  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • In this video, you'll learn all about the "stay" command and how to teach it to your dog. We'll cover the basics of teaching your dog to stay in place, including how to gradually increase the duration of the stay and how to introduce distractions. You'll also learn some tips and tricks for reinforcing the stay command and troubleshooting common issues that may arise. By the end of this video, you'll have a well-behaved pup who knows exactly how to stay!
    Are you looking for premium dog training products? Look no further than the German Shepherd Shop (germanshepherd.... As a professional dog trainer, I highly recommend and use their products. Use code NATE at checkout for a discount. Your purchases contribute to my RUclips channel and enable us to provide valuable resources to the community.
    Take your dog training skills to the next level with my dog training manual (amzn.to/2P2tyQH). You'll learn all my tips and tricks and become an expert in no time. And don't forget to subscribe to my channel for new dog training videos each week.
    Ready to elevate your dog training experience? Become a channel member for just $1.99 per month and get access to live Q&As, custom emojis, badges, and more. Sign up here: www.youtube.co....
    For more great content, visit my website (www.nateschoem...) and follow me on social media. You can also support my channel by joining my Facebook group ( / nateschoemers , checking out my shop (nateschoemersh..., or becoming a Patreon ( / nateschoemer .
    Don't miss my comprehensive video on how to train any dog with proven success on my RUclips channel ( • Everything You NEED To... .
    You can also catch me on ANIMAL PLANET's hit show Rescue Dog to Super Dog. Follow me on social media to stay up to date: Instagram ( / nateschoemer , Facebook ( / nateschoemer , TikTok ( / nateschoemer .
    Lastly, protect your pups with pet insurance from Prudent Pet (www.prudentpet.... With customizable plans and a 5% discount when you sign up through my link, you can't go wrong. *Discount not available in FL, ME, TN, PA, and SC.
    I would like to give a special thanks to my editor, Ahsan, for his hard work in creating this video. If you're interested in his editing services, you can reach him at Ahsansiddique440@gmail.com

Комментарии • 52

  • @palmermakesmusic
    @palmermakesmusic 6 месяцев назад +2

    my right ear loved this video

  • @SomeMinorDogTraining
    @SomeMinorDogTraining 11 месяцев назад

    For anyone reading this: I know that dog training can be difficult sometimes, but you're doing great. Keep up the good work, and your dog (and your own sanity) will thank you for it! ❤️💕

  • @wendygreene6012
    @wendygreene6012 2 года назад +4

    As a dog trainer who is continually trying to refine my skills not only to train dogs but to train people to train their own dogs, I find this tremendously helpful. Thank you.

  • @Vishal-lo8pz
    @Vishal-lo8pz 2 года назад +3

    Nate is the best. He tells in the easiest way. I taught my dog 2 years ago following everything Nate taught. Now I am watching Nate again to know if I am doing it wrong recently

  • @samwell707
    @samwell707 2 года назад +1

    Nate really is a must watch for any one wanting to train their dog

  • @bergerblancsuisse.
    @bergerblancsuisse. 2 года назад +1

    Definitely the best STAY COMMAND I've seen! Thank you for being so clear!

    • @NateSchoemer
      @NateSchoemer  2 года назад +1

      Wow, thank you! :)

    • @bergerblancsuisse.
      @bergerblancsuisse. 2 года назад

      @@NateSchoemer One question we had regarding the terminal marker and break commands. Our dog always enters a sit stay before we open the outside door and we have been releasing her with our terminal marker. As there is no food/toy reward, should we start releasing her with the break command instead?

  • @susans7091
    @susans7091 10 месяцев назад

    Very helpful to see how to Not reward if they made a mistake and then correct it, only then verbal reinforcement instead of food.

  • @comicsgator
    @comicsgator 2 года назад

    Awesome. Thanks!

  • @Sunshines83
    @Sunshines83 2 года назад +1

    Love watching your training videos! Thank you so much for the great information! I have a 100 lbs 8 month old GSD. Your videos have saved the family and taught us how to train him properly.

  • @sylviamcneill4372
    @sylviamcneill4372 2 года назад +1

    Another great one, Nate. Whereas my pup does know the stay command in both the sit and down off the climb, I am going to back up and use this exercise to tighten up the behavior. When my husband and I are getting both pups ready for going on their walks, which we go in separate directions, or going to town, when everyone is together, the preparation gets quite chaotic if a stay is not enforced. A very helpful command for everyone to know.
    Regarding treating to teach the "wrong" I, personally, would not do that. My pup learned very quickly doing something incorrectly can get him a reward. So I stopped that and have gone the perhaps slower way to understanding the "wrong" rather than him testing the system. I imagine as all dogs, and people, are different it is good to adjust to what works for you and your pet.

  • @scheema2646
    @scheema2646 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks for very nice training tips👍🏻I trained my puppy just followed your videos and he passed Nasdu level 2 and also perfect for searching works so thanks a lot❤️👍🏻

  • @Ianick87
    @Ianick87 2 года назад

    What’s going on here? Lol I cant believe I just found this channel! It’s the best of all!!
    I’m getting a new puppy soon and need to know how to get in! I’m in Louisiana, if anybody around practice the same techniques please reach out.
    Nate, how do I get in? I need this in my life!

  • @Coffeechat1979
    @Coffeechat1979 2 года назад +1

    I love these because its so interesting to watch my own mistakes I do😂🤣 My question though and I've tried to ask others this but nobody has given me an answer. 🤷‍♀️ Is it better to start training with a leash on my dog? She's knows if she's being trained with treats she listens for the most part but the stay command were having a little harder time with.

    • @miratraven5755
      @miratraven5755 2 года назад

      Our dog started with all her training on leash. It helped to be able to hold her accountable with everything. I would say that yes you should train with a leash for the first couple of weeks to get a basic foundation down and then you could transfer to off leash in the house or yard but still on leash when out in public or on a walk. Then ofc if you got high enough in obedience you could have off leash in more public places also. A leash provides the ability to hold your dog accountable quickly and easily when you are training.

    • @Coffeechat1979
      @Coffeechat1979 2 года назад

      @@miratraven5755 Thank you, I kept watching videos on different obedience training and everything I saw was with a leash but they were always out in public and not in their homes. But I was wondering if keeping her on a leash even while we were at home doing training if keeping her on a leash would keep her more focused on me as well? Don't get me wrong she is definitely treated motivated, she would do just about anything for a treat but I'm wondering if not only the treats help but the leash as well. You answered my question😊 Thank you again❤

    • @miratraven5755
      @miratraven5755 2 года назад +1

      @@Coffeechat1979 my dog is more focused with a leash. We are in a point of our training where positive punishment can also be added to get a better outcome obedience wise. We will use a basic slip leash if I am working in my house or in our garage, or a prong collar or e collar when out in public. Obviously if you don’t want to use positive punishment in your training you don’t have to. It is just what we use. And because we use it I can direct it for more focused behaviors once my dog knows them. For example if you dog has a focus or what me command and they break it after you have been practicing with them months to not break it, adding a leash pop would help bring attention back to you. This is personal preference about how you use this information. Personally I do think my dog pays attention more on leash because I can more easily enforce her cues and also manage her environment. Hope this helps more.

    • @Coffeechat1979
      @Coffeechat1979 2 года назад +1

      @@miratraven5755 okay, I will definitely try anything at this point, she's almost 100lb's and she gets so excited at times its hard to control her🤦‍♀️ especially with certain family members (kids/gkids). I have a problem collar for her and I have used it a few times when we've gone on walks but I haven't tried it in just a general everyday training situations. The funny thing is I should have thought about it before because she does really well on it on our walks. Thank you so much for helping me and giving me some pointers I really do appreciate it. 😊

    • @miratraven5755
      @miratraven5755 2 года назад

      @@Coffeechat1979 yeah. I hope with the training sessions on leash they get better and you can trust them more. I am glad I was able to help a you out a little

  • @mell.7817
    @mell.7817 2 года назад

    Another great training video. These really help.

  • @silverfang9308
    @silverfang9308 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for these videos. I just started training other people's dogs, and I have learned so much from your videos.

  • @Zionsol777
    @Zionsol777 Год назад


  • @Andy.A..
    @Andy.A.. 2 года назад

    Love your videos Nate. Been a long time viewer and I remember watching all your videos in the weeks leading up to us getting our puppy thinking I’ll have the most well training dog in the neighborhood!! I still have a lot of work to do with him but your techniques and explanations are some of the best on RUclips!

  • @suesmith7946
    @suesmith7946 2 года назад

    As usual, great explanations Nate. I always get something from your videos - even if it's a different way of explaining to my class what to do.

  • @JeremyRicketts
    @JeremyRicketts 2 года назад +1

    This is great! The video editing is really engaging and all the cuts and angles add visual interest. Nate I know you're always trying to improve this channel so the one constructive comment I'd add is that some video stabilization might help a bit! There are some moments where the camera shake makes it hard to focus on your face while you talk or the handler's hands as they work. Overall, I'm loving this though!

    • @NateSchoemer
      @NateSchoemer  2 года назад +1

      Thanks! And I couldn't agree more. I tell everyone that who films me, yet I still often get shaky footage. You can see how I film by watching the trick series with Maureen. I even show this as an example, yet I still get shaky footage 🤦‍♂️. Here's the link to the video: ruclips.net/video/cSJ5gAmPRfE/видео.html

    • @JeremyRicketts
      @JeremyRicketts 2 года назад

      @@NateSchoemer Yes! Also, I loved that series with Maureen. Like you she is such a clear instructor and a dynamic presenter. It's so hard to narrate a video and do anything else - let alone work with a live animal!
      Okay, thinking like a good dog trainer and trying to take a new approach to get the same result: I wonder if you could ask the camera operators to take two giant steps back and frame shots wider than they would naturally. Then you could use that extra breathing room on the margins to apply some camera shake reduction across the board. Most video editing apps have this built in (even iMovie has it). This way the camera operators aren't having to learn something new or use unfamiliar hardware like a gimbal.

    @PETGURU2 2 года назад

    hi nate can i do ur interview
    it will be based on questions from country like pakistan and india and keep a dog in those countries have their own issues and problems for which they need guidance.
    and ask you bout those questions would be really helpfull

  • @phillipm6481
    @phillipm6481 Год назад

    Cool stuff man. Dogs rule. I wish I could work with dogs ….

  • @fmknokey
    @fmknokey 2 года назад +1

    Great training session. I really like seeing you train people AND the dogs. It makes it real when you see others struggling to learn how best to train. What dog breed do you think is easier to train, GSD or a lab? Are female dogs easier than males? Thanks

    • @SouthernCharmaine
      @SouthernCharmaine Год назад

      In my 50 years experience I’d definitely say a GSD is by far easier to train than a Labrador. Females aren’t quite as head strong and dominant as male GSD’s tend to be. I’ve found you have to be a strong leader to own a male GSD. Just my humble opinion😊

    • @fmknokey
      @fmknokey Год назад

      @@SouthernCharmaine Thanks for the reply. I have had several breeders tell me females GSD are easier, also.

  • @CamilleGG451
    @CamilleGG451 Год назад

    Awesome as always NATE! I'm always a little confused by things like at 9:40... I totally get trying to proof the stay- but if we're looking at the dog and somewhat excitedly waving a toy then tossing it, doesn't that sort of "water down" the moments when we're trying to build drive and engagement? Maybe the answer is if you did it a lot I guess that would be a problem but just a little test here and there is okay...? 🤔 TIA any input!

  • @ridiculous11000
    @ridiculous11000 Год назад

    These videos are great thanks. I have a n00b question. Is it true you don’t actually introduce the word “stay” and actually say “stay” to the dog during training until the dog can prove to 100% fully stay with all kinds of distractions right? Thanks in advance

  • @ananthdayakar4401
    @ananthdayakar4401 2 года назад +1

    Great video as always, golden nuggets of information peppered throughout the entire video! I'm currently having a small issue with introducing leash pressure to my pup, he just starts to bite his leash whenever any pressure is applied, got any advice for that? Once again, thank you for these amazing videos!

    • @NateSchoemer
      @NateSchoemer  2 года назад +1

      Thanks! Yes, usually popping the leash out of the dogs mouth is enough of a deterrent to quickly stop the issue. :)

  • @efrainhernandezsanchez3681
    @efrainhernandezsanchez3681 11 месяцев назад

    What type of dog is beatris teaching? German shepherd mix with what other dog? I really like the hairy blond with puffy tail and dark mussel.

  • @dogtrainingandtricksmorans3760
    @dogtrainingandtricksmorans3760 2 года назад +1

    Nat ..I have one question...I have Belgium malinous he is doing obedience but slowly....what should I do

    • @NateSchoemer
      @NateSchoemer  2 года назад


  • @ChefMac1025
    @ChefMac1025 Год назад

    I have a Belgian Malinois but I can't take 3 steps without him following. How can I get him to stay? He is about 8 months

  • @ireneoppliger718
    @ireneoppliger718 2 года назад

    I think its a long time ( sit) for such a small puppy😳

  • @margaretstieber7745
    @margaretstieber7745 2 года назад +2

    How do you suggest training a 9 month old Doberman to STOP jumping/humping us???
    Desperate in need of help.

    • @NateSchoemer
      @NateSchoemer  2 года назад

      Check out this video. ruclips.net/video/QSxy_EIYyoQ/видео.html

  • @LauraHopkinsCDL
    @LauraHopkinsCDL 2 года назад

    Nate I cannot hear you at all in the last few videos. Everyone else is loud and clear.

  • @dogtrainingandtricksmorans3760
    @dogtrainingandtricksmorans3760 2 года назад

    Plz reply

  • @nikomcbryan8378
    @nikomcbryan8378 2 года назад

    No sound