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Solo Leveling
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Mar 15, 12:25 PM
Jan 2022
Reply to Spice_Stealer
Ngl, I feel like they could have done more. Animation wise and just general vibe wise. Berus design feels a bit simplistic, especially compared to the game but that might be unfair. Not sure about the music choice and beru voice yet. Definitly good, but not as good as I had hoped based on the prior episodes.
@Spice_Stealer I think it suffers from the source manwha adaptation of the fight being so good that in comparison the anime adaptation just cant really match it. My guess is that they're probably saving the animation for next episode. Which I understand but giving beru lower animation feels like stabbing yourself in the foot. If they needed to cut down somewhere they should have picked another place, not this part.
Mar 15, 12:27 PM
Feb 2021
I love how Sun Jin-woo always just watches people struggle and die before deciding it’s time to jump in lmao
Mar 15, 12:30 PM

Feb 2008
Jin-woo: "Well, they're all beat up and there's plenty of dead. Time to make my entrance!"
Mar 15, 12:30 PM
Mar 2021
Fire ep! Manhwa-accurate <3
Mar 15, 12:31 PM
Aug 2015
Reply to Spice_Stealer
Ngl, I feel like they could have done more. Animation wise and just general vibe wise. Berus design feels a bit simplistic, especially compared to the game but that might be unfair. Not sure about the music choice and beru voice yet. Definitly good, but not as good as I had hoped based on the prior episodes.
@Spice_Stealer why would they make its desing similar to the game? I would use that argument against the game to "Why change Beeru´s design?" but I like the gold and red details added it so meh

Dark Aria is perfect for the context since is a similar situation to episode 6 but where we are vouching for the underdog this time

In regards to his voice, still on the fence about it
Mar 15, 12:31 PM
Aug 2024
sung jin wooooooooooooo
Mar 15, 12:33 PM

Jan 2024
UTMAN said:
This the thing, so far I think the story/characters were okay. Not the Ant king in my eyes is just bad. I can point that out, no? So far I enjoyed the story, this Jeju island arc feels cheap, what I cannot enjoy.

If the Ant King would have been written just a tad better then he was, it would have become better written then the MC. You can't have THAT, lolz!

Mar 15, 12:35 PM

Jan 2012

Mar 15, 12:36 PM
May 2016
Kind of a dick move to wait until they're almost dead. Also real nice of Super Ant to only decapitate the side characters. 9_9 (pretty ironic since the queen was decapitated) "Lets see you have to stay alive so I have to mess you up so it looks really bad but you're still alive, guess I will have to kill the healer though so you can barely fight and need someone to come help". And after Cha Hunter finally did something too, well I guess that would emasculate Jinwhoo if she was anything but a damsel in distress for him to rescue. The amateur story telling really takes away from this being anything more than a really well animated battle shonen.
Mar 15, 12:37 PM
Oct 2022
so, ts the goat only the goat peak anime goat peak goat peak
Mar 15, 12:41 PM
Jan 2025
Goukenslay said:
2 more episodes. We finally see our boi come in
Goto saying he felt this aura makes no sense in the anime since they cut out that part where he does sense it

i agree with that and in the past episode I said that Ii would have more sense this scene in the last episode with the with Jinwoo
Mar 15, 12:44 PM
Sep 2023
Reply to UTMAN
Rom-Com_lover said:
Bro did you pay attention to the story in the first place? The black ant was outside when the mission started, so he started with the Japanese hunters, then he came back to the nest hearing the queen's cry, and started beating the Korean hunters. When he was about to kill Baek, he sensed a powerful presence outside, which was from Goto. Then he said something like "There's no point in killing weak members. Since you've killed our queen, I'll kill your king" and for the Japanese hunters yet

But yeah I agree that the ant only beat the Korean hunters when he one-shoot the Japanese hunters, which might seem unfair

Dude... did you even UNDERSTOOD what i wrote? Don't come at me at comprehension when you cannot even understand what I write.

He went out to the Japanese, and one shot/kill/beahead them.
Went back to the Koreans, and instead of beheading them like he did with EVERY SINGLE enemy so far. He instead kicked the blonde woman in the side instead of BEHEADING her. Instead of beheading the tank dude, he just ripped his arm off. Instead of beheading Baek, he just cut his chest. Etc etc.
Rom-Com_lover said:
Then he said something like "There's no point in killing weak members. Since you've killed our queen, I'll kill your king" and for the Japanese hunters yet

YET HE WENT OUT AND KILLED THE ORANGE HAIRED GIRL (Ishida) with a beheading attack.

He only beheading the Japanese characters, but for SOME REASON he did not do the Koreans. Not to mention that the Japanese Goto and the leader of the Japanese turned out to be a mustache twirling cartoon villains. It's just really bad writing.
@UTMAN Did you also see what I wrote at the end?

Rom-Com_lover said:
But yeah I agree that the ant only beat the Korean hunters when he one-shoot the Japanese hunters, which might seem unfair

When I was reading the manhwa, I also had the same thought as you. The author just expressed his hatred towards Japan here. It might be considered as poor writing. But this is just a power fantasy story and I believe most people are watching it only for the fights. So let's just enjoy it how it is.
Mar 15, 12:45 PM
Apr 2019
best anime in the last 10 years
Mar 15, 12:48 PM

Apr 2009
Hot damn, exciting, continuous and tense action scenes all around till half of the Japanese Hunters were terminated then written off as acceptable losses, and it seems they have alternative plan and narrative to this contingency.

They did a good job on the queen but they got absolutely curb stomped by the black ant. They were all a passing thought to it when it sought out Goto instead, presuming he is their king. Wonder how Goto will fare better, hmm?

...and just when he's about to appear in exchange the episode ends. Goddamn cliffhanger! 😅
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Mar 15, 12:48 PM
Aug 2013
but yeah this ep here is pretty much why the japanese where hating on the manwha understandebly so considering how the autor totally shits on them lol
Mar 15, 12:49 PM
May 2008
Reply to Rom-Com_lover
@UTMAN Did you also see what I wrote at the end?

Rom-Com_lover said:
But yeah I agree that the ant only beat the Korean hunters when he one-shoot the Japanese hunters, which might seem unfair

When I was reading the manhwa, I also had the same thought as you. The author just expressed his hatred towards Japan here. It might be considered as poor writing. But this is just a power fantasy story and I believe most people are watching it only for the fights. So let's just enjoy it how it is.
Rom-Com_lover said:
When I was reading the manhwa, I also had the same thought as you. The author just expressed his hatred towards Japan here. It might be considered as poor writing. But this is just a power fantasy story and I believe most people are watching it only for the fights. So let's just enjoy it how it is.

Yep, and this kinda just ruined the episode/arc for me. As I said, so far I really enjoyed the show. Leaving thePower fantasy story alone, I expect characters written well. And by that I want the characters in the story to act/behave according their characteristics. I don't think that's too much to ask.
Mar 15, 12:49 PM
Jan 2022
best episoade so far
Mar 15, 12:49 PM
Dec 2021
I love so much this anime series <3

Mar 15, 12:58 PM
Sep 2024
chillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls 8)
Mar 15, 1:03 PM
Feb 2023
Loved the Episode absolute Peak
tho right now im not really a Fan of berus voice. would have liked it to be a little more quirky but time will tell
Mar 15, 1:05 PM

May 2020
Another cliff hanger
also the pacing is so fast but its still good
cant wait for sung jin woo to come in and save everyone next ep

Mar 15, 1:06 PM
Sep 2024
Great show love it just killing me with these cliffhangers next week episode will be damn 🔥, not sure why people complain acting like this isn’t a great show every anime is great , no one should even complain about anime since it’s always great , even bad shows are great hell yeah go back to watching regular tv if you complaining about anime for real
Mar 15, 1:08 PM
Jun 2017
im really disappointed by the animation downgrade man...
Mar 15, 1:13 PM

Aug 2020

speechless, it was perfect, the emotions were so good

and the last scene


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Mar 15, 1:19 PM
Jan 2017
This anime and its damn cliffhangers. I swear to god they do it on purpose and it is working lol. Can't wait for next week's exchange.
Mar 15, 1:19 PM
Feb 2023
Mar 15, 1:27 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
-If Jinwoo was going to step in any way if the hunters found themselves on the brink of death, why not come a bit earlier maybe? Like a korean s-rank just died. But we need to display the power of the ant king first so let's let him smack the s-rank hunters around a bit.

-And that's what the KOREAN s-rank hunters get (minus the healer), just a smackdown. Meanwhile our less-than-side-character Japanese s-rank hunters, who have proven stronger than their korean 'comrades', all get instant decapitations. Woo-hoo plot armour. But you know what, not even the manwha could do it, but I could defend this part: the ant king sensed their strength and went in for the kill to be safe. The korean s-rankers he could tell weren't as strong so took the liberty of toying around with them, and just killed the only one that could be a nuisance to him.

^ 100% nitpicks though, that have already been mentioned several times in this thread. Can't really fault solo levelling in particular when every other single show in existence has the same clichés of swooping in at the very last minute, and plot armour for main characters...

.....actually no scratch that for the swooping in at the last minute part, going to have to fault that a little. Most of the time there's some explanation (albeit cheaply written) reason for the savior to arrive late to the party, they were a distance away or finishing up their own battle or whatever it may be. Jinwoo on the other hand... looks like he could have jumped in at any time. Bro is just sitting on a building and just watching the fight I'm assuming through the shadows he put in each of the s-rankers. Dude was actually waiting for the perfect moment to make his entrance, and honestly that makes him lose mad aura points. Make him be caught up in SOMETHING before realizing he has to save the day, but no he is actually just chilling.

Normally I wouldn't think too much of it. I like it when overpowered characters come in at the last minute. But did Jinwoo see the healer die, and decide to wait even longer? Would like to just sweep something little like this under the rug, but honestly it's a bit hard to.

ANYWAY, enough griping about nitpicks that barely matter in a show like this. Man the next two episodes, or one hour episode, or whatever it's going to be, is probably going to be something special again. Last season they absolutely COOKED with Jinwoo vs Igris. They saved the best for last- and no doubt they're going to do the same here. Like today's s-ranks vs ants was alright, but let's be real, nothing really blew you away. They're saving all the juice for the big fight, I hope. Just gonna call him Beru because everyone already is, but Jinwoo vs Beru HAS to be good because like, minor spoilers, ah screw it spoiler tag just in case,

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 15, 1:27 PM

Apr 2013
No Jin for the whole ep til he shows in the last seconds. Man they really know how to ramp up that anticipation for the next episode.
Mar 15, 1:27 PM
Feb 2023
UTMAN said:
Confused_100 said:
I get it. You can, it’s alright. Your right and all.

Btw played with them? The guy technically wanted to torture them other than one tap them. It makes sense because they did kill his mother.

That makes sense in the short term. Because after tormenting them, he does not finish them off, he talks with them. He could have easily eat for example any of the Japanese hunters and ask them about their king for example. For example eat the first girl, then kill the half naked guy, then talk to the guy with glasses. Or do the same thing with the Ice dude and his pair etc etc. The ant villain is all over the place when it comes to writing.
Or why does he go back to instantly one-tapping Japanese right after his talk with the koreans? For all he know the humans are working together, they are the reason the Queen was undefended. Why not torture them?

He saw they were healing so he ate the healer… Like without the healer they are dead anyways to him because they pose zero threat as shown.

Like I believe eating the healer is so much worse because it gives a huge message that they are dead. But tbh the author should have killed 50% of them because 50% of them don’t show up again or be useful. Baek is still useful, Cha 100% shouldn’t die, Choi? Well it would have been impactful if he did because he is useless after this arc. Like some needed plot armor and some didn’t. That’s where I agree but I just don’t agree with notion of “Hey just come in and one tap all of them except one”, because then we would be criticising how stupid he is lol
Mar 15, 1:30 PM
Apr 2023
Straight up peak Beru gave me a shiver down my nutsack
Mar 15, 1:34 PM

Nov 2016
Animation took a hit this episode but even then compared to all the shit anime that exists its still better than average.
Powerfantasies are nothing new but its so nice to at least see a good quality adaptation instead of the same powerpoint shit that doesn't even have a good soundtrack
Mar 15, 1:34 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to Goukenslay
2 more episodes. We finally see our boi come in
Goto saying he felt this aura makes no sense in the anime since they cut out that part where he does sense it
@Goukenslay maybe the animators said fuckit and added it 😂 and the Japanese were portraid to be the bad guys clearly this episode so they aren't gonna take out important stuf anymore at least I hope so
Mar 15, 1:35 PM

Dec 2015
Loved the way they used DARK ARIA <LV2> in this episode
It's adds so much to the scene's impact
Mar 15, 1:37 PM
Feb 2020

taking my entire restraint to wait for the next episode and not start reading the manhwa. solo leveling ftw.
Mar 15, 1:39 PM
Feb 2020
Reply to UTMAN
@deg I don't care about realism. I expect consistent character writing. Which this show failed with its current villain.
@UTMAN stay mad kid
Mar 15, 1:43 PM

Aug 2013
Time to step in after half the force got wiped~~
Mar 15, 1:45 PM
Jan 2024
are half of people here even watching same anime ?? u guys are wondering why mc go in after many has died ? spoiler alert: MC doesnt give a shit about other people he just want to level up
Mar 15, 1:50 PM
Apr 2012
To the ones complaining about Jinwoo waiting to join them, you seem to have forgotten that there's a 10min delay on the recording and they only recorded the korean team. The reason for the delay was so they can censor things and they probably wouldn't want to show the team getting decimated. Not sure there'd been more than 10min since anway.

And sure Jinwoo has put shadows on them but it's not like he can see through them or they can report what's happening, it's only so that he can either teleport to them or have them protect the people if he orders them to.
He probably didn't realize anything was wrong until just before the moment he changed places, probably from the broadcast cutting off or something.
Mar 15, 2:00 PM
Jan 2024
Damn, a masterpiece... What a cliffhanger tho
Mar 15, 2:00 PM
May 2008
Reply to Confused_100
UTMAN said:
Confused_100 said:
I get it. You can, it’s alright. Your right and all.

Btw played with them? The guy technically wanted to torture them other than one tap them. It makes sense because they did kill his mother.

That makes sense in the short term. Because after tormenting them, he does not finish them off, he talks with them. He could have easily eat for example any of the Japanese hunters and ask them about their king for example. For example eat the first girl, then kill the half naked guy, then talk to the guy with glasses. Or do the same thing with the Ice dude and his pair etc etc. The ant villain is all over the place when it comes to writing.
Or why does he go back to instantly one-tapping Japanese right after his talk with the koreans? For all he know the humans are working together, they are the reason the Queen was undefended. Why not torture them?

He saw they were healing so he ate the healer… Like without the healer they are dead anyways to him because they pose zero threat as shown.

Like I believe eating the healer is so much worse because it gives a huge message that they are dead. But tbh the author should have killed 50% of them because 50% of them don’t show up again or be useful. Baek is still useful, Cha 100% shouldn’t die, Choi? Well it would have been impactful if he did because he is useless after this arc. Like some needed plot armor and some didn’t. That’s where I agree but I just don’t agree with notion of “Hey just come in and one tap all of them except one”, because then we would be criticising how stupid he is lol
Confused_100 said:
He saw they were healing so he ate the healer… Like without the healer they are dead anyways to him because they pose zero threat as shown.

On the Japanese hunters he immediately took the healer out. Here, he let the healer heal. And you cannot argue that cause of stealth cause he could sense the healer.
Confused_100 said:
Like I believe eating the healer is so much worse because it gives a huge message that they are dead. But tbh the author should have killed 50% of them because 50% of them don’t show up again or be useful. Baek is still useful, Cha 100% shouldn’t die, Choi? Well it would have been impactful if he did because he is useless after this arc. Like some needed plot armor and some didn’t. That’s where I agree but I just don’t agree with notion of “Hey just come in and one tap all of them except one”, because then we would be criticising how stupid he is lol

I understand that some characters need plot armor. But this felt cheap. At least some important characters so far had believable plot armor. Like the girl in the ice elves where he noticed that the MC is not E hunter so she just went with her guts. BS? Kinda? Belivable? Totatlly.

Here the Author doesn't even try.
Mar 15, 2:01 PM
Jan 2009
Reply to PrynnTze
A week??? Seriously? A week? I have to wait another week? A whole damn week? This was a very good episode and very nice build-up for the next episode but man, this is torture. I mean, seriously. They have truly mastered the art of edging me through cliffhangers.

On a different note, did Jinwoo really have to wait for all of them to get clappedl like that before appearing? I imagine he could have shown up before a taste-test was done on the healer guy's head.
@PrynnTze Arguably he was waiting to see if they could handle it on their own, and they seemed pretty confident so long as they had their healer. Surprisingly confident, actually, given the way they were getting trashed by the ant.

Realistically, the healer died for dramatic effect, so that it would be clear that the protagonist team was truly helpless. RIP dramatic effect healer dude.
Mar 15, 2:03 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to Senpaiiiiiiiii
After half the team dies, our op protagonist here thinks it's finally his time to show off 👏👏👏
@Senpaiiiiiiiii They cut his mother convincing him to go just how they left out full S Korea shitting on him on SNS and in person for not going to the raid.

SL has very to little story, and the very little it has is serviceable at it's best so cutting it out to pad more the fights (understandable since after the demon king they take a nosedive in quality battle per battle) is a bit strange, even more considering that Jinwo's family is the pilar of his internal conflicts and the driver of his actions.
Waifus only represent ideals
Mar 15, 2:05 PM

Apr 2012
My reaction when this episode ended: Fuck you, you overly cool edgelord! LOL

Jinwoo is like that chuunibyou kid, except he HAS actual powers.

The episode was fine, but the fighting really was disappointing. The way all these S-class hunters moved just didn't look impressive. The A-rank that Jinwoo absorbed during the winter-gate wasn't less impressive than these S-rankers. Also, the animation just sucked for these battles, but that comes with another issue: We NEVER get any actual battles. It's always "A is stronger than B, A defeated B". An exciting battle would be "A and B are close to each other in prowess, A narrowly manages to beat B". And this happens throughout the episode, all the way to the end where Goto appears, makes himself look more powerful than the other S-rankers, only to shit his pants when the king ant activates its full aura. And next week Jinwoo will join and probably destroy the king ant.

btw. here's something I don't understand: Regular hunters cannot get stronger, alright. Does this mean those special abilities are also fixed? Did the fire guy have the ability to shoot fire from the beginning of his awakening? Could beast-guy immediately transform into a beast? Or are thse abilities that are trained?

Btw beast-guy being afraid of being "ugly" while transformed is the dumbest bs ever. Like there's not a millions of chicks (and dudes, sigh) who are into buffy furry dads.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Mar 15, 2:09 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to UTMAN
As someone who so far really enjoyed this show... this episode was one of the worst episodes so far. Which is a shame.
Wanted to give it a 1/5 but the animation/music bumped it up to a measly 2/5. So far the worst arc.
I really hate when a show is not really consistent with its characters and the villain here is just not there....

It goes outside the nest and literally goes for 1 hit kills, immediately beheading the Japanese hunters. I can respect that.
Goes back into the nest, and for the Korean hunters, for some reason, let's call it BS plot armor, instead of killing them by one hit like the Japanese ones, he just do blunt attacks, or just goes for limbs. Then TALKS with them. THen he leaves them alive and leaves.... to go back to the Japanese where he goes back from blunt attacks right back to beheading attacks. Like.... I know the writer hates Japan but lol, at least he would not make it so obvious....
@UTMAN Defending from the invader vs torturing the killers of his mother to extract information.
The healer had to go first because it was rendering his attempts useless.

There, now you have a way to cope with the poor writing SL has.
I don't know what kind of expectations people had with the story but you should drop it two or three bars.
Also, starting from later in S3 the quality of the fights will also drop...
Waifus only represent ideals
Mar 15, 2:09 PM
May 2008
Reply to Zeksil
@UTMAN stay mad kid
@Zeksil Says the guy, who is fuming when his cult show gets negative reaction. Projecting much?
Mar 15, 2:17 PM
May 2008
Reply to CorbanEsp
@UTMAN Defending from the invader vs torturing the killers of his mother to extract information.
The healer had to go first because it was rendering his attempts useless.

There, now you have a way to cope with the poor writing SL has.
I don't know what kind of expectations people had with the story but you should drop it two or three bars.
Also, starting from later in S3 the quality of the fights will also drop...
CorbanEsp said:
Defending from the invader vs torturing the killers of his mother to extract information.
The healer had to go first because it was rendering his attempts useless.

Yet, after the information, he still leaves them alive. Also he needs to leave alive 1 to torture=get information. It was Baek. Also Cha got KO-d by a side kick. Not much of a torture there. Why not behead her? Or the bow no-name guy. Also for some reason he senses Goto's energy FROM the cave, but not when he is out WITH the Japanese hunters outside.

CorbanEsp said:
There, now you have a way to cope with the poor writing SL has.
I don't know what kind of expectations people had with the story but you should drop it two or three bars.
Also, starting from later in S3 the quality of the fights will also drop...

A basic arc, where like characters act like their personality? Like so far every arc they did? As I said so far, the show was decent, I have problem with the Jeju Island arc.
Mar 15, 2:18 PM
Dec 2018
Reply to UTMAN
Confused_100 said:
I get it. You can, it’s alright. Your right and all.

Btw played with them? The guy technically wanted to torture them other than one tap them. It makes sense because they did kill his mother.

That makes sense in the short term. Because after tormenting them, he does not finish them off, he talks with them. He could have easily eat for example any of the Japanese hunters and ask them about their king for example. For example eat the first girl, then kill the half naked guy, then talk to the guy with glasses. Or do the same thing with the Ice dude and his pair etc etc. The ant villain is all over the place when it comes to writing.
Or why does he go back to instantly one-tapping Japanese right after his talk with the koreans? For all he know the humans are working together, they are the reason the Queen was undefended. Why not torture them?

I don’t see why the Ant King would resort to torture. Torture feels like a distinctly sociopathic human trait, whereas the Ant King, though furious, seems solely focused on eliminating the human invaders for now. That said, I have no doubt he’ll eventually set his sights on conquering Asia, and possibly the entire world.

In any case, I don’t expect consistent writing from Solo Leveling. With the main character being such a Mary Sue and already overwhelmingly powerful, most of the side characters end up feeling irrelevant.
I like dub more than sub because I am not a weeb.
Mar 15, 2:19 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to BetaMaleUltra
-If Jinwoo was going to step in any way if the hunters found themselves on the brink of death, why not come a bit earlier maybe? Like a korean s-rank just died. But we need to display the power of the ant king first so let's let him smack the s-rank hunters around a bit.

-And that's what the KOREAN s-rank hunters get (minus the healer), just a smackdown. Meanwhile our less-than-side-character Japanese s-rank hunters, who have proven stronger than their korean 'comrades', all get instant decapitations. Woo-hoo plot armour. But you know what, not even the manwha could do it, but I could defend this part: the ant king sensed their strength and went in for the kill to be safe. The korean s-rankers he could tell weren't as strong so took the liberty of toying around with them, and just killed the only one that could be a nuisance to him.

^ 100% nitpicks though, that have already been mentioned several times in this thread. Can't really fault solo levelling in particular when every other single show in existence has the same clichés of swooping in at the very last minute, and plot armour for main characters...

.....actually no scratch that for the swooping in at the last minute part, going to have to fault that a little. Most of the time there's some explanation (albeit cheaply written) reason for the savior to arrive late to the party, they were a distance away or finishing up their own battle or whatever it may be. Jinwoo on the other hand... looks like he could have jumped in at any time. Bro is just sitting on a building and just watching the fight I'm assuming through the shadows he put in each of the s-rankers. Dude was actually waiting for the perfect moment to make his entrance, and honestly that makes him lose mad aura points. Make him be caught up in SOMETHING before realizing he has to save the day, but no he is actually just chilling.

Normally I wouldn't think too much of it. I like it when overpowered characters come in at the last minute. But did Jinwoo see the healer die, and decide to wait even longer? Would like to just sweep something little like this under the rug, but honestly it's a bit hard to.

ANYWAY, enough griping about nitpicks that barely matter in a show like this. Man the next two episodes, or one hour episode, or whatever it's going to be, is probably going to be something special again. Last season they absolutely COOKED with Jinwoo vs Igris. They saved the best for last- and no doubt they're going to do the same here. Like today's s-ranks vs ants was alright, but let's be real, nothing really blew you away. They're saving all the juice for the big fight, I hope. Just gonna call him Beru because everyone already is, but Jinwoo vs Beru HAS to be good because like, minor spoilers, ah screw it spoiler tag just in case,
- He wasn't coming AT ALL, because he had already achieved his goal and only wanted to stay home with his family.
He endured people flamming him online and criticising him in the streets.
His mother convinced him to go do what he must do and that's why he goes, thing is the anime cuts this because... dunno, extended fights (that severely improve the choreography of the manwha I must admit).

- Beru has actual intelligence, he was torturing them for killing the queen before dealing the blow. He also wanted to find the "King".
The healer dies because with him, his torture is rendered useless.

Jinwoo doesn't see what the shadows see iirc, he just senses the shadows fighting/dying and then that's when he takes action (
), before that he might have though everything was under control because yeah, everyone except him is watching the livestream.

The fight will be nowhere as good as igris.
First, like you pointed out, because Igris fight was a struggle and those are enjoyable while, from now on, everything will be reduced to punches (magic? special skills? no longer important, everything will be about punches which makes the nation level hunters feel meh) and Jinwoos lack of struggle will make it a snoozefest in comparison.
Maybe the anime will improve it thanks to original scenes and such, but don't expect anything near Igris again until the dragon showdown which is very much the series finale.
Waifus only represent ideals
Mar 15, 2:20 PM

Feb 2014
I can't stand it, these cliffhangers are destroying my mental and heart health.
Mar 15, 2:23 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to MyllerPhiem
My reaction when this episode ended: Fuck you, you overly cool edgelord! LOL

Jinwoo is like that chuunibyou kid, except he HAS actual powers.

The episode was fine, but the fighting really was disappointing. The way all these S-class hunters moved just didn't look impressive. The A-rank that Jinwoo absorbed during the winter-gate wasn't less impressive than these S-rankers. Also, the animation just sucked for these battles, but that comes with another issue: We NEVER get any actual battles. It's always "A is stronger than B, A defeated B". An exciting battle would be "A and B are close to each other in prowess, A narrowly manages to beat B". And this happens throughout the episode, all the way to the end where Goto appears, makes himself look more powerful than the other S-rankers, only to shit his pants when the king ant activates its full aura. And next week Jinwoo will join and probably destroy the king ant.

btw. here's something I don't understand: Regular hunters cannot get stronger, alright. Does this mean those special abilities are also fixed? Did the fire guy have the ability to shoot fire from the beginning of his awakening? Could beast-guy immediately transform into a beast? Or are thse abilities that are trained?

Btw beast-guy being afraid of being "ugly" while transformed is the dumbest bs ever. Like there's not a millions of chicks (and dudes, sigh) who are into buffy furry dads.
@MyllerPhiem Yes, your abilities come fixed with your awakening and stay there without the intervention of external factors.
S-Rank is just a bin where they throw anyone whose abilities can be measured, but they only share the rank, there's a big gap between them.

Don't think too hard on it, starting two arcs from this one, everything will be solved by punches alone and maybe ocasionally some magic done by the shadows.
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