Wikipedia:Meetup/Aotearoa New Zealand Online/3
Aotearoa New Zealand Online Meetup 3
[edit]- Date: Sunday 13 September 2020
- Time: midday to 2pm
- Location: Virtual Meeting at this link
Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers). The jitsi meet video conferencing platform is 100% open source and fully encrypted. No account is needed and it's free. - Cost: Free
Chat for sharing pastes, URLs and so on
[edit]The Jitisi video conferencing platform has a chat functionality. This is used to share urls and other commentary while the discussions are occurring. The facilitators may take a copy to help with writing up outcomes from the meeting on the meeting Wikipedia page. Any copies will be deleted once outcomes and notes are completed.
Future Meetups
[edit]This is a monthly event running every 4 weeks, but double check the Aotearoa New Zealand Online page to confirm.
Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.
Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.
[edit]Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and four tildes like this: * ~~~~
[edit]- Einebillion (talk)
- Oronsay (talk)
- Quilt Phase (talk)
- Giantflightlessbirds
- MurielMary (talk) 09:14, 12 September 2020 (UTC)
- Noracrentiss (talk) 21:24, 12 September 2020 (UTC)
- DrThneed (talk) 23:24, 12 September 2020 (UTC)
- MargaretRDonald
- Noracrentiss
- Nurg (talk) - late in the meeting
Unable to come
[edit]- Ambrosia10 (talk)
- Gertrude206 (talk) 06:37, 12 September 2020 (UTC) - probably not but may be able to for a short time
- David Nind
- Schwede66
Agenda and Notes from Meeting
[edit]1. Introduction to meet up by organisers (if there are any newbies joining us) Noracrentiss asked for a round table introduction as this is the first video conference she has joined.
- Oronsay editing wikidata and updating New Zealand bi-election data.
- DrThneed has been working on both wikidata and wikipedia. Working through a database of people connected to the slavery trade.
- MargaretRDonald working on a lot of artists. Also interested in getting wikidata and open refine up to speed. Has been using Open Refine to improve wikicite and people ids. DrThneed gave me an excel macro to help things work. Also pulling over australian weed ids into wikidata.
- Gertrude206 working on medical biographies on NZ women doctors and playrwrites and helping Giantflightlessbirds working on the West Coast project
- Quilt Phase I came to these meetups via the Wellington meet up. I’m still learning and getting familiar with a number of different projects - Open Refine, mix n match and picking up ideas from this group and edit-a-thons.
- MurielMary I write about NZ women and occasionally get distracted by information and rabbit holes about Australian women. I have a burning desire to complete lists of women missing from Wikipedia. Currently working on women in sports and crafts.
- Einebillion has worked on Wikipedia articles but now mainly works in Wikidata on New Zealand historic photographers. Due to new job hasn't had much time to progress this project. Main focus has been on maintaining wiki-meetup admin for the Wellington and Aotearoa groups.
- Noracrentiss I focus on researching for Wikipedia articles. Currently working on a biography. I’m currently going down a rabbit hole on the Guildford College of Art. I would like to edit the article and tidy it up to the point where the warning notice can be removed. How do I do this? Do I wipe it and then start from scratch? Advice from Oronsay and MargaretRDonald is no - edit as you go and edit gently. Add references to the statements of fact. Use an encyclopedic tone. Noracrentiss also found a reference to someone who inherited money from slavery. Really interested in the research element of editing wikipedia.
- Nurg (after meeting). Editing Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects since 2003. Most active on (in order) English Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Commons, Wiktionary, Wikidata etc. Wide-ranging editing interests, with a partial geographic focus on NZ.
2. Progress on Action Points
- James Taylor has agreed to address this group at its next (October 11) meeting and give his Auckland Museum talk we have been discussing. Quilt Phase (talk)
- Can we discuss the possibility of this being recorded as I have a Wellington on a Plate clash - Ambrosia10 (talk)
- Discussion Group thanked Quilt Phase for his work to date in organising the delivery of this talk from James Taylor of Auckland Museum about the work he’s been doing with Wikimedia foundation products and platforms. 11 October 2020 is the confirmed date. 11 October 2020 Aotearoa NZ User Group Meeting Page and Video Conferencing Link
- Action Quilt Phase will ask James if he permits recording of his presentation for sharing among the group, and, with James's additional consent, adding to Wikimedia Commons under a CC BY 4.0 copyright licence.
- Drafting a Code of Conduct for the meeting - A Universal Code of Conduct for the Wikimedia Movement has been drafted and is currently under review and available for community comment until 6 October 2020. For more information on the timeline and project see the meta wikimedia page on the Universal Code of Conduct.
- Discussion Group had a general discussion about the Universal Code of Conduct. Agreed that this was acceptable to the group.
- There was further discussion on anonymity and lurking. The group felt that, given there were some members of the group that had experienced cyber bullying, and that the video conferencing was a replacement for in-person meetings there needed to be additional expectations outlined to discourage lurking as some members of the group found this behaviour uncomfortable. The group recognised that anonymity was important so respected the right of those joining to mute themselves and not join by video. The minimum expected behaviour for the video conference was that everyone was to add their Wikipedia user name to their avatar when joining the video conference, and introduce themselves and what they have been working on and hoping to get out of the meeting and include a link to their user page on the chat function.
- A script was developed to use in these instances: Welcome new attendee. This group respects your right to remain anonymous but this group has a policy of no lurkers as it makes some of us uncomfortable. If you felt like introducing yourself over voice please let us know what you've been working on and if you need help with any editing issues you might be experiencing. If you're not comfortable doing this over voice-only, then that's okay. You have the option of introducing yourself and add your user link into the chat feature. The chat is deleted once the video conference finishes. If you want to remain completely anonymous and not chat and only lurk, then this group is not for you. We make comprehensive and extensive notes of the meeting that will be included in the meetup page afterwards. That's the best way to catch up with what this group has been doing if you want to remain completely anonymous.
- Action Einebillion to add policy to main meetup page for this meetup and update the Wellington Meetup with similar information.
- Apologies, I was the publicity-shy, largely uncommunicative lurker who joined on the spur of the moment. I stumbled on this page late, at about 13:20 NZT, just after putting a pot on the stove. I have attended only one meetup in 17 years and thought it wouldn't hurt me to pop in to one since it was happening right then, even though it was two thirds through, and I wasn't dressed for going out, and I was cooking, so would be going back and forth from computer to kitchen. So I joined with no forethought and didn't put video on and because my microphone is in my webcam I didn't speak either. I only had a quick glance at the agenda and didn't think about meeting etiquette at all. Now realise I must have seemed like a facemask-wearing stranger who walked off the street into a meeting in progress and sat silently at the table. Apologies for the lack of etiquette and special apologies for any consternation caused. Even though I heard only half the discussion while logged in, it was of interest: EntiTree was being mentioned when I arrived which made me wish I had arrived sooner (it reminded me about the Wikimedia genealogy proposal that has been on low heat for years). Also realised what the catalyst was for the Greymouth page on Wikivoyage suddenly and wonderfully doubling in size this weekend - I had forgotten that Giantflightlessbirds was roaming at large on the West Coast. Nurg (talk) 09:51, 13 September 2020 (UTC)
- Thanks for that, Nurg. I really appreciate it. Please don't let this put you off from joining us in future! - Quilt Phase (talk) 06:24, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
- No worries Nurg; I'd met you so was able to vouch for you to the rest of the group, and figured you had probably wandered off to make a sandwich or somesuch. —Giantflightlessbirds (talk) 21:30, 14 September 2020 (UTC)
- Apologies, I was the publicity-shy, largely uncommunicative lurker who joined on the spur of the moment. I stumbled on this page late, at about 13:20 NZT, just after putting a pot on the stove. I have attended only one meetup in 17 years and thought it wouldn't hurt me to pop in to one since it was happening right then, even though it was two thirds through, and I wasn't dressed for going out, and I was cooking, so would be going back and forth from computer to kitchen. So I joined with no forethought and didn't put video on and because my microphone is in my webcam I didn't speak either. I only had a quick glance at the agenda and didn't think about meeting etiquette at all. Now realise I must have seemed like a facemask-wearing stranger who walked off the street into a meeting in progress and sat silently at the table. Apologies for the lack of etiquette and special apologies for any consternation caused. Even though I heard only half the discussion while logged in, it was of interest: EntiTree was being mentioned when I arrived which made me wish I had arrived sooner (it reminded me about the Wikimedia genealogy proposal that has been on low heat for years). Also realised what the catalyst was for the Greymouth page on Wikivoyage suddenly and wonderfully doubling in size this weekend - I had forgotten that Giantflightlessbirds was roaming at large on the West Coast. Nurg (talk) 09:51, 13 September 2020 (UTC)
- Deferred until the next meeting.
3. Wiki News - add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of
- Report back on Wellington Open Refine Workshop.
Workshop was held at the Wellington Internet NZ Boardroom on Saturday 25 July. Thanks to InternetNZ for the free venue and providing the funding to get the instructor inn the room. Attendance was excellent with people from the Wellington Wiki community, GLAM orgs including Alexander Turnbull Library, Te Papa, National Library, and Archives NZ, and a few others from Victoria University. Everyone left feeling really empowered and having made great connections. The 5 WIkidata peeps are experimenting with their workflows and working on their datasets with greater confidence. We have also managed to recruit the instructor of the class. Anton was surprised at the work we've been doing and was interested in how Open Refine is so closely aligned with Wikidata as he hadn't worked with that part of the software before. Since returning home he's been updating the cheeseries of New Zealand. Anyone wanting to run through the basics of the course - it's available for free on the [data carpentry website. Einebillion (talk) 19:15, 30 July 2020 (UTC)

- Wikicite Liam Wyatt has been in touch with Einebillion to say that in late October there'll be a WikiCite 'e conference' on the week of Wikidata birthday. Liam going to be making a call for pairs/small groups of people to 'host' blocks of time within that 3 day period to 'curate' a few hours of content relating to WIkiCite in a language, sub-topic, and timezone of their preference. He was wondering whether anyone in the Wellington or New Zealand crowd would like to own one of these blocks.
Is anyone here familiar with the wikicite project that wants to take this on?
- Discussion Only one or two people were familiar with Wikicite. MargaretRDonald explained how she works to contribute to wikicite in her workflow. Group discussed possible options for ways forward. The usual suspects, such as Giantflightlessbirds, that contribute or run similar things may be busy during the time around the 29 October 2020. A number of people would be interested in watching and being the audience. This included Einebillion, DrThneed, Gertrude206 and Quilt Phase .
- Action Einebillion to circulate the opportunity to a number of GLAM library folk that might be interested in hosting. Hosts can select the timezone, topic, presenters, and language of their session. Details and SIGNUP here:
- Aotearoa NZ Wiki Conference
- We can apply for a grant to run an in-person conference in the first half of 2021.The grant application due date varies depending on whether the grant is under US$2,000 or over. MurielMary (talk) 00:50, 13 September 2020 (UTC)
- Progress update from MurielMary. Wikimedia Foundation had halted all grant giving for in person events as a response to COVID19. As some countries have responded and managing the virus well, the Foundation has now released guidance and risk assessment for in person events and funding is once again available if the risks are within acceptable limits. MurielMary has made some informed assumptions and run the proposed event through the risk assessment. The proposed event came out as yellow so is eligible for funding. The next question is how much funding do we want to apply for. Group is keen to have as much funding available as possible to have money for travel sponsorship. Einebillion noted her recent experience in finding a location for the Open Refine workshop and that it is not easy to find somewhere that has high quality wifi service and is relatively affordable. She noted that professional conference spaces often require a catering package to be included and they are more expensive than you think.
- Action MurielMary to continue working on idea, gathering information for funding bid, and will contact the grant program officer of our plans to apply. The proposal deadline is 28 September 2020.
- Aotearoa NZ User Group Affiliates Meeting MurielMary noted that the user group had been contacted by the Affiliates committee and a date to catch up and discuss help for growing and expanding user group has been set for 8pm New Zealand time on Sunday 4 October. The email from the Affiliates Committee stated The Affiliations Committee is reaching out to the new affiliates which have been recognized in the last one year with information on the upcoming Onboarding calls. The onboarding calls with affiliates are being organized to share information about the available resources extended by the Wikimedia Foundation to support the affiliates in order to manage and expand their activities. This will also be an opportunity for us to understand your experience and challenges in the first year of working as a recognized affiliate. The Affiliations Committee is interested in encouraging some best practices for your group’s healthy development and continued growth. The proposed practices include the adoption of friendly space policies, being thoughtful about encouraging diversity and inclusion, and developing healthy collaborations with existing communities/across your membership.
- Action MurielMary asked for emails and expressions of interest in attending from the members of the meetup and collated these. MurielMary will send out an email to those interested with the meeting details.
4. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated - You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want
- Round table covered at beginning of meeting
- Giantflightlessbirds and Nurg joined the video conference.
- West Coast Project Giantflightlessbirds updated the group. He has been on the West Coast for just over a week. He has been very busy. Has visited and run events in Reefton, Bulls, and Greymouth. Completed a workshop for tourist providers on what they can and can’t do in Wikipedia and Wikivoyage. Completed a workshop for West Coast GLAM community (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums) mostly focused on copyright in photographs. This has been excellent ground work as some have identified platforms and a workflow for releasing images with no remaining copyright. Will be continuing to assist. Ran a Greymouth public meetup in the public library. This was very successful and the group spontaneously agreed to meet up again next fortnight. The project was featured in a Stuff article. Has also been working with project sponsor, Destination West Coast. This organisation has a large number of high quality images of the West Coast they use for tourism promotional purposes. The organisation owns copyright in these and Giantflightlessbirds is investigating whether releasing these openly on Wikimedia Commons is a possibility. Giantflightlessbirds thanked those editors that had been assisting remotely with this work. The weekly virtual postcard to user pages was well received and something he will be continuing with. There have been a couple of instances of new pages being nominated for deletion by what seems to be an overly picky editor. Thanks to the group of supportive editors who have piled in to improve these to ensure they are retained. One of the next topics that will be focused on is the coverage of greenstone / pounamu and the associated West Coast industry. Noted that there were The Press articles that appear in proquest that don't appear in Stuff. Have been using the Wikipedia library initiative to gain access to these resources.
- Giantflightlessbirds has been contacted by the editor of Signpost. Signpost is looking to have more people from the Southern hemisphere contribute and / or take over the editing duties for a spell. Anyone interested please contact the editor for more information.
- Giantflightlessbirds noted that he also contributed to this newsletter. If anyone else knew of information associated with New Zealand Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums they could contribute to this newsletter.
- Alexander Turnbull Library Names to Mix-n-Match
- Giantflightlessbirds updated the group that he has the dataset but has yet to load this to Mix-n-Match as his focus has been on the West Coast project and the lack of time for other Wiki work.
5. Review of questions raised during round table
- Gertrude206 raised a question about the Conflict of Interest practice. Has read the guidance but was wondering how far conflict of interest extends. She went to University with a woman who is the subject of a Wikipedia article she wants to edit. Group questioned Gertrude206 on her association with the woman. It was clear from the conversation that the association was not close. Given how common it was in New Zealand to know of others and the few degrees of separation that exist, the group felt that the circumstances described did not cause a conflict of interest and encouraged the editor to continue, albeit with good referencing and noting that text should have a neutral tone. There was general discussion and sharing on examples experienced by the group where conflicts of interest were navigated in keeping with Wikipedia best practice.
6. Demonstration of other tools
- EntiTree (family trees using Wikidata)
- DrThneed demonstrated the tool.
- New tool for using WorldCat identities to prioritise Wikipedia lists of people
- DrThneed demonstrated the tool from WorldCat that runs in the Open Refine programme. It runs off the VIAF ID and creates a two new columns - the number of items associated with that individual that appear in WorldCat and a second column with a hyperlink to the WorldCat identity page for that individual. With the quantity of work appearing in WorldCat more obvious, this should assist users with prioritization and impact of their editing. The instructions for loading into Open Refine are available here:
- A blog post explaining the entire project and demonstrating it's usefulness is available.
7. Get on with problem solving, editing, and chatting
[edit]Next meeting and Meetup timetables