Yet bimbo Alison doesn't do anything as drastic as Holly. Bimbo could just refer to her new looks. GGGB Ashley could end up as a plastic doll, but still be faithfull to Eric.
You know, all else aside it's kind of funny that people keep talking about sucking a few dicks at a gloryhole (in a porn game of all things) as "drastic".
Without context, you'd think Holly has hold a donkey show on 5th Avenue or made a gang bang porn movie. Meantime, for your typical game with female protagonist and "must make money" excuse for a plot, a gloryhole is an entry-level activity that's considered relatively "safe" form of sex, because of anonymity and physical separation from the dick owner(s).
As for bimbo Alison, her options are somewhat limited, with her being potentially attached to Ian in some form. I doubt that many players would be keen to get movies of their sort-of-girlfriend taking central spot in a "white girl and black guys" meme, the way GGGB escalated. Still, we have yet to see how that sub-plot of hers unfolds.
Your Arthur comparison is a strawman. Aside from the odd troll, no reasonable person would't acknowlegde Arthurs criminal tendencies. Him being an evil, wrong, criminal person is known and spelled out in-game.
My point wasn't that people don't acknowledge Arthur's tendencies. The point was that they cheer on him for those and express wishes to see him indulge in them as much as possible. You don't really see people repeatedly complaining how Arthur is a terrible father and a drugging rapist in a way that's clearly negative towards him, as opposed to "and
it's awesome".
I highly differatiate between Holly and the other girls, since Holly is portrayed as noticable more childish, naive, and not mental matured, there is a noticable discrepancy between her intellect and emotional intelligence with her social awareness.
I'm just as tired of this infantilization of Holly as Holly herself. She's an adult, one who is as old as Ivy and a year older than Lena. She is not a virgin, and she was interacting with people on sexual level before she focused on her writing career. No one gives Cindy a pass for being an idiot, i'm not going to make a special exception for Holly and coddle her as if she's some sort of autistic 12-year-old.
That's Stan's job.