Sugar Cravings, Red Meat, and Your Health | Max Lugavere | EP 456

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 4,5 тыс.

  • @jeremymoore7137
    @jeremymoore7137 8 месяцев назад +1715

    I'm just a nobody but I wanted you to know this.
    Your daughter saved my life.
    10 months ago I was 303 lbs.
    In horrible health.
    I did keto before but at 53 yrs old, it wasn't helping.
    After carnivore, I'm now 191lbs. I'm a different person.
    I can do exercises that I couldn't do before.
    I don't feel my age.
    Thank you. ❤

    • @nancyfahey7518
      @nancyfahey7518 8 месяцев назад +202

      You are not a nobody. You just influenced me and probably 10 others. 😊
      Look, you got 61 likes. You made 61 people stronger.

    • @jeremymoore7137
      @jeremymoore7137 8 месяцев назад

      @@nancyfahey7518 thanks

    • @nevillegoddard4966
      @nevillegoddard4966 8 месяцев назад +53

      @@jeremymoore7137 Three cheers for Michaila! Hooray, hooray, hooray!

    • @debrafountain2883
      @debrafountain2883 8 месяцев назад +38

      Congratulations 🎉 Jeremy! Keep up the good work! I'm happy to know you're pushing through and seeing and feeling the benefits!

    • @BigB-ch2ou
      @BigB-ch2ou 8 месяцев назад +23

      Thanks for sharing your success story! I would encourage anyone who’s had success on any elimination diet such as the carnivore diet to keep in mind that they didn’t get overweight or ill (aside from allergies) on carrots, beans, apples, or other whole foods that are very low in calories and very high in nutrients. Elimination diets remove processed foods and that has a massive impact on our health.

  • @jcszot
    @jcszot 9 месяцев назад +559

    My favorite quote which comes from Dr. Robert Lustig.
    “ Any food that is linked to a television commercial should not be consumed.” When you feel confused over what to eat just recite this quote. It works for me!

    • @nevillegoddard4966
      @nevillegoddard4966 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@jcszot Lustig talks some sense, but he also talks a lot of rubbish about other stuff. I choose to ignore him, just to be safe.

    • @mooncat4965
      @mooncat4965 9 месяцев назад +7

      Dr. Lustig is the best authority to listen to.

    • @kditte777
      @kditte777 9 месяцев назад +7

      "Avocados from Mexico 🎉"

    • @sq8540
      @sq8540 9 месяцев назад +7

      'Eat real food' is the thing that makes most sense to me. If you shop the outside aisles of the grocery stores, you hit most of the real (less processed )foods-butcher counter, produce and some frozen foods) Most of the highly processed foods lie in the middle aisles.

    • @tonymai1844
      @tonymai1844 9 месяцев назад +5

      I got addicted eating boxed food from TV commercials. After watching "Sugar, the bitter true" I knew I got the same problem with millions other people. So I quited all sugar, all processed food. It is better with real food. Low carb, real food is good for our health. Yep, just dont eat ANY television commercial food.

  • @colleenpollock2908
    @colleenpollock2908 9 месяцев назад +1712

    Over the last 15 years or so I have cut out sauces and gravies, fast foods and "instant" foods. My palate has grown simple, to the point where I actually don't like even salad dressings - other than olive oil and balsamic vinegar. You can chase me with sugary deserts or "treats". I have finally managed to drop bread. I very seldom eat out and most times I choose to cook from scratch, don't do frying, only steaming, poaching or grilling. This discussion has been eye-opening and has justified my simple foods choice. I'm 70 and not on any medication. I am blessed!

    • @AyaEgbuho
      @AyaEgbuho 9 месяцев назад +45

      What a great read. Thanks for sharing. ❤

    • @nevastrong2850
      @nevastrong2850 9 месяцев назад +41

      I’m in my 50s & agree! Simplifying food has saved $$ on groceries. Used to dine out weekly (client dinners, etc), no longer!

    • @LewisDodgson1
      @LewisDodgson1 9 месяцев назад +71

      Eating out today begins with the question: Do I want to subject my body to this?

    • @jrroper3515
      @jrroper3515 9 месяцев назад +28

      Along with blessed, you are also, willpower strong! Good on you, setting a proper example for everyone you encounter! ❤

    • @pinkladydana
      @pinkladydana 9 месяцев назад +57

      I’m on a daily intermittent fasting at age 72 almost 73 very much enjoy a meat, eggs,and dairy- based diet some vegetables; very little in the carbohydrate range and I am improving. No artificial sweeteners, butter, not margarine. My only prescription is Latanaprost drops because I have the beginning of glaucoma . Beets helped me defeat high blood pressure naturally. Onward and upward!

  • @Alicet2323
    @Alicet2323 9 месяцев назад +272

    3 months carnivore and have never felt better. Fat loss, toned up, Level headed, no stomach pain, no cravings, no crashing, no joint aches, the list goes on. I want to eat like this forever. It is the most liberating feeling ever not being a slave to my cravings.

    • @nancyfahey7518
      @nancyfahey7518 8 месяцев назад +18

      ​@JackD89 carnivore is not expensive if you get rid of all the junk and watch for sales.

    • @fender1000100
      @fender1000100 8 месяцев назад +3

      31 years plant based and have never felt better. Looked better and performed better at 61. Im getting stronger. Nothing beats my cheese. You can keep your Texas cows.

    • @IndigoMystik
      @IndigoMystik 8 месяцев назад +28

      ​@@fender1000100Not everyone is the same. Do what works for you, but don't belittle others who choose differently - plant-based has made many people very unwell.

    • @fender1000100
      @fender1000100 8 месяцев назад

      Water will kill you if you don't know what you are doing. There are alot of stupid people eating plant based. That much is for sure. Protein must be ur jewel in the crown no matter what diet you're on. B12 and Omega 3. The rest is negligible. The stupid vegans who eat too much fruit or leafy greens. And ignore the Kings like MUNG BEANS, BLACK GRAM, AND LENTILS. CHICK PEAS. He'll yeah they are gonna have problems.

    • @sachav9576
      @sachav9576 8 месяцев назад

      Do you only eat grass-fed

  • @liverpoolpictorial
    @liverpoolpictorial 9 месяцев назад +745

    I cut out most carbs and sugars 2 years ago purely to lose weight and stuck to meats, fats and leafy vegetables. I'm also on a 16/8 intermittent fast. None of it takes any effort. I was 66 at the time. I quickly lost weight. I was always reasonably fit, but I was carrying too much timber. My fitness obviously improved, but what pleasantly shocked me was how my temperment and brain function changed for the better. It's as I've been possessed by a much nicer person.

    • @frankwall1718
      @frankwall1718 9 месяцев назад +36

      That’s such good news,to be possessed by a much nicer person, got to try it!!

    • @Papadoc1000
      @Papadoc1000 9 месяцев назад +26

      There are biological reasons for being "hangry". I just heard an interview with Dr Berry and the author of Dark Calories, a reference to seed oils and what they do to adipose tissues. I consider myself quite well-read on most health issues but this was enlightening.

    • @jm1733
      @jm1733 9 месяцев назад +63

      How dare anyone bypass the medical industrial complex and their symptom treatment. Don't you know that these doctors went to school for 8 years or more and know our bodies better than we do? If enough people start to realize how little we need doctors, there could be a real threat to them being able to afford their vacation homes and nannies.

    • @danajacobs9097
      @danajacobs9097 9 месяцев назад +5

      Same 😂

    • @nevillegoddard4966
      @nevillegoddard4966 9 месяцев назад

      @@liverpoolpictorial Careful, green leafy vegetables likely contain oxalates, which strip minerals from your body. Spinach, in particular, is terrible.

  • @Terrahawks_Zelda
    @Terrahawks_Zelda 9 месяцев назад +360

    “It’s not controversial it’s just anti-propagandistic” Love it!

  • @brendenpischke6060
    @brendenpischke6060 9 месяцев назад +2747

    I can't wait for the world to move on past "left versus right" so that we can focus on real problems like this.

    • @philipbauer9200
      @philipbauer9200 9 месяцев назад +168

      Obesity is a left vs right issue. I don't know how it got there but it is.

    • @balasaashti3146
      @balasaashti3146 9 месяцев назад +68

      @@philipbauer9200 Really weird isn't it.

    • @OurGoodFarm
      @OurGoodFarm 9 месяцев назад +136

      To lift weights is right wing.

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 9 месяцев назад +99

      Evil vs good will always be a thing

    • @vanmamawannabe6360
      @vanmamawannabe6360 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@philipbauer9200Which side is which?

  • @alanvale101
    @alanvale101 5 месяцев назад +205

    24 bottles of wine a month for 20 + years- 35 days sober .. very glad I did this

    • @bianchaesson1441
      @bianchaesson1441 5 месяцев назад +10

      All honour to you!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @kimberlylawson8240
      @kimberlylawson8240 5 месяцев назад +8

      Congratulations!!! I believe in you 💗

    • @chrisleblanc8538
      @chrisleblanc8538 5 месяцев назад +7

      It takes a lot of courage to do that and you are stronger for it!! Congratulations!

    • @alanvale101
      @alanvale101 4 месяца назад +1

      @@brenttesterman1198 didn’t need it..

    • @brenttesterman3171
      @brenttesterman3171 4 месяца назад +2

      @@alanvale101 Staying stopped is the real issue. You might be a statical outlier. Best of luck.

  • @toniladenheim8322
    @toniladenheim8322 9 месяцев назад +733

    Autoimmune diseases, arthritis, diabetes and certain types of dementia are adverse side of effects of vaccines and certain medicines (as noted in pub med). Working In dentistry I love to spend hours talking to the 100 year olds. One amazing lady who just turned a 100 years old this month, grew up on her parents cattle ranch and is a retired teacher. She has consumed a lot of fresh red meat, eggs (made in a variety dishes) and homemade fruit pies over her life time. One day she brought me a homemade berry pie to thank me for walking her out to her SUV which she drives by herself to the dentist office. She wears a fit band daily and walks with friends from her neighborhood and church. This lady does not suffer from any chronic disease, doesn't need daily medicine and still has a crystal clear short and long term memory. There is so much to learn from these 100 year olds who still have their memories.

    • @bradschmitt1990
      @bradschmitt1990 9 месяцев назад +7

      ok.. where is this.. I want to meet her

    • @toniladenheim8322
      @toniladenheim8322 9 месяцев назад +18

      @@bradschmitt1990 She was born in June 1924 and lives in Huntington Beach, CA

    • @jeanguillaume4589
      @jeanguillaume4589 9 месяцев назад +22

      It’s nice that you can eat pie and live til 100

    • @toddtheisen8386
      @toddtheisen8386 9 месяцев назад +31

      @@jeanguillaume4589 Classic survival bias. Discounting all of the members of a large group that die from a behavior. Pointing at the the small number of individuals left at the end and saying that said behavior resulted in longevity. In reality, those survivors lived in SPITE of unhealthy behavior, not BECAUSE of that behavior.

    • @jeanguillaume4589
      @jeanguillaume4589 9 месяцев назад +12

      @@toddtheisen8386 I choose pie because I don’t want to die

  • @heatherdunham4562
    @heatherdunham4562 5 месяцев назад +79

    When I discovered Jordanon the Internet I was suffering from chronic migraines which included inflammation throughout my body, painful stiff joints, bad memory, digestive problems, and fibromyalgia. Anxiety seemed to be a problem too. I was already avoiding many foods. I had many tests with no results. Once I learned about the carnivore diet, and heard Jordan and his daughter’s stories, I started the carnivore diet. Within 2 days I felt amazing. No pain, I wasn’t in the bathroom in pain, I slept better, clear head, no body pain anymore, my vision and hearing were even better. It was all food related.

    • @123lowp
      @123lowp 3 месяца назад

      Watch your cholesterol levels.

    • @patrickfrainey7712
      @patrickfrainey7712 29 дней назад

      That's so crazy...Thank God you discovered the cause of your health's really absurd how easily such fundamental causes can be overlooked.

  • @constanceham6497
    @constanceham6497 9 месяцев назад +772

    This was such an interesting discussion. I'm 80, & so far I don't have any memory problems. One thing I had as a young person, was piano lessons for about 20 years total. I memorized pages of music. I grew up on a farm. My Mom always cooked real food, either grown by my parents or my grandparents. No pesticides, only real food-dairy cows, chickens, gardens, fruit trees, venison. Mom made meals with color, like green veggies. I also believe that staying curious about life, learning something new every day also helps keep the mind working. What do you think about my experiences?

    • @icarusjumped2719
      @icarusjumped2719 9 месяцев назад +32

      I know another 80 Yr old in a similar situation. He has had a pure carribean diet. Didn't eat much sugary foods until recently. No mental problems, no heart problems, blood pressure is perfect, and his blood sugar is too.

    • @heidib9275
      @heidib9275 9 месяцев назад +40

      I am jealous. My grandparents (who would now be in their 100s but have passed on) lived similarly to you, but my parents (also both gone) born in the 30s were very unhealthy eaters and i grew up in the seventies on a terrible diet…hot dogs, sugary cereals, no veggies except what came in a can. I tried to reverse the damage in my twenties with Mediterranean diet and now try my best to eat clean keto but sugar is hard to beat. My mother and her father had dementia. I am terrified of dementia, even more than weight issues. This is my primary motivation to eat healthy foods. I do not want to lose my brain health.

    • @Sir2Quik
      @Sir2Quik 9 месяцев назад +16

      Wonderful to hear your story brother thank you for sharing! I quite enjoy the fact that your family made all their own produce and foods. That's an amazing accomplishment and a good example of how to escape the poisonous processed foods of society. Well done to you and your family sir, I hope you all live to well over 100!

    • @abeal49
      @abeal49 9 месяцев назад +19

      I remember in the 1970s the stories of poor old ladies living independently, brains intact, who were living on cat food, because they couldn't afford groceries. They were doing very well, however, living on cat food.
      Cat food has supplemental taurine in it, because cats don't synthesize their own, and if deprived of it, they develop heart failure, poor eyesight, and dementia.
      Sounds like old age to me. My husband and I take taurine supplements. other sources are raw duck eggs, raw goat's milk and raw meat . (Heat destroys taurine.)

    • @abeal49
      @abeal49 9 месяцев назад +2

      I am now 30 minutes into this. When does it get interesting?

  • @valarielaforge2913
    @valarielaforge2913 7 месяцев назад +67

    My husband has suggested a keto/carnivore diet so we are at beginning. I have parkinsons and 60 and have suffer from unrelenting autoimmune disease for 45 years. So thank you so much!

    • @dannykay3598
      @dannykay3598 5 месяцев назад +9

      Good for you. Dr Joel Wallach has vids on this. He reversed Parkinson.

    • @rochellebroglen4155
      @rochellebroglen4155 5 месяцев назад +4

      I see your comment is a couple of months old. I just wanted you to know that I'm sending intentions for your well-being and health. I hope you've been successful in your endeavors and are starting to see some positive results 💗 Blessings 🙏

    • @ToddGavin-dp6bk
      @ToddGavin-dp6bk 5 месяцев назад

      @@rochellebroglen4155 Me too.

    • @Prettynickle
      @Prettynickle 5 месяцев назад

      Check out Dr Ardis and the nicotine patch which can cure Parkinsons. Dr Brian Ardis.

    • @freddyheynssens1950
      @freddyheynssens1950 4 месяца назад +1

      Dr Boz, is an expert on the ketogenic diet
      God bless you.

  • @acerpalmatum6446
    @acerpalmatum6446 9 месяцев назад +835

    I was recently diagnosed with Endometriosis. The OBGYN said "surgery or birth control pills" was my only option. I asked what about diet, herbs, exercise? She said "no, those won't help your pain." Left her office and will never return. Going to try gluten free to see if that helps. Wish me luck.

    • @jooboo115
      @jooboo115 9 месяцев назад +78

      Look into dr Mindy pelz. Fasting is a god send

    • @ninawildr4207
      @ninawildr4207 9 месяцев назад +114

      Go carnivore❤

    • @jaemee3
      @jaemee3 9 месяцев назад +98

      I had surgery in 2010 for an endometrial cyst the size of a tennis ball, then 6 months of Lupron, 8 months of the pill. I hated the pill. I did research and found the endometriosis diet. My Dr said okay and I went off the pill. In about 2015 I found that daily dosing of magnesium helped my endo symptoms, too. I recently conceived after many years of managing endo through diet (and with only 1 ovary). It's possible, but Medical Dr's don't know about diet stuff. Do more research. I avoid GMOs and pesticides, dairy and conventional meats (bc of the hormones and gmo feed). I also do Epsom baths in the days leading up to my period to help maximize magnesium in my system. The magnesium helps with the painful periods. You got this.

    • @acerpalmatum6446
      @acerpalmatum6446 9 месяцев назад

      @@jooboo115 thank you, I will look up that name

    • @acerpalmatum6446
      @acerpalmatum6446 9 месяцев назад +76

      @@ninawildr4207 I did carnivore several years ago for a few months. Didn't have endo then but I remember my periods were MUCH LESS painful. I think this is my sign to try that diet again. Thankfully my family are big game hunters. I have 3 freezers full of caribou, moose and bear 👍

  • @off-meta-michael
    @off-meta-michael 9 месяцев назад +180

    37 years old. 1 year carnivore. Steak, eggs, salmon, raw and fermented dairy, SOME sauerkraut on ground beef occasionally. Still drinking coffee in the morning.
    All gut issues gone. This includes bloating, rash, bleeding, hemorrhoids, constipation. This effect was within the first couple months. I no longer need to use shampoo, deodorant, or tooth paste on a regular basis. This occurred about 6 to 7 months into the diet. I still use them occasionally, but have switched over to more natural type products, like beef tallow soaps or coconut oil for deodorant. I no longer need to use any types of cleaners or face washes.
    I never was overweight, but my body composition changed and slightly toned up with very little exercise. When i do exercise i look ripped in a way that was only possible if i worked out 4 days a week before.
    Had labs done recently. Insulin sensitivity is perfect, cholesterol mimics that of the LMHR. No Inflammation. No heavy metal toxicity (i drink RO water), testosterone was off the clinic's reference range at 850.
    There were some growing pains with the diet. I had carb withdrawal very early on and had what i can only call a liver detox event at about 3 months. I have tried to reintroduce some things and symptoms return. Any grains or ultra processed items bring back the symptoms with a vengeance and it takes weeks to return to a healed or normal state.
    My younger brother has had the same experience except he also lost 40 pounds. Carnivore has been an absolute life saver for me.

    • @ritapacheco8084
      @ritapacheco8084 9 месяцев назад +6

      Amazing! Keep it up!

    • @vikkiandmavwong
      @vikkiandmavwong 9 месяцев назад +8

      Absolutely spot on! This is my experience mind is blown with my health improvements and I can't keep quiet about it 😂 Brill 😊

    • @rotcaka
      @rotcaka 9 месяцев назад +4

      There are people who have multiple yachts and own islands who should stand trial for their profiting off of the misery of generations of their innocent brothers and sisters. It's just infuriating to see what has and is happening with the drugs and the food, which are all part of this same corrupt system.

    • @off-meta-michael
      @off-meta-michael 9 месяцев назад

      @@rotcaka yea, its actually amazing how far off the food has gotten. The web of fraud and greed with pharma and food scientists is quite intricate. Sounds conspiratorial but its not. More and more people are noticing though and rejecting this "food"

    • @nevillegoddard4966
      @nevillegoddard4966 9 месяцев назад

      @@off-meta-michael EXCELLENT!!! 10/10!!!

  • @Jacquie_Kirk_111
    @Jacquie_Kirk_111 9 месяцев назад +720

    Thank you for educating the public on the Food Pyramid. We need a brave lawyer who will start a Class Action Lawsuit against the Food Authority and the Canadian and American Diabetes Association. It's criminal how they have lied to the vulnerable masses, especially the CHILDREN.

    • @jezzaRTW
      @jezzaRTW 9 месяцев назад +33

      Still the South Park episode on the pyramid is pretty funny. Where cartman points out to turn it upside down!!

    • @pdxnikki1
      @pdxnikki1 9 месяцев назад +19

      Was raised by the lo-fat devout.
      Keto/carnivore is the happier/productive diet.

    • @timothyblazer1749
      @timothyblazer1749 9 месяцев назад +17

      No lawsuit will stop liars. Just ignore them, tell others to ignore them. Use the law and political force to stop them trying to ban your choices.

    • @JC-yt1pm
      @JC-yt1pm 9 месяцев назад +6

      Watch Viva and Barnes. The judge will claim there is no standing and stop a trial before it gets going.

    • @michaellamont2605
      @michaellamont2605 9 месяцев назад

      Narcissists run the world
      The people who expose them are ABUSED

  • @av42400
    @av42400 6 месяцев назад +17

    I lost my dad to early onset familia Alzheimer's with dementia, last year. I was in charge of his care for 6 years. For 6 years I watched him wither away and die before he died. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I'd be bawling through this film so I don't think I should watch it, but I appreciate the work being done to bring this to the forefront. To raise awareness of cause and even affect is so important. It's vital. Thank you for this episode, and for this guest. It was excellent and sad.

  • @Abby07sCorner
    @Abby07sCorner 9 месяцев назад +217

    I suffered badly from an aggressive disease of the gut and I did elimination diet and found that a paleo diet was showing me progress, now I am doing amazing, I don’t get fevers and flare ups anywhere like I used to and I have been cusuming high amounts of beef and improved even more these last 5 months and more pasture raised eggs and goats milk. I discovered that inflammatory oils and ultra processed foods were inhibiting my health above all else. I eat no grains. This is the healthiest I have been since my diagnosis. Faith and prayer was a big role and being willing to take the tools God revealed to me over time.

    • @marionchase-kleeves8311
      @marionchase-kleeves8311 8 месяцев назад +8

      My health improved in leaps and bounds by ELIMINATING WHEAT!

    • @c.e.w5833
      @c.e.w5833 8 месяцев назад +1

      What disease?

    • @cassiawhitfield7280
      @cassiawhitfield7280 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@marionchase-kleeves8311 I can afford food

    • @HellcatGamin
      @HellcatGamin 5 месяцев назад +1

      It wasn’t god, it was YOU. For fuck sake people need to understand that free will means god has no say in ANYTHING that goes on in the world. Who dies, who lives, what people go through, is not decided by him.

    • @davedavelaar
      @davedavelaar 4 месяца назад

      1:41:38 GG​@@c.e.w5833

  • @TarotJeanette
    @TarotJeanette 9 месяцев назад +263

    My eldest son died at age 32 in 2009 from diet-related diseases. His cause of death on his death certificate is "mixed prescription drug toxicity" which were the 12+ prescriptions his family doctor prescribed to him to treat diabetes, depression, anxiety, pain. He was a strong, handsome, intelligent young man 😢 I miss you Tom!

    • @WendyHannan-pt7ez
      @WendyHannan-pt7ez 8 месяцев назад +19

      That’s very sad, so sorry ❤

    • @TarotJeanette
      @TarotJeanette 8 месяцев назад +7

      @@WendyHannan-pt7ez thank you for your kind words.

    • @craig617
      @craig617 8 месяцев назад +9

      Sorry for your loss ❤

    • @vixter28
      @vixter28 8 месяцев назад +8

      😢 so sorry
      So sad 💔

    • @eleanorvanderhoest3956
      @eleanorvanderhoest3956 8 месяцев назад +12

      I'm so sorry for this devastating and seemingly unnecessary loss. It's criminal that doctors are doing this, exploiting the trust of well intentioned people following them in good faith. We need empowerment to question these prescribings.

  • @BrotherTree1
    @BrotherTree1 9 месяцев назад +199

    Two legends in one room and podcast. Just beautiful.

  • @jamesflynn4741
    @jamesflynn4741 5 месяцев назад +25

    'Pathologically-delicious' what a wonderfully profound, practical, powerful phrase to coin. Kudos. It puts a whole new light on those 'little indulgences' that makes them seem much less 'sweet' . Thanks

    • @sunnyfolding
      @sunnyfolding 3 месяца назад

      Yes! A genius phrase for me to hold onto as a 10/10 food addict (in recovery, thanks to God and "Bright Line Eating")!

  • @marionchase-kleeves8311
    @marionchase-kleeves8311 8 месяцев назад +34

    I ate up to 8 slices of bread a day for years. I was always sick, congested, fatigues. Id wake up at night coughing and choking.
    Iran out of bread for a week and ate oatmeal, rice and lentils, fruits and vegies.
    I felt great! No congestion, choking at night, extreme fatigue! So Im gluten free, lactose free and off multiple meds

    • @SmoothJK
      @SmoothJK 8 месяцев назад +4

      Sounds like you have a bad gluten intolerance of some sort, maybe even an allergy. But carbs like rice aren't good either if you over consume.

    • @gracegwozdz8185
      @gracegwozdz8185 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@SmoothJK, all humanity has this "gluten intolerance"!
      The sad truth is that we are not chicken designed to digest grains.

  • @middleagedmary
    @middleagedmary 9 месяцев назад +118

    I eat meat and drink water, only
    It's that simple
    No more arthritis pain
    Clear mental acuity
    I am at a healthy weight
    I'm strong
    And I have all the energy I need to play and be active!
    People simplify your way of eating and live long and healthy!!

    • @aliawells
      @aliawells 8 месяцев назад +2


    • @jcisking9622
      @jcisking9622 8 месяцев назад +2

      What type of meat please?

    • @SmoothJK
      @SmoothJK 8 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@jcisking9622the best kinds are fatty red meat, fatty fish (like salmon), and eggs

    • @AlbertBraae
      @AlbertBraae 7 месяцев назад +1

      Do you any suggestions for when your bored of water? Coronated drinks, with/sithout tast, other ideas? Still miss Diet Pepsi..

    • @miguelangelfloreslopez8648
      @miguelangelfloreslopez8648 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@AlbertBraaeMaybe sparkling water

  • @JoseRamirez-du5rr
    @JoseRamirez-du5rr 5 месяцев назад +87

    My brother wrote a tiny little book in the 80s called "The Biblical diet". He is an MD and a graduate of the Dallas Theological seminary. And it walks through the Bible and what is ok for us to eat. It has always struck me how much it is still relevant and speaks to all of our issues.

    • @alisonbarratt3772
      @alisonbarratt3772 4 месяца назад +5

      Wow thats great will he publish it again?

    • @claire_A-T
      @claire_A-T 4 месяца назад +6

      Today's breads have been modified so much that most nutrients are stripped away.

    • @CraigSNZ
      @CraigSNZ 4 месяца назад +2

      God bless you.

    • @megbeller7981
      @megbeller7981 4 месяца назад +1

      Grains are not good

    • @joekaufman5620
      @joekaufman5620 4 месяца назад

      ​​@@megbeller7981it's not that grain is bad it's the fact that it has been hybridize, which is against Gods health and agricultural laws. You can still get original nonhybrid, Inkorn or Hard Red Turkey wheat ,grind them yourself and make your own whole grain bread . This is how bread was created to be consumed, the bread that was consumed in the bible,after all Jesus is the bread of life, not a poisonous unhealthy Christ but a life giveing healthy Christ. We must follow God's health laws.

  • @Maroto21
    @Maroto21 6 месяцев назад +63

    I was diagnosed with MS in 2014. By then I was pretty fucked up already (I was 29).
    In 2019, when I was getting closer to wheelchair and cognitive malfunction and after doing a ton of research, I met someone who got me introduced to the role of nutrition, vaccines and heavy metals in neurological disorders.
    Not too make it long, not only I can now workout and think with full clarity, but I feel better than ever. I’m still not completely out of the woods since this type of toxicity and the damage it has caused over the years is tough and long to recover from, but it can be done.
    Had I followed the advise of “reputable, internationally awarded neurologists” I would be bed ridden or even dead.
    This is the reality of modern medicine, unfortunately. People, generally speaking, look at you as a lunatic when you tell them this story, but those same ones start listening to you when they find imposible to fix chronic issues via the system. Obviously, when they start working using true medicine, their brain explodes. Finding out the modern medicine is there to get you sick instead of to get you healthy is not something easy to digest.

    • @paulreesor8200
      @paulreesor8200 6 месяцев назад +5

      People have quickly reversed MS with the same diet that Dr Peterson follows or even maybe not as extreme. Carnivorous diet, I would add sunshine and lots of Vitamin D and maybe other vitamins and minerals if you like. Another Dr Wals has a protocol but includes too many vegetables and took her years instead of months.

    • @Maroto21
      @Maroto21 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@paulreesor8200Most of the times those strategies are not enough to eliminate the MS symptoms depending on the severity. MS is nothing but toxins destroying the myelin that protect the nerves. Usually this is heavy metals, particularly mercury. Going carnivore does, among many other things, stop getting toxins as part of the diet which allows the body to start the cleansing. This cleansing is usually very slow and so depending on the case there are tools to speed this up. When the cleansing starts, symptoms tend to worsen a lot, this is why many people stop after a few weeks thinking that it is harming them further, but its the exact opposite.

    • @tootstoyou1
      @tootstoyou1 6 месяцев назад +4

      Lots of YT videos on a carnivore diet putting MS into remission. A good one is called Cabaña Chronicles.

    • @karinberryman2009
      @karinberryman2009 5 месяцев назад +2

      You’ve made my day!
      I love to hear that MS can be fought off!
      You’ve become familiar with Dr Terry Wahls, no doubt.
      Thanks God He will continue to heal that myelin sheath!

  • @Tuber0722
    @Tuber0722 9 месяцев назад +68

    I get a feeling of disgust when I think of ultra processed food now, which wasn’t always the case. Grateful that I’ve been able to rewire my thinking and it’s all thanks to discussions like this one 🙂

  • @annabanana6965
    @annabanana6965 9 месяцев назад +1578

    I’m on day 9 off sugar!! I was addicted to candy and sugar quite intensely and I am going thru withdrawal from it :/ when will I feel better

    • @thesisterpeter
      @thesisterpeter 9 месяцев назад +330

      Good luck. It is a constant battle for me. I go off. I relapse. I go off. I relapse.
      Wish you strength on your no sugar diet.❤

    • @Skelfi
      @Skelfi 9 месяцев назад +236

      Similar for me, I got lots of anxiery without candy.
      But I started eating lots of beef in the morning and now I feel much better.
      Maybe 2 weeks for sugar cravings to go.

    • @marianamolina7565
      @marianamolina7565 9 месяцев назад +131

      Be strong you can do it. It wont be easy . Just remembrer only for today !!!

    • @BornIn-uj6gk
      @BornIn-uj6gk 9 месяцев назад +115

      Exercise helps

    • @pattiliba8188
      @pattiliba8188 9 месяцев назад +136

      Try butter bites,that helped me get over it.

  • @brettwheeler7753
    @brettwheeler7753 9 месяцев назад +194

    Three months into carnivore and it's been a life changer. Dropped 10 pounds while adding muscle, no crash after lunch, indigestion gone, sleep is better, mood is better, and I don't even want sugar. I've also eliminated alcohol, even though I didn't drink much, along with juices and soft drinks.
    I followed you and your daughter Mikhaila, Dr. Peterson, and it's been great. Thank you!

    • @AhmedRaza-zc4zl
      @AhmedRaza-zc4zl 9 месяцев назад +4

      Did It help with IBS?

    • @TheDustinlangston
      @TheDustinlangston 9 месяцев назад +8

      Same for me. Three months and never felt better.

    • @danielswinger2986
      @danielswinger2986 9 месяцев назад +7

      Is that 100% truthful? Is it possible to not crave sugar anymore?

    • @lisalindsay6226
      @lisalindsay6226 9 месяцев назад

      Yes it is!​@danielswinger2986

    • @vihreelinja4743
      @vihreelinja4743 9 месяцев назад +1

      Life can also be fun.. Then you trip in the stairs and die :(

  • @pamelawalker8052
    @pamelawalker8052 8 месяцев назад +12

    My mother had signs of dementia in her early 60s I first noticed when she didnt want to go outside or go for a walk anymore. Then her diet started to change. More sugar, more bread, less meat, less vegetables. It was hard to understand and watch as she became more and more distant to the world around her. I now believe that her diet played a huge part.

  • @tyronefarrell2080
    @tyronefarrell2080 9 месяцев назад +115

    I came to knowJordan Peterson through the antagonism and debates the university, press, and other woke folks had with Peterson about pronouns.Then Peterson's insight into human psychological thinking really sparked an interest in what he had to share. And since then Peterson has had a wealth of learning to reveal in which this podcast is a fruitful example. Thank you Jordan Peterson for these many things. You take a complex over looked subject like dementia and health and simplify and magnify it with your astute questions and comments. You gently prod knowledgeable guest with your Socratic method of interview to encourage them to share, like Max Lugavere, their enormous well researched investigations and learning. Simply put you life and work Peterson is helping me to better informed and frankly encouraged by being both a fabulous communicator and educator in an age where so much of national media, schools, and universities are failing us with useless information.

    • @colleendesnos6097
      @colleendesnos6097 9 месяцев назад +2

      I totally agree with you, my experience has been the same😊

  • @5StarBibleTeaching-mh2gm
    @5StarBibleTeaching-mh2gm 9 месяцев назад +129

    I was quite a health nut in my early years and subscribed to the recommendations of Adele Davis. When she died of cancer, I reexamined my belief. I still believe in eating whole foods, less refined stuff but now I believe that our spiritual and emotional state are major contributors to health. As I Christian I believe Jesus is our healer and assists us in walking in divine health.

    • @Aservant56
      @Aservant56 7 месяцев назад +6

      Amen Amen - I turn my health over to God 100%. I have been helped by Carnivore diet... I am 68, 30 lbs overweight but on no medications and drive for Uber and Lyft. Praise God! Still asking for guidance...

    • @1984california
      @1984california 7 месяцев назад +3

      Certainly stress can contribute to our overall health and apart from the spiritual benefits of Christianity there is a very real practical benefit of handing over your burdens to God and trusting in Him that relieves some of that very real stress.

    • @steelhurricane4041
      @steelhurricane4041 7 месяцев назад +3

      Amen. Body soul spirit and mind are all connected to God. 👑 Jesus Christ.

  • @ogeoge6000
    @ogeoge6000 9 месяцев назад +160

    Changing my diet saved me from debilitating back pain, nerve pain, joint pain, muscle pain, digestive issues, raised blood pressure, 20kg over weight. It took around 8 months for all these problems to resolve. I'm completely pain free and never felt and looked healthier.
    Since 2020 I've only been eating fatty meats, seafood, eggs and dairy.
    Prior to that I was eating the mainstream version of a healthy diet (lots of veggies, fruit, whole grains, low fat, eating the rainbow etc) for decades and watching my health slowly decline.
    Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Paul Mason, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Gary Fettke, Dr Benjamin Bikman, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, all helped me get my health back.

    • @nevillegoddard4966
      @nevillegoddard4966 9 месяцев назад +6

      @@ogeorge6000 Excellent advice George!👍!

    • @LaFemmeCarnivore
      @LaFemmeCarnivore 9 месяцев назад +8

      Same here! Same issues. I've been eating this strict way since March 2023. I'm a new person!!

    • @nathanbean8763
      @nathanbean8763 9 месяцев назад +14

      This is exactly my issue with the way Max writes off the impact of the carnivore diet. Most people doing this diet and seeing improvements aren't coming from a coca-cola diet and just seeing benefits from not chugging coke, they're coming usually from a paleo, keto, or vegetarian style diet and seeing major benefits when the only significant change in their diet is cutting out plants.

    • @AS91ist
      @AS91ist 9 месяцев назад +2

      Some people with different Blood Type feel better with no meat - only veggies and fruits. I'm on the other hand better off with meat.

    • @nevillegoddard4966
      @nevillegoddard4966 9 месяцев назад

      @@nathanbean8763 Sorry Nathan, which 'Max' are you talking about, so I can go look him up! Thanks👍!

  • @brendadouglas9833
    @brendadouglas9833 8 месяцев назад +18

    The huge factor that took my Mom down was social. She was active, involved in her Church with a good group of friends. Walked every day around the neighborhood. She ate well, whole foods, loved vegetables. She was slim, and always had been. She didn't listen to people telling her what to eat.
    Now, what happened? At the age of 76, she remarried. This was after 8 years of being on her own after my Dad passed.
    She stopped going to church (watched service on TV). Lost her friends, basically social life, walking was sparse. She was happy with her new husband. Then he took sick (not his fault), but now she was back to looking after her spouse. It was during this time the dementia started. When he passed, she was definitely suffering from dementia.
    Life is definitely a factor for sure. Friends and activity are major factors, barr none.😊

  • @Yeathattravis
    @Yeathattravis 9 месяцев назад +596

    I still can’t comprehend how Mr Peterson exists in our era. Just image how ppl are going to read his books and watch us lectures In 100 years

    • @user-71435
      @user-71435 9 месяцев назад +38

      Indeed. We are very lucky, by God's grace.

    • @Diepvries11
      @Diepvries11 9 месяцев назад +6

      They will read it with discust.

    • @jeffshoemake7348
      @jeffshoemake7348 9 месяцев назад +9

      You should read more in general.

    • @AFringedGentianToEnnien
      @AFringedGentianToEnnien 9 месяцев назад +38

      That’s “Dr. Peterson.” Not “Mr. Peterson.” He earned that title.

    • @ToreMix7400
      @ToreMix7400 9 месяцев назад +8

      I think what he wrote that was inspired by Jung, Nietzsche and classical literature from old cultures, like "Maps of Meaning" is the best. But, that's just my thoughts at the moment...

  • @alisonmcalistair
    @alisonmcalistair 8 месяцев назад +79

    I am a 20 year-old undergraduate student of Political Science. While I love my studies, I often feel a sense of despair worrying thay they will not translate into a satisfying career for me, as I dont want to be a politician or work in a nonprofit...
    I care about public health. This video, along with others, has contributed to a beautiful moment of clarity: I know what my purpose is, for the first time in my life. I will finish my polisci degree top of my class, find a post baccalaureate public health program, and learn as much as I can about public health and community wellness. From there, I can refine my focus in higher education, whether it be psychological health, nutrition, or epidemiology. I can root out corruption, I can educate, I can help turn the tide on our public health crisis.
    I'm smart and a hard worker and I understand that this is what I am meant to do. I know I can change the world in this small way.

    •  8 месяцев назад +9

      That's a really cool plan and I hope you will succeed, just the "I'm smart" part is kind of what you should neither think, nor say.
      Let me just tell you my story to explain this - when I was your age I graduated with the highest degree here on a German school and I was the best pupil out of 150.
      I also thought I was damn clever. But in fact I was a total idiot right back then. But I just realized that years later reading some of the essays I had to write as homeworks in school or looking at my English tests.
      I am not sure I am now "not a total idiot" , but in a nutshell: I am sure you will make the same experience later on. And if not, it will only mean that you did not grow as a person and stayed on that level of "I'm smart" you are now, which is really not good.
      Oh, and on the hindsight, nearly nothing I learned at school was relevant, true or important. In fact most things (outside of real science like mathematics or physics and maybe the language classes) were either irrelevant or even propagandistic nonsense. But yeah, dunning-kruger was hitting hard at me then and I thought I knew everything when I didn't even scratch the surface, yet...

    • @jackrock1629
      @jackrock1629 8 месяцев назад +6

      Wishing you God's blessing as you pursue your career path! We need more people to expose the corruption, lies, and greed, and to spread truth and wisdom!

    • @travisprather678
      @travisprather678 7 месяцев назад +3

      Good luck, Alison! Although i'm only 28, I wish I had such a clear path laid out when I was in college. Seems like you've build the path. Now you just have to walk it.

    • @Integrationist
      @Integrationist 7 месяцев назад +2

      Or you could stay out of politics and focus on producing and raising the next generation while supporting your husband. But that would be too much sacrifice, right?

    • @cassiewatson6308
      @cassiewatson6308 4 месяца назад +1


  • @IslaHarris.
    @IslaHarris. 6 месяцев назад +10

    It brought tears to my eyes hearing you express your love for your mother. Absolutely incredible work that you’re doing. I know every mom hopes to have a son like you.

  • @fatimahrahman6158
    @fatimahrahman6158 4 месяца назад +7

    Such a brilliant and sincere man who deserves applause for being a loving son, storyteller and scientist. His mother would be proud. 💕

  • @BnRichardson
    @BnRichardson 9 месяцев назад +133

    I'm 63 and in January 2024, I was diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, and several other things and in one doctor's appointment they added four different medications including metformin. I immediately changed my diet to carnivore/keto and I intend to continue this diet and now my son and his family have joined me. It has amazed me at what is in our food and what the government has allowed and encouraged us to invest!!!

    • @sheilamallory279
      @sheilamallory279 9 месяцев назад +12

      Because they need to create lifelong customers for big pharma, hence, the FDA which shouldn't have anything to do with one another.
      Regardless, I am happy for your new journey and your family for joining you!
      This is my own interjection here, whether one chooses to read and/or believe scripture, it has solid dietary guidelines, in my opinion. 🙂 🙂

    • @michaeluhler519
      @michaeluhler519 9 месяцев назад +6

      Good luck. It worked for me.

    • @JDAfrica
      @JDAfrica 9 месяцев назад

      That’s why they want to sin-tax meat and eggs … to keep you sick.
      The machine knows what it’s doing. Resist

    • @aleksandrazimpel8097
      @aleksandrazimpel8097 9 месяцев назад +6

      My family joined me in 2018 on my powerful journey to regain my health and strength on meat and fat after years of eating WFPB style of eating! Meat heals 🎉

    • @williambyrne6855
      @williambyrne6855 9 месяцев назад +2

      a combination of hypertension and diabetes sent me to the emergency room with a right-side ischemic stroke at the age of 59. I was about 10% overweight and generally had a daily carb intake of less than 100 net carbs at the time. But unfortunately that was far from enough. I'm guessing we're on a similar meds regiment. I get my a1c checked every 3 months which is currently in the prediabetic range. Best regarding your improved health.

  • @GinaMFlorida
    @GinaMFlorida 9 месяцев назад +102

    I'm 60 yr old female & just diagnosed with early onset of dementia. I had a CT of my brain. I have atrophy, balance disorder, and something about cerebellar in the back of my head shrinking. My brain is 70 yrs old. I forget many, many things and have been hiding it. Forget days of week, couldn't open new cereal box today, stutter at times, can't focus on a conversation for very long, forget what a Dr says not too long after the appt. I'm a college educated woman. This is scary as all heck.
    A Dr first noticed this years ago, it wasn't bad, but noticed a memory problem. Well, I wasn't old enough to be tested so that was the end of that. I just remembered. I wonder if I'm old enough now? You see I have to be tested and see where I'm at so my neurologist knows what kind of medicine to prescribe me. So now it's worse. That makes no Sense whatsoever. The medicine will slow down the progression

    • @nevillegoddard4966
      @nevillegoddard4966 9 месяцев назад +41

      @@GinaMFlorida Sorry to heat that Gina! You could try getting rid of all sugars or carbs out of your house, & eat only eat meat, eggs, salt & water, & butter. This can only help you, & maybe even reverse your symptoms!

    • @Whatareyoudoingwithyourlife
      @Whatareyoudoingwithyourlife 9 месяцев назад

      EAT the CARNIVORE DIET!! chs:
      Dr Ken Berry vds: Carnviore for beginners, carnviore flu, electrolytes
      Dr Chaffee
      Dr Shawn Baker Md Podcast
      No carb life
      Homestead how
      Kelly hogan
      THIS WORKS to heal the brain. Library will have books on carnviore diet. SERIOUSLY!
      take care

    • @Maga2025Murica
      @Maga2025Murica 9 месяцев назад

      Stop boozing too. It's poison in excess.

    • @ericb3186
      @ericb3186 9 месяцев назад +19

      Stop eating cane sugar and empty carbs.

    • @colleenwebster8762
      @colleenwebster8762 9 месяцев назад +19

      Make a little notebook with some of those details for your reference and take pictures with your phone to remind you of your activities. Have people who visit write their name in the notebook. It is not going to fix your challenges but will help you communicate with others. You need to stay connected to people. I am sorry you are going through this.

  • @Collective_Unconscious_
    @Collective_Unconscious_ 9 месяцев назад +396

    “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
    ― Carl Gustav Jung

    • @JagadguruSvamiVegananda
      @JagadguruSvamiVegananda 9 месяцев назад +6

      Words of the UNWISE.

    • @luukdeboer1974
      @luukdeboer1974 9 месяцев назад

      There is not much to choose when we're ignorant in a corrupt and misguided society

    • @snookmeister55
      @snookmeister55 9 месяцев назад +5

      No, it's often true and perhaps most often.
      Then again, there are the less fortunate, less gifted and the unlucky.

    • @sonflower1118
      @sonflower1118 9 месяцев назад

      I have had diseases since childhood after getting vaccinated in the military. I have had no choice for 50 years and there is no food cure for type 1 diabetes. And now I have other auto immune diseases for 30 years. I was poisoned by the Healthcare system.

    • @Guydude8888
      @Guydude8888 9 месяцев назад +3

      Wow best thing I've heard in years, thanks for sharing

  • @Author_I
    @Author_I 8 месяцев назад +4

    I thank you, Jordan. My parent was a schitzophrenic and also has bipolar. I dealt with major depression. I went all meat about 7 months ago and came off all medication and also no longer have arthritic pain. The pre-diabetes is gone also. I feel so amazing eating this way. I am not perfect and have an occasional vegetable, but eating predominantly meat has healed so much.

  • @Roswithakima
    @Roswithakima 9 месяцев назад +57

    I led a support group for caregivers of dementia patients while my husband had Alzheimers. One common thread I heard over and over was the ravenous appetite for sweets. So much so that patients would pilfer candy at the supermarket while caregivers shopped

    • @emh8861
      @emh8861 9 месяцев назад +5

      I’m a caregiver and the family loves giving my client tons of sweets and carbs. When I’m working with their mom I don’t give her any crap food and she does much better!

    • @tiffanysalerno
      @tiffanysalerno 9 месяцев назад


    • @KennethFrinskie
      @KennethFrinskie 9 месяцев назад +3

      Statins are infamous for sugar cravings

    • @lcook3528
      @lcook3528 9 месяцев назад +5

      True! My mom craved ice cream - huge bowls. Her diet was primarily carbs for many years prior to her diagnosis. I never saw her eat beef or eggs - scared of cholesterol. If only we knew then what we know now.

    • @jtcouch
      @jtcouch 9 месяцев назад +1

      It's a string clue.

  • @jaden7377
    @jaden7377 9 месяцев назад +257

    i love how you can tell that Dr Peterson thinks about everything he says before he speaks

    • @k.s.421
      @k.s.421 9 месяцев назад +19

      That should be the case for everybody...

    • @newfreenayshaun6651
      @newfreenayshaun6651 9 месяцев назад +8

      Have you seen the effects of not doing this??? Some people just love the sound of their own voice.. Dr. JP has an alarming voice,..... it commands one to pay attention!!

    • @k.s.421
      @k.s.421 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@newfreenayshaun6651 😂😂👍👍

    • @BigBassDaddy407
      @BigBassDaddy407 9 месяцев назад +6

      Rule 10 of 12: Be precise in your speech.

    • @AstralApple
      @AstralApple 9 месяцев назад +2

      That's a great way to stifle intuition and the expression of subconscious (connection between) thoughts.

  • @randomnickname2254
    @randomnickname2254 9 месяцев назад +186

    Doctor Peterson, i don't think I'll ever do the carnivore diet as I just enjoy the taste of vegetables but it's true - red meat, organ meats, eggs and all animal products are miraculous for human health. I see a clear difference between how I look and feel and other women my age. Often they ask me what's my "secret" haha. When I tell them about eating mainly animal products I'm being immediately dismissed - because saturated fats are bad and veganism is holy grail 😅

    • @pdxnikki1
      @pdxnikki1 9 месяцев назад +4


    • @ddz1375
      @ddz1375 9 месяцев назад +11

      I eat red meat every day. A 4 ounce steak or a hamburger Patty. Once in a great while I will eat a baked potato with salt and butter. Sausage patties as a treat and change of pace. Never been healthier.

    • @ddz1375
      @ddz1375 9 месяцев назад +9

      I eat red meat every day. Never been healthier.

    • @Karenda100
      @Karenda100 9 месяцев назад

      And all studies, peer reviewed, say no animals as food. Animals are no food. When did you stop caring? Go back to your cave and stay there, we don't need ignorant people

    • @jenkemp
      @jenkemp 9 месяцев назад +14

      some of us cant tolerate the oxalates in veggies/ inflammation

  • @joycegifford8826
    @joycegifford8826 8 месяцев назад +10

    6 months on the carnivore diet including 2 eggs a day. I used to eat using the Canada Food guide balanced BUT also included some sort of sugar like gummy bears, cheesies, pop, juice, ice cream, cake about 3 times a week. I have lost half the weight I need to and have had ZERO sugar cravings right from day one. I truly believe that protein eliminates the sugar cravings. If you are satiated then there are ZERO cravings. I have also noticed thanks to the nifty scale we have, that the weight loss does not include muscle mass, like every other diet I have tried. I am very pleased with the overall changes to my health AND a great by product is because we are buying from local farmers and not the grocery store our grocery bill has gone down about 250.00. I am waiting until I reach the sweet spot weight and then I’m going to use the savings to go shopping. My husband has also had fantastic results.

  • @JadaRose880
    @JadaRose880 9 месяцев назад +45

    Thank you for this wonderful interview. You might want to interview Dr. Matthew Phillips he is a Canadian Neurologist practicing in New Zealand who has been running
    clinical trials for Parkinsons, ALS and Alzheimers using the keto diet and fasting. He believes all of these diseases are a result dysregulation of energy in the mitochondria.
    You can check out his many interviews on different podcasts.

    • @engc4953
      @engc4953 9 месяцев назад +7

      Check out Dr. Stephen Cunnane’s Alzheimer’s research at Sherbrooke University on using ketones for the brain to use.

    • @barbarannkausch169
      @barbarannkausch169 9 месяцев назад +1

      Thanknyou Dr. Peterson. I really enjoyed your guest today. It was intreging to listen to his story and interests. I will be getting his Food book at the end of the month.🎈🎈

  • @arizonahascactus9697
    @arizonahascactus9697 9 месяцев назад +72

    I have a father who has been slipping into dementia for the last five years. I took a trip on behest of my mother to visit them last week as it may be the last time he will recognize me. I wish i lived closer to them but I live two states away. 😢

    • @ForeverYoungKickboxer
      @ForeverYoungKickboxer 9 месяцев назад +7

      Moved my dad in 9 months ago, at 84 he's now got dementia. The suddem declines, plateaus, and subsequent declines are tough to watch. Stay strong and be kind to yourself.

    • @Communist-Doge
      @Communist-Doge 9 месяцев назад +5

      Sorry you're going through that, mate. 😢 My grandmother suffered from dementia too. It's crippling to slowly watch as someone fades away... Mourning someone who hasn't died is a surreal feeling. I hope to God one day we'll have a cure, because the current medications only address the symptoms and they don't even do that well. 😔

    • @SaiahXG
      @SaiahXG 9 месяцев назад +3

      pray for him i will too

    • @eastwood111
      @eastwood111 9 месяцев назад +1

      Sorry to hear! Remember, it’s just the cycle of life, the end part is never fun, but it completes the life cycle. My father is starting to slip as well early stages.

    • @Vicsongwriter
      @Vicsongwriter 9 месяцев назад +1

      He’s got mercury poisoning or a combination of mercury and lead poisoning, absolutely nothing to do with sugar or carbs, overly processed vegetable oils are shit though

  • @Marge1957
    @Marge1957 9 месяцев назад +181

    My experience as a PhD. researcher is that PhDs are human and don't necessarily look beyond their own noses. They are often unwilling to examine anything that doesn't line up with their own paradigm. That is evidenced in publishing. The old guard also controls the flow of information. If you want/need to get published, you can't challenge the generally accepted belief systems.

    • @ShirleyShirley-t5f
      @ShirleyShirley-t5f 9 месяцев назад +6

      Real stories are more trustworthy to beat the bias. Tell the twenty year olds. Many oldies were converted by circumstances that have been covered over by marketing and profits.

    • @mattisonhale6227
      @mattisonhale6227 9 месяцев назад +6

      Reading "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn showed me this and changed my life.

    • @mthoodstyle
      @mthoodstyle 9 месяцев назад +4

      so true.

    • @captain-awesome-aka-lmz
      @captain-awesome-aka-lmz 9 месяцев назад +7

      My experience as well. I am a gifted problem solver, without any formal educational accreditations. In the past, as with today, coming up with a great idea has always been ignored, because I am not part of their circle.

    • @hnahar
      @hnahar 9 месяцев назад

      So true!!

  • @vanmamawannabe6360
    @vanmamawannabe6360 3 месяца назад +1

    8:24 Listen to the tenderness that takes over his voice when he speaks of his love for his mother. ❤

  • @terraflow__bryanburdo4547
    @terraflow__bryanburdo4547 9 месяцев назад +68

    Ive been carnivore since 2017 and am far healthier in my 60s than in my 20s thru 50s when i was poisones by whole "healthy" plant foods. No meds, no doctors, no pain or suffering.

    • @dahof2789
      @dahof2789 4 месяца назад

      Same! Carnivore for 1 yr and it's fascinating. Canceled my 6 mo teeth scraping because no more plaque!

  • @acidstorm001
    @acidstorm001 9 месяцев назад +60

    At 14, I was fit, healthy, played tennis, football, jogged, bicycled, skateboarded, swam in the ocean. There wasn't much I wasn't doing outside as a teenager and doing those things was my transportation, my exercise and I did them regularly because I truly enjoyed doing them. Because of these physical activities I started to get chronic ingrown toenails, and subsequent doses of anti-biotics to kill the infections I would inevitably get.
    By the time I was 15, I had gained 50 pounds. All while still doing the same activities. The weight hadn't bothered me physically that much, but the weight kept coming on. By 16, another 50 pounds and my mom was very concerned and took me to see doctors.
    Doctors pulled up the food pyramid, made diets based on that with exercise regiments. None of that worked. This calorie in-calorie out formula doesn't work for everyone. Depression had set in by my mid-20s and I had started to drink alcohol to forget about my weight problems. I was still going to the gym and struggling. It just wasn't happening. by my mid-30's I had finally given up.
    by my 40's I was 450+ pounds and 6'5. My blood results always made doctors look at them sideways, because I wasn't diabetic. I didn't have a lot of issues yet. And I still struggled to lose weight. It wasn't until 46 that I discovered ketosis dieting and dropped 128 pounds in a year. All I did was diet and walk. I didn't have to hit the gym and lift weights. The weight loss was short lived though, as I began to try and eat normal again. The weight all came back and then some in a few years. Massive depression had set in again.
    Then my brother and mother both became ill with glioblastoma and liver cancer respectively. My brother and mother died 25 days apart last year. This furthered my depression, and I began to eat even worse than I had been and gained another 90 pounds. topping me out at 495 at this point. I've been struggling to get back to a keto-style diet, as I know it works and I felt great, and my bloodwork was all on point while doing that diet. No concerns about cholesterol, my kidneys, etc.
    I did catch COVID 4 times and had the original strain. I am concerned that COVID caused damage to my heart because I have an enlarged heart now, and I had noticed my energy levels never returned after having COVID the first time. I never got the vaccines. I didn't believe in them, and with all the information and vaccine harm that has happened to people, I'm glad I stuck to my guns and didn't fold to the pressure to get those abysmal vaccines.
    It's been over a year since the passing of my brother and mother and I'm trying to get myself back in order. I know what to do but have a hard time doing it. I don't know what the disconnect is. The 46-year-old me was dogged and relentless in doing that for myself. the 52-year-old me just feels broken inside and lacking any motivation. I'm the only one left of my immediate family. It's hard not seeing my mother and brother each day that were encouraging me when I lost the weight the first time.
    I just feel lost and very unmotivated to deal with this. And of course, the toll of the weight is beginning to affect my life a lot more than it did in my 40s. The heart issue being the biggest concern. I lost my gallbladder about 7 years ago and decided to lose weight the first time shortly after that. I also have enlarged prostate and I think getting rid of the weight will take care of every health issue I have.

    • @ItsStabilityTime
      @ItsStabilityTime 9 месяцев назад +20

      🙏maybe carnivore? I am healing with eating meat only

    • @Stevenbarreracat
      @Stevenbarreracat 9 месяцев назад +21

      Hi i just want to say, please don’t give up. Keep going for the those walks and eating as best you can. Tomorrow is a new day.

    • @Kidsrights-d8w
      @Kidsrights-d8w 9 месяцев назад +18

      Eat only meat. ❤❤❤❤Cook bacon to eat as snacks.

    • @melissadavis796
      @melissadavis796 9 месяцев назад +9

      Stay strong, that's so tough, have they looked at your thyroid? I feel there is an unaddressed health issue somewhere, I pray doctors find it and you can keep going to make changes to better yourself. I too, am trying to lose weight, I'm 240 lbs female and my husband is no longer attracted to me so I'm trying to get back to 150 which is what I was when we married. I heard a great quote from somewhere, that someone said you choose your hard. Either you can have a hard time working out and dieting or a hard time feeling good having low energy, low self esteem and it really registered with me. Keep up the good work! Praying for you

    • @janinecat1865
      @janinecat1865 9 месяцев назад

      Kind of sounds like you beed probiotics and fecal transplant, please look into those.

  • @kilcar
    @kilcar 9 месяцев назад +10

    As a ill child with zero appetite, I could only swallow Carnation Instant Breakfast ( Strawberry) for months. Result was hyperactivity and no ability to concentrate. After dropping the Instant breakfast while hospitalized for my main malady
    ( leukemia) , my concentration and sense of well being improved dramatically. Likely because the food in the hospital contained vegetables, eggs, meats ; sugars as found in our national diet have caused untold misery. A healthy diet later in teen years and excercise allowed me to climb 12'000 ft peaks and hike 19 miles a day with a 30 lb pack.

  • @LabScientist
    @LabScientist 8 месяцев назад +6

    When he said “diagnose and adios” oh my, I have experienced this so often with the military and VA doctors. But even the civilian ones I have seen.

  • @glenhac5973
    @glenhac5973 9 месяцев назад +40

    My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson and my dad was 92 and dimentia had a firm gripp by the time he died! I became the primary care giver for 6 years! They both past away a little over a year ago! Because it took a long time to feed my mom I took the opportunity to learn as much as I could on gardening, soil biology, soil health! It unavoidably led me to look into biology and human health! Takes 3 years to bring biology up to par in soil and the same to rebuild emune system in body if you know what you are doing! I did a 5 mushroom blend in green drinks. The improvement was stunning! Mom sorta woke up! It's difficult to get someone to change their diet in there old age without starting a war. All diet stuff is definitely needed before you are diagnosed. I now live in the forest and primarily eat wild food and frome a small garden. I do intermittent fasting on regular times! Changed my personal health!

  • @B14ckph03n1x
    @B14ckph03n1x 9 месяцев назад +10

    One year no sugar and ketogenic eating and I am still amazed how it impacted my life. 100% recommend to try it!

  • @GS-ww9wk
    @GS-ww9wk 9 месяцев назад +9

    What a beautiful relationship between Max and his mother. I cried just watching the trailer. I languish over my lack of knowledge at the time when my mother was dying a slow and miserable death from Parkinsonism. My sister (mostly) and I cared for her the last 7 years of her life and during that time all we could do was watch helplessly as the progression of this horrible disease ravaged every function in her body. I completely agree with Max’s opinion of their doctor visits-“diagnose and adios”. I had the same experience. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing your film.

  • @margaretkibitt4705
    @margaretkibitt4705 8 месяцев назад +10

    I am 72 and I have learned so much from Jordan Peterson and his discussions with interesting and knowledgeable individuals. I am a happy sponge :-) just retired for the last time and look forward to further learning. 😊

  • @guinevere4365
    @guinevere4365 9 месяцев назад +22

    I inherited Type 1 diabetes with an onset at age 35. I was fortunate to have a good doctor and after a couple of years I figured it all out, stopped feeling sorry for this intrusion into my life. Most importantly I learned what carbohydrates are, and did NOT have an interest in alcohol which diabetics have big problems. Now at 77 I am healthy and normal weight-and am acutely aware of carbohydrates are. I take my insulin every day and test myself whenever necessary-about 5 times a day. I am so grateful to have this disease without any side effects.

    • @saqu7143
      @saqu7143 9 месяцев назад +1

      Good for you!!!! Happy to hear that there are people who manage this struggle 🎉

    • @KA-wu2kt
      @KA-wu2kt 8 месяцев назад

      Such a good story to here about someone managing Type 1 successfully. Congratulations.

    • @IbMomba
      @IbMomba 5 месяцев назад

      Wonderful that you have managed 42 years of t1d and are healthy. It’s not an easy life.

  • @noahesk7839
    @noahesk7839 9 месяцев назад +24

    52:30 "We've gotten to this place where we've ceased to be able to make imerical definitions for anything" "Well that's what happens when you live in a tower of Babel"
    I stopped the video and thought about that for thirty minutes. That is spot on.

    • @kebikes3650
      @kebikes3650 9 месяцев назад +3


    • @brockertteambrockert
      @brockertteambrockert 9 месяцев назад


    • @Mako_683
      @Mako_683 7 месяцев назад

      What does the tower of babel mean?

    • @noahesk7839
      @noahesk7839 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Mako_683 tower of Babel is a story in the book of Genesis. It goes like this. A bunch of people gathered together and decided to build a giant tower that would reach all the way to the heavens where they sought to replace God with themselves. As they built God cursed them and made them all speak different languages. So after they couldn't communicate anymore the tower of Babel was abnadoned and they all went their separate ways.

    • @zxyatiywariii8
      @zxyatiywariii8 4 месяца назад

      It's a brilliant metaphor, so often people are using the same words but not the same dictionary. . . it's very frustrating.

  • @CynCity-TheAnswerIsMeat
    @CynCity-TheAnswerIsMeat 9 месяцев назад +41

    I'm leaning into Dr. P these days, brilliant interviewer - asks the questions on my mind, great guests with solid experience / credentials. ❤🎉

  • @Savvymoon-
    @Savvymoon- 4 месяца назад +6

    Started using the YUKA app, and it’s startling how many hazardous ingredients are in our foods, hygienic products, cleaners etc.
    We swapped our laundry detergent and cleaner to sal suds. Dish wash detergent to Castile soap, hair products, deodorants foods, all swapped over. The “healthy” food is so expensive, we have opted for frozen fruits, homemade popping corn, and plain yogurt. My kids seem to be adjusting well.

  • @molliedeltoro9553
    @molliedeltoro9553 9 месяцев назад +98

    I've been off sugar and flour for almost a month and I feel so much freedom 🎉

    • @lindabeswick5783
      @lindabeswick5783 9 месяцев назад +4

      I'm at one week!

    • @Papadoc1000
      @Papadoc1000 9 месяцев назад +9

      The first month is amazing. 3 months in is better and people start commenting. 6 months in, even better and your wardrobe finally has to change. I'm 8 months in and while not every day is perfect and I'm not as fast as I was 40 years ago, I'm far more functional than I was even 20 years ago.

    • @susanloffhagen7788
      @susanloffhagen7788 9 месяцев назад +6

      @@Papadoc1000 I am at 3 years low sugar and low carbs. Amazing for weight and energy.
      Plus my skin has never been better.

  • @oliviabadajos
    @oliviabadajos 9 месяцев назад +56

    Jordan you healed my depression

    • @nargiza181
      @nargiza181 3 месяца назад

      How? Share please

  • @luciavasile2895
    @luciavasile2895 9 месяцев назад +17

    I thank God i found your doughther Mikhaila on youtube. I have been eating meat salt and water/ fasting for the past 2 years now. To put in remision my epileptic seisures and angiodeama anaphalethic couse by those toxic drugs i was prescribed since 2006😢. I now at 53, i feel much healthier than i was at 23❤. God bless you🙏🙏🙏

    • @irielion3748
      @irielion3748 9 месяцев назад

      Nonsense and needless God comment

  • @vzenzaza
    @vzenzaza 8 месяцев назад +10

    THIS incredibly informative and beneficial discussion made me weep. I'm a carnivore whose father succumbed to Lewy body dementia over ten years ago. Originally, he'd been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, but when they discovered his younger sister, who lived in a different country, had Parkinson's, they reassessed their diagnoses and found it to be Lewy body dementia (Parkinson's and Lewy body disease are related). Since he died, I've tried to reassess and recreate his diet and lifestyle to try to determine what I and my sibling might do differently or better. Admittedly, I don't have Max's qualifications. Thing is, my father was a martial artist; almost a carnivore (though no one called it "carnivore" back in the day), and a medical professional. Since my father died, I've rarely encountered anyone who's ever heard of LBD or discussed it. So, this was particularly gratifying. And surprisingly, one of the main takeaways for me was that it doesn't necessarily hurt to experiment or try something new every now and then (diet wise). And hearing Max say that he'll never really know exactly what happened with his mother makes me feel less "stupid" for not being able to figure out where/how my own father may have "gone wrong." I will definitely watch this interview again (when I'm less emotional), read Max's books, and soldier on more positively in my personal journey. And Jordan, too, has been an inspiration to me. Thank you, both, so very much for this!🙏

  • @trussme3210
    @trussme3210 9 месяцев назад +362

    "The only ultra processed food you should eat is red meat (beef), cows go to a lot of bother to make it." JP was rightfully pretty proud of that line! 😂🤣
    Someone needs to distill that into a t-shirt one liner.

    • @Papadoc1000
      @Papadoc1000 9 месяцев назад +45

      I always tell people that I'm a vegetarian, but run mine through a cow first. Say it with a straight face and it takes 3-5 seconds before people get it, though some still require an explanation. For them, I recommend liver. 😆

    • @Theautisticartist666
      @Theautisticartist666 9 месяцев назад +15

      Naturally processed food.. lol

    • @Lostenoch
      @Lostenoch 9 месяцев назад +11

      "A lifetime of effort" & *picture of burger*

    • @patriciasmythe6968
      @patriciasmythe6968 9 месяцев назад


    • @Laura-xy7td
      @Laura-xy7td 9 месяцев назад +4

      Funny variation is about pigs , they convert vegetables into bacon . 🤣🤣

  • @chrishodgkinson3039
    @chrishodgkinson3039 9 месяцев назад +109

    I think the next step in the conversation is soil degradation and regenerative agriculture.
    As far as dietary psychology: if I eat wheat, I will get anxious. Every. Time. It’s remarkable. I recommend to anyone suffering from protracted anxiety to eliminate wheat, sugar and alcohol - along with the other things ya gotta do: get rid of toxic relationships, eat well, sleep hygiene, regular exercise, meditation and gratitude practice or prayer. But yeah, ditch the wheat and sugar.

    • @pdxnikki1
      @pdxnikki1 9 месяцев назад +5

      It's a miracle for me. The extreme moodiness is gone. It was tethered to the ebb & flow of glycogens from carbs. For someone with a legitimate mental illness (not like those who identify with some randomly ascribed mental health disorder) eliminating carbs from diet is revelatory. I'm never going back. My craving are gone, my body tells me when to eat & how much & my weight is perfectly maintained. I put more effort in flossing than I do worrying about what to eat.

    • @middleagedmary
      @middleagedmary 9 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for these important reminders!

    • @rotcaka
      @rotcaka 9 месяцев назад

      Keto WAS developed to treat epilepsy, so it makes sense. I heard that anecdotally (and I'm sure soon clinically) that strict keto can eliminate schizophrenic delusions/symptoms, which is wild!! Information that the drug companies and powerful elites will surely try and quash.

    • @rotcaka
      @rotcaka 9 месяцев назад

      Keto was developed to treat epilepsy, so it makes sense.
      Drug companies and elites will try and block this information. It's criminal. Even RUclips erased my first attempt at posting this reply.

    • @kmsongbird
      @kmsongbird 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@pdxnikki1ugggh. flossing. the one and only downside of eating meat all the time is the need to stay close to the floss!!

  • @witch_painting_memory
    @witch_painting_memory 9 месяцев назад +104

    I have been sugar free for 6 years. No added sugar and no artificial sweeteners.
    My lifelong addiction to sweets was extremely bad, and the two months of intense withdrawals were absolute hell. But the freedom I have found is so worth it. Never going back.

    • @Liliana-qq6ry
      @Liliana-qq6ry 9 месяцев назад +4

      It's unbelievable how sugar addiction is by far the most common one, yet only a few seem to notice it's a problem.

    • @bradschmitt1990
      @bradschmitt1990 9 месяцев назад +3

      I want to try and do something similar because of what I have seen from working in food service, it is insane how much sugar and other crap goes into foods.

    • @witch_painting_memory
      @witch_painting_memory 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@Liliana-qq6ry It's become too normalized. Most people are addicted from childhood, and so they've never experienced life without it. And everyone around them is addicted, too, so the behaviors are seen as especially normal. Not eating sugary foods, especially at social gatherings, is seen as very abnormal. In that context, it makes the addiction much harder to recognize it for what it is.

  • @nmn5550
    @nmn5550 7 месяцев назад +6

    HUGE thanks to Dr Peterson and his guests for uploading those interviews onto YT for everyone to learn from and enjoy!

  • @cathrinehoughton8003
    @cathrinehoughton8003 9 месяцев назад +15

    Yes I agree, joint pain gone, better mood, feel strong , no foggy thinking

    • @cathrinehoughton8003
      @cathrinehoughton8003 9 месяцев назад +1

      Detoxing from Oxalates was painful. I am going to steer away from them from now on.

  • @neilgoldsmith5482
    @neilgoldsmith5482 9 месяцев назад +29

    I have diabetes and reduced my AIC from 11.9 to 6.2. My neuropathy has gone away. I feel 20 years younger. Lost 100lbs. Diet and intermittent fasting works wonders. NO ULTRA PROCESSED FOOD. No Sugar & Starches.

    • @silvana8737
      @silvana8737 9 месяцев назад +2

      Congratulations! 🎉

    • @LWilkes
      @LWilkes 9 месяцев назад

      What kind of neuropathy did you have? Pain or numbness? I've never heard of anyone's numbness getting better. I have it in my feet and it's awful.

    • @neilgoldsmith5482
      @neilgoldsmith5482 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@LWilkes both shooting pain & numbness. It's all gone & improving every day. My DR advises you can't stop neuropathy so I asked why have I? He advised we don't know everything. He told me he spent 4 months studying nutrition . That's all!!

    • @Papadoc1000
      @Papadoc1000 9 месяцев назад

      @@LWilkes What Neil said and more. I've also studied significantly and finally had to search internationally and then translate research from German to understand the issue. Keep in mind that it takes time to accomplish and if you've completely killed off the nerves, they may not grow back or at least entirely. The protocol that I developed from the research and have shared it with other doctors who are now using it with patients and it has worked 95% recovery for both my wife and I is 300mg of benfotiamine and 300mg of alpha lipoic acid, taken 2x per day. It takes a few months before you notice much but then one day it's like, "I feel better". You have better and worse days but it does work over time. I noticed my max improvement about 14-18 months into it. It takes time to regenerate nerves. The most interesting part is that a nerve that had been cut at my elbow and cutting feeling to my 3 and 4th fingers and that had been that way for 7 years, also regrew in about a year. I just noticed one day that the numbness was gone.

    • @Papadoc1000
      @Papadoc1000 9 месяцев назад +1

      See my answer to Neil. Yes, doctors know very little about nutrition and the system they work in hates nutritional therapy. I just fired my cardiologist when I accomplished in 6 months what his advice hadn't accomplished in 5 years, and then he was angry when I informed him I had stopped taking his statin 8 months earlier and my cholesterol and triglycerides were well into the normal range for the first time in [and 30 pts lower than he said his was 6 months earlier]. At 65, I've had far better results researching my own issues and biohacking than any doctor. I've more or less decided that what I need doctors for is to write orders for tests and prescriptions and maybe offer up a few other options and ideas. Ironically, my personal experience is that I suggest a couple of optional diagnoses and they run a couple of tests and tell me which is correct.

  • @JennifertxCarnivore
    @JennifertxCarnivore 9 месяцев назад +82

    Carnivore has healed so much for me! I started off carnivore in hopes to reverse my fibrocystic breast masses that have built up over 6 years eating half a dry skinless chicken breast piece a day with half cup of broccoli and little bit of wheat noodles. We are told don’t eat very much meat- so the world is almost vegan just about. I would eat red canbbage too- cooked it and ate cabbage about 3 times a week. That was about it. So I was mainly chicken, broccoli, and little wheat noodles. So from age 40-46 I started getting all that “aging” health issue mess- and the fibrocystic breast “disease” started and kept building up! When I hit age 46 I was done with it! The fibrocystic masses were getting me scares- and I started getting huge painful breast cysts too! One was around 2” long and 1” wide! Docs would say, “we don’t know what causes fibrocystic breasts disease” and “fibrocystic breasts is now normal because everyone is getting it” and “fibrocystic breast could turn into cancer” and “there is nothing you can do for fibrocystic breasts” and “diet doesn’t cause fibrocystic breasts!” I was gaining weight too and by summer of 2022 I hit perimenopause at age 46 and got every symptom you could think of. My joints were hurting too, no sleep at night, dizzy at times, it was ridiculous! I know it had to be diet! Little did I know that all the other health issues I had all my life, in addition to this mess listed above, was all due to diet!
    I went searching online and found the truth of my fibrocystic problem! Found out cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and asparagus) are all cruciferous veggies that block natural iodine absorption found in foods! And if you become depleted in iodine it messes up your thyroid which controls all- even hormones! And all organs need iodine including breasts! They swell if you are deficient! And I read these cruciferous veggies can cause cancer due to lack of iodine in body since they block absorption! Bingo! We are all being told to eat cruciferous veggies, that they can prevent cancer, and to eat lots of it including broccoli!! But in fact they are causing cancer and I truly feel it is causing all the fibrocystic breast cases that have been escalating lately that we are seeing! When I post about this and ladies write back saying they too had fibrocystic breasts, I ask, “do you eat cruciferous veggies, especially broccoli” and they all have said, “YES!”
    I did more research and found carnivore! I Jumped right in! In 6-8 weeks I lost 45 pounds! My perimenopause reversed! In fact don’t even get PMS symptoms and my cycle is perfectly paced! And so much more reversed that I started writing it down! And yes, my fibrocystic breast masses shrank!
    I share my progress because I want people to see how carnivore can heal so much and most of these things are commonly healed for many, not just me! I want to help and this is how I do- by sharing. No I am not paid to do this, I just want to help people see and be aware of what carnivore can do!
    I do update this list as I have been on carnivore (more lion diet version) for 1 year and 9 months now. I feel this has helped so many decide if they should try carnivore. I always say go watch Dr. Baker, Dr. Chaffee, and Dr. Berry- my three most favorite doctors. They are truly amazing! I call them my carnivore doctors! ☺️
    * No more perimenopause- completely reversed!
    *Period cycles all timed perfect with 4 week intervals.And no PMS symptoms, but only the actual menstrual cycle itself!
    *No more night sweats
    *No more waking every 2 hours at night!
    *It used to take me 20 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night when I would first go to bed at night- before carnivore. Now it takes like a minute or less. Haven’t noticed since I am out fast!
    *No more life long eczema
    *No more cold hands (may have been Reynold’s disease, never diagnosed.)
    *No more cold body temp in general! Used to feel like a reptile - only warm in texas sun. (may have been Raynaud’s disease, never diagnosed.)
    *No more IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea)
    *No more feeling low energy by 12pm and zombie by 4pm
    *No more purple looking hands in winter (may have been Raynaud’s disease, never diagnosed.)
    *No more brain fog
    *No more arthritis that I felt in hands, knees, and hips- or elbows
    *used to have sore hips when sleeping on my side. No more!
    *Lost 45+ pounds from former baby weight and peri menopause weight.
    *Always had 20/20 vision with slight stigmatism- but in March doctor said my stigmatism is reversing!
    *Don’t sunburn as easily anymore and tan well.
    *Wrinkles around eyes seem to be much less. I am 47 and look like I am in early 30’s.
    *Gums look super healthy. Dentist seems irritated as my teeth are not dirty when cleaning every six months. Think they know they won’t make money off me.
    *No more sore chest from monthly periods- no swelling feeling of fullness or discomfort that prevented me from sleeping on my stomach. Now I sleep every night on my stomach!
    *Fibrocystic Breast issues reversing! Almost all gone after 6 years of buildup!
    *no cravings unless they are for meat
    *no more angina symptoms before a period- which started about 3 years ago.
    *No more feeling weak like almost passing out and dizzy around ovulation and periods when walking around.
    * no more fingers swelling- that started a few years ago- rings kept being tight- is pattern I noticed. One ring I had resized larger and it’s super loose now. Will have to resize smaller.
    *feel stronger- now lifting barbells not just hands weights. Dr. Baker said since I am 46, and 5’7” at 122lbs- need more resistance training to add more muscle weight. . So bought a 47lb barbell off Amazon and have 90 extra pounds added to it. Will continue to progress with that.
    *Before carnivore- i had started growing grey hairs in one of my eyebrows, few hairs at a time, but no grey in my blonde hair yet - but assumed it was coming. Now on carnivore I have had no new grey hairs growing in eye brows and still no grey hair in my natural blonde hair. And in the sun it gets super light highlights.
    * no more body odor!
    * I used to get a little anxiety with large crowds- like if attending special events- but since on carnivore I don’t get it that much.
    *I was a bit OCD before carnivore, but so much more relaxed so barely like that.
    * I was a relaxed person before, but somehow am even more relaxed and never stress about things.
    *Since I was a young child my sense of smell has been terrible. But not even a month in on carnivore my sense of smell has gone crazy! I smell things even far away! Amazing!
    *no more allergies! I was allergic to cedar and oak pollens- and mold- but since carnivore I am no longer reacting to those outdoor pollens which is amazing!
    * I have had no more issues from ear wax build up. Had it twice after having kids and docs would say it was a hormonal problem. Carnivore cured that too!
    *Veins in my arms look healthier. They were almost invisible before.
    *Legs no longer hurt on longer road trips or plane rides!
    *I used to get a popping sounds in my right shoulder when lifting weights. Was probably a pulled ligament. That is now gone!
    *I have been lactose intolerant since I was a kid, and I feel my nails are a bit stronger than before. They do break if I catch them on things but I feel they are getting stronger on carnivore.
    *My teeth look more white on carnivore.
    *My blood pressure has improved on carnivore. 6 years before carnivore up to starting carnivore my blood pressure was increasing. Now on carnivore it is back to normal like when I was younger. Last reading it was 100/75 which is awesome!
    *i used to get eye twitches in my eye lids, but that is gone.
    * at times when trying to fall asleep I would close my eyes and at times felt dizzy like falling feeling or spinning. But haven’t has that since I have been on carnivore for 12 months.
    *the skin on the heals of my feet are no longer cracked and dry!
    *little leak from sneezing or coughing that ladies get from estrogen dominance is gone on carnivore! Hormones balanced so no more estrogen dominance!
    *The top inner corner of both my larger toes have felt a little numb for years. Never had it diagnosed. But being 1 year on carnivore I no longer feel that numbness! My nerves have healed in that spot on both toes! Crazy!
    *My slightly receding gums behind my center bottom front teeth have rebuilt so gums all over are super healthy! I have flossed daily for years, but gums look even healthier!
    *my skin on my face isn’t as oily as it used to be.
    *My hair used to be super oily if not washed daily, but carnivore has regulated my hair so I can now go days without having to wash it- doesn’t get oily after one day like before! (Newest update added!)
    Want to mention if you start to get any allergy symptoms further into carnivore you may have histamine intolerance. Happened to me if I ate smoked meats daily for months straight. Went back to baking my meats and all the symptoms went away! Look into histamine intolerance when starting carnivore to make sure you know symptoms and not to eat smoked aged meats daily like I did if you get symptoms. Eat smoked meats less often.
    I do go outside daily for at least an hour a day during week and several hours on weekends if possible! I try to stay on consistent sleeping schedule of 6-8 hours of sleep and sleep like a bear!☺️
    So there you go! ☺️ I hope this helps people on their journey to fins out what works for them! Carnivore is working for everyone that tries. Go watch Dr. Baker, Dr. Chaffee, and Dr. Berry! And go visit Kerry’s channel at Homesteadhow! We love him too! ☺️

    • @LeahZ777
      @LeahZ777 8 месяцев назад +1

      I concur, so many things have been going away that I didn't even realize they could. Including cystic fibrosis and swollen breasts, after menopause! Hair line itchiness (maybe eczema?), chronic foot fungus, joint pain, muscle pain and fatigue, feeling like my legs were made of lead, and brain fog, dizziness, etc etc etc. So much mental and physical energy now!! Just 2 months animal based diet with some organic fruits, organic dairy, and occasionally some "safe, or less toxic" veggies. Wow!

    • @ingridhoadley6857
      @ingridhoadley6857 8 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for sharing, I’m thinking about doing this

    • @JennifertxCarnivore
      @JennifertxCarnivore 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@ingridhoadley6857 you are very welcome ☺️ Hope you try carnivore! You will be amazed at the results!

    • @ingridhoadley6857
      @ingridhoadley6857 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@JennifertxCarnivore I have many health problems. Thanks 😊

    • @sachav9576
      @sachav9576 8 месяцев назад +3

      This is amazing! Constantly hearing good things about carnivore I was eating mainly steak chicken , cooking in butter or olive oil ate the odd vegetables cut out sugar etc felt very good for it will be going back and hopefully stick at it for life

  • @chelseamcgahee5054
    @chelseamcgahee5054 4 месяца назад

    I am living this story almost exactly. I am the oldest of three girls, my Mom was 58 when we noticed she couldn’t play a board game and now she is 62 and I had to put her in a rest home 4 months ago after being a caretaker for 2 yrs. It is the most agonizing feeling of helplessness imaginable. My mother was a horticulturist and ate healthy her entire life. Yet here we are. I truly appreciate seeing his journey and not having to feel like I am the only one. I hope one day we can get a better handle on this and treatment can be a reality. 17:39

  • @doncastella2814
    @doncastella2814 9 месяцев назад +21

    Spinach is very high in oxalate compounds. I benefitted greatly from eliminating it from my diet.

    • @sparthacuster
      @sparthacuster 9 месяцев назад +1

      I definitely don’t tolerate spinach

    • @vanessarheadart9708
      @vanessarheadart9708 9 месяцев назад +2

      Vegetables are trying to kill you.
      Not a joke.
      Alll those different bitterness, peppery tastes and even the taste of raw potatoes are ment to discourage you from eating them. That's why children hate veg and we have to keep giving it to them over and over to get them used to it. Now fruits want you to eat them so you will spread their seeds and help produce their next generation, how do they do this by drugging you with sugars and making you an addict.
      Its just basic chemistry and biology

      @POLYLIVING 9 месяцев назад

      I switched to arugula

  • @Stoitism
    @Stoitism 9 месяцев назад +88

    5 years carnivore here and absolutely THRIVING.

    • @marelisemorley7941
      @marelisemorley7941 9 месяцев назад +2

      Where do I start? Any books, websites, RUclips videos that can help? Many thanks

    • @Stoitism
      @Stoitism 9 месяцев назад

      @@marelisemorley7941 First places to look here on youtube for easy to digest information would be Anthony Chaffee, Ken Berry and Sean Baker. For the hard nutritional science and debunking of mainstream nutritional information you want Bart Kay, just don't pay too much attention to Barts acerbic presentation style, it's just an act to get clicks but his information is legit and he's a good guy irl haha.

    • @Stoitism
      @Stoitism 9 месяцев назад +8

      @CharlesL.-mw3ff I am nutritionist and health coach. My LDL is perfectly fine and healthy. LDL numbers in themselves are not indicative of anything. What you want to look at are inflammatory markers and triglycerides as well as cholesterol particle size and density. That can indicate if you have a problem with the health of your cholesterol and not what some arbitrary and meaningless total cholesterol numbers say. The amount of cholesterol in your blood is dictated by genetics, what we can affect with diet and lifestyle is the health and function of said cholesterol.
      I get my bloods done every 6 months and my last QRISK score was 1.3%, the lowest number my doctor tells me he has seen. Take from that what you will :)

    • @fraserehl5894
      @fraserehl5894 8 месяцев назад

      ​@Stoitism Yea that particle size stuff has been debunked for years. Small and large ldl both penetrate the endothelium, small does it easier but large particles also manage it and bring in more cholesterol when they do.
      That's awesome that your LDL is normal! Most carnivores have pretty outrageous numbers so that's great to see. While people with normal LDL can still have risks for cardiovascular disease, that does not mean that abnormally high LDL on its own is ok. It just means you can have decent LDL but if triglycerides and HDL is outside the ranges then you're still at risk.

    • @BooNetwork
      @BooNetwork 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@fraserehl5894”most carnivores have outrageous numbers”. Where’s that data at? That’s an egregious statement lol.

  • @jf2849
    @jf2849 9 месяцев назад +20

    I was addicted to caffeine for half my life large amounts I might add. I recently gave it up almost entirely I still eat chocolate but that’s about it anyway I’ve not experienced withdrawal or any tiredness like I expected. I’ve found that drinking more water, cutting back on processed foods and going outside just getting more sun has dramatic effects on both my mental and physical health.

    • @susanloffhagen7788
      @susanloffhagen7788 9 месяцев назад +1

      I seriously do not believe caffeine is the issue. In fact I personally believe it has benefits. 70 and apart from estrogen patches do not require any drugs

    • @jf2849
      @jf2849 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@susanloffhagen7788 caffeine has lots of benefits but it gave me heart palpitations because I was abusing it for half my life. Too much of anything is bad for you. I mentioned I was taking large amounts so no I’m not talking about a soda or two. You wouldn’t believe how much caffeine bodybuilders are on sometimes it’s enough for some people to not sleep for days. Your tolerance goes up and you can handle more and more but pushing your luck is certainly not a good idea.

  • @gregmiller3601
    @gregmiller3601 8 месяцев назад +3

    Awesome show. My mother-in-law died of dementia and my mom has it and it's just crazy how fast it happens and how fast it takes over and just knowledge like this out there could really help save someone's life so thank you

  • @KatsCorner
    @KatsCorner 9 месяцев назад +52

    My grandmother had Alzheimer’s and so did my two uncles. My father is 98 and has the clarity of a twenty year old. When they demonized the egg my father was the only one in our family that ignored the warning about eggs and he continued to have one egg a day. Perhaps that saved him.

    • @Deb-h3n
      @Deb-h3n 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @chipcook5346
      @chipcook5346 9 месяцев назад +6

      I remember the 80s and the great egg cholesterol hysteria. That was crazy

    • @runswithraptors
      @runswithraptors 9 месяцев назад +10

      Think about it, an egg contains everything necessary to create a baby bird and it is about as close as you can get to fresh, closest you can get to the life force. Safe to say they should have any kind of nutrient you need

    • @tiffanysalerno
      @tiffanysalerno 9 месяцев назад +6

      Eggs and other healthy fats and proteins are so good for you!

    • @grandwizardnoticer8975
      @grandwizardnoticer8975 9 месяцев назад

      @@chipcook5346 And that all came from the Sugar Industry paying $$$ to Harvard doctors in the 50s to make studies that put the blame for heart disease on cholesterol, rather than sugar. One of those doctors became the head of the USDA, later, and embedded this cholesterol lie in the standard American diet, and the food pyramid, which has been further modified to be even worse. Though it might be gone, it is still in the minds and on the websites of 'nutrition' sites across the web. The majority of the US and world still believes those lies from those Harvard doctors, and new Harvard doctors are still telling very harmful lies.

  • @AFringedGentianToEnnien
    @AFringedGentianToEnnien 9 месяцев назад +114

    Dearest Dr. Peterson, I wanted to tell you how much I hope that your week in South America is incredible and memorable. I hope that the environment of South America agrees with you and Tammy and that you both meet wonderful people you will remember forever. I hope you will feel completely surrounded by people who love you and that there will be time for sight seeing and fun, too.
    I keep meaning to tell you, Dr. Peterson, my traveling companion, who came with me to see you speak in Boston, had an incredible time seeing you. He says you’re back to the way you were when he first discovered your work and couldn’t get enough of it. He says your Boston lecture was a mix of your Biblical and psychological lectures he loved and he enjoyed it so much.
    I will be writing a review of the evening for Wrong Speak but I haven’t got to it yet because my kids are home on summer vacation and driving me crazy wanting to be taken swimming every day.
    Thinking of you as you travel and holding you in the Light.
    Your faithful and loving
    Ruth Anne

  • @devinJA
    @devinJA 9 месяцев назад +116

    I like JP’s longer hair frilling out at the sides, he looks like he’s going to become one of the greatest psychologist / speakers of the new age, affecting generations in such positive ways

    • @pando4433
      @pando4433 9 месяцев назад +10

      Doesn't he look like those Greek sculptures of old wise man Like idk if they're Greek but you get the sentiment

    • @pando4433
      @pando4433 9 месяцев назад +9

      like the spirit of those Greek sculptures 😆

    • @leondbleondb
      @leondbleondb 9 месяцев назад +3

      Needs the beard back.

    • @LB-id6wf
      @LB-id6wf 9 месяцев назад +17

      He’s not going to become… he already is…

    • @LB-id6wf
      @LB-id6wf 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@leondbleondbdefinitely not.. he’s a handsome man…as you get older just makes you look old.

  • @laurarivero-fisher3128
    @laurarivero-fisher3128 8 месяцев назад +2

    My mom passed at age 92 with dementia. I took her off all meds she was on in her early 80’s. Including high colesterol meds. I used ortho molecular medicine instead. Great interview….

  • @lyndwode
    @lyndwode 9 месяцев назад +27

    Jordan, I love your long format content and interviews and this one in particular!
    However, it would be great to let your guests finish their thoughts and let THEM talk more. It’s sometimes hard to follow when you lead them off into new directions after they start an enumeration of three points but only get halfway through the first before you jump in :-)

    • @Stamparama
      @Stamparama 9 месяцев назад +7

      I totally concur. Please try to let the guests finish their ideas. 👍

    • @shazza65
      @shazza65 9 месяцев назад +3

      Agree! I was about to write the same thing!

    • @EmmyBullock-sc3cw
      @EmmyBullock-sc3cw 8 месяцев назад +3

      I disagree ! This is his show offered free of charge. Go with it or switch to something else. You do not get to dictate how the presentation is done.

    • @SmoothJK
      @SmoothJK 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@EmmyBullock-sc3cwit's ok to offer suggestions, and the OP was not rude about it

    • @matthewmoore5020
      @matthewmoore5020 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@EmmyBullock-sc3cw you probably enjoy talking over people too. It’s a lack of discipline and impolite free lesson in manners for you.

  • @reaper84
    @reaper84 9 месяцев назад +26

    I wish Dr. Robert lustig would be invited. That conversation would be even more eye opening.

    • @jhenyalovering41
      @jhenyalovering41 9 месяцев назад +5

      I've learned a lot from him. But it baffles me that he still promotes fiber which only wreaks havoc in our bodies.

  • @Wamagirii
    @Wamagirii 9 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you for loving and taking care of your mother. God Bless the works of your hands and plans.

  • @VelvetMoxie
    @VelvetMoxie 8 месяцев назад +4

    I stopped eating refined sugars half a year ago (ice cream, candy, chocolate, jam, ketchup etc) and I feel SO much better. My anxiety is non existent now, I have so much more energy, I don't have heart palpitations and I'm overall happier. I try to stay off heavy carbs overall but sometimes I fall back, but I try to avoid it. The weightloss is just a really pleasant bonus, and it's also so much easier to loose weight. Eat better - live better!

  • @DavidMauerMusic
    @DavidMauerMusic 9 месяцев назад +6

    My dad died of dementia on Christmas Day last year so I can’t wait for this documentary to be released. I too have been on a journey of discovering how diet and lifestyle causes these diseases and I cannot thank both of you enough for the work you do.

  • @mzmoth
    @mzmoth 9 месяцев назад +9

    What's nice about this, is that Max' mum was a health conscious person, but rather than coming to mistrust her judgement and go (as many might); "aww, poor mum was convinced that diet was that important and she got afflicted with one of the worst degenerative diseases anyway", he still felt she was correct, and set about helping amend her method.
    And imho, he has done it right...
    I've always tried to make my daughter aware of health related issues too... I'm glad she listens, and I know I'd be happy if she took this approach if I got mislead. That's the power of a good parent-child relationship 💛

  • @jonnymurgatroyd856
    @jonnymurgatroyd856 9 месяцев назад +47

    Ive done a Keto diet since I was 16. People keep telling me its bad for me and high cholesterol but i feel amazing when im on it. I find in my diet that I cant do things in moderation and prefer to go all or nothing, even changing my language to saying "I CANT have this or I CANT have that" in order to not tempt fate. The problem here is this mindset can lead you to binge eating if and when you do break your diet. I have to fend off many people always trying to give me junk. I think I ate ceasar salads for over a year straight in college and was never sick of it.

      @JKSBOOTS 9 месяцев назад +6

      When I find myself saying "I CANT have this or that", I correct myself and say "I COULD have this but I DON'T WANT this. I CHOOSE not to have it". When nothing is forbidden and everything is a choice, it helps to break the feast or famine mindset for me. Hope this helps:)

    • @MyLifeRefining
      @MyLifeRefining 9 месяцев назад +3

      For me, it’s helpful to remind myself “That is not even FOOD. My body does not recognize those ingredients and doesn’t know what to do with them, thus they are not food.”

    • @juanzavala9023
      @juanzavala9023 9 месяцев назад

      Same, started when I was 13.

    • @susanloffhagen7788
      @susanloffhagen7788 9 месяцев назад

      Do what works for you

    • @vanessarheadart9708
      @vanessarheadart9708 9 месяцев назад

      I say "I don't eat that" to myself and to others. It's my mantra. ❤️🥩❤️

  • @wendywertz8828
    @wendywertz8828 2 месяца назад +2

    I’ve given up all grains and sugar and the detox is real but worth it ! Most ppl refuse to feel uncomfortable for a couple months to rid themselves of chronic diseases!

  • @pdxnikki1
    @pdxnikki1 9 месяцев назад +42

    Modified keto/carnivore. Never been happier. Raised by lo-fat devout. Good fats are good. Carbs create cravings. Sugar is addictive.

    • @apboyce
      @apboyce 9 месяцев назад +3

      Yes! I treat sugar as any other highly addictive substance….it really creates havoc in my system! I’ve learned to garden for my animals (the chickens and ducks love it).

    • @pdxnikki1
      @pdxnikki1 9 месяцев назад

      @@apboyce I had an urban farm too & loved it! When we moved from 20 acres back to the city, I couldn't keep any quacking or crowing thing,so I harvested all but 3 of my chicken flock along with Stewie the rooster; sold/rehomes my khaki Campbells, Indian Runners & gorgeous black Cayugas. We kept a few buff Orpington, Rhodies & Chicky-poo 2, a black & white Seabright. She set up her nest box in the kitchen. What a character! We added rabbits and Muscovy ducks since they're quackless. They just kinda hiss. But come Thanksgiving, while others had turkey, we had duck with rabbit on the side, and I've never gone back since. Besides, the cutest thing on the face of this planet is and always will be a duckling. 🐥

  • @heatherlindsay4278
    @heatherlindsay4278 9 месяцев назад +7

    What a loving son if his mother knew how much he devoted to her because his love was so deep she would be so proud of him he's a credit to her ❤❤

  • @KellyNora-p8q
    @KellyNora-p8q 9 месяцев назад +40

    There is no excuse for doctors to be so ignorant. If they didnt act like they know everything it might be slightly tolerable. If they are so "overwhelmed" perhaps we need more of them, and maybe more people need to get into less expensive medical schools.
    It is their job to know about health, and they charge a firtune to see us for ten minutes. If WE, in desperation, learn anything on our own, they treat us like we are nuts, usually.

    • @MrBrendel99
      @MrBrendel99 Месяц назад

      Or instead of more Dr's how about less sick people? Imagine Dr's that actually helped people heal.

  • @katiecallister4409
    @katiecallister4409 9 месяцев назад +2

    This was a fabulous interview!!! So informative. I lost 4 brothers to early dementia, so poignant for me! Thank you!!! Little Empty Boxes will be a tough one to watch , but looking forward to it… important!

  • @mofs8277
    @mofs8277 9 месяцев назад +12

    I wrote an essay during my undergrad at Uottawa on the falsehood of the food pyramid and spoke about the agricultural revolution and lots more (currently have my doctoral degree in biochem)... long story short, I received a big F for that outrageous essay! Phenomenal haha

    • @Marge1957
      @Marge1957 9 месяцев назад +4

      Professors are teaching the same things they taught 50 years ago. No growth. No change.

    • @tiffanysalerno
      @tiffanysalerno 9 месяцев назад


    • @marie-joelleraussou
      @marie-joelleraussou 9 месяцев назад

      But you were courageous and it did not stop you to go further👏

  • @taraosborne4559
    @taraosborne4559 9 месяцев назад +34

    Went carnivore (along with garlic and onion for flavour)
    Hands down best thing I’ve ever done for my health!!!
    Was meant to just be a short term experiment.
    I’m 42, feel and look better than I ever have.
    My 13 year old daughter is in shock and following my lead because of seeing my transformation.
    Honestly….. I thought I was already pretty healthy and in shape, but now I realize I just never knew what healthy is supposed to feel like till I went carnivore.
    Will never go back!

    • @chris-nj3vg
      @chris-nj3vg 9 месяцев назад

      So health is now a thing of feeling, not data?

    • @taraosborne4559
      @taraosborne4559 9 месяцев назад +7

      @@chris-nj3vg 🤨
      I’m simply sharing my personal experience dude. I didn’t get my blood taken or studied in a lab.
      Not referencing science at all.
      I simply “feel” and “look” better then I ever have in my life.
      Take it how ever you wish.
      Maybe it’s just placebo effect??
      If that makes you feel better about it. 😏

    • @chris-nj3vg
      @chris-nj3vg 9 месяцев назад

      @@taraosborne4559 Sorry for being so blunt, of course your were talking in a different context. Good for you for feeling great.
      I still wonder about the long-term health consequences of such an extreme elimination (and often also calorie-deficit/restriction) diet though. Given the current data about the importance of veggies, fruits, and yes, whole grains, nuts and beans for healthspan.

    • @taraosborne4559
      @taraosborne4559 9 месяцев назад

      @@chris-nj3vg Fair concern.
      I felt the EXACT same way when I first heard about carnivore….. I’m sure I remember rolling my eyes.
      Out of curiosity and maybe a mission to prove to myself how stupid it is to eliminate vegetables…. Over a
      100 of hours of research later….
      I can confidently say I never need to eat a fruit or vegetable again.
      There’s nothing in any fruit or vegetable that you can’t get from meat, aaaand it’s much more bioavailable to your body through meat.
      If you’re curious, start off with Sally Norton author of toxic superfoods.
      She’s a Harvard dietician life long vegetarian.
      Dr.chaffe is another excellent source on RUclips,
      Watch dr.chaffes interview with sally norton.
      Start there.
      look up the word Oxcelate.
      Only if you’re truly curious.

    • @BeauSmithFtl
      @BeauSmithFtl 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@chris-nj3vg I've been strict carnivore since February of 2020. I get my blood tested approximately every six months or so... and my doctor is impressed with my numbers.
      When there is no real, good science with nutrition, we are reduced to anecdotes. As Dr. Peterson said in this interview, when we accumulate so many anecdotes over time, it starts to look like data.

  • @davidsingh6944
    @davidsingh6944 9 месяцев назад +8

    I’ve been a commercial chef and pastry chef for over 30 years and it absolutely apparent to me that our Brian is Half in our head and half in our gut, our gut being the foundation of our consciences.
    Nearly every disease modern humans encounter is caused by diet.

    • @soare5182
      @soare5182 9 месяцев назад

      Actually not really. We are body and spirit, a disease (psychical or mentally) is caused by internal and external factors we choose to "feed" with. There's food for thought and food for gut. It's easier to correct the diet than the one's toxic mind fed with trash and delusions.

    • @janelleg597
      @janelleg597 9 месяцев назад +2

      Our Brian??

    • @ta8193
      @ta8193 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@janelleg597 never mind spelling but "pastry chef" giving health advice haha

  • @lesstauffer5050
    @lesstauffer5050 8 месяцев назад +2

    Mr. Peterson, I've been a huge fan of yours since I stumbled upon your videos several years ago. I have so much respect and admiration for you and your words of wisdom. Thank you!

  • @solracromero
    @solracromero 9 месяцев назад +7

    Dr. Peterson , you never disappoint with your conversations. This was very enlightening , thank you both for sharing truthful knowledge.

  • @Pat2don
    @Pat2don 9 месяцев назад +12

    My mother is 63 with type 2; diabetes and dementia runs in her mother's side of the family. She gets real cranky when I try to convince her to stop or even reduce her carb and sugar intake, and she "cheats" her labs by postponing her Dr appointments. She accepts advice from RUclips experts, but when I regurgitate the same advice to remind her when she deviates she pushes back.
    She binge watches "top 10s" but falls asleep during podcasts.
    List goes on, but I'm trying my best to help her improve. However her habits only seem to get worse whenever I try to intervene.

    • @jackdeniston6150
      @jackdeniston6150 9 месяцев назад

      Stop listeningto dried up women. Look out for yourself, she has chosen

    • @debbiehooper4081
      @debbiehooper4081 9 месяцев назад +3

      Thanks for sharing your story. I have just turned 63 and have been 10:33 for nearly a year. I'm off all my meds, have lost 22 lbs, have endless energy and have never felt better. Fix yourself and hopefully your mom will see the results and follow? Sadly, the food addiction is a powerful one. I feel so sad for her, because I know what is possible, if she could only see the truth. Wishing you well. ❤

    • @Pat2don
      @Pat2don 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@debbiehooper4081 Thanks for sharing yours! That's wonderful, I'd absolutely love for my mom to be off her meds and brimming with energy again.
      So far, nothing I've done for myself has convinced her to try anything I suggest. I gradually went from being obese in 2012 down to a BMI of 20.9 over several years, and her reaction was, "You look malnourished. Eat more." Oy vey... Since then I've been maintaining a healthy weight but according to her I still "need to eat more."
      I won't give up nudging her towards a healthier diet and lifestyle, but I'm hoping she'll come across something/someone else that can help her see the truth before it's too late.
      Thank you so much for the kind words.
      Wishing you a happy belated birthday and many more energy filled years to come.

  • @Ketolori
    @Ketolori 8 месяцев назад +4

    I'm in over one year on carnivore. Life is so much better! Even though I'm still trying to work out anemia issues and thyroid issues that aren't 100 percent cured yet. I am optimistic and will never return to the SAD diet

  • @barakkleyman
    @barakkleyman 9 месяцев назад
