How I groom my curly haired maltipoo part 1 - paws, body, legs, tail
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Music: Feeling Fine
Musician: Uncleboris
Equipment: noodlesthepooc...
As promised, here is another grooming video! In this video I focus on her paws, body, legs, and briefly her tail!
Equipment: 0:10
Paws: 0:56
Body: 1:26
Legs: 2:00
Tail: 4:50
Stay tuned for part 2 where I get into detail on how I groom her face!
Instagram: www.instagram....
Website/blog: www.noodlesthe...
I love the way Noods behaves, she's so sweet & cute!! ❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰
What a beautiful well behaved little lady
I wish my Maltipoo would stay this still!
Me too
I show my dog a her nail clippers and she starts hiding
@@shayax1283maybe you could use that spinning device that spins instead, naturally it still might scare her but I think it will be painless than the clipper
@@HappyPetsAsmr ok I will thank you
You are a great groomer. So gentle and sweet. Noodles is very well behaved.
She is so adorable, sweet and cute.
She’s such a good girl ❤
Noodles is everything
I love how sweet she is. Perfect little lady 💗
noodles, you're the cutest! i love your office skits.💛
What a loving and obedient pooch Noodles is. How she endures the grooming so quietly. She is so cute and has such a lovely face 💖😍🤗🥰💖
I'm looking forward to the grooming of her pretty face 😍💖
Thank you for watching and for leaving such a nice comment!
@@Noodlesthepooch It fills my heart with a lot of joy and love 💖 to watch your videos with your very cute Noodles😍
Will do a hair do and accessories demo one day?
I would love to see how you trained her to stay still for hair, hats and glasses:)
Amazing! Can't wait for the next part! Noodles is such a good girl!!
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it!
You do such a beautiful job!😍 Noodles is gorgeous little baby- love her!!!❤️❤️❤️
Good girl Noodles!
the goodest haha
Thank you so much for this amazing video, my maltipoo just had TECA surgery & she can’t be groomed for a while so this has helped me keep her trimmed in the meanwhile ❤️
Noodles is such a sweet little girl and well-behaved 💕✨️💖✨️
Noodles is such a pretty girl. 🥰🎀💗✌
Long awaited! So glad to see this as I’ve been slowly practicing small areas on my maltipoo
That’s very good! Baby steps! You’ll get it in no time!
Noodles is a great doggie. Beautiful haircut!
Great grooming video!! Noodles is so adorable and such a good little girl ❤
She’s the goodest girl! ♥️
I love yur tone and the music used its so calming
I'm a new Multipoo mom, you have excellent tips. I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow ☺️
You do such an awesome job! This is so helpful, thank you!! ❤️
You are so welcome!
She loves you. 💗
Great job! Sweet pup! How long does it take you to groom her from beginning to end?
I just want to say thank u for this simple but yet informative video, I decided to try it and I got the clippers too . ur video gave me a guard line to trim my maltipoo thank u
I hope u have more videos for information on grooming and other information for maltipoos
Amazing! Beautiful job mom♥️
Thank you!!
She’s such a good girl🥰…her “poodle” genes are strong…My LexiRae’s was this exact color when she was little. However as she grew, her hair became more blond and “Maltese” like (she’s 5 years old now) and totally blond except for the tips of her ears. She still has that “poodle” face & tail, however her body is all Maltese🙂legs somewhat curly still(thank goodness☺️.) It’s amazing how beautiful they are.
When are coming out with Part 3? I have the same dog and mine is more poodle than Maltese and I love the way you groom Noodles. Since mine is curly.
So adorable!!!
Hello I’m so glad to found ur other video, I have a maltipoo as well 😁 I’m new at grooming and I just got the hold dog clippers, could u please tell me what u use for the paws ? Was it with a guard or without ? If it’s without what is the number of the clipper u used for the paws and face and the body , I’d appreciate any advice thank u 😁🐶 please continue to make these videos it’s greatly helps !! Specially for maltipoo owners
Can you post video of how you braid Noodles ears please?
Such a good girl. ♥️
I'd love to know, as I am considering myself to groom my own dog, how much time does it take you and how often do you groom?
Also, where did you buy your grooming tools?
The video is great! Thanks for showing everything in detail!
Thanks for this! How often do you do a full haircut and what do you do between haircuts for grooming daily/weekly?
Thank you for your comment! I do a full groom every 5-6 weeks. I used to do once a month but I found that if I use the 9mm clipper guard instead of the 12mm then her hair would take longer to grow out. In between groomings, I usually just trim around her eyes and snout every two weeks. I also brush her daily!
Is this Noodles who makes all the videos about working??? I LOVE this dog!
Yes 🙊
So adorable
So beautiful I would love to have this breed next time
ur dog reminds me when my dog was only 2 months old even tho shes 9 now not old at all but she grew 4 times in size first their long like an aligator then they get tall like a girafe and there back legs are higher then there fronts.
Very helpful! Thanks
Pampered Pooch. 🙂
Hi Noodles. I love you 🐩🦋🌸🌹
we never got part 3 ;{
Can I practice on Noodles? She’s so well behaved, my dog is a champion wiggler 😩😆
For grooming your maltipoo body what number did u put the clipper on what .8 or 2.0 ?
Please, can anyone name the little tune accompanying the office videos? 😊
When is a good time to give your Maltipoo the first hair trim? Mine is 4 months and his hair is just like noodles…
Wish mine would stay still. He always wants to lay down and does not stay still for anything. Very frustrating lol
“Savage the Bad B****” (also a maltipoo) would never
More Noodles!
Devemos cuidar muito bem de nossos amigos de quatro patas ❤
Make more vids I love tham
She looks sweet.
"best" girl
Maltipoos are so cute but such high maintenance dogs 😢 😏
The more fur .. the better