Girlfriend Rape



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█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
:rofl: Wow his first time and he wasnt even awake to enjoy it and now has a long term commitment to a chick who reuses a condom.
Used condom? :wtf:

With who? If her boyfriend is a virgin, then I'm guessing a couple of his friends have had a good going over. Let's hope his friends (or whoever) haven't given our boy clamidia. That's going to be awkward, plus she might be pregnant and he wasn't even concious to experience it!

Damn this kid might as well kill himself right now. :1orglaugh
He will just wait until she falls asleep before he punches her in the stomach and calls it even.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Used condom? :wtf:

With who? If her boyfriend is a virgin, then I'm guessing a couple of his friends have had a good going over. Let's hope his friends (or whoever) haven't given our boy clamidia. That's going to be awkward, plus she might be pregnant and he wasn't even concious to experience it!

Damn this kid might as well kill himself right now. :1orglaugh

Serves that moral upstanding christian virgin right.:thumbsup: An STD will teach you not to fall asleep while watching the notebook.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
He's a Christian. Tell him you were visited by God that night and you now carry the second coming of Jesus. It's more believable than a girlfriend raping her boyfriend anyway.


Yea right, girfriends don't rape anyone. The bitch and nag them to death.
I save all my condoms in the freezer after I use them, but reusing one? That's just disgusting.

They do make nice novelty ice cubes for when guests come over. :yesyes:

When they figure out what it is everybody just laughs and laughs and laughs and drinks some more!

Except for that one asshole who tries to punch you because he has no sense of humor :(