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Dec 21, 2016 1:25 PM

Mar 2015
Saarunao said:
Well, so much for "making history". Not canon.


I'm curious to see how the fangirls will try to deny this. I vividly remember how they said we would get a big surprise by episode 12 and that they're 'sooo canon ugh'. Well, I said it right from the start.
Dec 21, 2016 1:26 PM
Jun 2016
I liked the compromise, Yuri had the better free skate, but yurio's better first part just brings him slightly ahead enough. Plus gives us a great setup for season 2.
Dec 21, 2016 1:26 PM
Oct 2013
Well, I really thought that Yuuri would win the gold medal.
But, if he did, he certainly wouldn't have a "reason" to continue and we wouldn't have a second season.

About that ending! OMG! o_o
It was just perfect!

And I have only one complain with this show, really. It was kind rushed, especially in the two last episodes. They should have made it into 4 episodes, not only 2.
I didn't saw the deep passion on each performance as I would like to. Am I the only one who thinks like that?

Well, overall, I can't wait for a new season :))
Dec 21, 2016 1:27 PM

Aug 2016
I'm really not mad about Yurio winning, he did his best to, he deserved it as much as everyone else :)
Nanika ga Okashii
Dec 21, 2016 1:27 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Last couple minutes felt a bit rushed tbh but whatevs. At least the MC didn't win, that's unusual in and of itself

But yeah, obvious season 2 is obvious. They could've just outright said it because it wasn't exactly very subtle
Dec 21, 2016 1:27 PM

Dec 2010
Black_wind said:

^ word

how the fuck did JJ get a better score than Otabek overall?

This finale was terrible. Nothing felt concluded. History was not made. If they're going to be so forward about all the gay why not just go all the way and make them officially canon?

The only good part about this was the pair skating at the end. Wish we could've seen the whole sequence.

Rip this show.
Dec 21, 2016 1:28 PM

Sep 2010
Helenus said:
Saarunao said:
Well, so much for "making history". Not canon.


I'm curious to see how the fangirls will try to deny this. I vividly remember how they said we would get a big surprise by episode 12 and that they're 'sooo canon ugh'. Well, I said it right from the start.

it's more canon than most of the shows out there, including shows with straight couples

and so what? just let the fangirls be fangirls - let us live a dream ;)
Dec 21, 2016 1:29 PM
Apr 2016
kono_baka said:
VanishingKira said:
Probably what I'd consider the best show this season,still only a high 6/10 or a low 7/10 imo (moderately good,but by no means great).

It started out really promising but once they added the pretty much forced "romance" and went full blatant fujoshi pandering it really lowered the quality of the series.

Not that this was a bad series,just that it seriously wasted the potential it had in the beginning of the series,which is pretty sad honestly considering this was among the better shows of this year.

2016 really was a shitty year overall for anime,can only hope 2017 will be a better year.

The only thing I am really disappointed at is that the relationship between Yuuri and Victor is not made "explicit" at the end of the season. For me it is pretty clear that they have feelings for each other. You called it a "forced romance" or "fujoshi baiting," which basically implies that Victor and Yuuri were "faking to be gay" to attract fujoshi viewers. I see it as pure romance in which two male characters slowly but steadily develop feelings for each other, just like any hetero couple romance, but not in a too explicit way.

I guess it must be better to make it explicit (like a marriage) at the end for same-sex couple, since otherwise, so many people would just assume that it is "queer-baiting" which is so frustrating. Anyway, let's look forward to season 2.

Why do you need a marriage? Literally all you need is an "I love you" or an uncensored kiss. Or the word 'boyfriend' to be used in a serious manner... or someone asking Yuri and him telling him they are in a relationship.

There are so many ways you could do it.

KuroYume-96 said:
Helenus said:


I'm curious to see how the fangirls will try to deny this. I vividly remember how they said we would get a big surprise by episode 12 and that they're 'sooo canon ugh'. Well, I said it right from the start.

it's more canon than most of the shows out there, including shows with straight couples

and so what? just let the fangirls be fangirls - let us live a dream ;)

Is it? Better handled and more believable interactions? Yes. But I don't think it's any more canon outside of maybe the censored kiss scene.
IanamusDec 21, 2016 1:36 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:29 PM

Jul 2013
I was literally cheering during & after Yuuri's performance. So proud of him. :') I'm disappointed in the final results, though. And wish Victor and Yuuri were more gay.
Dec 21, 2016 1:30 PM

Dec 2008
Viktor and Yuuri were like lovers in the pair skating. My gawd it was beautiful!!!
"See you next level"? Season 2 perhaps? I will pray to the anime gods and goddesses to make this happen.
Dec 21, 2016 1:31 PM

Sep 2010
vokisa said:
I was literally cheering during & after Yuuri's performance. So proud of him. :') I'm disappointed in the final results, though. And wish Victor and Yuuri were more gay.

wish they will in the 2nd season - if they make one (which they better do!)
Dec 21, 2016 1:31 PM

Mar 2015
KuroYume-96 said:
Helenus said:


I'm curious to see how the fangirls will try to deny this. I vividly remember how they said we would get a big surprise by episode 12 and that they're 'sooo canon ugh'. Well, I said it right from the start.

it's more canon than most of the shows out there, including shows with straight couples

and so what? just let the fangirls be fangirls - let us live a dream ;)

There is no graduality in being canon. Something is canon. Something is not canon. Tertium non datur.

Yes, I would like to live the dream, too. But I just don't see it, sorry.
Dec 21, 2016 1:31 PM
Jun 2016
SoundsOfTheWild3 said:
I think they rewrote the ending so the could have a season 2 to milk off of it.

I thought it was an ok episode it wouldn't make since for yuri to beat the fairy (he still ass pulled to be behind him just by a couple of decimals). Not sure what to think of Victors return.

Lol at JJ ass pulling to be in Bronze, Otabek and Chris BTFO.

This show was just okay overall, it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. It was more meant to be just a fun dumb sports comedy.

I think they had two endings, one if they got a second season, and one if they didn't.
Dec 21, 2016 1:33 PM

Aug 2016
I'm a little bit confused 😒 Yuuri asked Victor to be his coach for 1 more year right?

Is he coming back to skating and be a coach to Yuuri at the same time? 😞 please enlighten me lol

I did expected Yuuri not to win gold but either Yurio or JJ since it is more believable imo.

Victor crying was great because we got to see a different side of Victor, though it seems that he really didn't want to make a comeback.
Dec 21, 2016 1:33 PM

Oct 2008
Animeotaku6 said:
So Victor is going to skate again, but also be Yuuri's coach??? I am confused :C

Yep. That's why they're all in Russia in the end scene, cause Victor returned to his home rink to skate, and Yuri followed so that he can continue to train under him.

Yuri asked for just one more year but Victor asked him for longer than that, because he's worried that he wouldn't be able to return to form like before if he were to continue coaching while also competing. So in return Yuri has to win 5 medals (Victor's record) for him to make up for it.
Dec 21, 2016 1:33 PM
Dec 2016
Ianamus said:
kono_baka said:

The only thing I am really disappointed at is that the relationship between Yuuri and Victor is not made "explicit" at the end of the season. For me it is pretty clear that they have feelings for each other. You called it a "forced romance" or "fujoshi baiting," which basically implies that Victor and Yuuri were "faking to be gay" to attract fujoshi viewers. I see it as pure romance in which two male characters slowly but steadily develop feelings for each other, just like any hetero couple romance, but not in a too explicit way.

I guess it must be better to make it explicit (like a marriage) at the end for same-sex couple, since otherwise, so many people would just assume that it is "queer-baiting" which is so frustrating. Anyway, let's look forward to season 2.

Why do you need a marriage? Literally all you need is an "I love you" or an uncensored kiss. Or the word 'boyfriend' to be used in a serious manner... or someone asking Yuri and him telling him they are in a relationship.

There are so many ways you could do it.

KuroYume-96 said:

it's more canon than most of the shows out there, including shows with straight couples

and so what? just let the fangirls be fangirls - let us live a dream ;)

Is it? Better handled and more believable interactions? Yes. But I don't think it's any more canon outside of maybe the censored kiss scene.

I absolutely agree with you. It doesn't have to be a marriage. And I'm feeling you are kinda angry at me... Don't be, I am not demanding for a marriage.
Dec 21, 2016 1:34 PM

Jan 2015
"Their battles will continue for years after this Grand Prix Final. No tale is more compelling than one that never ends." Yuuri sums up the reason why I think the writing works, even if (or even because) you don't really care about the characters outside the main three. Uh, does that make sense? I think I tried to explain it last episode. something about ongoing character arcs. in universe. Point is: time. Gibberish. Is anybody still reading this?

The animation for Yurio's expression at the end of his free skate was really great. Past any of the ice skating scenes, or even the shoelace tying scenes, or anything Yurio does in the first three episodes, I think that that's my true favorite moment of animation in the show.

Also Otabek's inner monologue was weird and cheesy.

See you next level? See you next level.

Edit: You know, thinking about it, the idea of a season two kind of pisses me off. I don't mean in the way that I wanted Yuuri to win at the end of season one, instead of season two, but that I want and prefer the show to just leave off at this episode. Sampling a tiny slice of ongoing careers - that's the mindset I'm coming at this show with. Am I just being delusional for wanting a purposely inconclusive ending? Is this just incoherent rambling? I can't tell anymore. Everybody's worked up over the canonicity of Victuuri and here I am thinking about how hard it is to find an entryway into comics and pro wrestling. Maybe I should just sit back, read all 4300 fics posted on ao3 while crying fujotears, give it a 10/10 due to vicarious enjoyment through other people's excitement, call it GOAT (gayest of all time), and sell out on tumblr by making chibi character badges and spamming the tags. I don't know. It's a 7/10. Should it be more? Has this show really improved my life in a big way, other than giving me something to watch on Wednesdays that's more grounded than Teekyuu and Cheating Craft? Does reading all those interviews about all the work that went into this show really make it any better in my eyes?

Well shit. I don't know. But I did eat pork katsudon while watching this episode, so at least I can say it's helped me achieve an even greater level of weeb.
PartyuDec 21, 2016 1:59 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:36 PM
Jun 2016
Honestly I don't understand why we're still calling it fujobait/queerbaiting when there was a kiss five episodes ago.
Dec 21, 2016 1:37 PM

Sep 2010
Helenus said:
KuroYume-96 said:

it's more canon than most of the shows out there, including shows with straight couples

and so what? just let the fangirls be fangirls - let us live a dream ;)

There is no graduality in being canon. Something is canon. Something is not canon. Tertium non datur.

Yes, I would like to live the dream, too. But I just don't see it, sorry.

well, won't force you to live one: if you don't see, you don't have to - whatever tickles your fancy

hope you still enjoyed this show
Dec 21, 2016 1:37 PM

Nov 2010
ViolettSky said:
I'm not really satisfied, I look forward to S2 but I almost think I would have prefered a conclusive ending.

Yep I kinda feel same. I think EP12 pretty much set up second season and it was what it was cause of that. Yuuri needed motivation to keep going and not to retire, no kiss & no wedding if not gold so there is further build up for Viktuuri's relationship in the second season awaiting and with Viktor competing there is new element to story- rivalry between Viktor and Yuuri.. If the anime ended with this season I think the ending would have been more satisfying with Yuuri's win and conclusion of the series and Viktuuri.

But still second season.. can't really complain on that coming.
Dec 21, 2016 1:37 PM

Aug 2007
I don't know how I should be feeling about this episode.

I'm very disappointed, because:
1) Victor crying made me cry. He obviously thought Yuri would be gone for good.
2) Victor pulling off a comeback at the age of 28 AND intending to continue coaching Yuri is... well... insane to say the least.
3) Yurio winning over Yuri with 0.12 points is just BS. And after Yuri broke Victor's record, too!

On the other hand, Yuri and Victor did not break up and even more importantly... THEY SKATED A PAS DE DEUX! I was hoping the entire season they would skate one AND THEY DID! I can't tell you how damn happy that made be feel. It actually makes me so happy I'm very, very close to forgiving the anime for making Yuri loose. I hate the "genius youngster wins everything on first try"-trope. Yurio is great and I love him, but I don't like he won.
Dec 21, 2016 1:38 PM

Sep 2010
talewind said:
Honestly I don't understand why we're still calling it fujobait/queerbaiting when there was a kiss five episodes ago.

guess not everyone sees it as a kiss and guess people just wanted to see more
Dec 21, 2016 1:38 PM
Nov 2015
I think it was a beautiful finale, especially since we get to know that Viktor is returning as a competitor. So this means we're getting a second season, right? ;w; I'd love to see Yuuri competing against Viktor... I especially liked the part where Viktor congratulated Yuuri fir breaking his record, but told him it was irritating for a competitor... ;w;

What's really getting to me is that people are still arguing whether Viktor and YUURI are canon or not?? It was a beautiful finale episode, I think we should stop arguing over that.. ^^;
Their relationship is actually heartwarming- we can see how much yuuri means to viktor, and the feeling is reciprocated... Rather than just labeling them as 'lovers' or 'just friends, no romantic feelings', I feel just just appreciating their simple relationship would be better..

...Also, I'm writing this at 3:07 am, so sorry if I've made any mistakes anywhere.. ^^;
Dec 21, 2016 1:38 PM

Apr 2015
Oh my god, I legit cried during Yuuri's free skate, it was so emotional omg And that exhibiton ;A; So b e aut iful aaaaaa

Dec 21, 2016 1:40 PM

Mar 2011
A little annoyed Yurio won, but I'm still happy for him.
Overall the ending didn't feel very satisfactory for me. I probably had my expectations up too high, but oh well. I actually didn't (seriously) expect Victor to come back to skating. Probably should have expected it right when Yuuri broke his record.

8/10 for the whole series, 6/10 for the ending... 11/10 for the pairs skate :^)
Dec 21, 2016 1:40 PM

Dec 2007
I do wish they could've just ended this season with a big bang and maybe focus more on Yurio or something on the second season, if second season was a must. I still liked it but it could've been better.
Dec 21, 2016 1:40 PM

Apr 2014
wow we finally see viktor cry! he has emotions! okay for real though, i keep hearing there's going to be a season 2 and i sure hope they show viktor's backstory or his family or something because so far it's like he has none

AND OMG NOOOO THE RUSSIAN YURI WON..AND BY SUCH A TINY SCORE..i absolutely love both of the Yuri's programs...but i was definitely cheering for the japanese Yuri this whole entire time. although i do love Yurio's gorgeous hair and music choice for his program

i'm super surprised there's no injuries this whole entire season....but i guess 12 episodes is too short to pull that sort of thing off

omg Yuri's program at the end....his costume are opposite colors of Viktor's......i'm so amazed they pulled something like that off.....oh my god

well.....i really need a second season now. Yuri has to win gold
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Dec 21, 2016 1:41 PM

Aug 2007
mintychoco_ said:
A little annoyed Yurio won, but I'm still happy for him.
Overall the ending didn't feel very satisfactory for me. I probably had my expectations up too high, but oh well. I actually didn't (seriously) expect Victor to come back to skating. Probably should have expected it right when Yuuri broke his record.

8/10 for the whole series, 6/10 for the ending... 11/10 for the pairs skate :^)

My dear soulmate, we think exactly the same. xD
Dec 21, 2016 1:41 PM

Dec 2016
Helenus said:
KuroYume-96 said:

it's more canon than most of the shows out there, including shows with straight couples

and so what? just let the fangirls be fangirls - let us live a dream ;)

There is no graduality in being canon. Something is canon. Something is not canon. Tertium non datur.

Yes, I would like to live the dream, too. But I just don't see it, sorry.

What are you talking about? Did you even see the episode? Wasn't the ending evidence enough? Do you really think they would dance together to a love song if they weren't in love? I don't get it anymore. Are people like you blind or do you simply want to make other people angry? It was already canon the moment Viktor kissed Yuuri in episode 7. Why would they need to tell us that they're in love, when you can easily read it in their actions.
not a native english-speaker, i may make mistakes!
Dec 21, 2016 1:41 PM
Jun 2016
KuroYume-96 said:
talewind said:
Honestly I don't understand why we're still calling it fujobait/queerbaiting when there was a kiss five episodes ago.

guess not everyone sees it as a kiss and guess people just wanted to see more

The thing is, if everything in this anime had played out exactly the same, except with either Yuuri or Victor as a woman, no one would be questioning if the kiss really happened, or if their relationship was canon or not. As a gay man, it's an infuriating double standard. Gay couples in fiction somehow need their validity "proved," whereas straight couples are simply accepted as fact with much less.
Dec 21, 2016 1:42 PM

Feb 2014
Oh my fuck.

It was bait.

Are you kidding me??? I didn't put up with the piss poor animation, ugly 3D, lackluster story, and one dimensional side characters for this ending. This isn't a budget issue. This is narrative issue.

7/10 for vague homo and progressively bad animation.

I enjoyed the Yuzuru magazine cameo though, doing the JJ pose.
LemonDec 21, 2016 2:44 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:42 PM

Sep 2010
talewind said:
KuroYume-96 said:

guess not everyone sees it as a kiss and guess people just wanted to see more

The thing is, if everything in this anime had played out exactly the same, except with either Yuuri or Victor as a woman, no one would be questioning if the kiss really happened, or if their relationship was canon or not. As a gay man, it's an infuriating double standard.

I know right!!!!!
Dec 21, 2016 1:44 PM

Apr 2014
talewind said:
KuroYume-96 said:

guess not everyone sees it as a kiss and guess people just wanted to see more

The thing is, if everything in this anime had played out exactly the same, except with either Yuuri or Victor as a woman, no one would be questioning if the kiss really happened, or if their relationship was canon or not. As a gay man, it's an infuriating double standard. Gay couples in fiction somehow need their validity "proved," whereas straight couples are simply accepted as fact with much less.

i feel exactly the same...there's so much anime out there with the main male character and a romantic interest and everyone accepts it as canon even if they didn't even kiss or say anything about loving each other.
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Dec 21, 2016 1:44 PM

Mar 2015
sophieonice said:
Helenus said:

There is no graduality in being canon. Something is canon. Something is not canon. Tertium non datur.

Yes, I would like to live the dream, too. But I just don't see it, sorry.

What are you talking about? Did you even see the episode? Wasn't the ending evidence enough? Do you really think they would dance together to a love song if they weren't in love? I don't get it anymore. Are people like you blind or do you simply want to make other people angry? It was already canon the moment Viktor kissed Yuuri in episode 7. Why would they need to tell us that they're in love, when you can easily read it in their actions.

Wow, calm your titties, please. Am I not allowed to express my own opinion? An opinion that includes not seeing a kiss in ep. 7 btw.

They missed their chance to make things canon after ep. 7. When they never adressed the 'kiss' again at all in the following episodes I knew they wouldn't make anything 'canon'.
HelenusDec 21, 2016 1:48 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:44 PM

May 2012
Considering that Viktor and Yuuri had pushed their beds together in the hotel room, I find it strange that people somehow think they are not lovers. Is it the lack of a decisive kissing scene? I actually prefer the more subtle approach taken by Yamamoto and Kubo.

I voted for Yurio in the recent "who will win" poll. He's stlll a better skater than Yuuri overall.

So will season two be heading to the Olympics? That would be good timing if it is released a year from now or in the Winter, 2018, season. Another Grand Prix Final would not seem as compelling.
SeijiSenseiDec 21, 2016 1:50 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:45 PM

Apr 2014
Season 2 season 2 !! 2 skating together beutiful ifor my fuyoshi´s eyes hehehehehe
and that tears of victor ...hehehehe
Dec 21, 2016 1:46 PM

Dec 2014
I wouldn't mind a second season, gay or not, though I would've preferred it all to end in just one.

That skating sequence between the two of them together was beautiful.

Fun and unique characters in Yurio, Yuri, and Victor, combined with generally good animation with some cases of giraffe neck, great soundtrack, and good dose of story make this a very solid 8/10.
I need sleep.
Dec 21, 2016 1:46 PM

Jul 2013
Oh my god I can't comment well right now I'm too overcome by the beauty of this episode and too asdfghjkl

Yuri and Yuuri are so beautiful! Victor is beautiful! Everyone is beautiful! Life is great!
Dec 21, 2016 1:46 PM
Sep 2014
Yurio winning is the only good thing about this episode. Will watch inevitable season 2. Don't get your hopes up for any gay in season 2, folks.
Dec 21, 2016 1:49 PM

Mar 2016
Lol I had no expectation of Yuuri winning gold since like episode 9. It would've been too convenient.
Yeah, he worked hard but I promise you everyone else did too. This isn't a competition of hard work anyway. Like Victor said, he hadn't won gold yet so it's quite amazing he even got as close as he did in what should have been the hardest competition. I can suspend some disbelief but handing Yuuri everything would've been unsatisfying imo
I didn't expect lil baby Yurio to win though.
That margin.

PS. Phichit is the cutest person ever
Dec 21, 2016 1:49 PM

Aug 2015
Score: 8.5/10

In detail

Tonight, nobody wins the gold medal in the animes.
This anime is a big surprise especially since I hadn't planned to watch it at first.
But Yamamoto Sayo showed us her skills as a director and I think I will watch other original series made by this genius lady.

The atmosphere of the series was great. Each episode was hilarious because of the eccentric characters. ^^ Even the fan service shounen-ai of the series was funny although I wasn't the good audience. (I found it a bit excessive)
My favorite seiyuu Suwabe Junichi and Toshiyuki Toyonaga respectively for Victor and Yuri Katsuki were excellent, both in comedy and drama moments.
The competitions were exciting and I felt like I was in the audience with others to support Yuri and the others. (I like JJ)

As for the characters, they are plentiful.
But I remember the evolution of both Yuri and Victor who seems to have learned a lot as a coach.
As for the others, they are less developed in general even though they have not been forgotten.
My favorite characters: Yuri Katsuki, Victor, children hackers, JJ and

The animation is just sublime. Both in choreographies and in more dramatic moments. And then in the funny scenes, all the designs are more simplified and contrast well with the original designs.

The soundtrack is excellent. Whether it is "Yuri !! on Ice" or the others. (I like that of JJ)
The OP is part of my top 3 for this season.

I really enjoyed watching this series. If an S2 is scheduled, I wait resolutely!
TuyNOMDec 21, 2016 2:21 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:49 PM
Jun 2016
Helenus said:
sophieonice said:

What are you talking about? Did you even see the episode? Wasn't the ending evidence enough? Do you really think they would dance together to a love song if they weren't in love? I don't get it anymore. Are people like you blind or do you simply want to make other people angry? It was already canon the moment Viktor kissed Yuuri in episode 7. Why would they need to tell us that they're in love, when you can easily read it in their actions.

Wow, calm your titties, please. Am I not allowed to express my own opinion? An opinion that includes not seeing a kiss in ep. 7 btw.

They missed their chance to make things canon after ep. 7. When they never adressed the 'kiss' again at all in the following episodes I knew they wouldn't make anything 'canon'.

It could be my opinion that the earth is flat, but it's still wrong.
Dec 21, 2016 1:50 PM

Nov 2016
Wow, I didn't expect this podium but I'm pleased anyway because Yuri P. really deserved it and it would have been unoriginal to make the MC win. I'm a bit disappointed for Otabek, though.

It was nice to see Victor skate again, and with Yuri!

9/10. I'll be waiting for the second season.
Dec 21, 2016 1:51 PM
Jan 2016
I can't help but to feel disappointed after how much I have waited for this finale, but I guess I had my expectations a tad too high in the first place. I would've wanted them to wrap things up properly, instead of just paving way for another season. Also, I really wanted them to confirm Victor and Yuri's relationship, but I guess the continuing ambiguity was just another way for keeping the fans excited for a season two. The pair skate saved Yuri on ice S1 from being a total disappointment for me, however. It was very beautiful, and in that sense this anime did make history (two males doing pair figure skating).

One thing that really bothered me was definitely how Otabek just fell from the podium and JJ climbed up to take the third place. Like seriously, why? Otabek had a huge lead compared to JJ after the short program, and he landed all his jumps in the free skate. JJ did improve his performance a lot in the free skate, but he even failed one jump, and with Otabek's massive lead, he shouldn't have surpassed his total points! At least that's what I thought, but since I'm no figure skating expert, I could be wrong.

I do think that Yurio deserved the win, as he does have great skill, he worked hard, and was very determined to win. Still, I think Yuri's second place was just a way to set up the stage for a season two, which is definitely nothing new in the sports anime genre (main protagonist first losing the grand finale in S1 and getting the gold on his next try).

It will definitely be a long wait for me, assuming we do get a season two - which I'm quite certain we will - and as I said, I did wish for a more wrapped up ending for this season. However, it is a fact that 12 episode long anime do often end up being rushed towards the end, and in that sense, a season two for wrapping things up and delivering a more satisfying ending would be a sensible choice from the staff behind the show.
childofnikeDec 22, 2016 11:39 AM
Dec 21, 2016 1:54 PM

Feb 2015
- I am very glad that Yurio beat Yuri
that is very good. So now it looks like Yuri will return to the ice, as will Victor. And Victor's little wave to Yuri at the end means that they will still be around each other? Honestly I will be disappointed if Victor goes back to being Yuri's coach - an opinion I never thought I'd have. The end card basically confirms a second season, which makes me EXTREMELY HAPPY. So yes it wasn't the Victuri ending we were all hoping for, but it was definitely a solid ending and there's always NEXT LEVEL. With the strong feedback from everyone wishing for Victuri, I am sure that they won't abandon that come next season. 5/5 episode, 9/10 for the show :)

EDIT: someone mentioned that they pushed their beds together in the hotel room, and there's the fact that Victor was crying and that beautiful history-making couple skate at the end (I think 2 men skating together would be a first, right?). So Victuri fans shouldn't be too disappointed!!
Oreomonogatari72Dec 21, 2016 2:03 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:54 PM

Apr 2016
Yurio-Yuri-JJ.....The podium of this last grand prix...

Don´t like this final :( More questions, some unknown and a quickly ends :(

If They are ice-skating in Barcelona, Spain, why the commentaris speaks in french? xD

Dec 21, 2016 1:55 PM

Dec 2016
Helenus said:
sophieonice said:

What are you talking about? Did you even see the episode? Wasn't the ending evidence enough? Do you really think they would dance together to a love song if they weren't in love? I don't get it anymore. Are people like you blind or do you simply want to make other people angry? It was already canon the moment Viktor kissed Yuuri in episode 7. Why would they need to tell us that they're in love, when you can easily read it in their actions.

Wow, calm your titties, please. Am I not allowed to express my own opinion? An opinion that includes not seeing a kiss in ep. 7 btw.

They missed their chance to make things canon after ep. 7. When they never adressed the 'kiss' again at all in the following episodes I knew they wouldn't make anything 'canon'.

Well the thing is, it's literally the only thing you ever cared about in the show, isn't it? Every damn week you were whining about how they're still not "canon" and that the fujoshis are taking the bait and whatever. Must be pretty frustrating.
not a native english-speaker, i may make mistakes!
Dec 21, 2016 1:57 PM

Dec 2014
Good finale, knew it would be rushed to an extent and it certainly was but it wasn't bad at all.

Yuri's performance was awesome. :D
I still call JJ's loss very convenient, He still got bronze though. If it weren't for the short program, he might have easily taken gold.
Yurio's performance was awesome too, Congratulations to him for getting that gold and Yuri for his silver.
Nice of Yuri to ask Victor to continue coaching him.

Overall, This was a really good show. Enjoyed the skating performance a lot. Characters were nice and there was a good amount of emotion in the show even if a lot of that ended up on the Yaoi side, Really liked the caring relationship Yuri and Victor had towards each other. Would love to watch a 2nd season if there is one.

Dec 21, 2016 1:59 PM

Jul 2009
I need a season 2 omg. This was such a lovely series. Also that South Park shout out..fucking lol.
Dec 21, 2016 1:59 PM

Apr 2009
talewind said:
Honestly I don't understand why we're still calling it fujobait/queerbaiting when there was a kiss five episodes ago.

Because the only interactions that register with some people are the only one they cause use to bail out.

Every other romantic interaction is basically meaningless.

And no, even if we got a on-screen kiss it wouldn't matter (Not that you can see episode 7 in any way but a kiss). They would still try to no-homo it because something culture something Yuuri said something.

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