to return on a cooler morning.

Upon her return trip a few days later, she proceeded to find several interesting quartz crystals. excitedly, she dug around, finding several more. She decided to employ the help of a few friends, and returned several days later. It was on this trip, she discovered extra large Amethyst crystals. She managed to unearth several unique large scepter and smokey quartz crystals. Mining claims were quickly filed, as several large, rare and beautiful specimens were uncovered.

Since the summer of 2021, she has used the help of friends to develop out this mine, in the process uncovering some beautiful, rare, and unique crystals, ranging from: Amethyst, Smokey, Citrine, Clear, Rutile, inclusions, water inclusions, Double termination, clusters, and Scepters.



The deposit formed as a pegmatite, in a host granite pluton. It was later altered, during hydrothermal episodes during the Basin and Range extension events. These events lead to the formation of large, multi generational growth crystals. They tend to occur in linear vein structures, that run parallel to each other, and perpendicular to large felsic dikes. The region is dominated by large granitic plutons, likely formed during the subduction of the Farralon plate.



Before being discovered in 2021 by Crystal Lou, the location was not known for any other mineral production or past mining operations. The general area was used for hunting, both in modern and past historical times. The game found in the area are Antelope, Mule deer and Chukar, as well as rabbits.

potential development


The deposit will continue to be developed, in search of the beautiful and rare quartz crystals the hillside may contain. At this point, its a small passion project overseen by Crystal, as she employs a few rock hound friends to help her unearth the gems.

