Queen of Cringe

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 2,5 тыс.

  • @SVNTrw
    @SVNTrw 37 минут назад +676

    Don't be shy Charlie buy in and be the Jojo roadie you've always wanted to be

    • @ElaineLoyd
      @ElaineLoyd 23 минуты назад +1

      You know the item he gets he could probably resell 🤷🏿‍♀️

    • @randydonovan7844
      @randydonovan7844 23 минуты назад +2

      Would honestly be hilarious if he did

    • @ericgeesey9817
      @ericgeesey9817 20 минут назад +2

      Imagine the content he could create. He'd definitely make the money back.

    • @junejune9619
      @junejune9619 19 минут назад

      Please do it Charlie 😂

    • @Sleepy_Jeff
      @Sleepy_Jeff 15 минут назад

      Please and Thank You

  • @DailyWobble715
    @DailyWobble715 Час назад +5414

    You had me at JOJO, but lost me at Siwa

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад +9

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @willum4629
      @willum4629 Час назад +15


    • @SuperMarioBoyz
      @SuperMarioBoyz Час назад +8


    • @ISCExams
      @ISCExams Час назад +6

      Charlie inspires me.. My parents said if i get 1K likes on my vid They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally

    • @TOASTERBOI_2004
      @TOASTERBOI_2004 Час назад +3


  • @YsoSnowy
    @YsoSnowy 57 минут назад +730

    Back in my day we had mojo jojo

  • @MoonWielder
    @MoonWielder 34 минуты назад +714

    Amy Schumer has really gone off the deep end

    • @JackTheBunny
      @JackTheBunny 30 минут назад +5


    • @DarrylWillis-oo3dj
      @DarrylWillis-oo3dj 30 минут назад +33

      "We have Amy Schumer at home"

    • @DeadSagara
      @DeadSagara 25 минут назад +4


    • @DeadSagara
      @DeadSagara 25 минут назад +2

      @@DarrylWillis-oo3dj BRUH

    • @WhnzWrac
      @WhnzWrac 24 минуты назад

      Average liberal white woman😂 Muslims were onto something with sharia law

  • @leetaeryeo5269
    @leetaeryeo5269 43 минуты назад +76

    3:14 Not just that, but you're also paying for the opportunity to pay for merchandise

  • @jack22206
    @jack22206 Час назад +166

    1:13 call it the “mild discomfort”

  • @TrustMeBroOfficial
    @TrustMeBroOfficial 27 минут назад +96

    jojo siwa is the friend you "can't take anywhere" because they're just soooo quirky

    • @DJ-ew8fd
      @DJ-ew8fd 19 минут назад +2

      I LOVE your videos. I recognized you immediately. I was like is this really trust me bro and it was.

    • @ChildishGambeaner
      @ChildishGambeaner 9 минут назад

      ​@@DJ-ew8fd shut up

  • @Alex-cw3rz
    @Alex-cw3rz 37 минут назад +190

    She's dressed like a magician at a childrens birthday party

    • @TruckingGamer7
      @TruckingGamer7 Минуту назад

      That's an insult to children's party magicians

  • @ibapreppie
    @ibapreppie 30 минут назад +38

    Charlie, you have to pay 900. This is the content, that we need. This is the way.

  • @greasypreacher
    @greasypreacher 21 минуту назад +14

    On the pooper right now and having somewhat of a difficult experience. Thank you Charlie for cradling my aching sphincter with another soothing documentary.

  • @CalDeanOffical
    @CalDeanOffical 19 минут назад +27

    1:40 thank you so much for speaking up about this topic because she has done so much damage to working class people in general but exploiting children in a TV show where she had disabled children physically and mentally be tortured behind the scenes- one girl has just had a surgery and they decided to slap on a period pad on her stomach so she would stop bleeding from her belly button (that didn’t work ofc). She wasn’t healed up yet and they forced her to dance. None of these girls got their contracted pay either and they were doing free child labour x

  • @Bread-nx9fo
    @Bread-nx9fo 45 минут назад +167

    She tries so hard to be 2016 Miley Cyrus but doesn't have the talent part at all

  • @scottandersen508
    @scottandersen508 Час назад +1471

    She dressed like kiss and when a reporter asked if it was inspired by Gene Simmons, she didn’t know who it was😂 now she steals his scam ideas

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад +1

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @Super_Warrrior
      @Super_Warrrior Час назад +2


    • @danylol772
      @danylol772 50 минут назад +45

      Maybe someone in her inner circle does know about Gene and is like "hey, I came up with this idea for you" but it's just stealing Gene's scam idea

    • @crow3y__c584
      @crow3y__c584 49 минут назад +2

      What happened after the deaftones concert Charlie? 😊

    • @cats_as_phists1304
      @cats_as_phists1304 48 минут назад +11

      Gene has reached a point in his age, that he's beginning to look more and more like a hasidic grandma. He's basically Doris Roberts in a leather jacket and sunglasses.

  • @LunaC...
    @LunaC... 41 минуту назад +90

    I hope Charlie's friends and family all chip in and get this for him; he's obviously a huge JoJo fan and is just too ashamed to go out and buy this "experience" for himself ❤

  • @Ickygrunt
    @Ickygrunt 33 минуты назад +18

    3:47 why does she sound like a smoker

    • @RobGuyProductions
      @RobGuyProductions 9 минут назад

      She abusing her pen probably

    • @BMO_san
      @BMO_san Минуту назад

      Close enough, welcome back RFK jr

  • @MichaelWutsch
    @MichaelWutsch Час назад +1480

    Now she's always like, "look how CRAZY I am" while just wearing a goofy outfit

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад +1

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @ISCExams
      @ISCExams Час назад +1

      Charlie inspires me.. My parents said if i get 1K likes on my vid They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally

    • @SuperMarioBoyz
      @SuperMarioBoyz Час назад

      For real.

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ​@@ISCExams 😂 😂 😂

    • @ddbbddbbddbb
      @ddbbddbbddbb Час назад +29

      why are the bots replying to eachother

  • @TriggerHappyPins
    @TriggerHappyPins 48 минут назад +18

    JoJo Siwa vs. Raygun. Let’s GO!

  • @De_Jimberto
    @De_Jimberto 45 минут назад +38

    Sad thing is that there's definitely people who will pay for this

    • @ElGatoGator
      @ElGatoGator 10 минут назад

      Oh that qhit gonna be sold out for sure😂

  • @givrally
    @givrally 26 минут назад +6

    I really don't care much for jojo siwa, but she has the worst case of vocal fry I've ever heard by far. It's like nails on a chalkboard, she sounds like she spent the last ten years smoking a lifetime's worth of cigarettes. I know smokers have a reduced lifespan, but please, "500 cigarettes" was a meme, not a daily prescription. To anyone reading this who does vocal fry intentionally, please stop.

    • @ferretyluv
      @ferretyluv 8 минут назад +3

      It comes from vocal damage from bad singing technique and not having any rest. She’s been singing since childhood and clearly hasn’t been taking care of her voice. It’s not vocal fry. The Kardashians have vocal fry. Brittney Spears has vocal fry. She’s just damaged her vocal cords.

  • @pomchifishy5216
    @pomchifishy5216 31 минуту назад +26

    1:25 i invited that when i was 7

    • @Arbaz3102
      @Arbaz3102 24 минуты назад +7

      Interesting, to where?? Your house?? 🤔

    • @artesito6502
      @artesito6502 24 минуты назад +8

      who did u invite bruh

    • @happyeclipse3255
      @happyeclipse3255 20 минут назад +2

      I pioneered that when iwas 2

    • @Robuck07
      @Robuck07 9 минут назад

      i think he meant invented

    • @ThePoiMaster
      @ThePoiMaster 6 минут назад +1

      Nah man, you got it from me. I sent it out using quantum particles.

  • @Jonk2014
    @Jonk2014 Час назад +24

    Not even a queen
    Doesn't come close to having the role as a jester either

  • @Foxelz
    @Foxelz 48 минут назад +10

    7:47 bros about to film a content cop

  • @SkyeFire-707
    @SkyeFire-707 39 минут назад +30

    Jojo siwa is like that one total drama island character that nobody likes

  • @Kemblowww
    @Kemblowww 42 минуты назад +7

    I accidentally shat when I heard jojo

    • @sumanthapa3119
      @sumanthapa3119 13 минут назад +1

      Nah. I know it was intentional.

    • @Kemblowww
      @Kemblowww 10 минут назад

      @ maybe. just maybe…
      It was intentional🙃

  • @KobiSteelflex
    @KobiSteelflex 31 минуту назад +7

    But Charlie you're overlooking the value! Not only do you get an exclusive invitation to JoJo's live show set up before Q&A and soundcheck with JoJo, you also get access to JoJo's pre-show soundcheck featuring a Q&A with JoJo! That's a steal!

    • @blackogre7719
      @blackogre7719 20 минут назад +1

      Fr this is probably one of the L takes of Charlie, not only do I get to do those, I can also have the opportunity to 'help JoJo put together the show with song selection input' which is HUUUUGE def a W package

  • @Zuuinagger
    @Zuuinagger Час назад +146

    She looks like that one neighbour kid.

  • @Xaqetr
    @Xaqetr 45 минут назад +10

    1:04 Like just for your dance moves

  • @BajiQuagsire
    @BajiQuagsire 51 минуту назад +9

    I honestly feel pretty bad for her, she had no chance of being a normal human being with how her mother treats her. Part of me thinks that the reason she defends Abby Lee Miller and Colleen Ballinger so much is that she doesn't want come to the realization that all the adults in her life completely and utterly failed her. Anybody in her life who genuinely cares about her wouldn't have let her destroy her voice like it is now.

    • @ferretyluv
      @ferretyluv 10 минут назад

      This happens to all singers. She’d need to go on vocal rest for a month plus surgery on any polyps she has to treat it.

  • @liluziintrovert
    @liluziintrovert 16 минут назад +5

    “You get a signed piece of clothing I wear on stage” that’s such a bad idea, not because of what it is but like, how many packages could you even sell.
    If she wears pants, a shirt, a jacket, shoes and socks, that’s 7 things.

  • @johndoe-nr9ju
    @johndoe-nr9ju 25 минут назад +1

    People spend $500 for regular Taylor Swift tickets, $900 doesn't seem THAT crazy for the experience.

  • @betitothe4th188
    @betitothe4th188 52 минуты назад +39

    Man i would love to see you pay the 900$ to be in her concert thing 😂. I think it would be funny, and it would be educational 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I wanna see what’s it like?

    • @starrilysky
      @starrilysky 19 минут назад

      I bet there will at least be some other RUclipsr or TikToker that'll do it

  • @kaitlynmarie5545
    @kaitlynmarie5545 19 минут назад +6

    I'm a stagehand. I do not want "dream guests" coming into my job and "making sure everything is set up correctly", when they have no idea what we actually do 😂

  • @CarolBright-it7bo
    @CarolBright-it7bo Час назад +33

    When he did the new bad dance, I realized just how *big* that room is

    • @Jojo-u6c
      @Jojo-u6c 41 минуту назад +1

      Where tf do you live?? Patricks house?

    • @joeboo8626
      @joeboo8626 22 минуты назад +2

      To be fair, Charlie is the size of a Hobbit.

    • @Toaster.Strudel.592
      @Toaster.Strudel.592 22 минуты назад

      ​@@Jojo-u6c what 💀

  • @angkitrajkumar5969
    @angkitrajkumar5969 31 минуту назад +5

    What you did in the dance department is a variation of a twist. Great variation btw. 10/10!

  • @CaptainSpauld1ng
    @CaptainSpauld1ng 21 минуту назад +2

    "Do it, do it!"

  • @froggywormy
    @froggywormy Час назад +115

    You know it's gonna be a banger of a video when Charlie gets up to dance within the first two minutes of it.

  • @nitro8611
    @nitro8611 Час назад +168

    I still remember her defense of Colleen Ballinger. Defending someone who admitted to predatory behavior with minor fans by saying "Colleen's not a groomer, I've known her since I was 12" was an astonishing take.

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @StorySeeker888
      @StorySeeker888 47 минут назад +16

      It speaks volumes about how much she has been abused herself to the point to where it's normal to her. The unfortunate thing is that despite all of her wealth she may not have a true supporter in her inner circle or be introspective enough to get help for all the damage the abuse has done to her.

    • @NoxAtlas
      @NoxAtlas 45 минут назад +10

      Didn't she defend James Charles too? Well, it's not surprising that she's defending predators when she never had a decent adult role model or mentor who told her that this kind of behavior is absolutely inappropriate and disgusting.

    • @banjo76-i2s
      @banjo76-i2s 33 минуты назад +1

      Damn. Right in her preferred age range

  • @moxiemaxie3543
    @moxiemaxie3543 Час назад +15

    1:24 I thought that was " Do the twist" dance."Round and round'😂

  • @markmariano9906
    @markmariano9906 30 минут назад +1

    I want to see the olympic medalist for break dancing go against Jojo Siwa. I would pay tk see that.

  • @Naisayug95
    @Naisayug95 34 минуты назад +2

    the hand on the head dance reminds me of the movie "superstar" maybe thats where she based the move from

  • @ProbablyCheddar
    @ProbablyCheddar Час назад +298

    Pay the $900.00. Show up in double arm casts, checkmate.

    • @DontReadMyPicture5568
      @DontReadMyPicture5568 45 минут назад +1

      [[[[Don't Read Myy nameeeeeee}}}]

    • @theeoddments960
      @theeoddments960 40 минут назад

      @@DontReadMyPicture5568not a single person in your life cares about you enough to NOT give you the complex you need to think this is a good idea

    • @masterofallthelakesintown2472
      @masterofallthelakesintown2472 15 минут назад +2

      @@DontReadMyPicture5568God you are cringe

    • @robertschnobert9090
      @robertschnobert9090 14 минут назад

      It's a bot. It's not programmed to respond to your comment 🌈​@@masterofallthelakesintown2472

  • @socalfrank2918
    @socalfrank2918 15 минут назад +3

    Only way to make a concert into a party is
    free beer/food no entrance fee.

  • @MrGared22
    @MrGared22 18 минут назад +4

    "I just went to a Deftones concert, that s**t was a great big party, it was a lot of fun..."
    We know Charlie, you just told us the other day. Although the **aftermath** didn't sound like a lot of fun...

  • @BigMac87963
    @BigMac87963 37 минут назад +1

    Her dance routine looks like something out of the lost episode from Spongebob

  • @jamieepic666
    @jamieepic666 20 минут назад +13

    8:10 DO IT!!!!!

  • @Oblivion-k6s
    @Oblivion-k6s 42 минуты назад +4

    Guys like this comment if you want charlie to go to jojos concert 100k likes he will do it

  • @Matt-fm8ej
    @Matt-fm8ej 29 минут назад +3

    Do it bro do it for me

  • @asmundseip
    @asmundseip Час назад +8

    pure satisfaction in 9:17 minutes

  • @skylarkxoxo3508
    @skylarkxoxo3508 45 минут назад +1

    PLEASE pretend to be a big Jojo fan & pay for her VIP package that’d be so hilarious and weird and I need to see this happen

  • @magnifecy
    @magnifecy 25 минут назад +1

    1:13 my food in the microwave:

  • @perf1de37
    @perf1de37 Час назад +78

    1:08 another Charlie dance move unlocked

    • @pepsusser
      @pepsusser 27 минут назад


    • @JackTheBunny
      @JackTheBunny 15 минут назад

      bout to bust a gut loling out loud irl in real life (in real life) to this one lol (laughing out loud) [trust] the minion

  • @j_banzforlife2368
    @j_banzforlife2368 Час назад +23

    “Looks like some kind of monster walk” lmaooo 0:51

  • @LovelyDuck
    @LovelyDuck 25 минут назад +3

    "The Jojo situation is kinda bizarre"

  • @Hungryska8er
    @Hungryska8er 41 минуту назад +1

    I wouldn't wanna to be a rodie for gene or JoJo
    Mabey for Ozzy or Lemmy or dio but not for that money not even to be paid

  • @JoeyWaldo-y1t
    @JoeyWaldo-y1t 37 минут назад +1

    Charlie doesn’t wanna pay $900 for backstage slop from Jojo

  • @Comicallylargespoon1
    @Comicallylargespoon1 Час назад +201

    “Wow my time traveling machine works I sure hope nothing too big destroys it”
    The humble stegosaurus: 0:53

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @petepeterson5917
      @petepeterson5917 54 минуты назад +7

      "I am a stegosaurus!😀"

    • @HarperTsou-pruner
      @HarperTsou-pruner 47 минут назад +5

      Bro got two different kinds of bots on his comment 💔🥀⛓

    • @DontReadMyPicture5568
      @DontReadMyPicture5568 45 минут назад

      [[[[Don't Read Myy nameeeeeee}}}]

    • @JacquelineVanRyn-k3l
      @JacquelineVanRyn-k3l 35 минут назад +1

      @@petepeterson5917 Is that an ASDF reference?? Oh my god that's amazing

  • @Sydisticsquid
    @Sydisticsquid Час назад +323

    That new dance move should be called the Uncle Charlie. That’s an uncle dance move if I’ve ever seen one.

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @Specialistkay
      @Specialistkay Час назад +10

      It is a dance that already exists called "The Twist." Almost 80+ year old dance.

    • @Daniel-vc1oc
      @Daniel-vc1oc Час назад +7

      It kinda looks like a C walk too. An alternative name could be the Charlie Walk, or the Uncle Charlie Walk

    • @samueljetstreamrodrigues1864
      @samueljetstreamrodrigues1864 43 минуты назад

      😂this is peak😂

  • @po9t
    @po9t 55 минут назад +9


  • @SistersofMercy667
    @SistersofMercy667 27 минут назад +1

    what have you done Gene! shameless!

  • @GokkuEdits
    @GokkuEdits 26 минут назад +1

    And the king of song is Yuno Miles🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥

  • @jdunn1781
    @jdunn1781 55 минут назад +4

    its like fits of physical seizures the way she dances , wtf ... its insane the shit that gets popular now days wtf

  • @Evilsivle77
    @Evilsivle77 Час назад +7

    This is Shade reincarnated!

  • @Indigami_Phalanges
    @Indigami_Phalanges Час назад +94

    1:12 brother that's the twist in a circle lmao

  • @XenXenOfficial
    @XenXenOfficial 34 минуты назад +1

    Jojo Siwa? Jojo Si-U 👀

  • @done3732
    @done3732 12 минут назад +3

    0:46 How is someone who spent more than half of their life dancing competitively a bad dancer Abby must’ve really been special. We don’t give her enough credit for what she did.

  • @brentskers
    @brentskers Час назад +142

    Ironic she's so bad at dance moves when her entire childhood was dance classes. Her mom should get a refund.

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @davidbakke9293
      @davidbakke9293 Час назад

      Her mom’s a piece of shit unfortunately, she honestly deserves what she created

    • @SuperMarioBoyz
      @SuperMarioBoyz Час назад +1

      Charlie has better Dance moves then her

    • @reginaserrano1205
      @reginaserrano1205 Час назад +5

      Her mom owned a dance studio and was jojo’s teacher before Abby

    • @wompppwompwomppp
      @wompppwompwomppp Час назад +13

      She used to be actually talented. Idk what TF she's doing now lmao

  • @NephariusAMG
    @NephariusAMG Час назад +11

    I've never heard of a job where you pay the boss to work there for free.

  • @Les_VengeanceXD
    @Les_VengeanceXD Час назад +30


    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @numbnala-z1y
      @numbnala-z1y Час назад


    • @Miki-s2e
      @Miki-s2e 38 минут назад

      @king-n9m no one fucking cares

  • @nathan-qcueparsons268
    @nathan-qcueparsons268 28 минут назад +1

    1:14 Twitch donations be like:

  • @KouRou2002
    @KouRou2002 38 минут назад +2

    It would be worth purchasing if you could make someone you didn't like have to do it..😂

  • @BigAirr.
    @BigAirr. 53 минуты назад +35

    the robotic rumba maneuvers go absolutely nuts

  • @StreetBeatsOfficial-v4g
    @StreetBeatsOfficial-v4g Час назад +312

    I would love to see JoJo as a villain in an action movie soon.

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @TYLER-r6x9o
      @TYLER-r6x9o Час назад +1


    • @Shredda-
      @Shredda- Час назад +37

      That would be a bizarre adventure

    • @NirYuZy
      @NirYuZy Час назад +16

      She could actually work as a JoJo antagonist

    • @MoneyGuy985
      @MoneyGuy985 Час назад +9

      Bizarre would it not?

  • @PersianRockstar21
    @PersianRockstar21 Час назад +28

    1:25 call that dance “around the world” please 🤣🤣🤣

    • @JeshiYT
      @JeshiYT 39 минут назад +2

      Not funny literally at all

    • @Silentmemories_
      @Silentmemories_ 36 минут назад +4

      @@JeshiYTcurb your ego bro you’re not him you literally idolize shiny nine tails. What a clown

    • @zazamunchies
      @zazamunchies 34 минуты назад

      @@JeshiYTParty pooper 💩

    • @PersianRockstar21
      @PersianRockstar21 30 минут назад +1

      @@Silentmemories_ seriously… people these days I swear…

    • @PersianRockstar21
      @PersianRockstar21 29 минут назад +1

      @@JeshiYT nOoT FunNY aT aAll, why are you even here bro, nobody wants you here 🤣

  • @oc1137
    @oc1137 47 минут назад +1

    Jojo sucks, but I wanna point out, the idea of this being a "job" is a little off.
    Just like you said with the song selection I highly doubt they would let just anybody come in there and dictate how the show is going to go, just because they paid $900.
    Also I feel like there's tons of people who get excited about the technical aspect of shows, not that there's a huge intersection between people who listen to Jojo Siwa, and people who appreciate music, but nonetheless I don't think it sounds like as much bullshit as it's being made out to be.

  • @knitt_whitt
    @knitt_whitt 4 минуты назад

    You should call that new move the “drying my shoes”.
    It reminded me of that little shuffle you do when walking inside after it’s been raining

  • @Legion_of_bees
    @Legion_of_bees 47 минут назад +14

    Charlie should spent 900 clams on that ticket, and send Matt in for an investigative report.

  • @andvideos.
    @andvideos. Час назад +13

    She's the reason jjba has to specify it's name every part

  • @bolech5221
    @bolech5221 Час назад +81

    Seeing Charlie dance is a fantastic experience

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @nuclearocean
      @nuclearocean 54 минуты назад

      It's like Mr. Milchik from Severance but instead of veiled aggression it's naked goofiness

    • @a_paradoxfunction4156
      @a_paradoxfunction4156 51 минуту назад

      Yea, it was such an unexpected surprise-like getting extra chocolate sauce on your sundae.

  • @jasonhare8540
    @jasonhare8540 38 минут назад +2

    Content has officially come full circle. Charlie has reinvented the twist 🤣

  • @darkdespair0
    @darkdespair0 43 минуты назад +1

    I don't really know this singer well tbh , but imo for her biggest fans , and for the fans of any other singer it doesn't seem a bad deal at all , and i feel like those used clothes and things with her autograph can be sold on ebay for way more, if she's a big singer .
    So yeah, for 900 , if you have the money to spare , and you're a huge fan i guess it's not a bad experience, hell , ifit was " imagine dragons" or " linkin park " i'd take the deal , if i wasn't broke , lol

  • @ieMiaSanMia
    @ieMiaSanMia Час назад +7

    Triggered the winter soldier moment in me

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @numbnala-z1y
      @numbnala-z1y Час назад


    • @Jojo-u6c
      @Jojo-u6c 42 минуты назад +1

      You were just waiting for the opportunity to use that line. Congratulations, you used it.

  • @huntergreene4344
    @huntergreene4344 Час назад +11

    Didn’t even see the thumbnail and I knew it was JoJo

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

  • @itslilflux
    @itslilflux Час назад +30

    new upload is awesome

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @AlzMarioWolfe
      @AlzMarioWolfe Час назад +1

      Did you actually watch it?

    • @themusicaljunkie37
      @themusicaljunkie37 56 минут назад +1

      Generic vague comment is awesome.

    • @itslilflux
      @itslilflux 55 минут назад

      @ i hadn’t yet, i meant to say: a new upload is awesome! watched it though, I have no idea how jojo is getting away charging that much 😭😭🥲

  • @TheNeoGod-
    @TheNeoGod- 12 минут назад

    sounds like a steal to me

  • @bucketheadrox
    @bucketheadrox 16 минут назад +1

    I like how you can tell how much and how loud she is hollering on a normal basis.

  • @jadmansho1900
    @jadmansho1900 Час назад +9

    Imagine paying 900+ dollars just to help a person for free😂

  • @Milanessamandarina
    @Milanessamandarina Час назад +6

    We need a $900 meet and greet with Charlie 🗣️

  • @Genesis_Prime
    @Genesis_Prime Час назад +112

    Thats shocking lad

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @ISCExams
      @ISCExams Час назад +1

      Charlie inspires me.. My parents said if i get 1K likes on my vid They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally

    • @Ladbruh
      @Ladbruh Час назад +1

      Hey that’s my name

    • @TOASTERBOI_2004
      @TOASTERBOI_2004 Час назад +1

      Cheers mate

    • @Ladbruh
      @Ladbruh Час назад +2

      Or at least part of my name

  • @gman1524
    @gman1524 29 минут назад +1

    This is the type of shit what Mr Krabs would think of

  • @vxerna
    @vxerna 32 минуты назад +1

    there is so much jojo siwa stuff going on right now, i refuse to believe that this is the society that we live in.

  • @PeterGriffin-u6l
    @PeterGriffin-u6l Час назад +15

    "Dance like no one is watching" lol

  • @anotherdayinthemud
    @anotherdayinthemud Час назад +6

    1:12 add any music

    • @DE-YT
      @DE-YT 45 минут назад +1


  • @muaminhugsy4964
    @muaminhugsy4964 50 минут назад +18

    0:12 like the meme of Tim Roth and his face explaining “Disgust”, that exact face

  • @peachbat4221
    @peachbat4221 Минуту назад

    1:09 The little dances none ironically made my day lmao

  • @territorial306
    @territorial306 31 минуту назад +1

    Zakk Wylde has something ALMOST similar where you can go backstage to meet him and the rest of Pantera, but it’s $3,500 and you get a signed exclusive guitar with a case that’s extremely expensive with a case

  • @gimmemyoatmeal2715
    @gimmemyoatmeal2715 Час назад +49

    Now that's a name I havent heard In years...

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @lauradb3550
      @lauradb3550 Час назад

      @king-n9m shut up

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. .,.gnieb

    • @magisterrleth3129
      @magisterrleth3129 55 минут назад +1

      Can't just not thumbs-up such a magnificent Star Wars reference.

  • @peptobepto
    @peptobepto Час назад +79

    This is the first time I’ve thought of jojo siwa in months. Thank you charlie

    • @king-n9m
      @king-n9m Час назад

      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ a fo oediv suoiralih a dedaolpu tsuj I
      woman crying ‬‭‮‬‭‮ god reh revo
      ‬‭‮‬‭‮ nwod tup.., ...,.,,. ..gnieb

    • @numbnala-z1y
      @numbnala-z1y Час назад


    • @ISCExams
      @ISCExams Час назад


    • @SuperMarioBoyz
      @SuperMarioBoyz Час назад +3

      I'd rather not think of her

    • @bradhaines3142
      @bradhaines3142 Час назад

      i can honestly say ive never heard the name before

  • @Yohaan-yw4xy
    @Yohaan-yw4xy Час назад +21

    30 seconds ago is wild.

  • @NoPodcastsHere
    @NoPodcastsHere 41 минуту назад +1

    Charlie I will pay you to do the VIP package

  • @tr4nce206
    @tr4nce206 24 минуты назад +2

    6:28 you're describing university to me