I Busted 50 Myths in Blue Lock Rivals (Roblox)

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • I Busted 50 Myths in Blue Lock Rivals (Roblox)
    Blue Lock Rivals
    ►Discord: / discord
    ►Business Email: imfiji@amg.gg
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    #Roblox #bluelockRivals

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @Krazto_Nubvs
    @Krazto_Nubvs Месяц назад +53

    8:25 "spin for mythic flow" fiji spins styles lmaoooo😂

  • @juhdkf-sx8li
    @juhdkf-sx8li Месяц назад +19

    10:35 kunigami used to be able to body block the gk out of the goal but they changed it because it probably wasn't intentional

    • @munirhassan-f4c
      @munirhassan-f4c 29 дней назад

      it got patched

    • @juhdkf-sx8li
      @juhdkf-sx8li 29 дней назад

      @@munirhassan-f4c i know that’s what i said did u read everything? “USED TO” and “CHANGED IT”

    • @ShawnMei-mu9zv
      @ShawnMei-mu9zv 4 дня назад

      The probably wasn’t intentional I S stupid

  • @Sherozen
    @Sherozen Месяц назад +11

    8:00 you have to use it outside of the box (nagi's trap to catch the chemical reaction)

  • @romeroyoung-lt1el
    @romeroyoung-lt1el Месяц назад +9

    9:39 no but before Shidou was a mythic, he was a legendary, and he was super broken so I just spent all my money trying to get him

    • @KoaxYT
      @KoaxYT Месяц назад

      I rolled kunigami on my 6th normal spin.

    • @陈云燕
      @陈云燕 Месяц назад

      True before is was buff to mythic is was so easy to spin shidou is like one of the best legendary ever

  • @JackMarcus-g4t
    @JackMarcus-g4t Месяц назад +8

    When the new update came out, I got kunigami first try and I didn’t even know what he was😂😂

    • @Aurora-k4i
      @Aurora-k4i 17 дней назад +1

      I’ve been trying to get kuni since the update 😭

    • @aym.mp3
      @aym.mp3 16 дней назад

      pretty sure they'll nerf him this Saturday, better get sae​@@Aurora-k4i

  • @yessirivas7023
    @yessirivas7023 2 дня назад +2

    7:52 you should’ve been goalkeeper so you can not in the cutscene

  • @Sherozen
    @Sherozen Месяц назад +21

    got rin from a normal spin with no luck increase. which I may have rolled off INTENTIONALLY

    • @jateen2007
      @jateen2007 Месяц назад

      Well i got awk genius on my last lucky spin :)

    • @Notyuki1
      @Notyuki1 Месяц назад

      ​@@jateen2007 i got dribber in first normal spin

    • @robertryanrivera8444
      @robertryanrivera8444 Месяц назад

      I got prodigy when I clicked wild card normal spin(you can now click in the flow to make you slightly luckier)

    • @farheensafdar2509
      @farheensafdar2509 Месяц назад

      Same happened w me cuz I felt his striking ability too hard to aim

    • @TyloJanuarie
      @TyloJanuarie Месяц назад

      I got shidou from a normal spin while I was going for reo

  • @bazlibm6494
    @bazlibm6494 Месяц назад +4

    28:42 bro might be Ronaldo 🗿🗿💯💯🔥

  • @Salman-u3f6p
    @Salman-u3f6p 4 дня назад +2

    1:00 u didn’t moved at the same time as him that’s how u win

  • @Mr_Francisco1
    @Mr_Francisco1 Месяц назад +5

    Fiji your my favorite fisch and blue lock RUclipsr

  • @kagobabusi-l1t
    @kagobabusi-l1t Месяц назад +1

    23:32 I thought they were gonna recreate the nagi goal🤣🤣🤣

  • @joshiyt396
    @joshiyt396 Месяц назад +5

    People who want more videos like that

  • @Люблюсобак-е5ш
    @Люблюсобак-е5ш Месяц назад

    About last myth, gk can actually steal through every skill, he also can steal ult 35:52, BUT if u stole while ult shot cutscene and gone far or shoot it away, ult shoot will happen where ult shoot cutscene starts.

  • @Sky_gaiming
    @Sky_gaiming Месяц назад +57

    Fiji ls 1v1 if I beat you you add me friend and you give 5 spins deal
    Guys ols like so I Fiji can see this caht

    • @StreetmanG
      @StreetmanG Месяц назад +2

      🎉🎉🎉 Fiji cmon

    • @StreetmanG
      @StreetmanG Месяц назад +1

      Give his dram fiji

    • @Sky_gaiming
      @Sky_gaiming Месяц назад +1

      Fiji my user is muad137

    • @bandog2
      @bandog2 Месяц назад +1

      Fiji bro let him he's dream boy🎉❤

    • @KalidAli-to1ty
      @KalidAli-to1ty Месяц назад +1

      Yo get it

  • @adanmcgravymendoza5032
    @adanmcgravymendoza5032 29 дней назад +1

    You could go in your own goal by being inside the gold pattern, it to your goalie and move out the right timing when he’s passing it to you

  • @As_Fresh_As_Loaf_Of_Bread
    @As_Fresh_As_Loaf_Of_Bread Месяц назад +5

    as fresh as loaf of bread

  • @1ts0n1yStar4ust
    @1ts0n1yStar4ust 21 час назад +1

    29:01 the first time I did this they were so surprised 😂

  • @Macedon_ball
    @Macedon_ball Месяц назад +5

    9:30. Yes,and it took 4 normal spins with no luck increase (i got yukimiya)

  • @sayasasakistark7419
    @sayasasakistark7419 12 дней назад +2

    i just started blue lock rivals and i got rin on normal spin like if you want this luck

  • @FlipxerOnYT
    @FlipxerOnYT Месяц назад +3


  • @EnoHoxha-h5c
    @EnoHoxha-h5c Месяц назад +1

    for myth 46 u actually score in ur own net if the ai gk in ur side has the ball and u go in ur own net and make it so the ai passes u and if u jump when the ai passes to u then it will count as a goal for the opposite team

  • @JaxRai
    @JaxRai Месяц назад +4

    Fiji can you play Hogwarts legacy it’s not a Roblox game but it will be really cool to see

  • @typical4tacitical
    @typical4tacitical 11 дней назад

    now fiji knows our pain for rolling 🤣

  • @Bakougan22
    @Bakougan22 Месяц назад +3

    1:10 bro didn't do the myth 💀

  • @KDking54-h4q
    @KDking54-h4q Месяц назад +1

    0:47 Bro he had a head start😭

    • @EzekielJohnCumaya
      @EzekielJohnCumaya Месяц назад

      Even so there technically the same speed but speedster last longer why crow theft can steal the ball

  • @Redemab
    @Redemab Месяц назад +7

    9:29 I rolled aiku in 2 normal spins

    • @KwabenaOwusuAduomi
      @KwabenaOwusuAduomi Месяц назад +2

      I rolled kunigami in 50 normal spin

    • @goofball113
      @goofball113 Месяц назад +2

      i got shidou from like 379? Perhaps normal spins

    • @RayRonaldo-t5w
      @RayRonaldo-t5w Месяц назад

      I rolled aiku with 3 Lucky spins

    • @Sebastiannoe-m4n
      @Sebastiannoe-m4n Месяц назад

      I rolled Aiku and Yukimiya with normal spins

    • @SayerGonzalez
      @SayerGonzalez Месяц назад

      @@RayRonaldo-t5wit’s normal spins 😂 lil bru

  • @RyomenSukuna-uk7rs
    @RyomenSukuna-uk7rs Месяц назад +2

    Dawg. I swear what is happening..
    A coryxkenshin vid is playing rn but the title and everything else is Fiji??????
    my internet sucks😭😭🙏🙏

  • @Hyper_DBL
    @Hyper_DBL Месяц назад +5

    Myth #1: If you tackle someone as soon as they use lethal touch aka/ yukimiya, they will be sent flying.

  • @ZeePlayz-d6m
    @ZeePlayz-d6m Месяц назад

    8:16 he got some of the best FLOWS

  • @MrRshippy57
    @MrRshippy57 Месяц назад +9

    I got rin from normal spins

  • @exactlymini511
    @exactlymini511 29 дней назад

    I once rolled a Rin on a normal spin first try, the strategy is believing that you won’t get a mythic and the game will surprise you with one 😂😂😂


    RUclipsr:spending their money just to get a good style
    Meanwhile me: waiting for 7 days or doing quests or codes

  • @Lunar-g8x
    @Lunar-g8x 20 дней назад +2

    I got kunigami and Lorenzo back to back with money spins I swear

    • @JadNajri
      @JadNajri 20 дней назад

      Same as as my cousin

    • @JadNajri
      @JadNajri 20 дней назад

      He got KUNIGAMI yukimiya and don lernzo with normal spins

    • @SwagPiece-s4k
      @SwagPiece-s4k 19 дней назад +1

      I got kuni and don lorenzo in 9 lucky spins overall

  • @luvkushlaxmiheronamanroy9357
    @luvkushlaxmiheronamanroy9357 Месяц назад +1

    5:30 actually i used joker from my goal to enemy's goal and it worked there was a real goalkeeper in their team 😅

  • @Monkey-70
    @Monkey-70 29 дней назад

    fiji 17:44 the ball can curve with the header it just needs precise timing if you cant do it search up prodigy header

  • @ToodleBlast
    @ToodleBlast Месяц назад +1

    9:31 yes, and i gambled my yuki and got isagi and i dont regret it 😊

  • @parhammajedi3941
    @parhammajedi3941 Месяц назад +1

    ‏‪9:45‬‏ I'm get kunigami ❤😂

  • @dasharkeditzfr
    @dasharkeditzfr Месяц назад +1

    Fiji what do you use to get that anime avatar cam

  • @Not_tlagaming
    @Not_tlagaming Месяц назад +1

    bro you have to look up up up ti make it go super far

  • @Allan-w7u
    @Allan-w7u Месяц назад

    9:10 not the micky voice 😭😭🙏

  • @sahlesamson3057
    @sahlesamson3057 10 дней назад +1

    4:30 who the heck u laughing at

  • @HamzaAdam-s8b
    @HamzaAdam-s8b Месяц назад

    when he typed hola so he could think he was Spanish 22:56

  • @falaah102
    @falaah102 26 дней назад

    You can steal the ball with aiku but he had no other teammates and how forced defense works is it clears the ball to a other teammate so it works

  • @literallybanna5022
    @literallybanna5022 Месяц назад +1

    This guys video are always a fun watch

  • @definitely_nub
    @definitely_nub 22 дня назад +1

    myth 45 it slightly curved at the beginning but then went back to normal shot in 1 sec

  • @emlynvidamo
    @emlynvidamo Месяц назад +1

    8:00 that myth is actually true my friend caught it using nagi's trap

  • @marychirstmist2
    @marychirstmist2 26 дней назад

    0:48 in a race between top speed and long sprint , long sprint wins

    @KAMEN_RIDER_BOI Месяц назад

    9:29 i rolled rin when trying to go for otoya😂😂😂

  • @JaylonWilliams-wv3by
    @JaylonWilliams-wv3by Месяц назад +1

    Yes😂 for that pic 9n yur profile🎉

  • @Fornitemerz45
    @Fornitemerz45 Месяц назад

    funny how fiji and enyoo move to blue lock rivals lol

  • @AdhidevNarayan012
    @AdhidevNarayan012 Месяц назад +1

    fiji the 10th one actually works but u gotta jump and use trap giving u more range

  • @Rtblox-g5q
    @Rtblox-g5q 18 дней назад

    Fiji on 9:08 bro was rolling styles not flows bro

  • @thanhphong27.nguyen60
    @thanhphong27.nguyen60 22 дня назад

    9:31 some guy i know rolled the new don lorenzo style with normal spin

  • @falaah102
    @falaah102 26 дней назад

    On myth 3 i found something so if you actually just head it up you can infinitely do it

  • @FlipxerOnYT
    @FlipxerOnYT Месяц назад

    I love the videos Fiji! Don’t listen to the haters man keep on going I love watching your content.

  • @sharunsharma9155
    @sharunsharma9155 Месяц назад +1

    not a myth but u can shoot the kunigami shot over the gk on the wall and rebound voley it

  • @uchihaclanheadsasuke5020
    @uchihaclanheadsasuke5020 Месяц назад +1

    Karasu would have been faster if crow theft had a ball to target

  • @FiremudiJmd
    @FiremudiJmd Месяц назад +1

    9:28 Yes it’s true, I rolled RIN from a normal spin

    @EVYKYAMIR 25 дней назад

    For your next myth video using king awaken with dribbler flow you can kick across the entire map

  • @JordainWellington-i4d
    @JordainWellington-i4d Месяц назад

    Myth 10 can actually work you just have to be gk (stay in the box) you won’t be in the cut scene if you Gk.
    (If you gk on their team you will be included in the cut scene)

  • @falaah102
    @falaah102 26 дней назад

    You can score a own goal if its you only on ur team and the ai gk picks it up and when he throws it and you jump he throws it into the net Making a own goal

  • @AnpkGamers1235
    @AnpkGamers1235 Месяц назад

    9:49 it took bro 370k to get 1 mythic from normal spin while i got kunigami and prodigy both from normal spin in just 80k

  • @x88.berkay
    @x88.berkay 19 дней назад +1

    why not try the awakening myth with aiku since he can awaken without ball

  • @Pangerplayz
    @Pangerplayz 8 часов назад

    1:54 he did get on 20th spin. Look at the mythic pity

  • @mozarellahits
    @mozarellahits 21 день назад +1

    I got don lorenzo from normal spin💀💀💀💀💀 9:32

  • @Loot_llama2
    @Loot_llama2 Месяц назад +1

    I've rolled mythic from normal spin not lying I rolled shidou

  • @meguru_stan
    @meguru_stan 29 дней назад

    2:10 I actually accidently did that the first time hiori came out

  • @SundarSundar-q7y
    @SundarSundar-q7y 21 день назад

    27:06 WHAT IS BRO DOING💀

  • @RayyanBhatti-np8kp
    @RayyanBhatti-np8kp Месяц назад

    Also I spinner yuki first try with a normal spin lolllll Fiji your luck is good for getttign the stuff you don’t want lol

  • @antoniosoriano7416
    @antoniosoriano7416 Месяц назад

    Fiji can you do a myth the bigger the level you are the higher the chance you can get a mythical from lvl 1 and 30

  • @Ultimategamerreal787
    @Ultimategamerreal787 Месяц назад +1

    I rolled Rin on normal spin it only took 5 spin 😅 but I was a newbie and spinned in over isagi😢 and when I knew it I just got so depressed brush 😅

  • @GreenArrowanimates-f8h
    @GreenArrowanimates-f8h Месяц назад

    9:24 actually I got yukimiya 😂

  • @jeremyzhang9390
    @jeremyzhang9390 23 дня назад

    9:40 I just spun donlorenzo with a normal spin so I think it's pretty possible but you have to be the ultimate gamble aka hakari

  • @nathanyeptho2077
    @nathanyeptho2077 Месяц назад

    "I busted on 50 myths" 🤤

  • @CommentlordMC
    @CommentlordMC Месяц назад

    Otoya ult is the strongest shot in the game(i scored behind the half pitch with that shot looking down

  • @EthanBSP
    @EthanBSP 20 дней назад

    I got shidou from a normal spin and you did style not flow hahaha😂

  • @amosrien
    @amosrien 7 дней назад

    9:32 I just got kunigami normal spin like 5 mins ago😅

  • @Bacon-h2u
    @Bacon-h2u Месяц назад

    Fiji I rolled a mythic with common spin lol its so 🔥 I love shidou

  • @BatBold-b8j
    @BatBold-b8j Месяц назад +1

    King flow king roll shot so long!!!

  • @tjnaturebytes
    @tjnaturebytes Месяц назад

    cool vid fiji'

  • @Zaid3mk_3
    @Zaid3mk_3 Месяц назад

    Fiji they add the thing that give a Lil luck for flow

  • @chaz-w3q
    @chaz-w3q Месяц назад

    myth: u can shoot stronger when you shoot upwards than straight

  • @Phonkisbad
    @Phonkisbad Месяц назад

    Fiji, with joker its possible to score from full field i was able to do it before

  • @falaah102
    @falaah102 26 дней назад

    Prodigy header curves if you self pass and time it

  • @JJNProdz2.0
    @JJNProdz2.0 Месяц назад

    Look in the mirror sharp as a blade goshdamn I love my low taper fade

  • @hampter313
    @hampter313 Месяц назад

    I have scored Kunigami Power shot from the full field as GK. U need Flow and no GK active in post it has to be an egoist one and Aim at the top middle of ur screen. And u should score

  • @RozalynaReed
    @RozalynaReed Месяц назад +1

    Your the best I love your vids😊

  • @sandeshtamang6478
    @sandeshtamang6478 Месяц назад +1

    i rolled shidou first lucky spin and kunigami 4th or 5th lucky spin

  • @RigsangdorjeeBhutia
    @RigsangdorjeeBhutia Месяц назад

    I think power shot can score from full field if u have kings instinct flow😅

  • @Mason-h2m6s
    @Mason-h2m6s Месяц назад

    next time use kings in sting flow 5:15

  • @GoofyGod_FR
    @GoofyGod_FR Месяц назад +1

    if you run while kicking you go faster

  • @suvamplayz1442
    @suvamplayz1442 28 дней назад

    13:16 I've done it before. I scored

  • @RayyanBhatti-np8kp
    @RayyanBhatti-np8kp Месяц назад

    Once yeah I saw Simone use final shot from full court

  • @cosmic_baller
    @cosmic_baller 2 дня назад

    Myth (actually no its a fact) if you do normal header then immediately look up, do a high header, then look down do a normal header and repeat you can do over 4 headers or maybe infinite headers

  • @hughielynch1572
    @hughielynch1572 6 дней назад

    11:47 you can rainbow flick scorpion goal

  • @Goat1221
    @Goat1221 Месяц назад

    Am huge fan and I saw u in a game

  • @omariotaffe
    @omariotaffe Месяц назад +1

    day 30 of asking Fiji for dragon

  • @MatthewKeithENatividadELcrazy
    @MatthewKeithENatividadELcrazy Месяц назад

    Fiji you can just flick the ball then time it to do a scorpion shoot

  • @ethanplayz999
    @ethanplayz999 Месяц назад

    9:42 I got Rin and Aiku from normal spins😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @abutalha62
    @abutalha62 Месяц назад

    Myth 7 power shot actually work from full field use king insticnt + ice flow boost and u can shot it from your gk post to other