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Animals weren’t put on Earth to be abused

As I read an article “Two plead not guilty in dog abuse case” (Telegram & Gazette, Oct. 4), my stomach churned and my eyes filled with tears. The treatment of the dog owned by Arthur Mantha and his mother, Rebecca Cook, is a total and complete sin, and how they can sleep at night I fail to understand.

Animals of this Earth are God’s creatures, and should be treated with respect and care, and anyone who does less than this doesn’t deserve to have the companionship of an animal.

Animals were not put on this earth to be abused. The treatment of this animal was disgusting and sends a message that those two have no compassion for life.

Five years in prison, not to mention the mediocre fine they will receive, isn’t enough punishment for these two.

Better yet, they should be tied outside in the elements with no shelter, food or water, and experience just how it feels.

