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Oct 21, 2010 2:32 PM

Sep 2009
I play. I'm good, but only with Warwick. I have mastered the jungle. Golems fear me. Wolves run in fright. And you better hope I don't catch you sneaking through the jungle.
Oct 22, 2010 3:32 AM

Oct 2010
I play as well. I can play Akali, Ashe, Malphite, Nunu, and Sona pretty well, and I just bought Lux so I'm trying to figure her out. If you guys want, join the LoL club here:

Oct 22, 2010 11:30 AM

Mar 2008
I use Twitch and Twisted Fate mainly these days. Twitch really shuts down their game in teamfights unless they have a lot of stuns/blinds which they will save forever. TF is just for global ganking, pushing lanes, nuking and short-CD stun. Currently playing joke games with AP Teemo because of really amusing juking. I really can't have much fun with Lux...I find Ashe and Ez's ult skillshots more fun to use since they're global. Despite requiring more skill than some other champs, her damage output is just really mediocre even after stacking mejais and zhonyas, etc, and I guess I don't love support characters. I used to main Annie, Shaco (pre-nerf), Heimer (pre-nerf), Warwick, and some others.
Oct 22, 2010 3:22 PM

Jan 2008
I've been playing Sivir main since closed beta, but also play annie, alistar, rammus, miss fortune
~five exclamation marks is the sure sign of an insane mind~
Oct 22, 2010 4:42 PM
May 2009
I play Shaco (sunfire, ap, ad) and Xin mostly.
Oct 23, 2010 1:03 AM

Aug 2010
I mostly play Support/tank, cause they are alway needed and nobody fking play one.

Tank Gragas/Rammus/Taric/Amumu
Support Taric/Sona/Morganna
Oct 23, 2010 2:13 AM

Oct 2007
I've got it but I haven't played, since I've heard how hardcore the DoTA genre of gaming is. What's the best way to get started in this game?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 23, 2010 12:55 PM

Aug 2007
I play only AP characters.
I main Annie and Sona and alternate between Akali, Kennen and Lux.

Master_M2K said:
I've got it but I haven't played, since I've heard how hardcore the DoTA genre of gaming is. What's the best way to get started in this game?

I think the best way to get started is to first find a character you like and understand how they work. The game requires a lot of knowledge of every champion, items and skills. It just takes time to learn these all so it's best to just play and have fun learning how your character does it's role in game and figuring out the enemies' skills.
Oct 23, 2010 4:16 PM

Dec 2009
I dont really have main, but Rammus, Miss Fortune, Akali, Kog'maw, Malzahar and Kayle are my favorites.
Oct 23, 2010 7:17 PM

Jan 2009
Just started to get into this game big time. So far I am really enjoying Teemo and Tristana. I don't really have the knowledge to tank, or play melee for that matter. Range is just easier at the moment.

My username is the same as my name on here, so feel free to add me and hit me up to play.
Oct 24, 2010 6:22 PM

Sep 2010
I play since beta :D

hmm my mains ?

It changes ...

First, it was Amumu

My Top 5 :

#1 Vladimir
#2 Garen
#3 Singed
#4 Teemo
#5 Urgot
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 25, 2010 4:41 AM

Oct 2009
I am playing this game for around 2 months now. My favourites are Sona, Warwick and Annie. Miss Fortune and Kogmaw are also fun, but they cost 6300IP D:
Oct 26, 2010 4:25 PM

Mar 2008
Aqualyx said:
I am playing this game for around 2 months now. My favourites are Sona, Warwick and Annie. Miss Fortune and Kogmaw are also fun, but they cost 6300IP D:

Or like 8 bucks.
Nov 25, 2011 1:02 PM

Jul 2010
I played that game since September and I enjoyed it. To be honest I only play in co-op and I mostly play against bots only. I never play in PvP for some reasons.
I can't tell that I'm good at it.

I main:

I'm going to get Rammus when I gain some ep points.
Nov 27, 2011 12:05 AM

Apr 2009
I'm good
I main lee,shyv,kennen,olaf,skarner,riven
Nov 27, 2011 10:10 AM
Nov 2011
I'm pretty good.
Warwick, and Fiddlesticks are my mains.
Gank for the win. :D
Follow me on twitter http://www.twitter/ace_purple
Like my fanpage
Thank you. <3
Apr 5, 2012 6:20 AM

Apr 2012
I'm a 1800 ELO League of Legends player (I'm playing on EUWest) under the name of Immahnoob.

So is there anybody in MAL that plays LoL? Maybe we can make our own Club or something (if possible) or all be friends ;). Of course, if you ask to get carried then I will murder you -_-.

What's your favorite role to play and what game mode you play? I usually just play Summoner's Rift/Ranked SoloQ because I'm an Ex-DotA player, so I like this map the most.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 6:22 AM

Mar 2009
There is already a club.

I recently gave my account away so I'm only playing my lvl 6 toon as of now ;p
Apr 5, 2012 6:23 AM

Sep 2009
I only play on occasion, but I know a lot more about it than I should due to my boyfriend's obsession with it. Also his roommate basically plays it 24/7.
Anyway, my favorite character in Nidalee! And I most always play Summoner's Rift. You should definitely start up a club if there's not already one in existence.
Apr 5, 2012 6:24 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
There is already a club.

I recently gave my account away so I'm only playing my lvl 6 toon as of now ;p

Too bad you gave out your account D:. But we could still play if you add me tho.
kiltroutgore said:
I only play on occasion, but I know a lot more about it than I should due to my boyfriend's obsession with it. Also his roommate basically plays it 24/7.
Anyway, my favorite character in Nidalee! And I most always play Summoner's Rift. You should definitely start up a club if there's not already one in existence.

Hehe, I'm quite bored of the usual grinding ELO, I usually get to the top rating, see what's going on there (which is usually, worse players than lower ELO), and then fall back. Grinding and grinding and grinding.

Made this thread so maybe we could make a little premade out of it :D. My favorite character at the moment are Riven (I pwn with her in SoloQ) and Nautilus (I like his voice)

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 6:27 AM

Mar 2009
Immahnoob said:
Vudis said:
There is already a club.

I recently gave my account away so I'm only playing my lvl 6 toon as of now ;p

Too bad you gave out your account D:. But we could still play if you add me tho.
Well it's not like I can't get it back. :p
I'm not really sure whether I'll start playing again. ;o
Apr 5, 2012 6:34 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
Immahnoob said:
Vudis said:
There is already a club.

I recently gave my account away so I'm only playing my lvl 6 toon as of now ;p

Too bad you gave out your account D:. But we could still play if you add me tho.
Well it's not like I can't get it back. :p
I'm not really sure whether I'll start playing again. ;o

Give me a tip if you start playing again ;).

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 6:40 AM

Mar 2009
You still playing Riven even after the nerf?
I'm guessing most of the good top champs stomp on Riven now unless you're like super pro.
Apr 5, 2012 6:45 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
You still playing Riven even after the nerf?
I'm guessing most of the good top champs stomp on Riven now unless you're like super pro.

Hmm? It's all about skill and jungle help. The nerf wasn't heavy at all. Single things that are let's say medium difficulty would be Renekton/WW/Irelia after level 9/Olaf/Lee Sin that maxes W. I've never met anything that truly beats me. So if you think about it single good guys vs Riven are Renekton and Olaf. They beat her at any level, still won't stop her from farming tho.

Top is about dominating, it's true. But you still have a team, so you can just out farm your opponent/send him to base/push him and go do dragon and get kills there.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 6:50 AM

Nov 2011
I currently play league on EUW as well at the moment I'm 2160 Elo. Anyway keep this on topic and don't talk about Dota/Hon/etc at all or this thread will get locked.
Apr 5, 2012 6:52 AM

Mar 2009
Imo Riven needs some kills to be able to atleast instantly kill the ad carry in teamfights without dieing.
Well it's pretty hard to play against a good Renekton and Nasus (god how I hate that I can't kill him).
Irelia should be a piece of cake she does no damage to you early you just have to keep poking and start cloth 5 pots.
Renekton crushes many top laners but unfortunetally he's pretty useless after midgame.
Apr 5, 2012 6:53 AM

Apr 2012
SRTHGV said:
I currently play league on EUW as well at the moment I'm 2160 Elo. Anyway keep this on topic and don't talk about Dota/Hon/etc at all or this thread will get locked.

Meh, what I said was relevant with the topic, it explained something about my habit in LoL, and I won't let the thread derail. Now if somebody could actually add me XD.
Vudis said:
Imo Riven needs some kills to be able to atleast instantly kill the ad carry in teamfights without dieing.
Well it's pretty hard to play against a good Renekton and Nasus (god how I hate that I can't kill him).
Irelia should be a piece of cake she does no damage to you early you just have to keep poking and start cloth 5 pots.
Renekton crushes many top laners but unfortunetally he's pretty useless after midgame.

Well I go Ignite + Heal, you will get to kill the AD Carry anyways, as I said, it's not only about killing on the top lane, it's about farming too, so you'll have the items necessary to do damage, Nasus is easy for Riven, he's a piece of cake and he'll run out of mana, he can't beat you if you play it right. A good Renekton is hard, that's true.

A good Irelia will try to not fight you at all pre 7 and after 7 she can actually kill you if she's playing it right, starting cloth + 5 is not that much of a good idea vs Irelia, you need to do a lot of damage early, that means you'll have to outrun her. Renekton isn't truly that useless, it depends on how you build him, he'll still tear threw carries if you know how to play him.
ImmahnoobApr 5, 2012 6:57 AM

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 6:57 AM

Nov 2011
Immahnoob said:
SRTHGV said:
I currently play league on EUW as well at the moment I'm 2160 Elo. Anyway keep this on topic and don't talk about Dota/Hon/etc at all or this thread will get locked.

Meh, what I said was relevant with the topic, it explained something about my habit in LoL, and I won't let the thread derail. Now if somebody could actually add me XD.

I was just saying it because every single thread about LoL has turned into a debate when the fan boys come along and the threads get locked. I wasn't stating that anyone had gone off topic.
Apr 5, 2012 6:58 AM

Apr 2012
SRTHGV said:
Immahnoob said:
SRTHGV said:
I currently play league on EUW as well at the moment I'm 2160 Elo. Anyway keep this on topic and don't talk about Dota/Hon/etc at all or this thread will get locked.

Meh, what I said was relevant with the topic, it explained something about my habit in LoL, and I won't let the thread derail. Now if somebody could actually add me XD.

I was just saying it because every single thread about LoL has turned into a debate when the fan boys come along and the threads get locked. I wasn't stating that anyone had gone off topic.

Was just sayin', I know how to deal with fanboys, well... LoL forums style, but I can adapt.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 8:08 AM

Mar 2009
Still I won't forget how I always got owned by a good Nasus with Riven in ranked.
A good Nasus will get an early Frozen Heart and by then you can't kill him anyways, even with help of the jungler if he still got his tower.

I manage to kill Nasus early on but once he has glacial shroud and ninja tabi it's gg for me.
Apr 5, 2012 8:14 AM
Mar 2012
I'm a nukin dukin 500 ELO heimerdingus
come@me and my green arse head.
Apr 5, 2012 8:22 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
Still I won't forget how I always got owned by a good Nasus with Riven in ranked.
A good Nasus will get an early Frozen Heart and by then you can't kill him anyways, even with help of the jungler if he still got his tower.

I manage to kill Nasus early on but once he has glacial shroud and ninja tabi it's gg for me.

As I said, don't kill him then, you must finish the game as fast as you can tho, or else he'll be pretty unstoppable if you guys are not organized.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 10:57 AM

Jul 2010
Immahnoob said:
Vudis said:
Still I won't forget how I always got owned by a good Nasus with Riven in ranked.
A good Nasus will get an early Frozen Heart and by then you can't kill him anyways, even with help of the jungler if he still got his tower.

I manage to kill Nasus early on but once he has glacial shroud and ninja tabi it's gg for me.

As I said, don't kill him then, you must finish the game as fast as you can tho, or else he'll be pretty unstoppable if you guys are not organized.

hard decision to make when he destroys towers in seconds. if your team can't do something with the 4v5 you're basically giving them free towers. that is if you group with your team while nasus is still top of course.

Apr 5, 2012 11:07 AM

Mar 2009
You can't let Nasus farm that's the problem.^^
Once he got Trinity, Frozen Heart, Ninja Tabi / Mercs and Foce of Nature you can't kill him even 2v1 and his q takes like 1/5 of a towers health while on 3 sec cd. >_>
Apr 5, 2012 11:11 AM

Apr 2010
Riven nerfs were pretty light honestly.

And I play as well sadly on NA side. EUW ping is too scary :P

I don't really have a favorite role. I play what my team needs and can perform all roles fairly well. I'd rather not mid, but that's largely due to inexperience since I am usually forced to play the other roles due to the MID OR I FEED mindset of most players :P .
Apr 5, 2012 11:18 AM

Mar 2009
I used to play a bit on NA account.
I don't think my ping was that bad for living in Central Europe.
Be aware that just having a yellow ping isn't affecting gameplay at all.
Apr 5, 2012 11:26 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
I used to play a bit on NA account.
I don't think my ping was that bad for living in Central Europe.
Be aware that just having a yellow ping isn't affecting gameplay at all.

It does affect it if you're versus green ping players.

@Clous True, the nerfs weren't hard at all, but weren't needed either. So you're a Jack-of-all-trades. Just like me! Yay!

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 6:01 PM
Jul 2010
Playing on EU Nordic/East.
Level 30, own all the champions and three full rune pages.
haven't played in a good few months, probably <1200 ELO. Oh boy.
Apr 5, 2012 6:27 PM

Jun 2007
I have a feeling this thread is going to get flamed by some of the elitist dota players on this site.

But yeah, I play LoL. I just play blind pick, ranked is not fun at all.
Apr 5, 2012 11:03 PM

Apr 2012
Rainbow-Dash said:
I have a feeling this thread is going to get flamed by some of the elitist dota players on this site.

But yeah, I play LoL. I just play blind pick, ranked is not fun at all.

No worries, I'm an Ex-DotA player, played it for about 4 years. I'm flameproof :D.

Meh for me Blindpick isn't fun anymore, I'm too laid back and when they tryhard I'll tryhard too and I'll always win.
DrRatekkusu said:
Playing on EU Nordic/East.
Level 30, own all the champions and three full rune pages.
haven't played in a good few months, probably <1200 ELO. Oh boy.

All champions and three full rune pages O.O... I still lack 15-20 champions but I have 4 rune pages.

Meh in the end nobody added me. You guys are mean :(.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 11:14 PM

Apr 2010
Scumbag MAL
Apr 5, 2012 11:23 PM

Jun 2009
Second page and no HoN/DotA fanboys. I'm impressed!

Anyway, casual player here. I come and go, lately I've been on one of my off seasons. I don't play ranked, nor do I ever really intend to.

AbstractCalamity in game, too, if anyone wants to hit me up for some casual games sometime. I'm also in the MAL club.
Apr 5, 2012 11:29 PM

Mar 2009
Normal Blind Pick: Trolls and/or tryhards
Normal Draft Pick: Pick the best champions, nobody can play them right
Ranked: (on my elo=1500-1600) People just can't play

I've been doing Custom games (ARAM, catch the teemo, and that one game were you try to die in the enemy fountain) for the last months because I was bored to death with summoners rift and tt is just boring imo.
Apr 5, 2012 11:33 PM

Apr 2012
Clous said:
Scumbag MAL

Why scumbag MAL?
AbstractCalamity said:
Second page and no HoN/DotA fanboys. I'm impressed!

Anyway, casual player here. I come and go, lately I've been on one of my off seasons. I don't play ranked, nor do I ever really intend to.

AbstractCalamity in game, too, if anyone wants to hit me up for some casual games sometime. I'm also in the MAL club.

I'm trying my best, actually, I just hope they'll come ;). It will be a lot more fun.

I'd like to have fun too, actually I've added my IGN on the first post so people add me, but it seems no one is intending to do so. Meh, no fun for them :P. I'll add you, I can play Normals too, just be serious (I know what Casual means, but some people use it as an excuse to troll and stop trying).
Vudis said:
Normal Blind Pick: Trolls and/or tryhards
Normal Draft Pick: Pick the best champions, nobody can play them right
Ranked: (on my elo=1500-1600) People just can't play

I've been doing Custom games (ARAM, catch the teemo, and that one game were you try to die in the enemy fountain) for the last months because I was bored to death with summoners rift and tt is just boring imo.

Normals are easy for me, as I said, they tryhard, I do the same and they usually get burned in the process, I don't like tryhards in blind pick/normal draft. Draft is like "Queue dodge, queue dodge, haha now I know your pick, will ban that". Which annoys me too.

Well, I don't know if you'll see what I write as good proof that higher ELO is actually worse than lower ELO, but I got flamed two games with Riven because I've built BT (which in their opinions was bad) when we had another tank in the team, and flamed when I didn't initiate when we had better initiators.

I played customs, but I never got to like it, because you put some rules right? Most people will just come to ruin the game. I tried ARAM and that's what happened every time.
ImmahnoobApr 5, 2012 11:39 PM

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 5, 2012 11:45 PM

Apr 2010
Customs are a breath of fresh air after chaining ranked games. I am a big fan of ultimate bravery.

I don't play blind pick because it's just not fun for me. Get counterpicked/couterpick them to all hell on accident.

Normal draft is fun. I can practice out things without losing anything of value.

I enjoy ranked, but it is really hit or miss. Duo ques make it rather awful. Get a couple of games with a decent team, then you get the 1700 players queing with his 1100 elo buddy who feeds all game and just ruins it for everyone else.

Also @ Immah
Immahnoob said:

Meh in the end nobody added me. You guys are mean :(.

Scumbag MAL
Apr 5, 2012 11:55 PM

Apr 2012
Clous said:
Customs are a breath of fresh air after chaining ranked games. I am a big fan of ultimate bravery.

I don't play blind pick because it's just not fun for me. Get counterpicked/couterpick them to all hell on accident.

Normal draft is fun. I can practice out things without losing anything of value.

I enjoy ranked, but it is really hit or miss. Duo ques make it rather awful. Get a couple of games with a decent team, then you get the 1700 players queing with his 1100 elo buddy who feeds all game and just ruins it for everyone else.

Also @ Immah
Immahnoob said:

Meh in the end nobody added me. You guys are mean :(.

Scumbag MAL

Oh that's what you meant with scumbag MAL.

True dat, I play Draft pick too at the moment, as I said I'm too laid back in Blindpick. Well the part with 1700 + 1100 Duo, I had some of them... To be honest I totally hated that I got 6+. At least I would lose the same value. That's a problem Riot should resolve, but IMO it's okay if the 1100 really deserves higher, I've really met 1100's that are better than me... Just that they had that type of attitude that they stop trying, so I carried them there and now they got even to higher ELO than me T.T.

But from what you said, you're quite the tryhard XD, no offence, but I find it quite useless doing so in Normals, where you'll always find lower skill level than you. That's why I think the only place to tryhard is Ranked.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 6, 2012 1:55 AM

Mar 2009
We could do ultimate bravery some time. ;D
Oh and I forgot all random all bot (dominion) that's fun too and it takes only 15 minutes or something^^

Well the custom games....true there are some people that like to ruin those games but that happened in 2 of 10 games to me.
Not that bad imo.

I heard from many people that high elo is worse.
But before 1500 there is just no competition.
People do what they want and 80% don't even want to get higher elo they just troll around.
And from 1500 to 1600 elo there are tryhards that want to get higher but they cant play.
Apr 6, 2012 2:02 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
We could do ultimate bravery some time. ;D
Oh and I forgot all random all bot (dominion) that's fun too and it takes only 15 minutes or something^^

Well the custom games....true there are some people that like to ruin those games but that happened in 2 of 10 games to me.
Not that bad imo.

I heard from many people that high elo is worse.
But before 1500 there is just no competition.
People do what they want and 80% don't even want to get higher elo they just troll around.
And from 1500 to 1600 elo there are tryhards that want to get higher but they cant play.

I meant 1800 ELO. Got flamed there for playing Riven with BT LOL.

We should try some Bravery yeah, but you still didn't add me... That's the point of this thread btw. Having some fun online...

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 6, 2012 2:32 AM

Mar 2009
You should join the fanclub and ask people to add you there.^^
But there are prob not that many EUW players.

I might add you when I feel like playing again. ^^
Maybe next week...
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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