May 26, 2019
Once again, Tinkerer has really knocked it out of the park with the new version of Peasant's Quest.
But that's not to say that the game is without faults and flaws.

For me, the problems aren't with the game's content but with its limited functionality.
So I have compiled a list of several functionality features that I think would really add to the overall experience.

Please feel free to correct me or challenge me on anything on this list.
I know that some of these may not be possible due to the game engine that Tinkerer is using to make this game.
Even so, here it is:

1) Please add the hot-keys listed below to the game:
- Pressing 'S' to immediately open up the game's save menu - Like in the game College Life. <-- Edited
- Pressing 'L' to immediately open up the game's load menu - Like in the game College Life. <-- Edited
Note: The only way to currently load a saved game is to end the game and choose the continue option. If there is some other way, please inform me.
- Pressing 'I' to immediately show the inventory/items.
- Pressing 'Q' to immediately show the quests currently being undertaken.
- Pressing 'T' to immediately open up the time-skip or wait time functionality menu (explained below is number 2)

2) Please add time-skip or wait time functionality to the game.
- This would be a way to allow players to set an amount of time (like say an hour) that they could skip forward to or just have the MC waiting around.
Example: The player could choose "Wait Till Nighttime" and upon choosing this, the time of day would instantly roll to night.
- This is useful for players who just want to immediately get to a piece of content without having to find something to do until the arrival of the time when that content comes into play.

3) Add the OPTION of having an auto-save enabled for every new day. This means that when the MC wakes up and starts a brand new day, the game will auto-save into a save slot decided by the player.
- This would be incredibly useful for a lot of new players who don't know of the importance of frequently saving and thus, don't remember to do so.
- But I must emphasize that this should be an option for the player and not something that is forced onto the player.

4) Add an ingredient notifier. This means two things:
(a) Provide a way for the player to read the recipes that are in the "key-items" part of the inventory. I don't want to have to go to the alchemy desk to know what the Cure Potion requires and I don't want to have to constantly refer to the walk-through. If this functionality does already exist, please inform me how I can access it.
(b) When the MC is missing a certain ingredient or set of ingredients for a particular potion, please notify the player which specific ingredient(s) are missing. This will make life so much easier for the player.

5) Add multiple food/potion creation functionality.
- By this I mean, allow us to make multiple foods (i.e. steaks and meals) and multiple potions at once. It is annoying to have to choose something like "make meal" fifty times in a row.
- The worst part is that this is something that I and others have been asking about for a long time. We're always told it's coming but it never arrives.

6) Add "Stay At Home" functionality for Escort Quests.
Sometimes you don't want someone traveling with you because they prevent you from going to certain areas. One example is how traveling with Erevi's Daughter prevents you from going into the Temple of Qetesh.

So it would be nice if you could tell the person you're escorting to "Stay At Home" for a while.
This can refer to your home or it could be their home, like the Tower for Erevi's Daughter.

This would really have been useful for the Waystone II Quest with Erevi's Daughter - I had taken on the quest before impregnating Victoria, assuming I could just tell Erevi's Daugther to stay in the Tower for a while. Wrong Assumption!!!
I only managed to get the pregnant Victoria and Erevi Daughter scene by taking advantage of the moment in the quest when Erevi's Daughter stays in the dress shop until you give the carpenter back his supplies.

7) Make the Waystone Map More User Friendly. This can be accomplished by implementing two things:
(a) Adding labels to all the Waystones on the Map so that you know, for sure, where you are teleporting your MC.
(b) Make the Waystone Map keyboard accessible. Right now, the only way to use the Waystone Map is with your mouse and this is annoying for players who are more prone to using the keyboard.
NOTE: If anyone knows how to use the Waystone Map with just the keyboard, I'm all ears. I tried numerous keys and nothing worked for me.

8) Either Add Prevent Pick Up Functionality or Release The 99 Item Limit

Right now, when you have 99 instances of an item and then collect more of it, anything you collect in addition to the 99 you already have is lost forever. Please fix this by either:

(a) Implementing the "Prevent Pick Up Functionality" which prevents the MC from collecting anymore of an item if he already has 99 of that item in his inventory
Note: This might cause problems when the player kills a creature that creature gives him more of an item he already maxed out for his inventory.
Example: The MC already has 99 bandages but then kills a goblin that gives him a bandage. Does he just lose the bandage he earned by killing that goblin?

OR ...

(b) Releasing the 99 Item Limit. There is a RPG Maker MV plugin called that allows the developer to increase the max amount you can stack an item to anything the developer desires. Please consider using this plugin and making the max item limit something ridiculous like 9,999.

Personally, I hope you implement the second option! But either one is better than constantly having to check your inventory or constantly losing items due to not paying close enough attention as to whether or not you already have 99 of those items.

9) Fix Lighting Effect CPU/RAM Problem.
- This one is small but really important to me.
- The lighting effect really adds to the atmosphere of the game and makes it feel more immersive. I loved seeing all the lights and glowing things during the night or when in a dungeon.
- But the Lighting Effect is so taxing on my computer that I had to deactivate it in order to properly play the game.

Please Tinkerer, fix this issue if you can. I know this isn't a big game breaking issue and that this is a really small thing.
But it's the small things in life that end up meaning the most.

10) Inform Us of Content Limits with Every Girl in the Game
- Simply put, have every girl in the game inform us of when we have reached the end of her content as of the version of the game being currently played.
- This will prevent annoying scenarios where a player is wasting time and fertility potions on a girl that has no pregnancy content available yet.
- This will also prevent people continuously coming to this thread and asking about whether or not a girl can be impregnated.

11) Until Every Girl that's already in the game has pregnancy content, no new girls can be added to the game.

Note that when I say "pregnancy content," I don't mean that the game's stats say that a girl is pregnant or that the girls simply tell you that they're pregnant.
When I say "pregnancy content," I'm specifically referring to two things:
(a) Seeing the girls' bellies and breasts bloated due to their pregnancies and
(b) Having scenes where the MC gets to have sex with these beauties while they are in their bloated forms

Thus, as of Version 1.91, while I consider Maghda to have pregnancy content, I do not consider Erevi's Daughter to have pregnancy content since we do not see Erevi's daughter being pregnant and thus, don't have sex with her while she's pregnant.

I know this last one will generate a lot of controversy but I think this is best practice for a couple reasons:
(a) It promotes a quality over quantity mindset. Now the focus is on developing the girls already in the game rather than adding more and more girls
(b) It ensures us (the players) that every girl that the MC sleeps with will inevitably, at the very least, get impregnated by him
(c) This provides more opportunities for the girls who are currently your favorite to get more content and more development

This is all just my two cents as a random player of this game!
I know almost all of this has probably been brought up before but I felt the need to bring it up again since no has been talking about this stuff for a while.
Please discuss what you agree or disagree with. I'm always open to learning and listening to other opinions.
Just try to keep it civil and cordial!

EDIT: I know that last one is more of about content than functionality but I still think it's a good point and worth mentioning.
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Oct 3, 2019
I totally understand where you're coming from IAmTheMinotaur. There are certain hairstyles and looks that turn me off as well when it comes to game women.

I hope you realize two things:

1) The "green screen" comment (I gonna keep doing that because that's how I mistakenly wrote it in my original response to your post) was literally just a joke. I was just trying to be funny. I meant nothing by it.

2) Evangelion-01 has informed me that my response to you could be interpreted as "kink-shaming." I don't know if you feel that way but I hope you realize that my intent was NOT to shame you.
I was only trying to be affable and funny.
You're free to like or dislike whoever and whatever you want. It's all cool.

Hope you continue to have fun with this game and the many others on this site.
All good, no offence was taken


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
One solution to this is to force people to tag their own posts as a "Question" or "Concern" or "Answer" or "Proposed Solution" or "Compliment" or "Complaint" or "Suggestion" before submitting said post to the thread.
Then when a person tags their post as a "Question," a popup emerges that informs/alerts them to search the thread for the solution before asking their question.
Extremly tedious micro management for most people though... without any real benefit.
Also there is a tutorial thread that covers these questions in detail... but that would require people to read a few lines before takeing the easy route... SURPRISE! Sadly it's not working out :p
1) Please add the hot-keys listed below to the game:
- Pressing 'S' to immediately save the game.
- Pressing 'L' to immediately load a saved game. Note: The only way to currently load a saved game is to end the game and choose the continue option. If there is some other way, please inform me.
This is just limited by the Main menu Tinkerer uses, there are certain scripts that change that behaviour, on the other hand it prevents the fast clickers to overwrite their save games.
3) Add the OPTION of having an auto-save enabled for every new day. This means that when the MC wakes up and starts a brand new day, the game will auto-save into a save slot decided by the player.
- This would be incredibly useful for a lot of new players who don't know of the importance of frequently saving and thus, don't remember to do so.
- But I must emphasize that this should be an option for the player and not something that is forced onto the player.
Auto Save is extremly taxing for engines and can lead to increased game crashes... and a crash dureing saveing is a good way to corrupt a save and make it unusable though
4) Add an ingredient notifier. This means two things:
(a) Provide a way for the player to read the recipes that are in the "key-items" part of the inventory. I don't want to have to go to the alchemy desk to know what the Cure Potion requires and I don't want to have to constantly refer to the walk-through. If this functionality does already exist, please inform me how I can access it.
(b) When the MC is missing a certain ingredient or set of ingredients for a particular potion, please notify the player which specific ingredient(s) are missing. This will make life so much easier for the player.
This is already possible as the description of the recipe in the Key Items tab contain that info
This might would work with a different crafting system, for the currently used one this is not feasable, you'd need a table with every possible combination of ingredients and a script to call forth this variable and saved text most likely
(a) Implementing the "Prevent Pick Up Functionality" which prevents the MC from collecting anymore of an item if he already has 99 of that item in his inventory
Note: This might cause problems when the player kills a creature that creature gives him more of an item he already maxed out for his inventory.
Example: The MC already has 99 bandages but then kills a goblin that gives him a bandage. Does he just lose the bandage he earned by killing that goblin?

OR ...

(b) Releasing the 99 Item Limit. There is a RPG Maker MV plugin called that allows the developer to increase the max amount you can stack an item to anything the developer desires. Please consider using this plugin and making the max item limit something ridiculous like 9,999.

Personally, I hope you implement the second option! But either one is better than constantly having to check your inventory or constantly losing items due to not paying close enough attention as to whether or not you already have 99 of those items.
Why is that even interesting?
I haven't seen a single item that I required more often than 50 times... 99 items is more than neccesary, sure getting more items when you are maxed out feels strange at first, but you are only maxed out since you don't use these items in the frequency you get them.
10) Inform Us of Content Limits with Every Girl in the Game
- Simply put, have every girl in the game inform us of when we have reached the end of her content as of the version of the game being currently played.
- This will prevent annoying scenarios where a player is wasting time and fertility potions on a girl that has no pregnancy content available yet.
- This will also prevent people continuously coming to this thread and asking about whether or not a girl can be impregnated.
... there is a detailed walkthrough and a changelog comeing with each version... all you need to do is read and gather your intel.
11) Until Every Girl that's already in the game has pregnancy content, no new girls can be added to the game.

Note that when I say "pregnancy content," I don't mean that the game's stats say that a girl is pregnant or that the girls simply tell you that they're pregnant.
When I say "pregnancy content," I'm specifically referring to two things:
(a) Seeing the girls' bellies and breasts bloated due to their pregnancies and
(b) Having scenes where the MC gets to have sex with these beauties while they are in their bloated forms
This is likely a burnout scenario, plus it's the Patreons that decide which girl get's more content in the comeing Update
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Mar 22, 2018
I click on the game and my arrow just turns into a loading circle for 10 minutes without the game actually opening? Tired restarting and downloading
May 26, 2019
This is just limited by the Main menu Tinkerer uses, there are certain scripts that change that behaviour, on the other hand it prevents the fast clickers to overwrite their save games.
I edited my suggestion to accurately reflect what I really meant. When someone presses the 'S' key, the save screen/menu should immediately show up - the game should NOT immediately save. Same principle for the 'L' key and loading the game.

I still think this would be an incredible functionality to add to the game.
Model it after how it's implemented in the game College Life.

Auto Save is extremly taxing for engines and can lead to increased game crashes... and a crash dureing saveing is a good way to corrupt a save and make it unusable though
The RPG Maker MV plugin that I talked about before also provides this functionality. It works for so many other RPG Maker MV developers, why not Tinkerer? Why wouldn't he be capable of implementing this himself for Peasant's Quest?

This is already possible as the description of the recipe in the Key Items tab contain that info
This might would work with a different crafting system, for the currently used one this is not feasable, you'd need a table with every possible combination of ingredients and a script to call forth this variable and saved text most likely
Didn't know about the description thing! Thanks!

But I disagree with your assertion about the in-feasibility of having the system warn you about what specific ingredients you're missing for a certain food or potion.
Your whole "table with every possible combination of ingredients" claim cannot be true. That's not how programming works.
You should just need a couple "if-statements" for each recipe to determine which resources are missing.
Granted, I am not entirely familiar with how RPG Maker MV works! But this shouldn't be too much for Tinkerer to do.

Why is that even interesting?
I haven't seen a single item that I required more often than 50 times... 99 items is more than neccesary, sure getting more items when you are maxed out feels strange at first, but you are only maxed out since you don't use these items in the frequency you get them.
First, please note that your play style is NOT the same as everyone else's. Just because you have never needed some functionality does not mean others don't need it themselves.

Like for me, I have never needed the stone skin or agility potion since I grind to level 15 before I start questing. But I fully acknowledge that others don't play the game the way I do and thus, I have no problem with the existence of those potions.

In addition, it's not that you necessarily "require" more than fifty items. That's not the problem. The problem is when you are collecting items but forget to go to the town to sell them. Maybe you're busy doing a whole bunch of quests and going to the town to sell your items just slips your mind.

Ultimately, this functionality is not something that's too difficult or too much for Tinkerer to add to the game.

... there is a detailed walkthrough and a changelog comeing with each version... all you need to do is read and gather your intel.
And I literally stated in another section of my post, that I don't want to have to constantly refer to the walk-through or other outside-of-game resources.

I believe it should always be the job of the content creator or service provider to do more work so that the user/consumer has to do less - always within reason of course. And I strongly believe that what I'm asking for here is reasonable!

Once again, I don't believe that this is too much to ask of Tinkerer to implement in this game.

This is likely a burnout scenario, plus it's the Patreons that decide which girl get's more content in the comeing Update
Fair enough! Though I still believe my logic with regards to not adding new girls until all the present girls are mostly developed is still very sound.

The fact that you're only response to this final request is basically "Patreons decide the content," only makes me further believe that I am mostly correct about this last one.

Also, can you clarify what you mean by the term "burnout scenario?"

EDIT: I know I'm basically like a bot spamming "This can't be too much for Tinkerer to do." Hahaha.
But please prove me wrong about any of these things.
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Dec 16, 2019

9) Fix Lighting Effect CPU/RAM Problem.
- This one is small but really important to me.
- The lighting effect really adds to the atmosphere of the game and makes it feel more immersive. I loved seeing all the lights and glowing things during the night or when in a dungeon.
- But the Lighting Effect is so taxing on my computer that I had to deactivate it in order to properly play the game.

I wish Tinkerer just use another lighting effect plugin that easy on ram out there. The one he use right now is an old plugin and not being updated anymore by that plugin dev.
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
I edited my suggestion to accurately reflect what I really meant. When someone presses the 'S' key, the save screen/menu should immediately show up - the game should NOT immediately save. Same principle for the 'L' key and loading the game.

I still think this would be an incredible functionality to add to the game.
Model it after how it's implemented in the game College Life.

The RPG Maker MV plugin that I talked about before also provides this functionality. It works for so many other RPG Maker MV developers, why not Tinkerer? Why wouldn't he be capable of implementing this himself for Peasant's Quest?

Didn't know about the description thing! Thanks!

But I disagree with your assertion about the in-feasibility of having the system warn you about what specific ingredients you're missing for a certain food or potion.
Your whole "table with every possible combination of ingredients" claim cannot be true. That's not how programming works.
You should just need a couple "if-statements" for each recipe to determine which resources are missing.
Granted, I am not entirely familiar with how RPG Maker MV works! But this shouldn't be too much for Tinkerer to do.

First, please note that your play style is NOT the same as everyone else's. Just because you have never needed some functionality does not mean others don't need it themselves.

Like for me, I have never needed the stone skin or agility potion since I grind to level 15 before I start questing. But I fully acknowledge that others don't play the game the way I do and thus, I have no problem with the existence of those potions.

In addition, it's not that you necessarily "require" more than fifty items. That's not the problem. The problem is when you are collecting items but forget to go to the town to sell them. Maybe you're busy doing a whole bunch of quests and going to the town to sell your items just slips your mind.

Ultimately, this functionality is not something that's too difficult or too much for Tinkerer to add to the game.

And I literally stated in another section of my post, that I don't want to have to constantly refer to the walk-through or other outside-of-game resources.

I believe it should always be the job of the content creator or service provider to do more work so that the user/consumer has to do less - always within reason of course. And I strongly believe that what I'm asking for here is reasonable!

Once again, I don't believe that this is too much to ask of Tinkerer to implement in this game.

Fair enough! Though I still believe my logic with regards to not adding new girls until all the present girls are mostly developed is still very sound.

The fact that you're only response to this final request is basically "Patreons decide the content," only makes me further believe that I am mostly correct about this last one.

Also, can you clarify what you mean by the term "burnout scenario?"

EDIT: I know I'm basically like a bot spamming "This can't be too much for Tinkerer to do." Hahaha.
But please prove me wrong about any of these things.
The game is already quiet taxing on RAM, lately more since the Goblin Plugin constantly seem to recalculate values.
adding more scripts that keep constantly checking variables won't improve the situation and will eventually lead to a game that can only be played on the latest generation of PCs.
I don't know how involved with other games you have been, but other creators have shared their feelings by beeing forced to concentrate on single characters for a prolonged time... and it's only reasonable to expect people to request that if Tinkerer would announce that he first intends to complete currently included girls storylines and content.
Personaly I think the game was on top of it's time in regards of game mechanics and content when it started, but as it aged so did it's mechanics. The game eventually will need a haulover to keep growing without exceeding basic resources.
Most of what you suggested can be found in "A struggle with sin" for example, yet the game has no pregnancy content yet.
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Apr 20, 2019
So few girls have annal sex scences. Its true that he leave many content unfinished and make new girls.Its a little unhappily situation but the more money give the orders in the updates.

Goblin Baily: DILF

Conversation Conqueror
Sep 29, 2017
So few girls have annal sex scences. Its true that he leave many content unfinished and make new girls.Its a little unhappily situation but the more money give the orders in the updates.
You know the main focus/fetish in this game is about impregnation and pregnancy.... can't really do this with going with the other hole
Tinkerer is simply trying to avoid the burn out from working on the same stuff for months.. and actually, since the time it was requested, we got more anal scenes in the game..


Jan 10, 2019
i'm in the cage with the dark orcs, but can't find any crystal around the cage need help =)
You must be in the mines with the black goblins.
Before you enter the mines, a little further up the path was a ramp, covered in snow. You head up that ramp and head west (left). That is where the cave with the crystal is and if I remember correctly, an ogre to battle with.
4.20 star(s) 223 Votes