15 Marines vs 3000 - The Unstoppable John Basilone

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @JX02123
    @JX02123 2 месяца назад +4857

    People die twice. Once when their body gives out and the 2nd time when their name is no longer spoken. Your keeping these wonderful men alive with your work.

    • @scottowens4162
      @scottowens4162 2 месяца назад +64

      He was also a key character in the mini series "The Pacific'.

    • @baomao7243
      @baomao7243 2 месяца назад +38

      Their names are now preserved for a portion of eternity…

    • @LBdreamin
      @LBdreamin 2 месяца назад +18

      In combat, if you hit your shot, then you get to live twice

    • @hokiepokie_soupermane
      @hokiepokie_soupermane 2 месяца назад +13

      OooFriggginRah!!! Semper Fidelis
      SFMF's 🦅🌎⚓

    • @stevewagoner9894
      @stevewagoner9894 2 месяца назад +21

      They named the main road crossing Camp Pendleton after him…so, practically immortal

  • @EnviousExorcist
    @EnviousExorcist 2 месяца назад +7483

    *Fat Electrician* *pours his literal heart, blood, soul into his work*
    “Guys i dont think i can tell this story good enough”
    Fat, we love you man. You do amazing work.

    • @brigidtheirish
      @brigidtheirish 2 месяца назад +180

      It's like when Liam Neeson told Steven Spielberg that he thought there were better actors to play the part of Schindler. Spielberg responded, "Yes, but they're all dead."

    • @djh9748
      @djh9748 2 месяца назад +45

      Kinda looks like it might be therapeutic for him to dig into the history of these guys. Another great video, thx.

    • @dustybrand
      @dustybrand 2 месяца назад +46

      His heart is obviously in this, completely. You can't fake that. There is nobody more qualified, even if they are.

    • @MrJardiver
      @MrJardiver 2 месяца назад +17

      can't say Seppuku, suicide or both?

    • @wyattcole8277
      @wyattcole8277 2 месяца назад +5

      For realllllll❤

  • @pubstarr_8723
    @pubstarr_8723 2 месяца назад +1657

    “I don’t think I can do this justice” proceeds to bring a grown man to tears. You have a the gift.

    • @mja007X
      @mja007X 2 месяца назад +17

      Did the same to me.

    • @Walrus-xf3xg
      @Walrus-xf3xg 2 месяца назад +5

      I have a the depression

    • @UTcommando
      @UTcommando 2 месяца назад +22

      Same for me. I teared up when John was unfazed by his vision of his death, but they really started flowing when it happened after he'd fulfilled his calling saving hundreds of his brothers.

    • @robertauld1334
      @robertauld1334 2 месяца назад +6

      Yup sure did.

    • @donnastokes-manning6175
      @donnastokes-manning6175 2 месяца назад +7

      Phew! Thought I might be the only one crying! Not a man, but it takes something special to make ME tear up.

  • @jeremyreed8452
    @jeremyreed8452 2 месяца назад +696

    I work for a Shipyard in Maine building Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers for the navy. The most recent destroyer we built and delivered to the navy is the USS John Basilone

    • @Sparks00psn
      @Sparks00psn Месяц назад +31

      I’ve noticed a lot of the newer DDGs have been named after marines. I was at Norfolk and the Jason Dunham was there

    • @jeremyreed8452
      @jeremyreed8452 Месяц назад +25

      ​@@Sparks00psn I've noticed that too. Out of the 4 we're currently working on, 3 are named after marines.
      USS Harvey C Barnum Jr
      USS Patrick Gallagher
      USS Louis H Wilson Jr
      Also side note: we built the Jason Dunham also 😁

    • @CurtisBeats96
      @CurtisBeats96 Месяц назад +6

      Same here. po2. E02, hookup on second shift. Love what we do and what we represent. If you can get over the politics and nepotism lol

    • @RomanRodgers-1
      @RomanRodgers-1 Месяц назад

      That sounds like such a cool job does it require clearance?

    • @therarenormal
      @therarenormal Месяц назад +1

      RomanRodgers-1 id imagine so unless they find a way to segregate people without it from compenents that would require it but that would probably just dspend on how they're manufactured. if the shipyyard is building everything i'd imagine so but maybe not if its just like an assembely yard idk.

  • @siimply_wolf
    @siimply_wolf 2 месяца назад +2776

    The most Marine thing I have heard "You can't keep shooting at the small birds with Browning Machine Guns because they won't shut up." 🤣

    • @mandi8345
      @mandi8345 2 месяца назад +130

      Second most Marine thing Ive heard today: "Message received, sir."
      Kookaburra: AHAHAHAHAAHAhAhahahahhAahahHahAhAhhahAhAHAhAHAHAHAhAhAh
      Marine's Browning: BLAPBLAPBLAPBLAPBLAP.....
      Just....the most delicious levels of a "I have received your message, but seein as it was a stupid ass message I am refusing to obey it" kind of energy.....

    • @jlit3160
      @jlit3160 2 месяца назад +46

      “The Australians do it to big birds, so I can do it to little ones”

    • @wesharriott9870
      @wesharriott9870 2 месяца назад

      ​@mandi8345 the truly funny part is listening to them laugh while reading these messages.
      Ps you can go to jail for fucking with Australian birds these days, even the murderous ones.

    • @scottzehrung4829
      @scottzehrung4829 2 месяца назад +33

      Wow, what a stud.
      I really miss my M-60 about now that and, the M-79 with the flechette rounds. Very effective at keeping the parrots off the antenna arrays.

    • @GamerEpic-qr2zo
      @GamerEpic-qr2zo 2 месяца назад +8

      the dolphin noise birds deserve it tho

  • @obi-juantacobi8552
    @obi-juantacobi8552 2 месяца назад +1382

    Saint John Basilone,
    Guardian of the belt-fed and champion of the crew-served,
    Look upon your humble gunner in this hour of need.
    As my sights wobble and my barrel grows hot,
    Grant me steady hands and a reliable feed tray.
    Deliver me from misfires, double feeds, and the cursed runaway gun.
    Guide my assistant gunner to remember the oil can,
    And let my squad leader understand that ammo is heavy
    And my back is not a pack mule.
    Bless my rounds, that they may find their mark or at least suppress the hell out of the enemy.
    Forgive me for swearing at my weapon when it jams,
    For you know, Saint John, that a gunner’s wrath is holy and righteous.
    Grant me strength to carry the extra barrel and
    Patience when someone asks why my weapon weighs so much.
    May my sling never snap, and my bipod never fail.
    And when my tour is done, and I stand before you,
    May you greet me with a grin,
    An endless belt of ammunition,
    And a firing line with the best view in heaven.
    Through the sound of brass hitting the deck and the roar of the bolt,
    I lift this prayer to you.

  • @AfterLyes
    @AfterLyes 2 месяца назад +1572

    Hey, not sure if you'll see this or not, but Basilone here. Firstly I want to say how beautiful this was and thank you for taking your time and doing your research. My family is incredibly honored to have Johns story told to the depths and respect you did. But I just wanted to correct 1 thing. As had been relayed to my family and taught to us our whole lives, and confirmed by my mother (a cousin of his) John Died alone on the shores that day. Everyone had been wiped out and he single handedly held off the Japanese with that machine gun in his bare hands until backup could arrive. Also John has a Road, Ship and Bridge named after him as well as a Parade held solely in his honor every year to this day in his home town in NJ. He also has a memorial in San Diego CA, Feat. a bust of his likeness (which if you ask me personally looks more like Chesty than John). And of course he's buried in Arlington. Thank you again.

    • @Switchblade-sh3kx
      @Switchblade-sh3kx 2 месяца назад +141

      Not sure if this is real or not. But if it is, I'd like to say thank you to your family. And I say this cause I know it'll be a long time before I can thank John and his brothers for serving in person. (Sorry if that sounds goofy).
      I just want to show gratitude towards your family.

    • @josephfigueroa3527
      @josephfigueroa3527 2 месяца назад

      Not to be a cunt, but I'm pretty sure Quack Bang gets his info from published military reports, and if he died on the shore alone, that would mean that every other Marine died and the island wouldn't have been taken.

    • @roberthsieh8639
      @roberthsieh8639 2 месяца назад +63

      everytime on old york road when i see that statue it fills me with pride that we continue to honor one of the greatest marines

    • @donnastokes-manning6175
      @donnastokes-manning6175 2 месяца назад +40

      Your family has much to be proud of. And John deserves all the things named in his honor.

    • @goodnightmr5892
      @goodnightmr5892 2 месяца назад +25

      Never Forgotten 🫡🇺🇸

  • @border8204
    @border8204 2 месяца назад +15

    19:42 That cameo by Eli doing a Japanese accent is B.E.A. UTIFUL! I now have subway sandwich sprayed all over my work desk because of how hilarious that was!

  • @holdenmichael91
    @holdenmichael91 2 месяца назад +991

    I met Chuck Tatum several years ago when he visited a church near me. I got a personally signed copy of his book, "Red Blood, Black Sand." Great book. I talked to him for a little while. I asked him what it was like serving under John Basilone and he said the only reason we had to drop the atomic bombs is because a lucky mortor took out Basilone on that beach.

  • @grumpywurzel1973
    @grumpywurzel1973 2 месяца назад +1807

    Hi mate, I know you'll never ever see this message as it'll be drowned under all of the comments here. There is no way, ever, that you'll never do any story the justice that it deserves. One of THE best channels on this platform and I've been following you forever. Keep up the awesome work you do bud.

    • @mikemcmullin149
      @mikemcmullin149 2 месяца назад +65

      it's 39 minutes that flies so fast you're sure it was less than 9 minuets.

    • @shafty9147
      @shafty9147 2 месяца назад +30

      @@mikemcmullin149i think if you boil it down thats what his secret sauce is. You are so enthralled by the story its like time skips forward

    • @HawksFan5884
      @HawksFan5884 2 месяца назад +11

      @@shafty9147… 100% facts. Every time I watch one of his videos they just fly by. Where other 15 minute videos seem like an eternity

    • @billb4959
      @billb4959 2 месяца назад +9

      I rate TFE right up with zip ties and bias plies. Two of the best on the lubetube

    • @urielgrey
      @urielgrey 2 месяца назад +8

      Absolutely 2nd this!!!! Or whatever number i am on the agreement number lol

  • @Walkthrus_With_Will
    @Walkthrus_With_Will 2 месяца назад +522

    "..and I'm worried I'm not gonna do 'em justice..." My electrician who is fat, you bow to no one. You're an absolute unit of a storyteller. Bro has brought me to tears talking about these heroes, bringing them to life in a way that's so damn engaging and memorable. Thanks for doing what you do, man. (COMMUNISM SUCKS!)

    • @MichaelMedici61W2
      @MichaelMedici61W2 2 месяца назад +9

      Straight up and down! Nick is the MAN

    • @jameshoude1654
      @jameshoude1654 2 месяца назад +1

      Luv you Bro... Thank you.

    • @buddymoore6504
      @buddymoore6504 2 дня назад

      he is a good storyteller, I started relisting to them

  • @Solo-X
    @Solo-X 4 дня назад +3

    I saw your face...and understood the pause....I watched it twice. Many parts of this I rewound and watched over and over again, just to hear it again....I laughed, I cheered, I fought back tears...I pause in writing this....to reflect and take it all in. A man among men. An inspiration to warriors everywhere.

  • @ediemarie13
    @ediemarie13 2 месяца назад +342

    We all hate endings like this because they're a stark reminder that war is not to be romanticized. Young men fight, young men die.
    I will say that I loved where you tied some of your previous stories into this one. Most well done, as usual.

    • @Katesloveslave
      @Katesloveslave 2 месяца назад

      Well said.

    • @McLeod2022
      @McLeod2022 6 дней назад

      I think there is a quote that in peacetime young men bury their fathers. In wartime fathers bury their sons.

  • @kevinsullivan3448
    @kevinsullivan3448 2 месяца назад +376

    Eli's cameo broke me.
    Fun fact: The Superintendent of Schools for all 9 years I attended Ray School was Robert Chastain, a former Marine Raider who served with distinction at Guadalcanal, was instrumental in brings MCJROCT to Ray High School in 1974. Bob died a few years ago and I buried him with all the honors due to a Devil Dog of such high report.

    • @MFCSteele
      @MFCSteele 2 месяца назад +9

      He did appear to be racially ambiguous

  • @tinasylvester9387
    @tinasylvester9387 2 месяца назад +802

    There is no way you couldn’t do any story justice Nic. You are an excellent storyteller and educator. Your lessons should be the format they teach kids in because it’s so engaging and entertaining. Thank you for your work!

    • @deanmaile9005
      @deanmaile9005 2 месяца назад +25

      Highly agree, if half my teachers at school had Nic's energy when I was "lernin" I'd have been more engaged.

    • @loadedpotatoe1
      @loadedpotatoe1 2 месяца назад +7

      Couldn't agree more!

    • @johnkelly6187
      @johnkelly6187 2 месяца назад +5

      Agreed completely 👍

    • @zacharykelly7434
      @zacharykelly7434 2 месяца назад +6

      It's bc he speaks at 93bpm. It's engaging

    • @richardclary6267
      @richardclary6267 2 месяца назад +5

      Especially with the Cussing and Hating Communist my teachers cussed and hated Russia...but I'm from Mississippi

  • @vikingred84
    @vikingred84 2 месяца назад +25

    You should definitely take up more stories that you feel intimidated by. The amount is of emotion and soul you poured into this one stands out above most of your other videos. 10/10 this is definitely one of my favorites that you have done

  • @therdubya
    @therdubya 2 месяца назад +434

    I'm a simple Marine grunt. I see a video about John Basilone, I watch and like.

    • @gowcrazycraig
      @gowcrazycraig 2 месяца назад +3

      I am sure you meant liked and watched

    • @austink4712
      @austink4712 2 месяца назад +15

      Nope. He's a simple marine

    • @therdubya
      @therdubya 2 месяца назад +9

      @gowcrazycraig nah. I watch first. Then like. It closes that chapter out nicely.

    • @lewiswhite95
      @lewiswhite95 2 месяца назад +6


    • @F3A5T
      @F3A5T 2 месяца назад +3

      Rah, rah rah 🖍️

  • @ghowell13
    @ghowell13 2 месяца назад +1043

    Don't worry, Nic, you've done him justice. As always, here again for the algorithm.
    Pepperbox is well better.

    • @Malohta
      @Malohta 2 месяца назад +19

      The guy was like Uriel Septum VII from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
      He got a vision of his fate and chose to go meet it. Legend.

    • @AnthonyKelly-z2e
      @AnthonyKelly-z2e 2 месяца назад +2

      Fuggin A! 👍​@@Malohta

  • @garlandtuttleiii9929
    @garlandtuttleiii9929 2 месяца назад +764


    • @BobBob-zg5lz
      @BobBob-zg5lz 2 месяца назад +57

      Pretty sure that’s how you wanted to end that comment

    • @Garage-physicist
      @Garage-physicist 2 месяца назад +6

      @@BobBob-zg5lzbeat me to it lol

    • @shorty39
      @shorty39 2 месяца назад +8

      yea he turned history in to fun shit

    • @NikFrasher
      @NikFrasher 2 месяца назад +1

      Absolutely true.

    • @ColemanCanna
      @ColemanCanna 2 месяца назад +1


  • @joelquinn6257
    @joelquinn6257 2 месяца назад +75

    To my heavily tattooed and comedic friend,
    This is the first RUclips comment that I have ever made. I am a former Army Armoured Reconnaissance reservist of the Canadian Armed Forces. I only served for 6 years, lots of it being part time, but my exposure to military culture as a whole has allowed me to enjoy every video that you have posted to what I believe is the fullest extent. Your humility and military sense of humor has taken otherwise boring, obscure, and/or underappreciated topics of military history and presented them in a way that is not only tolerable to listen to, but invigorating and emotional. First off, amazing job. Second, I have recently started watching Rogue Heroes (Amazon Prime TV Series), which more-or-less covers the origins and early major accomplishments of the SAS. I would love a video that details their history! Otherwise, keep up the great work!

    • @Chilliestjoker
      @Chilliestjoker Месяц назад

      Great comment

    • @wes11bravo
      @wes11bravo 21 день назад

      Hey Joe - Respect to all the people who served and currently serve in the Canadian Forces - what a historical legacy from WWI through Afghanistan. I hope you guys eventually get the kind of leadership in Ottawa that appreciates and funds the Canadian Army/Navy/RCAF.

  • @scottbasilone1360
    @scottbasilone1360 2 месяца назад +112

    As a Basilone I thanks you for honoring him with your story. I actually learned a little more about our families war hero. He was definitely a bad ass!

    • @threadtapwhisperer5136
      @threadtapwhisperer5136 2 месяца назад +7

      Whao, no way!
      Thats fricking crazy, man! Thanks to your ancestors for helping free people oppressed by the Axis powers.
      I actually thought Basilone was just a stereotypical name in saving private ryan(i think? I dunno, seemed kinda cheesy until realizing John Basilone actually existed.)
      So, today i learned, John Basilone has living family in 2025, and Basilone wasnt just a stereotypical italian sounding name in WW2 movies.
      Learn something new everyday.

    • @todydn
      @todydn 2 месяца назад +2

      You need to be on the unsub podcast it would be so cool if they got some more of the family memebers of his unit and yall got to sit down and chop it up about who they all were outside war. I mean my gramps charged bayonette hill with millet and thats the least impressive aspect of his life his childhood was wild the fact that didnt kill him the chinese and koreans never stood a chance

  • @jbsulls
    @jbsulls 2 месяца назад +533

    You did GySgt Basilone more than justice.
    I know these stories hurt (we’re all blaming cut onions right now).
    But you may just be the only person honoring and immortalizing their stories in the best way possible.
    I like to believe your time as Doc yourself gives you a more rare viewpoint and admiration for these badass warriors than any production company can even fathom.
    Never fear for not doing them justice, you are still just a man doing his absolute best.
    I’ll go even further.
    Every story you tell always makes me smile, cry, and I salute the sky because of how you exalted our Passed Brothers. Probably goofy as fuck but it just feels right.
    Every time, you make us all more proud to be Americans.
    Now. “Do one for Chesty”.

    • @donoimdono2702
      @donoimdono2702 2 месяца назад +10


    • @GymJAM117
      @GymJAM117 2 месяца назад +11


    • @handydan5150
      @handydan5150 2 месяца назад +12


    • @grantmikelson3801
      @grantmikelson3801 2 месяца назад +19

      I've become more patriotic and proud of America's history and achievements and genuine heroes since I've started watching your videos. Truthfully my only regret is I didn't get a chance to show my grandpa your channel he would have loved you and have been proud to see the past held in such esteem and praise

    • @Jarhead1086
      @Jarhead1086 2 месяца назад +9

      I thought he already did Chestys story?

  • @deadlyapollo
    @deadlyapollo 2 месяца назад +385

    There isn't a SINGLE person in this world that could tell people's stories better than you.

    • @the_fat_electrician
      @the_fat_electrician  2 месяца назад +192

      Makes me wonder if theres a married person that could.
      Seriously though thank you

    • @smurfy1388
      @smurfy1388 2 месяца назад +30

      @@the_fat_electrician Amazing dad joke

    • @starrionx1
      @starrionx1 2 месяца назад +5

      @@the_fat_electrician You did the man justice. Question is, how did the Navy get to DDG-122 before they named a ship after him?

    • @Franz5491
      @Franz5491 2 месяца назад +3

      @@the_fat_electricianknee slap. Thanks for keeping our American history and the people that fought for its future alive.

    • @Momashark9601
      @Momashark9601 2 месяца назад +4


  • @theonyxwarlord1
    @theonyxwarlord1 2 месяца назад +11

    Ayo.... Don't EVER doubt yourself again g. I whole heartedly believe you did this man's story the justice it deserved. I sent this to my old Gunny (now MGySgt) and Kill hat DI ( retired SgtMaj) and they loved it. So from at least 3 Marines.....Bravo good sir. Take your bow. Yet another hit video... love your content and energy. Keep neing great big dog. ✌🏾❤🤙🏾

  • @jasoncoleman8133
    @jasoncoleman8133 2 месяца назад +377

    As a Marine (1994-2006) John Basilone is my literal Hero. Thank you for covering him. I know you think you can't do his story justice, but sir, you just nailed it. Marines NEVER die, and you just kept his name alive for a generation that has zero clue who John was or how heroic he is. Thank you. Semper Fi John, you forever live in the hearts and minds of EVERY Marine, past and present.

    • @marinegator1833
      @marinegator1833 2 месяца назад +8

      He lives on in every marine

    • @dave-d-grunt
      @dave-d-grunt 2 месяца назад +6

      Semper Fi

    • @fade2woody88
      @fade2woody88 2 месяца назад +3

      Thank you Jason, for being just as brave john basilone

    • @Michael-vh3jp
      @Michael-vh3jp 2 месяца назад +5

      I went to a marine PT in high-school, it was one of the hardest things I've ever done, it was suicide drills, and it was the first time. They knew it and pushed me past what I knew, and that taught me the attitude they treated others with. Next lesson was from an old man who was more badass than I could ever be, and that lesson was "You're only an ex marine when you're dead."

    • @jasoncoleman8133
      @jasoncoleman8133 2 месяца назад +2

      @ Semper Fi brother

  • @marcuschute7392
    @marcuschute7392 2 месяца назад +3258

    How dare RUclips hide this from me for 45 seconds

    • @josephvincent7912
      @josephvincent7912 2 месяца назад +23


    • @Unreal_Creation
      @Unreal_Creation 2 месяца назад +43

      I was hidden for 5 minutes, absolutely unacceptable.

    • @londonhartill733
      @londonhartill733 2 месяца назад +20

      It hid this from me for a whole 6 minutes the audacity

    • @Kyber-Trike
      @Kyber-Trike 2 месяца назад +16

      7 minutes

    • @kay22.k
      @kay22.k 2 месяца назад +15


  • @Aeradom2000
    @Aeradom2000 2 месяца назад +252

    38:34 Me too.

    • @DundyBG
      @DundyBG 2 месяца назад +5

      It’s tough.

    • @papabaker1
      @papabaker1 2 месяца назад +12

      May we be 1/16 that man.

    • @jhosk
      @jhosk 2 месяца назад +6

      Yeah, his story always hits hard

    • @SpecWarBeliever4Jesus98
      @SpecWarBeliever4Jesus98 2 месяца назад +1

      As do I!!

    • @thathemiguy
      @thathemiguy 2 месяца назад +2

      Same. I'm proud of Nick for showing us his emotions.

  • @Shimmeringashes.
    @Shimmeringashes. 22 дня назад +2

    You did his story far beyond more justice than any paper I've seen thank you Nic You're keeping these legends alive with your words of their stories

  • @codymoody1524
    @codymoody1524 2 месяца назад +205

    You can hear the sadness in Nick’s voice when he has to tell us that a hero didn’t make it home at the end of these videos.

    • @Florian_RL
      @Florian_RL Месяц назад +4

      you can see his bottom lip quiver too, hes holding it back as he says it.

  • @vibechecker3168
    @vibechecker3168 2 месяца назад +346

    "He was in a good emplacement, and causing the Japanese lots of trouble, not only firing his machine gun, but also using his pistol" - Recollection from Private First Class Nash W. Phillips, because when John Moses Browning's MG doesn't work, the 1911 is there to make sure.

    • @BlackViking4547
      @BlackViking4547 2 месяца назад +12


    • @just9911
      @just9911 2 месяца назад +30

      It’s crazy how JMB’s inventions killed more Japanese than Oppenheimer’s invention.

    • @ardantop132na6
      @ardantop132na6 2 месяца назад +11

      ​@@just9911Classic scenario of highly produced arms vs the superweapons.
      AK-47 or the Hydrogen bomb?

    • @DogefromBroa
      @DogefromBroa 2 месяца назад

      @@ardantop132na6 the AK has technically killed more people than both bombs on Japan. AKs were the mainstay firearm in almost comically large amounts of conflicts worldwide, from Los Angeles streets to Colombian jungles, Eastern Europe to the Middle East, African plains and Asian paddies.

    • @nunyabidness674
      @nunyabidness674 2 месяца назад

      @@ardantop132na6 To the best of my knowledge... Hydrogen bombs have killed all of 5 people... From a fishing boat.
      Edit: For that matter, creating the hydrogen bomb killed more than the bomb itself...

  • @usmcgrunt_1944
    @usmcgrunt_1944 2 месяца назад +151

    The fact that Basilone wanted to go back and be with his men, despite having a way home because he got the Medal of Honor doing press tours and war bonds tours, speaks volumes to his character. He is the example that every soldier, sailor, and Marine should follow; selfless, brave, and tenacious.
    Every story you tell you do these heroes justice. Thank you for keeping these legends alive.

    • @Stevarooni
      @Stevarooni 2 месяца назад +3

      A warrior will sprint toward the sound of battle.

  • @MrContemplation
    @MrContemplation Месяц назад +3

    I’m a nobody brother but I have NEVER seen you not do a story all of the justice it deserves. You have a natural talent and I love seeing you on the podcast as well.

  • @OBieWolfMan-v5g
    @OBieWolfMan-v5g 2 месяца назад +135

    As you paused to reflect his life in that teary eyed moment, John was whispering in all of our ears, "Death or Dishonor".

    • @phydeux
      @phydeux 2 месяца назад +4

      We know what he chose. 🫡

    • @OBieWolfMan-v5g
      @OBieWolfMan-v5g 2 месяца назад +3

      @phydeux Forest Gump also popped into my ear and said, "There's no crying in baseball". Brain damage!

    • @phydeux
      @phydeux 2 месяца назад +1

      @ - If you've got it, flaunt it.

  • @leelhgfx5546
    @leelhgfx5546 2 месяца назад +146

    Dude.... you gave him one of the best memorials that could have ever been asked for. I hope... his family finds this.
    Truly appreciate the work you do.

    • @LeviWynne
      @LeviWynne 2 месяца назад +10

      They did it's a few comments up from here

  • @floyd5663
    @floyd5663 2 месяца назад +121

    Thank you. As a United States Marine. I fully appreciate the honor you gave to John Basilone....You have no Idea that it swells the heart of a Marine have a sense of honor and duty. That you had enough respect to Honor A truly great Marine and Man.. I my way this is the best I can Thank you for what you have done...God Bless you....

  • @smitty-bw4vv
    @smitty-bw4vv 2 месяца назад +3

    Man, im just a trucker in the south. I was told i couldnt join the military back in 02. Due to medical issues. I think you did a great job telling this story. Brought me to tears. Thank you.

  • @zildjian4life433
    @zildjian4life433 2 месяца назад +128

    Every year since 1981, the town of Raritan NJ holds a parade in John's honor, aptly named, The Basilone parade, held rain or shine. It's the only parade like it in the country (that I am aware of). For the last 13 years I had the honor and pleasure of participating in that very special parade as part of an Irish bagpipe band. It's a fantastic day. The people of Raritan love John. Many different military units participate in the parade which ends at the John Basilone Memorial Park where you can see a statue of John holding a machine gun. A great tribute to a great American.

    • @armadillolover99
      @armadillolover99 Месяц назад +1

      I'm from about 50 miles away and I had no idea about this! I'll definitely be trying to make my way to Raritan for the next one. Thanks so much for this

    • @randomslacker9204
      @randomslacker9204 Месяц назад +4

      I lived half a block away from the statue of John Basilone in Raritan. DeLucia's Pizza founded 1917 is almost directly across from it and has excellent pizza. Very cool statue has Basilone holding his browning machine gun ready to charge!

    • @tterryshenanigans1820
      @tterryshenanigans1820 7 дней назад

      I live in Delaware county NY and I hope to attend it

    • @alexanderhamilton8585
      @alexanderhamilton8585 2 дня назад

      What day? I’d be honored to come by one year.

  • @crosshairstare
    @crosshairstare 2 месяца назад +124

    Your fear of "not doing a story justice" has been blown out of the water in just 39 and a half minutes. If the history teachers in my high school did half as good a job as you do, consistently, I would have learned a lot more about history then instead of watching RUclips in my 60s. Thank you.

    • @chrismaverick9828
      @chrismaverick9828 2 месяца назад +7

      These are the moments in history that help a teen decide how to live their life. What "heroes" are there in the mainstream? Actors, musicians, Politicians? These fill the media the youth consume. If telling these historical stories in an interesting and respectful way in school can bring about that determination as it did back then, we'd have a better society at large, regardless of the actual numbers.

  • @TheMarkemmy
    @TheMarkemmy 2 месяца назад +183

    What is great about your stories is that you tell it as one soldier would talk about another soldier. Not some dry-assed historian who never lifted a gun or smelled the cordite. Your narration breathes life into the story, not just the words, but the emotion of the time. Thanks again for such stories.

  • @WilliamFulbright-yl3sf
    @WilliamFulbright-yl3sf Месяц назад +3

    Brother, you're one of the best storytellers of our generation! You mix empathy with humor and make history relatable to so many people. I'd say you're absolutely doing justice for all of these guys.

  • @d.b.hemlock
    @d.b.hemlock 2 месяца назад +100

    I know you hate it, we can see the pain in your eyes. But thank you so much brother for bringing these Heroes to each of our homes. My family gets to listen, learn and honor them. My kids get to hear first hand stories of bravery and courage. Thank you, it means the world to us.

    • @johngross8300
      @johngross8300 2 месяца назад +4

      One of the best comment here when you said “. . .es. My Family gets to list. . . “. Yes!

  • @WarDaddy417
    @WarDaddy417 2 месяца назад +56

    From a Marine that’s heard that story told a thousand ways, as with all your other stories, you did the Gunny a service. Rah Doc

  • @chrishendrix8703
    @chrishendrix8703 2 месяца назад +98

    They say you die twice. Once upon brain death and a second when the last person utters your name or your story. Here's to the immortality of John Basilone.

  • @bradmilks1058
    @bradmilks1058 26 дней назад +1

    The way you can tell the story to your viewers, it feels like we’re watching firsthand!!!!!!!!! Thank you sir for telling the story’s of our beloved heroes .
    The fire you light inside each and every young man makes them want to serve…

  • @jtj1331
    @jtj1331 2 месяца назад +101

    The fact that you didn’t feel you’d do GySgt Basilone justice in telling this story but in truth knocked it out the fucking park, proves the dedication and hard work you put in to your craft. As a fellow veteran who has his degree in history as well… you are the best at what you do my friend 🫡

  • @whatever-gg2qs
    @whatever-gg2qs 2 месяца назад +84

    My grandfather was in the 5th Marines, he was with them when they hit guadal canal. He survived a couple weeks when he and a couple buddies were blowing up an ammo Depot the charge went off to soon they couldn't get far enough away and it killed his friends and fucked him up. He was then sent to Hawaii to recuperate. He healed up just in time to join the assault on Iwo Jima. From what my dad told me he caught a round that grazed the front of his throat effectively injuring him again. I don't know the results of the whole situation. But I do know that he was able to come home and have three kids and I am the results of one of those kids. Thank you Grandpa, I miss you a lot. SEMPER Fi. My dad did 20 years in the Navy. I myself joined thw Marine corps. Thanks Nic

  • @CreamMonarch
    @CreamMonarch 2 месяца назад +222

    You know someone is the main character as you're learning about their life when this quote is on repeat in your head:
    "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."
    -Mark Twain

    • @worldslargestnerd
      @worldslargestnerd 2 месяца назад +16

      As someone who enjoys learning about military history, you do not mess with someone who believes they were called by God to do the thing they are doing. Those are the kind of people who don't hesitate when it's time to go to work.

  • @dadrose7259
    @dadrose7259 Месяц назад +1

    I'm so glad you do these types of videos, keeping our heroes alive that would more than likely never heard of be forgotten. They help inspire our youth. Also makes quality educational conversations, retelling your stories. So thank you from my family to yours.✌️👊🎆

  • @ForgottenHonor0
    @ForgottenHonor0 2 месяца назад +119

    "Never fear your enemy but always respect them." Rest in victory, Gunny Basilone.

  • @Keeli129
    @Keeli129 2 месяца назад +64

    No one likes stories that end this way but its those stories that need the most telling so the people in them are not forgotten. That you for sharing these stories.

  • @Adam-nv9zo
    @Adam-nv9zo 2 месяца назад +222

    I just started watching, and i already know this is gonna be awesome. The Average Weight Electron Man never misses.

  • @StanGraham1
    @StanGraham1 Месяц назад +1

    You tell the best stories the best ive ever heard, and I am 72 years old. I live near Camp Pendleton and have driven on Basilone Street multiple times but never had any idea of how or why it got that name. Now I know and will drive it with full respect. Thank you for your continued service to our country.

  • @shoktroop
    @shoktroop 2 месяца назад +66

    I was one of those rare few who had the beyond RARE opportunity to actually LAND on IWO JIMA in 1990 with 1st Battalion 1st Marines during a west pack in the Marines. We did the traditional amphibious landing and "assaulted the beach" as our forefather had done. We climbed the beach and to the top of the bluff where we did our promotions and re-enlistment ceremonies. I will never ever forget that. We all disembarked our tracks and ran up the beach, that same black soot and sand buried our legs up to our shins. We stopped at the beach head and looked at Suribachi thinking. How the hell did our grandfathers do this? Standing here getting shot to hell, mortared and having artillery fall on you.. to move forward or die.. man.. that moment hit us all like bolts of lightning.
    Never forget that.. Semper Fi Marines..

    • @mattburgess9439
      @mattburgess9439 2 месяца назад +3

      Kinda envious. I was 3/5 at that time. Okinawa and Korea. My grandfather came over and gave us a "tour" of that battle.

    • @alexanderhamilton8585
      @alexanderhamilton8585 2 дня назад

      Awesome. I’m jealous.
      Once a year, the 1971 treaty allows one plane of civilians to land on Iwo Jima
      Recently I was lucky enough to be one of them.
      They insist that you de-plane in kacki pants and a shirt and I tie. They also allow a backpack.
      Well, in _MY_ backpack I managed to squeeze a World War 2 M2 Helmet with appropriate camo cover, a replica (from the same batch of HBT shirts made for the HBO movie The PACIFIC) the USMC Haversack and a pistol belt, a K-Bar sheath, medical pack, and 2 canteens, and I had on - underneath my kackis- M1942 HBT Trousers and replica combat boots.
      I walked from the plane to the ceremony place you probably went to, and snuck down to that blown up pillbox you probably saw - and did a quick changeover. I figured the Japanese would get grumpy if they saw me, but if they wanted to stop me there was gonna be _another_ Battle of Iwo Jima.
      Making my way out from behind the pillbox, There were active duty Marines there and they were like “Sir, can I take a picture with you?” I said “o sure!”
      And I posed - no smiles - with them and many others that day.
      I went down to the beach. Walked on down towards Suribachi. Then on up to the top.
      As you know, it was pretty hot.
      I was drenched by the time I got up there. But I composed myself for a lot of pictures with a lot of Marines and Marine brass up there.
      We had to walk all the way back.
      I was dehydrated as fuck.
      At the aircraft hangar, I fell the fuck out and had to ask the Marines to take me to the Corpsmen.
      They stuck me with IV bags and yes, I got the silver bullet.
      I was cramping up in my legs and my arms and face was tingly and going numb.
      I was seconds away from a cardiac arrest.
      And yes, I did think:
      “I might die on Iwo Jima… the last Marine to die on Iwo Jima! Not bad! But NOT TODAY”
      And I made it.
      I was 59 when I went to Iwo Jima
      But your story beats mine. By far.
      Amphib assault ? Wow.

    • @alexanderhamilton8585
      @alexanderhamilton8585 2 дня назад +1

      A coupla years ago I managed to get a tourist ticket to Iwo Jima
      I went down to the beach and climbed up to the road, then on up to Suribachi.
      Left my boot camp dog tags there.

    • @shoktroop
      @shoktroop 2 дня назад

      @@alexanderhamilton8585 We all left a dog tag on Iwo. It was tradition.

  • @Pseudoswede
    @Pseudoswede 2 месяца назад +106

    Congratulations for being the only guy on RUclips to always select the perfect topic and always adequately cover it.
    I thank you for your service *almost* as much as Gen. Brandon Hererra…

    • @JamesSullivan-c8f
      @JamesSullivan-c8f 2 месяца назад +8

      Can't wait until Gen. Herrera gets his 4th star.
      He's earned it!

    • @Jarl4ad
      @Jarl4ad 2 месяца назад +4

      Representative general Herrera is a national treasure, but TFE definitely needs to be the secretary of education

    • @Ragingroxes
      @Ragingroxes 2 месяца назад +3

      What about his 7th Medal of Honor?

    • @JamesSullivan-c8f
      @JamesSullivan-c8f 2 месяца назад +1

      Military protocol won't allow medals on trousers.
      Since his jacket is full, his 7th will have to be awarded in the cloud.

    • @Ragingroxes
      @Ragingroxes 2 месяца назад +1

      So it will join some of his other extra medals in the cloud

  • @williamhilltop
    @williamhilltop 2 месяца назад +71

    That 92bpm cadence really hit with this one, Nic. Incredible job telling this story.

    • @ghowell13
      @ghowell13 2 месяца назад +1

      Ahh, we men of culture unite here, once again...
      Edit: still havent found the Country Music singer's name they were talking about yet. Any luck?

    • @williamhilltop
      @williamhilltop 2 месяца назад

      @ghowell13 absolutely no clue but I feel like it's some idiot like Brad Paisley

    • @williamhilltop
      @williamhilltop 2 месяца назад

      @ghowell13 no idea. Feel like it's some idiot like Brad Paisley, though

    • @williamhilltop
      @williamhilltop 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ghowell13 probably Brad Paisley or someone like that

    • @ghowell13
      @ghowell13 2 месяца назад

      @@williamhilltop maybe? But the way they were talking about it that day, it was an old timer, so i was thinking it was someone from the 60s, maybe even the 50s. Probably needed to start out with looking up how long the billboard 100 has been around, and that just hit me, lol.

  • @ChrisGale-h6h
    @ChrisGale-h6h 9 дней назад

    Dude you put up some of the most inspirational stories that most of us never knew! I sincerely thank you for what you do and the amount of humility that you have is contagious and humbling to the most arrogant parts of me and I am sure many others.
    Sometimes it's hard to get inspired in this day and age but you tell these inspiring tales of true heroes. It makes me want to get up and be a human being again and fight against the wrongs and protect those that deserve it! I appreciate you're commitment and your integrity!
    I've posted this before and is parry of a eulogy I wrote for a Navy Vet but I think that it applies to you.
    "The true measure of a man is the breadth of the positive wake that he leaves behind him" I am part of the wake that you and the warriors you speak have left behind them and I thank you for that!
    You are doing something that makes a difference Bro!

  • @BattlefieldCavaliers
    @BattlefieldCavaliers 2 месяца назад +66

    Damn. I’m an army brat of a Vietnam vet and army wife of an Afghanistan vet. I love your military content. You’re a great storyteller, and I think today was the first time I just wanted you to end the story with a fictitious alternate ending. You made me cry.

  • @glowstickofdestiny1290
    @glowstickofdestiny1290 2 месяца назад +220

    I'm still not sure if you'll ever cover Audie Murphy given how famous he is already, but I feel like that video would be a magnum opus full of callbacks to the other stories you've covered already.
    "Remember how Simo Hayha grew up on a farm, living a do-or-die lifestyle where he could not afford to quit? Same for Audie Murphy."
    "Remember all of those other WWII soldiers who started working at a young age to support their poor families? Yeah, same for Audie Murphy."
    "Remember Roy Benavidez, who was rejected from the Army for being too short and scrawny? I already told you that Murphy was his hero, pay the f--- attention."

    • @alecrutz956
      @alecrutz956 2 месяца назад +21

      dude kinda sounds like a main character

    • @cp1cupcake
      @cp1cupcake 2 месяца назад

      @@alecrutz956 I mean, when a man accuses you of shooting at him and the judge accepts your reason as to why it never happened because you wouldn't have shot "at" him.....

    • @michaelroberts3898
      @michaelroberts3898 2 месяца назад +1

      Audie Murphy’s knife hand of mass instruction could probably kill a weak man

    • @oisinmurphy3790
      @oisinmurphy3790 2 месяца назад +12

      After watching this, had the same reaction!

    • @brigidtheirish
      @brigidtheirish 2 месяца назад +19

      @@alecrutz956 Dude was basically *Captain freakin' America.*

  • @DaveSlate-q9x
    @DaveSlate-q9x 2 месяца назад +73

    Bro, you were a medic. While not a Corpsman, still pretty badass. I appreciate the humility in tackling these huge stories.

    • @oz_jones
      @oz_jones 2 месяца назад +9

      Being a medic takes a certain level of insanity

    • @DaveSlate-q9x
      @DaveSlate-q9x 2 месяца назад +2

      @oz_jones in the USN it was always ibuprofen and Sudafed. We didn't have the dry sock issue

    • @williamobrien6480
      @williamobrien6480 2 месяца назад +4

      @@oz_jonesI was both a combat medic, then switched over to Corpsman (FMF). We had to be able to outlast the Marines!

    • @lsswappedcessna
      @lsswappedcessna 2 месяца назад

      He was Doc. Fucking with Doc is like fucking with America's boats but at a smaller scale. Instead of the most powerful military in the world coming down on your ass, well, if you shoot at Doc that's clearly already happened. Instead, you have several very angry members of said most powerful military who are upset that you're shooting at the guy who keeps them alive.

  • @HuckBuddies
    @HuckBuddies Месяц назад +1

    @0:20 worried that you won't give them justice? Yet here you are giving this story justice!!! 💯

  • @Elthenar
    @Elthenar 2 месяца назад +64

    I've been waiting for this one. The Pacific did a good job with John. One of the most gutwrenching scenes in the show is when Lena Basilone takes his Medal of Honor to his family, since she would never have his kids to pas it down to

  • @christophermorgan4352
    @christophermorgan4352 2 месяца назад +40

    I marched in the John Basilone parade in his hometown this past year with the USMMA band!

  • @djack1170
    @djack1170 2 месяца назад +112

    My favorite part of the story is that lena never remarried. She stayed faithful till she passed away in 1999.

  • @spiked29play
    @spiked29play 2 месяца назад +21

    When I saw the title, I knew who it was immediately. I didn't know all the details of his story but I remembered reading about him. The dude went through Gadacanal, practically uninjured, and is on iwo jima for only a few hours at most and dies. I think I read a quote that one of the guys he served with said we all thought he was invincible. And when we had heard he died, we couldn't believe it. That it couldn't have been Bastione, that he was fine and people mis saw what happened. To the men he served with, he was a living legend, a man larger than life. Thank you for all that you do, Mr. Electrician. You bring life to these stories and these people. History was my favorite subject in school, and you have reminded me of that love. Thank you.

  • @BrianKern2121
    @BrianKern2121 2 месяца назад +27

    As an old 0331, we still considered him our patron saint. May he always keep our belts clean and free of clinks, and we always have inter-locking fields of fire.

  • @rexringtail471
    @rexringtail471 2 месяца назад +23

    I met one of his assistant gunners at a Braum's in Norman OK once, there was this sick SL450 convertible out front with a 1st Marines bumper sticker, went in and saw an old timer in a 1st Marines cap, said I loved his car, we got to talking and he complained about some VA stuff he was going through, pulled out the papers from his appointment to illustrate. On the cover sheet there was a very general, high level service record thing that I guess the docs use for diagnosis help. First line said --- NAVY CROSS--. Dude never even mentioned it. Hell of a guy. From the 1st MARDIV thing and his age, and because earlier we had shared what we did in the service, I asked if he was on Guad, and he said yes, asked if he knew John B, he said as well as any vice guns can. Hell of a guy.

  • @stevenpascal7476
    @stevenpascal7476 26 дней назад


  • @default5900
    @default5900 2 месяца назад +47

    Videos like this is why I and so many others are drawn to your channel. While things like the history channel and other standard documentaries would tell us of Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone who served in WWII and tragically lost his life while serving his country you're different. You tell us the story of John Basilone, the marine who learned to gamble when he was 14, loved to box, tilted his hat when drinking, and slept with anything in a skirt. You tell us of the person and although that makes the story all the more tragic, it also makes it all that more important. Stories like these need to be shared and I'm glad you're the one doing it.

  • @Supplebottom
    @Supplebottom 2 месяца назад +162

    wow, imagine getting off a 16hr shift, driving home 20 mins, and booting up yee ole PC, and seeing TFE uploaded at the exact same time. Fantastic day

    • @DaveSlate-q9x
      @DaveSlate-q9x 2 месяца назад +4

      Hell yeah! Glad you got to relax and decompress with an episode of The Fat Electrician.

    • @thesovietunion6604
      @thesovietunion6604 2 месяца назад +3

      Or the first recommendation out of school after a day of semester finals

    • @JDealer18
      @JDealer18 2 месяца назад

      @@thesovietunion6604 wait till you get to the real world bud

    • @thesovietunion6604
      @thesovietunion6604 2 месяца назад +2

      @ yeah with the way this worlds been going that’s gonna be “”fun””

  • @DalibanCohort
    @DalibanCohort 2 месяца назад +55

    He is a legend among Marines. Come on down to South Carolina, water front, for a free 13 week course of John and other absolute units of the beloved Corps. All inclusive.

    • @Rich-eg6qb
      @Rich-eg6qb 2 месяца назад +7

      Sounds like fun, do we get lobster and ice cream with every meal, LOL.

    • @xxpoisonblxx
      @xxpoisonblxx 2 месяца назад

      @@Rich-eg6qb Oh absolutely. Definitely safe drinking water too.

  • @seangambone8534
    @seangambone8534 17 дней назад +1

    "My father is from Naples."
    The simplicity of that statement with the preceding blunt end of his life, I can't help but tear up. Something about his story leading up to an abrupt end while the video stops at his own words like that gets me.
    That's that. That's life.

  • @robertmills2058
    @robertmills2058 2 месяца назад +24

    You know,some of these stories bring me to tears,but please don't stop,these men need to be remembered and there story needs to be told,thank you.

  • @ofpmarine
    @ofpmarine 2 месяца назад +28

    He was the first MoH recipient I learned about in boot camp 🇺🇸 and you always do every story the justice it deserves 🇺🇸

    @HOWBAZARY 2 месяца назад +89

    This show proves that if you grow up in a depression. Have bad eyesight or walk with a limp. You will go on to be an unstoppable force against insurmountable odds! 🇺🇸

    • @StephenElwess
      @StephenElwess 2 месяца назад

      Hard times makes hard men.

    • @lsswappedcessna
      @lsswappedcessna 2 месяца назад +3

      Funny, the guys who grow up in the depression end up being badass in a head-on fight, bad eyesight means you will be an olympic gold medalist who uses battleship guns like sniper rifles and tracks his enemies by making the air vibrate a specific way, and walking with a limp means you'll be a spy so talented you make James Bond look like a chump.

  • @bristolpka1143
    @bristolpka1143 28 дней назад +4

    The Eli part almost made me piss myself!! Yall are the best please keep it up!!!

  • @dangercloseusmc6902
    @dangercloseusmc6902 2 месяца назад +21

    During his MOH actions on Guadalcanal, he suffered serious burns on both hands because he was handling red hot barrels, but continued to fight like a demon. It's depicted in the miniseries The Pacific.

  • @Vorpalwarp
    @Vorpalwarp 2 месяца назад +64

    You're probably one of the best historical story tellers on the platform. I don't think there is a story you couldn't do justice. Thank you for kicking ass both online and off.

  • @mikehollahan80
    @mikehollahan80 2 месяца назад +28

    Not only did you tell this "story good enough", you told it perfectly. I've read a lot about John Basilone but in 38 minutes you managed to tell the whole story in a way I had never envisioned it. The emotion in your voice was evident and this was your best story telling yet...and that is saying a lot.

  • @GusShoulders-ml2cw
    @GusShoulders-ml2cw Месяц назад +1

    Thank you so much! John Basilones grandson lives in my hometown here on Alaska and runs one of the best pizza places in AK and is one of the best dudes to work for. He has a whole binder of John’s story in the dining room for customers to check out too. He also gives back to our community with his business and himself so much it’s awesome. Basilones are built different

  • @sirnimbus3498
    @sirnimbus3498 2 месяца назад +47

    1st. Story telling of ones culture is insanely important. 2. You are the most enthusiastic energetic and involved story teller. 3. I do know what you thought someone else could tell the story better. But. You rocked it. Yes i hate endings like that too. But gosh damn it! What a story. What a legend. I now know of thanks to you.

  • @devansanchez4473
    @devansanchez4473 2 месяца назад +37

    One of my grandpas brothers served in John Basilone’s company. My grandpa said his brother was trained by John, and lived thru the battle of Iwo Jima to see the colors raised on the mountain. My grandpas brother died long before i was born, and my grandpa died October of 2023. i wish i had recorded the stories and asked every question under the sun while i had the chance. but listening to these videos reminds me my grandpa isnt fully gone

  • @primalryuu54
    @primalryuu54 2 месяца назад +134

    Time to drop everything and watch Fat Electrician

    • @iamnotanumber41
      @iamnotanumber41 2 месяца назад

      Yea I just told my boss I had to take a 40min shit.

    • @TheMcEwens419
      @TheMcEwens419 2 месяца назад +2

      Don’t drop the phone though…
      He’d be hard to watch then

    • @primalryuu54
      @primalryuu54 2 месяца назад +1

      @@TheMcEwens419that’s what the laptop and the Xbox are for

    • @TheMje1963
      @TheMje1963 2 месяца назад

      If your not watching Nic's stuff, your missing out on a Chit load of great story telling and history.

  • @Spotterboy567
    @Spotterboy567 29 дней назад +1

    These guys are literal heroes. Kids today don’t watch HBO waiting for the next episode of The Pacific to drop. They watch clips like this. The humor and storytelling speaks to them in the kind of way that we used to pass down stories through generations.
    You have nothing to apologize for. Heroes like Dick Winters and John Basilone are the reason that I decided to join the military. I figured that I’d be forever grateful to serve the same cause as these men. I hope that some number of kids see videos like yours and feel inspired to go volunteer for some stupid shit, like we did years ago.
    Reagan said “To those who say we that we’re in a time when there are no heroes, they just don’t know where to look.”
    Keep up the good work man.

  • @jeremymeyer2917
    @jeremymeyer2917 2 месяца назад +36

    I remember doing the John Basilone challenge at Marine Corp boot camp during the crucible. Me and two others needed to run up a hill about 100 yards at a steep iincline carrying ammunition. Two groups would go up at a time, and the slower group needed to go back down and do it again. My group was able to do it so fast that we passed the losing group that started before us. The drill instructor thought we were the losing group and told us to go back down, but we said sir these recuites raced that group and pointed at the group still halfway down the hill. The drill instructor looked at us for a few seconds turn to the group we passed and asked them if they were racing the group still climbing when then said no he turned to us smiled and said go stand over there, pointing to where the other winning group was waiting. Then he told the group we passed to head back down and try again. I felt proud i was able to do well enough to make the drill iinstructor question us. we do many of these challenges during the crucible all of them centered around various Marines that have distinguished themselves. We start off each challenge learning about each Marine and what they did, it always puts a little fire in your chest hearing about them and what they did.

    • @SupersuMC
      @SupersuMC 2 месяца назад +1

      Now that's a challenge I'd love to see go viral.

  • @JF-tt6wy
    @JF-tt6wy 2 месяца назад +62

    New fat electrician video on John Basilone? FUCK YES!
    Also I'm honestly surprised you haven't done a video on Basilone until now.
    Also, I have to say that you did his story more justice than the miniseries The Pacific did, and that is honestly one of my all time favorite depictions of the Pacific Theatre.

  • @blackegret666
    @blackegret666 2 месяца назад +28

    Thanks Nick for making me want to watch HBO's "The Pacific" again.

  • @the_real_tpayne
    @the_real_tpayne Месяц назад +2

    33:53 Chefs Kiss!! Woke up the whole house laughing at this

  • @Rue-jf3hv
    @Rue-jf3hv 2 месяца назад +16

    30:08 the kookaburra is a majestic bird and I will not stand for any disrespect towards them

    • @Chopsee_official
      @Chopsee_official 2 месяца назад +1

      Sure buddy wait until there are 100’s of them at 5 am

    • @Rue-jf3hv
      @Rue-jf3hv 2 месяца назад

      sounds better than my 5am phone alarm

  • @pebblehilllane
    @pebblehilllane 2 месяца назад +12

    Thank you for that video. When I was roughly 10 I read about John Basilone and was astonished, he became one of my heroes. At one day shy of a month from turning 70 years old I am still as astonished by the bravery, determination and dedication of John Basilone. I hope one day in the future there will be a video about Lt. General Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller ... another nearly lifelong hero of mine.

  • @mason4200
    @mason4200 2 месяца назад +30

    The foresight of him seeing that they aren't gone they are waiting for everyone to land would be a horrific moment of reality

  • @BucketOfFail
    @BucketOfFail Месяц назад +2

    As a 40+ year old man with tears in his eyes, I would say you did his story justice. Thank you for keeping history alive in a time that seems so desperate to bury it.

  • @sov9913
    @sov9913 2 месяца назад +42

    I am a Marine Recruiter in Florida and I show my appreciation Poolee’s and guests your videos to motivate the shit out of them. I use your vids to show a piece of our history and culture. Good shit man, I appreciate you. If you’re in Florida’s east coast hmu I’ll let you speak to my guys.

  • @surfingonmars8979
    @surfingonmars8979 2 месяца назад +16

    The exit off the CA freeway down near San Onofre is named after USMC Basilone. Every time we drive down there to surf we tip our hats to the hero.

    • @alexanderhamilton8585
      @alexanderhamilton8585 2 дня назад

      Me too. My girlfriend tears up every time. We get silent as BASILONE RD. goes overhead.

  • @butchgarner3911
    @butchgarner3911 2 месяца назад +24

    this is a story that can not be told "good enough". that hammer you drove home at the end that hit so hard you had to do a video cut, was the justice this man deserves and was felt by every single person that was listening! Thank you, Nick...

  • @kylebennett4261
    @kylebennett4261 13 дней назад +1

    I just realized John basilone had adhd the fact he can't pay attention in school so much it bores him is a signature sign of adhd

  • @readygames8587
    @readygames8587 2 месяца назад +21

    I've never found anyone else who can tell stories as good as you can, you're comprehensive, funny, and high quality. if there was anyone who could do it, its you.

  • @SKELLY420xD
    @SKELLY420xD 2 месяца назад +19

    The way you tell the stories always shows major respect and reverence for the source material. The fact that you consider not being able to paying due respect to the people you honor in your videos goes to show that youre the man for the job. You absolutely kill it man, no need to second guess yourself. Thanks for the entertainment bro.

  • @davebarlow7217
    @davebarlow7217 2 месяца назад +8

    My dad enlisted in April of 42, at 17 days after he graduated from high school. My grandfather didn't want him to enlist! Well grandma had just went through a double mastectomy, the first one,,, atthe Mayo clinic in Rochester mn. They had one son. He managed to survive! Life's Golden. Dad died at 53, fat and hardcore happy in 1979! I was 14. Loved his family, my mother and his service! This is what we used to hear every, and i mean every morning, " rise and shine sun shine, it's a great day to be a live! I'm 60 and I miss him.

  • @alexhycner2821
    @alexhycner2821 2 месяца назад +1

    As a Former Marine and a Buffalo native, you knocked this one out of the park. Been watching your content for years and this one was one of the best ones you’ve done. The amount of effort you put into these videos keeps history alive in ways that no one else does. Keep it up brother

  • @DCobra98
    @DCobra98 2 месяца назад +19

    Bro, you and your wife do the funniest ads on RUclips, hands down. That said, you are exactly who should do these heroes justice through the retelling of their stories. Your work ethic in researching and relaying their stories is what has put you on the road to 5 million subs, and higher. We as consumers have endorsed you with the subs, keep it going!