The Single Best Supplement To Never Age

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • This supplement isn’t just for bodybuilders-its potential benefits for skin health and anti-aging are gaining attention. Chances are its already in your house. Women benefit most but often men are taking it. In this video, I break down the science and its role in collagen production, hydration, and overall skin vitality. I dive into the latest research, separating hype from fact, This video is a must-watch!
    Gua Sha Course: store.rajanimd...
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    FTC: Some links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I truly appreciate your support of my channel. Thank you for watching! Video is not sponsored.
    DISCLAIMER: This video does not contain any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment advice. Content provided on this RUclips Channel is for informational purposes only. For any medical or health related advice, please consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals. Further, information about specific products or treatments within this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @rajanimdskincare
    @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +80

    Gua Sha Course:

    • @rosariesbyvictoria8515
      @rosariesbyvictoria8515 Месяц назад +6

      I ordered the gua sha, dermaroller, turmeric gummy, and facial cleanser. I received the dermaroller & cleanser the other day.
      VERY impressed with how quickly it came.
      I have irestore for hair. Omnilux face & neck redlight. Solawave for eyes.
      I have a basic gua sha redlight comb & glide already. However, I had to try yours.
      Thank you for all you do to make us look how we feel.

    • @sherrymiller8167
      @sherrymiller8167 Месяц назад +3

      I want to say that I have two wrinkles one in each side of my face and I noticed and I don’t like and then it’s my eyes I have crows feet and darkened under eyes

    • @EVA-ki5vw
      @EVA-ki5vw Месяц назад +2

      Alright doc but you're hot, just in case nobody told you today.

    • @stocksconfidential8862
      @stocksconfidential8862 Месяц назад +2

      I went to your website. I cannot find the creatine supplement or any sort of facial cream with that in it. I'm 56. help! would love to try it. Can you please link in the description? Thanks

    • @paola2455
      @paola2455 Месяц назад +3

      You explain wonderfully!🤩

  • @rosannapapa1740
    @rosannapapa1740 Месяц назад +499

    Weight training is the fountain of youth! I’m 61 and weight train 5-6x a week, take 5g of creatine daily and eat lots of protein and vegetables and I don’t eat any sugar or refined carbs and very limited alcohol.

    • @Bunny11344
      @Bunny11344 Месяц назад +17

      I’m in my early 30s I been lifting weights for 6 years now and love it but I’ve never taken creatinine cause I heard it can cause thinning hair. Most guys I know that take it are bald or have thin hair.

    • @griselda425
      @griselda425 Месяц назад +21

      @Bunny11344my friend and I started taking creatine but we both stopped because her hair and mine was falling like crazy… scary. I rather have my hair than a muscular body and bald head.

    • @Bunny11344
      @Bunny11344 Месяц назад +12

      @@griselda425 ya that’s why I’m afraid to start.. nobody ever tells u it can affect your hair and the studies and inconclusive..

    • @shannapenrod8700
      @shannapenrod8700 Месяц назад +9

      Yes, I'm on creatine. I love it. I have built muscle from my 30s to my 40s thank God to creatine plus I love the mental clarity that it brings taking daily.

    • @hanabenesova6852
      @hanabenesova6852 Месяц назад +3

      Very nice Women 👍

  • @leontinen9689
    @leontinen9689 Месяц назад +941

    I'm going to be 75 this year and weight 130 lb. I go to the gym three times a week to weight train. My deadlift is 180 lb. Barbell Back squats 145 lb. Farmers carry 75 lb kettle bell in each hand and can push and pull a 245 lb sled. Start out small but challenge yourself and continue even if you don't feel like. The rewards can't be beat.

    • @cherylfyfe1988
      @cherylfyfe1988 Месяц назад +13

      Wow love to hear that 😊

    • @gamergamer6241
      @gamergamer6241 Месяц назад +12


    • @river4140
      @river4140 Месяц назад +7


    • @florencetivoli10
      @florencetivoli10 Месяц назад +18

      you didn't say if you took creatine as you?

    • @X-157.98
      @X-157.98 Месяц назад +9

      Awesome 👍😎
      I wanna be like you at that age.

  • @user-sr7er6zu4q
    @user-sr7er6zu4q Месяц назад +596

    As a 4th-year kinesiology student, I recommend taking creatine with food (especially glucose). When glucose channels open, insulin is released, which helps transport both glucose and creatine into the muscles. This enhances creatine uptake and muscle hydration, making it more effective!!!

    • @PublicServiceForTruth
      @PublicServiceForTruth Месяц назад +19

      You could use taurin to increase the effect

    • @sandyduane8126
      @sandyduane8126 Месяц назад +5

      What would you recommend specifically? Glucose wise? :)

    • @user-sr7er6zu4q
      @user-sr7er6zu4q Месяц назад +33

      @ Glucose is in most foods we eat, so you don’t really need to take something extra sweet. When you eat a high-carb meal (like rice, pasta, or oats), insulin is released, activating glucose transporters (GLUT-4) and sodium-dependent creatine transporters at the same time. This helps creatine get into the muscles more efficiently for faster and more effective absorption!

    • @user-sr7er6zu4q
      @user-sr7er6zu4q Месяц назад +4

      @ cool gotta look into it! ty!

    • @HotStuff2476
      @HotStuff2476 Месяц назад +2

      Thank you! ❤

  • @Roberta_Rams
    @Roberta_Rams 17 дней назад +175

    I just wonder how many supplements do we have to take per day to stay young 😃 the list is never ending - primerose, omega 3, folic acid, selenium, resveratrol, Nad, mcm, vitamin C, collagen, K2, B12, vitamin D and now creatine monohydrate to add on top 😊 who can tell what is the best top 5??

    • @capellihairextsny
      @capellihairextsny 16 дней назад +23

      @@Roberta_Rams all u need is d3/k2 and mag at night. Everything else get from your food sources

    • @tivsma
      @tivsma 16 дней назад +22

      I feel the same way. I narrowed it down (for me) to a multi (that includes biotin and zinc), a D/K2/A combo in one, a multi-magnesuim, a marine collagen, lutein and creatine (with food, and not with coffee). I simply cannot do any more, as much as I would like to, these are my essentials. It all really adds up.

    • @OneWhoKN0ZE
      @OneWhoKN0ZE 15 дней назад +5

      Folic acid is a no no.

    • @PatriceMcCutcheon
      @PatriceMcCutcheon 14 дней назад +1

      Yes I agree.

    • @PatriceMcCutcheon
      @PatriceMcCutcheon 14 дней назад +4

      ​@OneWhoKN0ZE. Folic acid yes deffo yes. But it's folate better.

  • @morena012
    @morena012 Месяц назад +310

    Tips: Take your creatine scoop right after you eat. Exercise so the creatine starts working and getting into the muscles so your body doesn't get rid of it. Make sure it is Monohydrated, so it doesn't damage your kidneys.

    • @kimyoung7457
      @kimyoung7457 Месяц назад +8

      Hi, I do exercise classes in the morning hours & would you recommend taking creatine right after a class or wait till I eat later in the day. Thank you.

    • @mcrsmash8319
      @mcrsmash8319 Месяц назад +10

      it doesnt matter when you take it. The only thing that matters is if you are taking it every day

    • @fredacharbel7510
      @fredacharbel7510 Месяц назад +8

      Any brand suggestions that is 100% flavourless? And is there a tablets?

    • @morena012
      @morena012 Месяц назад

      @@fredacharbel7510 . I take BodyTech from the vitamin Shop. 100 % pure Creatine Monohydrated. unflavored.

    • @valeriemedina.drawingonspirit
      @valeriemedina.drawingonspirit Месяц назад +8

      Thank you I tried it without food and had immediate tummy problems- did realize it was better to take after eating-

  • @Mary-fv4bn
    @Mary-fv4bn Месяц назад +128

    I love using a gua sha tool every morning after I have applied organic castor oil to my face, neck and clavicle areas. It’s amazing how much stress you can carry in your face.

    • @bonniebonnie9388
      @bonniebonnie9388 Месяц назад +10

      I was thinking about taking Castor for my facial skin, they say it promotes a youthful appearance, is The castor oil working for you?

    • @Mary-fv4bn
      @Mary-fv4bn Месяц назад +12

      @ Absolutely! I learned about it from this channel. He calls at nature’s Botox.

    • @mrsmacca126
      @mrsmacca126 Месяц назад +20

      * cold- pressed Castor Oil, with NO hexane!!! In a dark, GLASS container. Game- changer.

    • @mrsmacca126
      @mrsmacca126 Месяц назад +8

      All the dermatologists on You Tube say that red- light therapy and gums ha, face yoga is bogus. Hard to know what to believe.

    • @Mary-fv4bn
      @Mary-fv4bn Месяц назад +8

      @ using a Gosha tool is like getting a facial massage.

  • @TammyCondren
    @TammyCondren Месяц назад +216

    I’m 55 & lift weights 3 times/week. Been working out since I was 19 years old! Yes, it does get harder to stay strong as u age, but it is possible if u work at it❤

    • @coredadventure1
      @coredadventure1 Месяц назад +5

      Yeah I'm 53 and I started when I was 13 it's work but worth it I'm very strong and fit

    • @lillianvaldi7669
      @lillianvaldi7669 Месяц назад +5

      What brand of Creatine do you use? Thx 🙏🏼

    • @shanikae8
      @shanikae8 Месяц назад +1

      What food will provide you with Creatin

  • @DebbySolivani
    @DebbySolivani Месяц назад +191

    Thank you for talking about creatine. It never gets credit on skin youthfulness and cognitive function as if it’s only used by gym goers or bodybuilders. It’s a wonderful supplement, and if you’re not on it, listen to the doc and start taking it daily!

    • @laureenminifie6903
      @laureenminifie6903 27 дней назад +4

      Does it make your hair fall out though? I'm worried about that.

    • @DebbySolivani
      @DebbySolivani 27 дней назад +5

      @ Absolutely not. It’s not a steroid, and not a medicine. Me and my husband take it for years, not a hair fell 😉(I’m 44 and he’s 37 and he has long hair)

    • @khaledhusseinhamdi
      @khaledhusseinhamdi 15 дней назад

      ​for man yes increase dht make my hair fall ​out@@DebbySolivani

    • @Db-lm1qn
      @Db-lm1qn 14 дней назад

      @@DebbySolivanihi which one do you take? Thanks

  • @emmaleechase613
    @emmaleechase613 Месяц назад +82

    I’m so thrilled that you’re covering women’s health, menopause and age management issues. Sarcopenia is a strong predictor of one’s health trajectory.

    • @loveconquersall143
      @loveconquersall143 29 дней назад +4

      I have ended up with Sarcopenia (and chronic fatigue) due to sleep apnea! After feeling so unwell for over 10 years, I was finally diagnosed yesterday! Great comment ❤

  • @kay__
    @kay__ Месяц назад +294

    You're an angel for taking your time to post educational videos. Ty Dr. Rajani ❤

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +33

      Thanks @kay__ Prevention and awareness are so so important

    • @annthomson5648
      @annthomson5648 Месяц назад +4

      I agree

    • @chrisharris4157
      @chrisharris4157 Месяц назад +9

      He truly is.

    • @aprilrain2011
      @aprilrain2011 Месяц назад

      What are you talking about? Everything i find says he is board certified. Would be a terrible mistake for you to be wrong!​@kadzo6614

  • @grantmail4112
    @grantmail4112 Месяц назад +70

    Creatine is a big thing in the building scene.. I stopped taking it as there were a lot of people saying it caused hair loss. BUT... after doing more research since your video... I now know that research is unfounded... and the benefits are huge over a lifetime... so without a doubt, I will start taking it again. Including brain function, skin spots, aging diseases, strength, and youthful appearance.. great advice.

    • @zach3136
      @zach3136 23 дня назад

      NO, it does not cause hair loss:
      it's NOT the Creatine - I'm 60, stay fit, rarely eat sugar or anything from a can or a box, ONLY drink distilled water, take creatine almost daily for decades, work out pretty much every day, dont smoke, dont drink alcohol, dont take drugs and still have a great hairline - even though the men on both moms and dads side of family all started losing hair in their 20's and 30's - THE HAIR LOSS IS NOT THE CREATINE!
      Likely culprits for hair loss and most other illness:
      -pharrma... OTC or Prescribed (especially the things put into the arms)
      -processed foods (canned or boxed...)
      -fast foods (mcD's, BK..etc. it's all toxic and not even really food)
      -tap or store bought "drinking water" is always bad for you - (you should only get distilled - get a test kit and spot check it to make sure pure...)
      -GMO foods
      -cosmetics - especially those with sunscreen in them
      -sunscreen (one of the worst things you can do for your body - and STOP wearing uv blocking sunglasses and you wont even get sunburn - unless you stay out long enough to blister...)
      Many other things but one good rule - if it doesnt come naturally from the ground, DONT EAT IT (naturally derived vitamins and minerals are the exception - they cost more but are worth it considering that farmers overuse the fields and deplete the natural elements in the foods... we dont live in the 1800's anymore.)
      And STOP listening to anything mainstream - if you only knew how badly you were being lied to... If some "authority" figure on the Teee Vee's lips are moving - 99.999% chance it's BS.

    • @Spirtualpath56
      @Spirtualpath56 18 дней назад +2

      I had quite a bit of hair loss

    • @ringtail1410
      @ringtail1410 14 дней назад +2

      It definitely causes hairloss. Go on any video on here or to elsewhere on the internet about the subject and you'll find thousands of men in the replies stating that it caused their hairloss and even some that state that hair recovered once they ceased using it. People who sell creatine will always tell you what is best for their bank balance

  • @gamacaluso
    @gamacaluso Месяц назад +210

    The doctor is correct!!! I’m 70 and take this supplement. The only problem is I wish I knew this when I was younger. 🥰

  • @rainbowgoddess777
    @rainbowgoddess777 27 дней назад +170

    The best anti age is being on your souls' path. Having a positive mind set. And a healthy lifestyle, which you automatically have when following your souls' path

  • @luminor0077
    @luminor0077 Месяц назад +72

    I didn't think about creatine's anti-aging benefits until your video, so after doing a bit more research, I will be taking it again daily forever. I used to take it for muscle gain, but now I will be taking it for anti-aging. Without this video, I wouldn't have considered it. Thanks!

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +8


    • @sandrafranks1854
      @sandrafranks1854 Месяц назад +6

      When could one reasonably expect to start seeing results? 30 days??

    • @Db-lm1qn
      @Db-lm1qn 14 дней назад

      Which one do you take

  • @سلمى-ر8ذ
    @سلمى-ر8ذ Месяц назад +99

    Aging isn’t just about muscle loss-it’s a complex process affecting cells, energy production, and inflammation. While creatine may help preserve muscle when combined with strength training, it doesn’t reverse aging or prevent mitochondrial decline.
    For older adults, excess creatine can stress the kidneys and liver, especially if function is already compromised. Instead of relying on supplements, the best approach is balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and strong social connections-these have a far greater impact on healthy aging than any single supplement.

    • @JohnnyArtPavlou
      @JohnnyArtPavlou 16 дней назад +5

      Yes to social connections! ❤❤❤

    • @Jess-n5v
      @Jess-n5v 6 дней назад +4

      I love this comment.

  • @anniedjaswadi
    @anniedjaswadi Месяц назад +17

    I'm going 74 this year my weight is 100lbs. I dont used sugar, don't eat any sweet. My Daily activities is workout and jogging 5km. My nutrition is my medication!

    • @skinnydee1886
      @skinnydee1886 Месяц назад

      Would you mind telling me what are the nutritious medication you are taking? Thank you and God bless 🙏

  • @KVWPB
    @KVWPB 16 дней назад +13

    I am 49 in full menopause I hate everything about my body I was always 115 lbs now it’s 174 😞😞I am glad i found your channel ❤️❤️❤️thank you !!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  16 дней назад +4

      Thanks @KVWPB. I very much appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. It helps all of us learn. Its a journey and we 'll all share best practices to enjoy it as best we can. hang in there and extract all the knowledge you can form us. Stay well

    • @yourconnection9303
      @yourconnection9303 3 дня назад

      Refrain from refined sugar and avoid high carbohydrates.

    • @beckymirelez1619
      @beckymirelez1619 День назад

      Look into Dr.Mindy Pelz! She helped me lose 50lbs in perimenopause.

  • @ingridlucas4881
    @ingridlucas4881 Месяц назад +78

    I take creatine and love it. In the beginning of taking it I was bloated. Afrer a short time the bloating goes away. Yo have to pay attention to your water Intake. You have to drink way more. If not you get and feel very dehydrated. It helps to drink your water with a pinch of seasalt or electrlytes.
    I also do weightlifting 3 times a week. In week two of taking creatine I noticed I had a lot more strength and could lift heavier.
    Hope this helps ❤

    • @DD-wx3ho
      @DD-wx3ho Месяц назад +5

      Aha! I was wondering why the past few months I have been awoken with TERRIBLE leg cramps! I read they could happen when dehydrated, but thought that was not the problem since I drink quite a bit of water! I never thought about it before, but the leg cramps do indeed coincide with my starting creatine!!!Now I understand I need to UP UP UP my water intake! THANKS!

    • @stephanieilluzzi7355
      @stephanieilluzzi7355 Месяц назад +4

      @@DD-wx3hoOhhhh, those leg cramps are the WORST! I take a magnesium supplement at night , and that helps! 😉

    • @lindacosta3265
      @lindacosta3265 Месяц назад

      I shall take it😊

    • @ingridlucas4881
      @ingridlucas4881 Месяц назад +4

      And please think about drinking minral water and springwater. Your body needs the minerals. ❤️

    • @Chae__rod
      @Chae__rod Месяц назад +1

      @@stephanieilluzzi7355Hi! What type of magnesium do you take?

  • @azuresea8086
    @azuresea8086 Месяц назад +92

    Confirm! Been taking it for 2 months and do moderate weight training 2- 3 times/week. Big improvements! Expecting more over time. Thanks, Dr. R

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +8

      Thanks @azuresea8086. I very much appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. It helps all of us learn.

    • @donnatiberi112
      @donnatiberi112 Месяц назад +6

      Did this make you go up in clothing size? Has it affected your lab work for kidney BUN? Did you notice increased size muscle?

    • @azuresea8086
      @azuresea8086 Месяц назад +3

      only 2 months so.... no increase in clothing size so far. I am resigned to possible weight gain because muscle is heavier than flab. Fine with that! Definitely more firm. I have no kidney issues so can't speak to that.

    • @honeybeetome
      @honeybeetome Месяц назад +4

      Can you share which supplement brand you're taking?

    • @ilonaloha1
      @ilonaloha1 Месяц назад +3

      ​@azuresea8086 yes muscle is heavier than fat but it's denser, therefore you should be okay and close to the same size when the fat is replaced. You'll just look and feel a whole lot better.

  • @leelastoma5809
    @leelastoma5809 Месяц назад +21

    Works best after your workout in a protein shake . I make mine with 1/2 frozen banana, grassfeed whole milk and a tablespoon of organic coconut oil, protein powder and 5 grams of creatine It's delicious.take daily . You digest and store up for next day. Taking it right before a workout is useless it has to be digested and stored in body. So doing it daily you are ready for the next day. Hope that makes sense.

    • @ExquisiteMary
      @ExquisiteMary 24 дня назад

      Eat first
      Then exercise/lift weights
      Take creatine after workout

  • @AZheatherrr
    @AZheatherrr Месяц назад +24

    I think one thing I haven’t heard mentioned by the dr or in the comments, is make sure you are drinking plenty of water with it. I know we should be anyways, but not all of us drink water regularly as we should and with this supplement I’ve heard it’s extra important.

  • @Kimberly-q3b
    @Kimberly-q3b Месяц назад +20

    I’ve been taking creatine daily for about two years, I’m 55 years old. I’ve had no issue with weight retention. I’ve had success with building muscle lifting weights 3 days per week, I think creatine has helped with that.

  • @John.Doe-OG
    @John.Doe-OG Месяц назад +81

    Keep something in mind, Creatine Monohydrate can cause some GI issues. Usually that's why Creatine HCL is used.

  • @jenxsj3902
    @jenxsj3902 Месяц назад +203

    The single ingredient to never age is Dr. Rajani’s channel.

    • @Aegle-q6t
      @Aegle-q6t Месяц назад +7

      100% 👍

    • @JohnnyArtPavlou
      @JohnnyArtPavlou 16 дней назад +1

      Wouldn’t it be great to have hm as a doctor. Even if he just saw him twice a year

  • @dangcoppock7362
    @dangcoppock7362 Месяц назад +24

    I’ve been exercising for almost 40 years, 75 now, but I did not lifting weights that much only small dumbbells ten, eight, five and two pounds. I’m doing aerobic 3-4 times a week floor workout it’s hard for me. But I feeling good have energy never get tired I love hiking up the mountain. I wish I was doing the weight lifting when I was younger now I have lost some muscle. 😢 but still exercising for a good health I will be doing the exercise as long I can..! good luck everyone.

    • @WhatsCookingTime
      @WhatsCookingTime Месяц назад

      Don't worry you'll be time for it first but eventually you'll start getting great games on your muscle

    • @c.g.7144
      @c.g.7144 23 дня назад +1

      Its never too late to start weightlifting in earnest. :)

  • @colormepatriotic
    @colormepatriotic Месяц назад +22

    Thank you for this info! My husband told me to be very careful about Creatine. I work out 5-6x per week and I am post menopausal. I am going to add this to my routine. I did not realize how important this is!

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +5

      Have him watch the video

    • @mrsmacca126
      @mrsmacca126 Месяц назад +1

      Where do we get the creative and what brand???????

  • @rbes7803
    @rbes7803 Месяц назад +8

    I've been taking it for about a year now - since I read that, Dr. Stacy Simms & Dr. Greger both say it's good to take. Since the supplement industry is not regulated, just make sure you buy it from a reputable brand. I use Thornes

  • @mw354
    @mw354 Месяц назад +25

    Dr Rajani. You are so real❤. Love your channel. I’m m 70. Follow your guidance. Been taking creatine. Working on young from the inside out🎈

  • @elsaa.2037
    @elsaa.2037 Месяц назад +80

    I lift weights, in a very serious manner, I love the gym, it does wonders not only for your muscles, bones and skin but also for your mental health 🥰🥰🥰 and self-confidence if you manage to get a few appreciative stares 😉

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +12

      Thanks @elsaa.2037 I absolutely agree. Keep charging!!

    • @sunitamaheshwari9376
      @sunitamaheshwari9376 17 дней назад +4

      Hi dr iam exactly suffering from the same thing of loosing muscle and gaining weight… will creatinine help

  • @Lily_of_the_Forest
    @Lily_of_the_Forest Месяц назад +44

    Please recommend a few high quality, trusted brands!

    • @TinaTia-eq2kh
      @TinaTia-eq2kh Месяц назад

      Very trustworthy company called Life Extension. Been taking them for many years! USA labs and can trust their labels.

    • @dannac_8888
      @dannac_8888 25 дней назад +3

      Dr. Huberman Labs has a supplement company called Momentous that carries a superior product used by USNA Olympic athletes and os never a banned substance.

    • @heidikamrath1951
      @heidikamrath1951 4 дня назад

      Dr. Michael Greger recommends Bulk Supplements.

  • @bellasee1
    @bellasee1 23 дня назад +6

    Wow, who would have thought a Doctor that looks healthy, which many of them look unwell, giving out drugs and surgery !and is generous with his knowledge! Than you so much!

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  22 дня назад +1

      I so appreciate that @bellasee1. Stay tuned and have a super day. Thanks for being part of the channel

  • @lstr4068
    @lstr4068 Месяц назад +23

    You are the best resource, Dr. Rajani! I have been thinking about taking creatine but have believed some of those myths that you have just busted. Thank you!!

  • @gurufitness1984
    @gurufitness1984 Месяц назад +44

    Very informative and very well-presented. I have been a PT for over 20 years and this is the most watchable video out of many that I have seen.

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +7

      Glad it was helpful! And wow....I appreciate that so much.

    • @gurufitness1984
      @gurufitness1984 Месяц назад +2

      @@rajanimdskincare My pleasure.

  • @aliciagc2539
    @aliciagc2539 3 часа назад

    Glad to see you promoting creatine. I’m 61, vegan, take no sugar or processed foods. I take creatine after working out. I do CrossFit and yoga and look and feel amazing.

  • @sunshinehaydeeify
    @sunshinehaydeeify Месяц назад +8

    Iam 60 and I also do all three things.. and I feel great

  • @ZumbaShan
    @ZumbaShan 26 дней назад +1

    Hi Maggie 🫶 I’m so glad I found your video. When you say we’re worthy because we exist, my inner critical voice resists. I’m 61 years old. I’ve lived a life rich in experiences and relatively fear-free. This doesn’t stop me from feeling that I’m not enough. Little by little I’m coming to understand that I might be as inspiring to others as they are to me. For decades I’ve berated myself inside and felt like whatever I put out there had to be perfect. This has hindered me. Rather than stew in remorse, I’m making strides towards overcoming perfectionism. This year finally feels like the right time to set myself free. I really appreciate what you’re saying in this video. Like you, I love life. I’m never bored and always look forward to learning new things and meeting amazing people. When I’m in my discomfort zone I’m going to remember your words. Thank you again.

  • @stevogman3054
    @stevogman3054 Месяц назад +43

    I truly believe Dr. Rajani is the future of medicine. Keep the body healthy by working with its current biological process. Keep up the good work Doc!!!

  • @KarinSanz2
    @KarinSanz2 Месяц назад +850

    Three things that changed my life:
    1.started fasting
    2.I read the book called: Health Secrets Industry Hides
    3.I stopped eating excess sugar

    • @LopezYara123
      @LopezYara123 Месяц назад +4

      love it!

    • @bam2f153
      @bam2f153 Месяц назад +5

      I couldn’t find the book. Do you mind sharing?

    • @thebestgift999
      @thebestgift999 Месяц назад

      @@bam2f153 it's a scam- I've seen multiple users posting this exact comment on different RUclipsrs video comments over the last week or two

    • @emergentform1188
      @emergentform1188 Месяц назад +14

      Intermittent fasting long term is no longer recommended. But short term, a few months, for weight loss, is great. Otherwise infrequent longer fasts (36hr +) is WAY better, like once every 6 weeks or so.

    • @carolsarazzara
      @carolsarazzara Месяц назад +8

      @@emergentform1188 I want to agree. Could you cite your sources? Thnx.

  • @RacerX_1111
    @RacerX_1111 20 дней назад +5

    My boyfriend has been telling me forever to start taking creatinine. I workout all the time. This video has convinced me to start taking it today!

    • @Db-lm1qn
      @Db-lm1qn 14 дней назад

      Have you started? Which brand are you trying?

    • @RacerX_1111
      @RacerX_1111 13 дней назад +1

      @ Yep I started that day, so 6 days in. Nutricost brand creatine monohydrate we get from Amazon.
      Can’t say I feel any different right now.

    • @Db-lm1qn
      @Db-lm1qn 13 дней назад

      @@RacerX_1111 I was looking at the ‘nutrition geek’ will do a bit more research before taking. Thanks 😊

    • @RacerX_1111
      @RacerX_1111 13 дней назад +2

      @@Db-lm1qn My BF researches everything to death when it comes to supplements. He picked this because it’s non GMO and also third party tested.
      He said the monohydrate part is important as well. Hope that helps!

    • @Db-lm1qn
      @Db-lm1qn 13 дней назад +1

      @ that’s really good to know. I like to research to death as well but it is very time consuming and wasn’t up to it as I really just wanted to get started. Thanks to you both x

  • @Nightbird.
    @Nightbird. Месяц назад +12

    Dr. Raj,
    There are so many videos on RUclips giving advice, telling you what to take, and often conflicting with one another, that I pretty much have stopped watching them because I don't have time to do everything they all want me to do, or the money to buy everything they recommend. However, you are different. You not only give advice, but you cite the sources for your information, and you do all this in a very respectful and kind way, unlike so many other content creators. Thank you for that, Dr. Raj. Hope you know how loved and appreciated you are. 🥰💖 #liked #subscribed

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +5

      🙏🏻🙏🏻 I appreciate that. It's what I do in real life so I m sharing what I do

    • @RAMNIKK
      @RAMNIKK Месяц назад

      What I do not like about his video's that he comes up with different supplements or treatments every time . one time this another time that so it's too confusing.

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +2

      @RAMNIKK tell me more. If you follow me, and the vids are there to prove it...I ve been on the same supplements for years. Check it out. And ....I then create the ones I like so the formula is made in usa, gmp certified and tested.

  • @susanh4940
    @susanh4940 11 дней назад +11

    I'm perimenopausal and taking HRT (but that doesn't fix all the issues). I started creatine a couple of weeks ago and it cleared up my brain fog and improved my sleep and energy levels immediately! Unfortunately tho, my face a neck became so puffy I had to stop. The bloating went down so I'm going to restart at just 3g instead of 5g I started with and see how it goes. 🤞 I think its really promising. BTW, my other absolute daily must is collagen powder for my skin and joints.

    • @jofry676
      @jofry676 10 дней назад

      HRT caused MANY people I know to get breast cancer within 2 years.
      GOOGLE IT.
      NOT recommended

  • @Time-Shell
    @Time-Shell Месяц назад +73

    Creatine helps with cognition and heart health too! There are delicious gummies available for those of you who don’t like messing with powders. 🙌

    • @stephanieilluzzi7355
      @stephanieilluzzi7355 Месяц назад +7

      Can you tell us the brand you take please? TIA 😉

    • @cynthiad4443
      @cynthiad4443 Месяц назад +5

      Yes, please tell us the brand

    • @Time-Shell
      @Time-Shell Месяц назад

      @@stephanieilluzzi7355 Force Factor. I ordered them from Amazon.

    • @Time-Shell
      @Time-Shell Месяц назад +11

      Brand is Force Factor

    • @Ohheymarshmallow
      @Ohheymarshmallow 28 дней назад +1

      I also take creatine gummies from Arrae. I really like their clean ingredients. I’ve never tried Force Factor though, are they good?

  • @anitaostrander
    @anitaostrander Месяц назад +19

    Im 67 and I feel strong and more flexible since using creatine. I am a vegetarian and I feel much better on this diet, but feel each body’s different with different needs. I use NAD too

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +2

      Thanks @anitaostrander. I very much appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

    • @JaneBennese
      @JaneBennese Месяц назад

      What is NAD please?

    • @tsroberts4212
      @tsroberts4212 Месяц назад +1

      Which NAD do you take?

    • @anitaostrander
      @anitaostrander Месяц назад +4

      @@JaneBennese it’s nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It’s a coenzyme that helps the body convert food into energy, repair DNA and maintain healthy cells

    • @JaneBennese
      @JaneBennese Месяц назад

      @@anitaostrander Thank You...I've never heard of it, but going to try it!

  • @Mango88
    @Mango88 6 дней назад

    I'm 71, been dismayed at the loss of elasticity in my skin & saw this video. I purchased Premier creatine since I read great reviews on it and started to take 1/2 scoop in tea the last 3 days. It disolves quickly and is tasteless. I'm amazed at the difference even these few doses did! I've already noticed a change in the skin at my inner elbow that was looking loose and creapy. Thank you so much Dr. Rajani from another Canadian living in California.

  • @mariakeaton9380
    @mariakeaton9380 Месяц назад +724

    Listen I'm in my 60s and lift weights and use creatine and eats lots of meat and protein ❤

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +54

      Thanks @mariakeaton9380 I appreciate you sharing with all here to learn from

    • @Lala-gn4pj
      @Lala-gn4pj Месяц назад +45

      And, what can you share about living that lifestyle and being 60?

    • @elsaa.2037
      @elsaa.2037 Месяц назад +14

      Kudos to you, thanks for sharing ❤❤

    • @CjbrkBrooks
      @CjbrkBrooks Месяц назад +40

      @@Lala-gn4pj. She’s having fun and is likely not going to end up in an end of life nursing facility.

    • @colleencolquhoun8818
      @colleencolquhoun8818 Месяц назад +61

      Ha!!! Me too I’m 64 and use weights and creatine …and meat I’m doing pretty good!

  • @crazynanaailese
    @crazynanaailese 20 дней назад +2

    I'm 61 and I have never heard of it. Thank you I'll try it

  • @sheradenart7907
    @sheradenart7907 Месяц назад +15

    Hello, I have a theory about the hair loss, I believe it is because creatine uses up some magneseum when it changes ADP to ATP and if you are low on magneseum there isn't enough for both.

    • @luddity
      @luddity Месяц назад +1

      So maybe they should be taken together?

    • @orangetulip1261
      @orangetulip1261 Месяц назад +3

      ​@luddity Not necessarily together. However, if you are taking a magnesium supplement already, and I believe everyone should, I don't foresee any issues...

    • @nightnurse1212
      @nightnurse1212 26 дней назад +3

      I think thinning hair is loss bcuz of low zinc and selenium

  • @TinaGolik
    @TinaGolik 15 дней назад +2

    Are you the dr that used to treat patients in goldendale Washington and the Dalles Oregon? My Mom loves you. Her name is Linda Whitmire and she tells me how you are the one who helped my Aunt Shirley ( Whitmire) live for a few more years because of a diagnosis. ❤

  • @michelleLEO73
    @michelleLEO73 Месяц назад +5

    I love you so much! Thank you for helping women slow down our aging process!

  • @Dahlia372-k7k
    @Dahlia372-k7k 22 дня назад +22

    Creatine monohydrate, 3-5gm per day

  • @magdalenaarcia3324
    @magdalenaarcia3324 Месяц назад +17

    Yes, I'm on it, and it works!

  • @luv2travel2000
    @luv2travel2000 Месяц назад +8

    Take creatine monohydrate.
    Start with 3-5 grams /day. Take after eating to prevent an upset stomach.

  • @Coldsteel636
    @Coldsteel636 23 дня назад +36

    Damn, I was hoping it was beer 🍺 🙁

  • @heidiantros1856
    @heidiantros1856 Месяц назад +10

    I love creatine. Studies show it increases strength even if you don’t exercise. But it def takes your strength training to a whole new level. Also it’s good for your brain. I understood you shouldn’t consume it with caffeine (coffee) as it doesn’t absorb as well.

  • @StayGold_MrsE
    @StayGold_MrsE Месяц назад +8

    I just turned 56 and started HRT in September my hair was falling out at an astronomical rate because I have I believe the issue where my testosterone converts to DHT and if you mix that with the loss of estrogen you know the results so I've lost like 65% of my hair volume over the last year and I finally got on HRT in September however I have been engaged in anti-aging and healthy living for years and creatine would always come up and I was frightened to death because I still have pretty high testosterone levels. I tested 4 months ago and it was as high as 66 when I first started the HRT and I just had Labs last week and it's now down to 41 which is still above the normal range for a woman. If I were to start creatine, I'm deathly afraid of anything to do with hair loss and I noticed that you mentioned that in your video about it being a myth. I'm going to give it a try because I'm also very thin and have noticed significant muscle loss like sarcopenia. I always stayed thin so I never worked out with weights and a year ago I had a dexa scan and found out I have osteoporosis -2.6 T score. I just retired from my job 2 weeks ago and I want to start wearing a weighted vest and walking on my treadmill and also move to lifting weights on a total body gym machine. I'm very interested in starting creatine, I'm just worried about what the best brand is for a woman considering all that I've said.

    • @emilygeorge9567
      @emilygeorge9567 Месяц назад +8

      i was worried about hair loss as well and saw no issue when i started creatine.
      on a side note, pumpkin seed oil blocks dht (from excess testosterone). it has made a huge difference in hair shedding.

    • @StayGold_MrsE
      @StayGold_MrsE Месяц назад +1

      @emilygeorge9567 thank you so much for that!!! Where would I get the pumpkin seed oil and is it a I have to apply it like minoxidil?

    • @ginnyross7886
      @ginnyross7886 Месяц назад +2

      @@emilygeorge9567 yes thank you for this information. I too would like to know if it’s topical or ingested :)

    • @jeanneturnpaw3625
      @jeanneturnpaw3625 Месяц назад +2

      You can buy pumpkin seed oil capsules

    • @jeanneturnpaw3625
      @jeanneturnpaw3625 Месяц назад +2

      Injest capsules

  • @kevinlayland4857
    @kevinlayland4857 Месяц назад +35

    I both dermaroll and take creatine . At 68 I look fantastic. You are so on the ball. HUZZAH to you, Jack.

    • @taksimmetre
      @taksimmetre Месяц назад

      How often do you do dermaroller and which size?

    • @kevinlayland4857
      @kevinlayland4857 Месяц назад

      @taksimmetre Only once every 4/5 weeks and I use a 0.5mm roller on my face. Around the eye area and the neck I use a 0.25mm roller as the skin is thinner. For arms you can also use the 0.5mm dermaroller. And for legs start with 0.5 and gradually work up to maybe 1mm. But always adhere to the 4/5 week interval as the dermis needs this amount of time for new collagen to be produced.

  • @carolynredinger439
    @carolynredinger439 Месяц назад +11

    Dr. Rajani! You are so awesome! Thank you for all the great information. You are a hero!!

  • @irinat2783
    @irinat2783 29 дней назад +7

    Don't wanna rain on anybodies parade here. But, here is my story. Started to use creatine monohydrate powder, 5 g/day. After about 6 weeks started to see a lot more hair shedding. Stopped creatine immediately. After about 3 month hair is back to normal. I realize that there could be a million and one reasons for increased hair shedding. So going to give creatine another try. Nevertheless.

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  29 дней назад +2

      Thanks for sharing

    • @LLC_Turf_Pros
      @LLC_Turf_Pros 22 дня назад +2

      Not sure if this will help but you should take creatine with food or in a smoothie with berries/fruits about 30-40min before workout.

  • @David-g3g1e
    @David-g3g1e Месяц назад +5

    I love how informative this video is! It’s packed with practical advice that makes rejuvenation feel achievable. Thank you for sharing these amazing tips!

  • @labellabeach631
    @labellabeach631 Месяц назад +5

    I tell all of my Pilates clients to watch your channel. Most do. Been a follower since way back when 😊😊😊😊

  • @AlannahRyane
    @AlannahRyane Месяц назад +65

    I'm 72 and I put it in my daily souped up smoothies and drink it before I work out. I also found Bianca Rosa creatine monohydrate cream on Amazon and put it around my mouth everyday ... its a miracle how its plumping up. At the beginning I freaked because of the water weight gain so i cut it down a bit and that stopped it. But my muscles are now taking up the space smoothing out the loose skin from 2 keto weight losses.

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  Месяц назад +20

      Thanks @AlannahRyane. I very much appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. It helps all of us learn. Really generous of you to help everyone here.

    • @Zlatna-ui5mv
      @Zlatna-ui5mv Месяц назад +4

      @AlannahRyane What is the brand of the creatine cream you are using?

    • @AlannahRyane
      @AlannahRyane Месяц назад +13

      Bianca Rosa Creatine Monohydrate and I got it on Amazon

    • @AlannahRyane
      @AlannahRyane Месяц назад +12

      @ OMGoddess the amount of women who have helped me is uncountable... this is important lol

    • @traceylennon1204
      @traceylennon1204 Месяц назад

      Same question I had!​@@Zlatna-ui5mv

  • @UncleTermite
    @UncleTermite Месяц назад +5

    I’ve taking it for 33 years and don’t have a wrinkle on my face and don’t have that dull body look at 50 , my brother is 53 and gets mistaken fir my father a lot he’s aged with wrinkles everywhere and he also smokes .

  • @EricaCartmann0
    @EricaCartmann0 Месяц назад +22

    Wow wow wow! Another amazing vid!

  • @homesignup
    @homesignup Месяц назад +12

    Thanks for the great info. Yes creatine can be supplemented in pre/postmenopausal years as the levels decreases as you grow older. But from clinical trials, you won't build muscle if you don't do resistance exercise with the creatine. Just also note quite a bit of the "muscle bulk" will be water because it does cause water retention and water weight gain especially notable in the the first 2 months. An alternative that doesn't cause water retention is Panax ginseng, which also increase ATP., muscle fiber recruitment, muscle growth and repair of damanged muscle fibers, boosts collagen, when doing resistance exercises. Neither creatine or ginseng will help much with muscle growth if you don't do resistance training. They just act as aids.
    With regards to hair loss, there's a lot of reports of older men that I've read on youtube that have experience hair loss, but which reversed after they stopped creatine. It's not a direct correlation with regards to a direct biochem pathway, but I wouldn't discount it for 10% of individuals. For most people it will not affect hair loss but in a small % of susceptible people it will. The reason is still a mystery.

  • @neomortalgirl
    @neomortalgirl 5 дней назад +1

    I’ll be 42 this year and swear by collagen supplements and an electric muscle stimulator on my body and face. I’ll be trying this for sure to add to my routine.

  • @BetterHealthToday-j3l
    @BetterHealthToday-j3l Месяц назад +4

    5⃣ [10:30] - "This is one of the most informative anti-aging videos I’ve seen! Your passion and clear explanations make the supplement’s potential truly inspiring. Subscribed for more!"

  • @NanciFranceVaz_artist
    @NanciFranceVaz_artist 19 дней назад +5

    I used to use creatine in my 30s and 40s. I was a competitive gymnast and then went into fitness shows doing everything naturally. Over the years I stayed with working out and maintained the same size as high school and look very young for my age. I am now in my 60s but I stop taking creatine. I have a question for you, can this cause hair loss if you are experiencing hair thinning, especially after HRT pellets, and increased testosterone? I now stopped The Telus, and went back on the patch. I am very open to taking creatine again because it does increase muscle maintenance and energy. Thank you Dr I love your channel.

  • @RosaRodriguez-tc1ek
    @RosaRodriguez-tc1ek Месяц назад +13

    Hello Dr R you look amazing as always, I see in a lot of the comments they are asking which one you recommend it is hard to try and buy one that is good quality I guess everyone just wants to make sure we get a good product that will work maybe you can make one like the rest of your amazing products please,I love love love all your products and will continue to buy them.

  • @patwilliams800
    @patwilliams800 Месяц назад +17

    Unbelievable, have osteoporosis since 42yrs. I've eaten healthily and kept active & slim in older age but hit 70 yrs in Oct. I've suffered dramatic muscle loss, since then. Take no meds just diet & supps. I'll research this. Thank you dear Dr R.

    • @Itsmysoapbox
      @Itsmysoapbox Месяц назад +5

      You might also want to look into the (NASA) research about rebounding and the positive impact on ostheoporosis. All the best

    • @rnicholson6579
      @rnicholson6579 Месяц назад

      ​@@ItsmysoapboxI have osteoporosis, and am finding difficulties with pain & my legs wanting to buckle. I am going to add it to my diet. Just need to know how much to take daily.

    • @patwilliams800
      @patwilliams800 Месяц назад +2

      I have researched this & I'm looking to purchase one. My home is an upstairs flat with no garden but have access to a garage. I use a Reformer but it doesn't actually build enough muscle, happiness to you & thank you.

    • @tnt01
      @tnt01 Месяц назад +1

      Lift weights also 3 times per week min.

    • @patwilliams800
      @patwilliams800 Месяц назад +1

      @@tnt01 grateful thanks!

  • @annseebalack5156
    @annseebalack5156 Месяц назад +19

    I love your shirt, Dr. Raj, that color looks great on you. Have a happy Sunday! Canada is having 25-30 cm snow storm today Sunday, hehe hehe

    • @SirenaSpades
      @SirenaSpades Месяц назад

      Are you on the Northeast coast? I'm in Maine near the NB border, getting a big storm.

    • @annseebalack5156
      @annseebalack5156 Месяц назад

      @SirenaSpades I'm in Toronto, we had over 30 cm, and it's still snowing. We cleaned the driveway once already, but it's so high again with snow. It looks like it was never done ☹️

    • @DebbieSCanada
      @DebbieSCanada Месяц назад

      No snow in Vancouver 😊

    • @MrsSheffield
      @MrsSheffield Месяц назад

      I’m just outside of Toronto, it’s been crazy with the snow! ❄️

  • @sircefiro
    @sircefiro Месяц назад +2

    I've been taking creating for years, creatinine is well within range, closer to the low end.

  • @nancyma4560
    @nancyma4560 Месяц назад +10

    We love you Dr Rajani! You're info is a blessing 🙌🥰

  • @RosieSciberras
    @RosieSciberras 26 дней назад +2

    Thanks for your information, I'm 61 & well into nutrition, I had briefly read about creatine, but only watching you & listening I'm now going to purchase it

  • @Klonk315
    @Klonk315 27 дней назад +15

    I have a question regarding this. Is it safe to take creatine along with collagen peptides? How do those two interact in the body?

    • @Dibdib35
      @Dibdib35 5 дней назад +1

      I just googled this for you, yes you can they don’t interfere with each other.

  • @sophie4636
    @sophie4636 Месяц назад

    I've been taking Creatine for a year now and I feel the difference for sure. I'm 51 and post menopausal and it's magic. My energy levels have gone up and I feel stronger. Its fantastic if you've had a poor night's sleep too!

  • @sarinaventer4056
    @sarinaventer4056 29 дней назад +3

    We love you!! You are such a blessing❤

  • @atlasshrugged7475
    @atlasshrugged7475 27 дней назад +2

    I was taking creatine and began having severe leg cramping nightly. Quit the creatine and the cramping stopped and did not return. So maybe one must exercise for building muscle for it to not cause that problem? My water intake remained the same. I drink around 3 cups a day, as well as, around 4 cups of lemon-lime carbonated water a day. I drink more water after being outside working, etc. My "anecdotal" story is dismissed by the "science". Anybody else?

  • @goldigold6435
    @goldigold6435 Месяц назад +16

    This has been REALLY helpful as I've been afraid to take it due to the kidney issue. Thank you!

  • @Holistretch
    @Holistretch 13 дней назад +1

    Omg I literally just started taking this at 38 for fitness duration. I didn’t realize it’s good for skin or sagging skin is muscle loss. Thank goodness I started now as I’m already noticing my face change 😫

  • @bestlifeever4548
    @bestlifeever4548 Месяц назад +4

    Im 42 and retired military and took creatine while in and have 4 sons 17 to 24 and people ask if Im their gf or sister all the time. I guess will start taking it again and weight training. I get botox for migraines and they started doing in my shoulders and head and base of neck.

  • @nasimakhtar7655
    @nasimakhtar7655 21 день назад +2

    Just found your channel excellent information i just subscribed 😊

  • @ladonnakennedy1472
    @ladonnakennedy1472 Месяц назад +4

    Love your RUclips channel you give the best information for healthcare and skin Care.Thank you for all the wonderful information.Your the best.

  • @mewzy2283
    @mewzy2283 19 дней назад +2

    Thank you so much for this video, I did not know this .

  • @debSGSS
    @debSGSS Месяц назад +10

    I tried to take it many times when I was hardcore training. I always got very bloated and had gastrointestinal issues. The water retention would never stabilize. ☹

    • @01maggie
      @01maggie Месяц назад +2

      I have same issue. Plus my round face bloats..not good.

    • @sommerraser3067
      @sommerraser3067 Месяц назад

      Same here. Wish I could take it

    • @msmc2685
      @msmc2685 Месяц назад


  • @marisacruz2007
    @marisacruz2007 22 дня назад +2

    I took this .After trying for 9 years to have another child. I got pregnant right away. I personally believe this helped. Idk how true but what a coincidence.

  • @nikkijohnson7332
    @nikkijohnson7332 Месяц назад +10

    Wow. You're right- no one has ever told me this! I did believe the myths, though. I'm almost 42, so I'll start now!! Thanks, doc!

  • @janerichards3868
    @janerichards3868 6 дней назад +1

    This is why I’ve lost weights I’ve aged. Bone loss as well. Most people offset this by gaining weight.

  • @joliejolie6201
    @joliejolie6201 Месяц назад +8

    Dr. Rajani thank you for helping me stay pretty longer ❤ bear hug from California ❤

  • @Risingabovechaos
    @Risingabovechaos 3 дня назад +1

    The real secret to longevity is mental state. Most centenarians lived care free lives and didn't worry about all this. Poor mental health means poor physical health. Cultivate a calm mind. These interventions are free and will improve both physical and mental health and anyone can do them. The Full Breath by James Francis.

  • @linda.s.gislad
    @linda.s.gislad 29 дней назад +2

    Thank you for your advice. I am 68 and FEEL it in my body. I am definitely going to try this out and see f it helps me get a bit of my muscles back and help get some of the fat off, I hope.

  • @mariamartins7813
    @mariamartins7813 16 дней назад +2

    Thank you for sharing so much precious information for free. You are blessed, Doctor!❤❤❤

    • @rajanimdskincare
      @rajanimdskincare  16 дней назад +1

      Glad it was helpful! Thanks @mariamartins7813

  • @YH_24
    @YH_24 Месяц назад +16

    Hi Doc. I started having panick attacks when I took creatine and I read it happens to some people. Have you heard of this and is there a way to mitigate it, or am I simply to sensitive for it?

  • @honeyjackson1700
    @honeyjackson1700 22 дня назад +2

    Coconut Oil everyday keeps My skin healthy w/o wrinkles.
    I will look into creatine supplements.

  • @cherylmandell6100
    @cherylmandell6100 Месяц назад +10

    Great video. Off to purchase some. Can this be mixed with my collagen powder? Love your videos!!!!

  • @catrineinNorway
    @catrineinNorway Месяц назад +2

    I ordered 3 packs yesterday bc i heard somebody else talk about it!!

  • @loveconquersall143
    @loveconquersall143 29 дней назад +5

    God I looooove you Dr Raja! You always come up with the goods! After my last knee surgery, I tried to do keto. All of a sudden, I lost all of the muscle/tissue/collagen in my face! I looked so awful - like a deflated balloon! I had some fillers done years ago after that, and they've still pretty much lasted. Best thing I ever did, but I really wish that somebody had've told me THIS (what you said) way back when/then 😭
    Thank you so much for this video! I actually ordered some creatine last week 😉
    Hope you're good. Take care! ❤

  • @kylablomquist
    @kylablomquist Месяц назад +1

    love this! Dr. Stacy Sims is who I first learned about the benefits for women taking creatine from.

  • @70canlookgoodonyou
    @70canlookgoodonyou 22 дня назад +3

    This video has opened my eyes more on the importance of muscle building exercise, i will be doing that for now as my low budget creatine 😂 this video is also full of informations thanks alot.

  • @forkids2325
    @forkids2325 Месяц назад +1

    Your voice is great and your information is so helpful!