Honestly it is pretty complicated to create a bot with Tal's play style. Tal didn't sacrifice for the sake of sacrificing. Tal created chaos. Tal beat Kasparov in his prime while Tal was himself dying.
@@sking7252 do you realise beating someone in one aspect out of 10000 isnt a win. You guys do realise what the hell of a chess monster stockfish is?? Tal meat riders
@@NexenTrizno I played this bot many times. Every time he plays a sacrifice like move which is a blunder according to Stockfish because this is kinda how Tal played.
They code the bots to blunder once in a while, its random so if you are lucky hes gonna blunder mate in the beggining. Not a bug, just a result of lazy programming
So skilled! It’s interesting to see such a skilled grandmaster play a bot and how it effects the feel of the game. And impressive how easy it seems for Hikaru.
Wesley So played like MIKHAIL TAL against Magnus Carlson during Championship chess tour 2023 and won. Even commentator repeated MIKHAIL TAL name few times in that match
imagine you can somehow really play mikhail tal, wouldn't that be amazing, I'd like to think you will enjoy playing with him a lot of 3+2 or 5-0 chess, what an experience should be, damn we have all this technology and still can't revive people. I bet the score will be like 30% draws, 50% you win and 20% he win, but man, the games should be incredible to watch
I think these bots just blunder sometimes. I (890 rapid) draw capablanca by repetition of checks with both my rooks on the 7th rank. Game analysis showed after I was +3.0ish and winning. From my second game on, I was absolutely destroyed, and couldn't get close to an advantage like I had in the 1st game.
Hikaru you missed rook c6 at 6:52.sacking the rook was actually possible as after that u could take the rook with check sacrificing your queen and mating with the pawn
its not mate, the black queen can block it by going to e8, look at the lines Hikaru drew on 6:49 he literally shows why it isnt checkmate, the sac only leaves you being down a rook
@@ZachChruszcz-w3q its not a draw by perpetual check, the black king can just go back to g8 after getting checked (leading for white to not have any perpetual checks to have after)
6:35 put queen on d6 pinning the bishop. It doesn’t really matter where he moves his queen, take the bishop with the bishop. After that, put rook on c8. That’s winning. Correct me if I’m wrong
In the first game the Greek sac was obvious (apparently not for Tal's bot). In the second game Hikaru blunders a pawn fork. This video is the oddest Hikaru video I've ever seen.
Levi: I played Mikhail Tal. He took my soul.
Hikaru: I played Mikhail Tal and my soul is safe.
Fortunately, there is an astronomical gap in skill between Hikaru and Levy.
Who is this Mikhail Tal kid?
@@wooshbait361/10 bait
Pin of taking soul
Levy: gets destroyed by Tal twice
Hikaru: mates him in 17 moves and thinks the bot is glithced 🗿
The difference between a super GM and IM
16 moves*
Honestly it is pretty complicated to create a bot with Tal's play style. Tal didn't sacrifice for the sake of sacrificing. Tal created chaos. Tal beat Kasparov in his prime while Tal was himself dying.
Love the Levy reference in the title
What reference?
@@Carsonxet Levy has probably changed his video title already, so it no longer makes sense.
@@JMUDoc he hasnt
Bro's casually roasting levy
Tal bot: 👍🏻
Actual Tal: ☠️
He is no more in this earth unfortunately.
Hikaru is best for real tal,@@hpadgaming5843
Actually he is in earth but not on earth😅
Saccing against the Tal bot before it sacs against you to win
Not always😅
22:18 "Make sure you hit that SMASHH button" big inaccuracy by hikaru here
You could call it a big missed win
Anyways I'll click that smash button
@@vhonLikesLemons Anyways let's smash that hit button
Hikaru Defeated:- TAL bot🗿
Meanwhile real TAL:-Defeated stockfish🗿
And also bullied stockfish in plasket puzzle position 🗿
@@sking7252 do you realise beating someone in one aspect out of 10000 isnt a win. You guys do realise what the hell of a chess monster stockfish is?? Tal meat riders
Tal: "Do you see what I'm plotting?
.1 second later he's check mated
I think this hikaru guy is close enough to beat GM Nakamura
Nah bro that's impossible... Even levy couldn't beat Gotham chess
@@brightgamer2197 hahaha
Even Carlsen could not beat GM Magnus
Both are same guy 😂@@abuthahirumarhathab4201
Even Anand couldn't beat GM Vishy
Imagine Tal were alive and playing online blitz with Hikaru 😭😭 that would be soo good
well tal would be quite old by now so it would likely be a wash
@@EvaCampbell yeah unfortunately tal would destroy Hikaru and it wouldn’t really be a fair match. :(
@ I mean the younger Tal that played Fischer in the 1960s
if he was born in this era he would be the perfect streamer , his playstyle his personnality ..
Imagine beating a GM boy so handily that you thought the bot was glitched lol. Crazy skill
That greek sacrifice in the OPENING theory doesn't require to be as strong as Hikaru to detect... Clearly a lame bot.
No, the bot just blundered. I've played against 2k rated bots where they sometimes hang a queen in the opening. It's weird.
@@NexenTrizno I played this bot many times. Every time he plays a sacrifice like move which is a blunder according to Stockfish because this is kinda how Tal played.
They code the bots to blunder once in a while, its random so if you are lucky hes gonna blunder mate in the beggining. Not a bug, just a result of lazy programming
Dude anyone who knows the Greek gift would play that move. The bot blundered way harder than Hikaru showed “skill”
The AI is reading wrongly into Tal's playing style and sacrificing and blundering without any compensation or counterplay.
I think your soul would vanish if he were real Tal
Levy be like. 5:38
So skilled! It’s interesting to see such a skilled grandmaster play a bot and how it effects the feel of the game. And impressive how easy it seems for Hikaru.
Levy :I played mikhail tal and he took my soul
Hikaru: I played mikhail tal and my soul is safe
Not possible this would be blunder because the king has a pocket to run out from
We're gonna play Mikael Tal and it's twenty minutes video ...
Hikaro in two minutes :
Commenter: Hikaro
the bot played like a 1000 out of nowhere tho
6:53 rook c6, takes, pawn promotion
Then lose cuz of back rank mate
Wesley So played like MIKHAIL TAL against Magnus Carlson during Championship chess tour 2023 and won. Even commentator repeated MIKHAIL TAL name few times in that match
Yeah the bot seems fucked i mean what is this pice of shit
I just spent a whole two hours trying to survive first 10 moves against this bot
Hikaru: "wait is this bot for real???????"
Wt... He used to see everything in less than a second.. what are those calculations?
Where's Levy when you need him 5:38
imagine you can somehow really play mikhail tal, wouldn't that be amazing, I'd like to think you will enjoy playing with him a lot of 3+2 or 5-0 chess, what an experience should be, damn we have all this technology and still can't revive people. I bet the score will be like 30% draws, 50% you win and 20% he win, but man, the games should be incredible to watch
Hikaru is the Shang Tsung of chess.
More like the Sham Wow.
@@DavidAnderson-m5c 😂
Your elo is mine
Just like Tal himself, this bot has no respect for its King safety
blunder on game 2 to a pawn push fork. learning moment.
10:17 bro says such a blinder he dod not see qg6 mate line. I on the other hand after pausing vodeo for 4 mins still dont see 😂😂
9:20 Mr GM,u had a king and rook fork
9:42 Hikaru:i just blundered this game away.
Me:Why not fork on knight g7???
It would waste the attack
2:32 Beating Tal can't be that easy hahaha
I played that position a lot of sacrificing the BXh7 , i think after Ng5 followed by h4 as a best move then queen join the party
"welcome back everyone" is iconic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No Levy was harmed in this video 😂
Tal wasn't born with 3 fingers, he sacrificed 2.
I never noticed him missing fingers
@@valerioadrianozuccarello you were alive back in the days?
@@valerioadrianozuccarellohe had a "lobster claw" thing, he had 3 fingers on his right hand
@@LalitaRani-mr8nc i mean in the videos I saw of Mikhail Tal :)
@@Joseph-joestar69420 after this comment I went back and watched some videos and saw it. I never realized it.
I tried playing the open sicilian as white and it was far more like Tal. Hikaru should have tried that in my opinion.
0:01 hikaru classic stare
That was actually a brilliant move at [2:00]
I think these bots just blunder sometimes. I (890 rapid) draw capablanca by repetition of checks with both my rooks on the 7th rank. Game analysis showed after I was +3.0ish and winning. From my second game on, I was absolutely destroyed, and couldn't get close to an advantage like I had in the 1st game.
19:40 omg I just saw a move that Hikaru didnt see.
0:03 todayyyyyyys is increasing day by day
I hope Tal wouldn’t just blunder a Greek gift lol
22:17 how can i hit the smash button??..🤣🤣🤣🤣
7:07 what about saccing the rook after queen takes pawn promotes and then rook takes queen takes thats forced mate isn't it ?
Back rank mated
00:01 ladies and gentl- oh, wrong channel
that is why you are GM..
14:12 Did he run into a greek gift himself?
No, bishop and queen cover
The computer certainly made Hikaru play like Tal! Very clever programming, I guess.
21:42 is just too funny😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
6:55 he can sac the queen and then pawn takes rook checkmate?
In second game what if you went Re1 after Qd8. After could you move Qe8?
Blood coming out of ear’s when he saying Tal and Joze RAul 😄
I think hikaru is secretly levys soulmate.
There is no reason to hide it anymore!
Its not magnus!
Yes ♥
They’re both married men, but perhaps you’re right…
No matter how strong the bot engine is, it cannot recreate the magic of tal or any such great player, hikaru included
some of the more recent videos have been "is this bot actually good?" while I'm getting my butt kicked by beetle juicer
Almost whole game i was using hints and I think had a stalemate, Tal bot was cooking on me 😅
9:20 you missed the fork on rook. You could win piece
he would lose 2 pieces for rook,this is why you the dummy
2:30 and for my next trick, i will make tals king...DISSAPPEAR
That Todaiiiiiiiiiies Got me 😂😂
they should add Rashid Gibyatovich Nezhmetdinov soon even tho he was never a GM
And Tal sacrifices... The game!!!! what a way to win a second game.
I like how Hikaru is essentially a charactature of himself.
9:45 knight b7 fork winning
hikaru was afraid the tal bot wouldnt produce any content 😂
7:03 Qe8 8s the winning move
Who got the Hans Niemann advertisement 😂😂😂😂😂
You can have my name but not my game
~Tal From heaven
I thought tal bot was unbeatable but after seeing this, I am so excited to beat the tal bot :D
And tal bot sacrificed The king 😂😂
Hikaru you missed rook c6 at 6:52.sacking the rook was actually possible as after that u could take the rook with check sacrificing your queen and mating with the pawn
you're on thin ice mate
its not mate, the black queen can block it by going to e8, look at the lines Hikaru drew on 6:49 he literally shows why it isnt checkmate, the sac only leaves you being down a rook
No it's a draw perpetual check after that line
@@ZachChruszcz-w3q its not a draw by perpetual check, the black king can just go back to g8 after getting checked (leading for white to not have any perpetual checks to have after)
@iwatchrobots4333 ya I no I realized that after I posted the comment I was watching shorts at 10 pm
9:12 hikaru missed knight xh7+
No levi Rozman harmed in this video 💀💀💀
He just beat the GM bot without any pressure. So cool man
Hikaru chose to show his yt play buttons in the intro 🤣🤣
Play button gambit
the intro is insane i love it
Hikaru checkmated Tal in 16 moves
Also hikaru: I am confused. Let me try Again 🤔🤔
6:35 put queen on d6 pinning the bishop. It doesn’t really matter where he moves his queen, take the bishop with the bishop. After that, put rook on c8. That’s winning. Correct me if I’m wrong
And he teach hikaru 😂😂
@ nah it’s not good moves, I was just trolling
@ lol
Normal people have the magnus effect, bots have the hikaru effect
In the first game the Greek sac was obvious (apparently not for Tal's bot). In the second game Hikaru blunders a pawn fork. This video is the oddest Hikaru video I've ever seen.
Can’t wait for the Bobby Fischer bot he will rip Hikaru in pieces
Love the last game so much to learn
can we talk about the fact that you can scholar's mate them and beat them in 4 moves
I mean real life Tal at his time would crush everyone today maybe even Magnus
Probably yh
I don't understand why people underestimate Carlsen so badly.
Maybe the internet caused it. It made us very friendly to top level chess players.
Bot missed greek gift? I think he had his computer running too hard
Tal bot did say he lost his first ever game. Maybe paying homage to that with the blunder in the first game 😂
Mikhail tal beat the max AI in chess
I think they actually respected bobby Fischer not including him in this month as a bot
Now Mikhail Tal's soul belongs to Hikaru!
Hikaru's Bot 🗿
Hikaru 💀
The bot ain't playing like tal. I cant see the disrespect my idol's bot is facing
No but I mean it's a mirrracle that you survived, yes?
I learn a lot watching this , thanks Hikaru
6:53 what if he sac the queen to e8 and if he takes with his rook you just promote and checkmate, is what I'm saying stupid?
The bot doesn’t have to take
Respect to Levy but seeing this after Levy's video makes me realize how much better Hikaru really is.
7:15 why didn't you scarfice the rook to the queen and when he takes it just promote your pawn
After he promotes, the rook can take the queen and the bot is still up a rook
@@JasonLin-vr1xt but then queen takes rook is a checkmate
Oliver, the breakdown of using trading platforms was helpful. What are your top features to look for in a platform?
6:46 Rxc6 is winning because they can't recapture and you have Rc8 coming up
damnit I should have watched one second longer